"Yu Xiaogang, since you like the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect so much, I'm not afraid to tell you. Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo are already being hunted by the uncles. Oh, by the way, we have reached an agreement with Senior Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island. Cooperate. You don’t have to worry about Ning Fengzhi and Gu Douluo knowing about this, because they are dead now.”

Tang San's expression became even more crazy.

Ever since he inherited the Rakshasa Divine Examination, he has never been as comfortable as he is today.

After a pause, he continued: "There is one more thing, let me tell you. Back then, Bibi Dong passed the Rakshasa test, and her first test was to kill her teacher Qian Xunji. However, Before this, Bibi Dong seemed to be on good terms with You, but it was precisely because of you that Qian Xunji defiled her and eventually gave birth to Qian Renxue, a bastard."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's eyes went blank.

In this matter, the mainland has always believed that Qian Xunji was killed by Tang Hao, but they did not expect that it was Bibi Dong who killed his master. The premise was that Bibi Dong wanted to elope with him, which caused Qianxun to act like a beast.

There was no time to feel sad, because the divine test that Tang San received was also a Rakshasa god.

Based on what he said just now, it is not difficult for Yu Xiaogang to guess that he is preparing to imitate Bibi Dong.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's panicked look, Tang San was in a very good mood: "If it weren't for Senior Rakshasa God, few people would know about all of this. Yu Xiaogang, don't worry, I won't kill you. You've ruined My future, this account, I need to settle slowly."

As he spoke, Tang San's silent sleeve arrow hidden under his sleeve quietly flew away.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Xiaogang's limbs were nailed to the wall.

His eyes no longer had the sparkle of the past, but instead he said with a begging look on his face: "Xiaosan, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong. Back then, I didn't mean to use you as an experiment, and neither did I. "

Tang San interrupted: "Yu Xiaogang, you don't need to be pretentious here. If I told you that Mu Bai and I killed Yu Tianheng, would you still have this attitude? Jiejie, Tianheng is really He had some courage, even to the point of death, he never asked for mercy. "

"Tang San, how dare you?" Yu Xiaogang was suddenly filled with rage and fainted.

But don't forget, Tang San was quite accomplished in medical skills. He took out a packet of medicinal powder from his soul guide and used his soul power to stuff it all into Yu Xiaogang's mouth.

Not long after, Yu Xiaogang woke up with a start.

"Okay, your voice is too noisy. I think there's no need to keep your vocal cords."

"No, mistress, don't"

Tang San raised the knife and dropped it, and Yu Xiaogang could no longer make a sound.

Due to the strong sense of oppression, Yu Xiaogang was scared to death.

Tang San smacked his lips, "To be honest, I've been surprised for a long time since I knew you were a eunuch. Senior Rakshasa God told me about your immortal life in prison, but in my hands, you Don’t think about it, I will make your life worse than death.”

When the knife fell, all of Yu Xiaogang's limbs were cut off. As for the wound, under the effect of Tang San's medicine, Yu Xiaogang could feel the pain, but he always remained conscious.

He even watched with his own eyes as his own limbs were devoured by the spirit beasts that Tang San had kept in captivity.

However, Yu Xiaogang couldn't make the slightest sound, even if he wanted to ask for help, he couldn't. Of course, even if someone dared to save him, they wouldn't be Tang San's opponent.

The Rakshasa God, who was far away in the God Realm, naturally watched this scene.

Tang San's current performance was even crazier than Bibi Dong's back then. After all, as a pope, Bibi Dong would pay attention to some bad influences. But Tang San didn't have such worries, and when he attacked Yu Xiaogang, he exposed his true nature.

The Rakshasa God was a crazy god. Seeing that the heir had learned his essence, the Rakshasa God even showed off to the Lake God Poseidon.

Poseidong was also miserable. Ever since his strength declined, he had been abandoned by God Shura. He could not even enter God Shura's palace, let alone be the assistant of the God King.

Facing the first-level god Rakshasa, who only had the strength of a second-level god, he was forcibly adopted as his younger brother. Even if he disagreed, he would be beaten severely.

However, all this is worth it to Poseidong. As long as Tang San succeeds to the throne, the current Rakshasa God will leave the God Realm. By then, not only will he gain freedom, but the power of faith on Douluo Continent will also be his.

After absorbing such a large amount of power of faith, he, Bo Saidong, will become a real God King. When the time comes, he will not just be able to control the new God Kings, the entire God Realm will be his one-man command.

After cleaning up Yu Xiaogang, Tang San felt he was still angry, so he placed him in the cesspool inside the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't bear the humiliation and of course wanted to commit suicide. But after Tang San became a god, it wouldn't take much effort to resurrect a twenty-nine-level Yu Xiaogang. At that time, Yu Xiaogang will face eternal torture.

It was precisely because of this that Yu Xiaogang did not dare to commit suicide. Even if he had to eat feces and drink urine, he still had to survive. Only in this way, after Tang San gets tired of playing, can he get the chance to be reincarnated.

As for the next life, he must keep his eyes open to avoid accepting such a traitor again.

Tang San soon arrived at the ancestral hall of the Qibao Glazed Sect. This was originally the place where the Qibao Glazed Sect held discussions, but now, it was Tang San's hall.

Through Tailong, he quickly gathered the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect and the Force Clan.

There is a large open space in front of the ancestral hall, but it is somewhat crowded to accommodate so many people at once.

When the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect arrived, they saw Tang San sitting in the seat that belonged to Ning Fengzhi. Someone immediately yelled at him, "Tang San, get down here, that's not the place you should sit."

Tang San was not angry. He casually picked up a plaque in the ancestral hall and read out the name on it, "Ning Xuefei, the third generation leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect, I don't know what kind of person he is."

This move was like dancing on someone else's ancestral grave. The disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect could not bear it. Just when they were about to get angry, they saw Tang San crush the plaque.

"Tang San, do you want to make an enemy of our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? When the sect leader and Senior Bone Douluo come back, we will definitely report the truth!" an older disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect shouted loudly.

He knew that he was no match for Tang San, so he didn't say anything to make Tang San look good.

Tang San had long been impatient, and saw the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit emerging from his hand, and the powerful Soul Douluo pressure suddenly pressed down on all the disciples of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. As for the old man who spoke, he was killed on the spot.

"The Qibao Glazed Sect is already in the past. As for Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, they are already dead. You don't have to wait for them to show up to fight me. Now I give you two choices. One is to fight to the end, but what will happen? Just like the blood mist on the ground. The second option is to join my Tang Sect and become a disciple of the Tang Sect."

"But I advise you not to take chances. If you don't obey the arrangements after joining the Tang Sect, or you think of doing it in a positive and negative way, then what awaits you will be a dead end."

The Qibao Glazed Sect naturally has many disciples with integrity. They yelled loudly: "Tang San, you are so treasonous. You dare to kill our sect leader, and you even want to annex our Qibao Glazed Sect. You are simply crazy."

Before he could finish speaking, he was greeted by a blow to the head from the Clear Sky Hammer. The Haotian Hammer, which weighs ten thousand kilograms, may not be able to be received by even an ordinary attack-type soul master, let alone an auxiliary-type soul master with a weak physique.

After killing more than a dozen Qibao Glazed Sect disciples in a row, the remaining people finally became honest, but Tang San would not give them a way back, "Starting from you, come up one by one in order and break these plaques in the ancestral hall. If If there is any violation, the consequences will be the same.”

"Tang San, you are forcing us to deceive our master and destroy our ancestors. Even if we die, we will not agree."

"Have some backbone!"

After killing a few people again, the remaining people became completely honest. Starting from the first person, everyone gritted their teeth and broke the plaques of the ancestors of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

In the end, the remaining three people had no plaques to break, so Tang San decisively rewarded them with the Overdue Package.

These Qibao Glazed Sect disciples knew that they had no way to retreat. If they didn't want to die, they could only follow Tang San until the end.

After dealing with the disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the disciples of the Force Clan were very happy.

Over the years, they had been oppressed by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, and now Tang San's move had the potential to bring them to power. After all, Tang San was their young master, so how could he treat them badly.

I saw Tai Long saying with a respectful face: "My force clan is willing to join the Tang Clan unconditionally. I only ask that the sect master can bring our force clan to a better future."

Tang San nodded with satisfaction, but there were still strange sounds in the team.

An old man who was about the same age as Titan stood up and asked: "Young Master, I am the elder of the Force Clan. Tailong is still young and cannot decide the future of our Force Clan. Young Master, please let the head of the Titan family come out. If The head of the Taitan clan is willing to join your Tang clan, and we have no objection."

Tai Tan had long since died, and his body had been eaten up and wiped clean by the Rakshasa statue. Where could Tang San go to find someone for him?

However, when they came back, neither Ning Fengzhi nor he told the Li clan about the Titan's fall. It was normal for them not to know.

"This elder, I still don't know your name?" Tang San asked with a smile.

"Old man Tarzan."

Tang San continued: "Master Taitan, when we went to sea, in order to save Mubai and me, we unfortunately died in the mouth of the soul beast. Please forgive your request, there is nothing I can do."

"What, the head of the family is dead!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the disciples of the Force Clan began to talk about it.

Tai Tai's death was of great importance, why did Tang San say it now?

No matter how Tang San explained it, according to the rules of the Force Clan, Taishan would be their new head. Even though Tai Nuo and Tai Long tried their best to persuade him, Tai Shan still did not intend to join the Tang Clan.

"Tang San, the old family leader died in an unknown manner. You must give us the Strength Clan a reasonable explanation. We are not the weaklings of the Qibao Glazed Sect, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

Tai Shan was originally opposed to Tai Tan's opinion. He believed that since the Force Clan had left the Haotian Sect, there was no need to kneel down and lick Tang Hao.

But Titan was originally a dog kept in captivity by Tang Hao. How could a dog betray its owner?

At that time, Tai Tan was the head of the family and Tai Shan was just an elder, so naturally he had no say. Now, as soon as he was elected as the head of the clan by his clan, he wanted to bring the force clan out of the abyss.

Tang San smiled and said: "You have the strength of a high-level soul saint. Although it would be a pity to kill you, it is better than being led astray by you in the force clan."

Taishan smiled instead of being angry, "Tang San, it seems that I guessed right, the old patriarch died in your hands. Did you steal this strength from the old patriarch?"

Hearing this, Tai Nuo and Tai Long couldn't help but look at Tang San, hoping to get an explanation.

Tang San said calmly: "Absorbing other people's cultivation is something that only evil soul masters can do. I, Tang San, act openly and aboveboard, so how could I do such a thing?"

"Since you insist on dying, then go and die."

The Clear Sky Hammer spirit appeared in Tang San's hand again, but the next moment, Taishan's chest was pierced by a powerful crossbow arrow.

This arrow just penetrated his heart.

"Tang San, you are despicable." Before he could finish speaking, Taishan fell to the ground.

Tang San was not stupid. The Clear Sky Hammer's attack range was huge. If these Tang Sect disciples were affected, the gains would outweigh the losses.

As for the crossbow arrow that was shot just now, it was just an ordinary crossbow arrow, but under the influence of Rakshasa's divine power, it had already become a carrier of divine power. No matter how strong an ordinary soul master is, he cannot defend himself against divine attacks.

After Taishan died, everyone in the Li clan was in an uproar.

Of course, some of them wanted to join the Tang Sect, but some were influenced by Taishan and believed that Tang San had evil intentions. Now he killed Taishan, which is the best proof.

"From tonight onwards, the Li Clan will no longer have a family leader. You are all part of our Tang Clan. Tailong and Tainuo obey my orders. From now on, you will be the elders of our Tang Clan. If anyone dares to betray them, all clan members will deal with it."

"Yes, Sect Master." Tailong and Tainuo, father and son, were Tang San's supporters, so of course they accepted Tang San's arrangement.

As for those disciples who spoke against him, Tang San believed that they would deal with them "properly".

After doing all this, Tang San directly overturned the Qibao Glazed Sect's ancestral hall and transformed it into the Tang Sect's meeting hall.

Tangmen was officially established.

In order to build momentum for him, Dai Mubai used the power of the Xingluo Empire to publicize the power of the Tang Sect. For a time, it attracted many families to seek refuge.

Under this propaganda offensive, the Tang Sect gradually grew stronger. Tang San and Dai Mubai also completed their seventh test at the same time.

However, for their eighth test, the Rakshasa God was not in a hurry to send it out.

With many major events happening in the Star Luo Empire, Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire can no longer sit still.

This clearly sends out a bad signal and may even detonate the situation on the mainland.

But they didn't know that Dai Mubai was not the actual leader of the empire. Those cabinet members sent by the Haotian Sect naturally follow the interests of the sect first.

As for Haotian Sect, they need to go through war to pave the way for them to grow their sect.

According to Tang Xiao, they want to make up for everything they have lost in the past twenty years.

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