In the palace, Dai Mubai, who was enjoying himself in his bedroom, suddenly received an urgent report from the guard.

"Your Majesty, the sky prison was attacked by unknown strong men. This group of people kidnapped the traitor Davis and his wife, and they also released the criminals in the prison."

"What!" Dai Mubai sat up suddenly and pushed the maids beside him away.

He got dressed, rushed out of the palace door, and asked the guards: "What happened in the prison? How could Davis be kidnapped?"

"My subordinates don't know. I only know that that group of people is very powerful and our people can't stop them at all." The guard said tremblingly.

Originally, the guards in the sky jail released the felons with the intention of holding back the Davis couple. After all, Davis sent many of them there.

But these guards obviously underestimated the desire of these prisoners to survive. After all, Davis would not prevent them from regaining their freedom at this moment. In order to control the situation and prevent it from spreading, the guards blocked the exit of the prisoners, which naturally caused a backlash.

Currently, the streets of Xingluo City are full of activity of arresting criminals.

"A bunch of useless losers." Dai Mubai cursed angrily.

But at this moment, he did not have any strong men available. In order to kill Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong, the Haotian Sect was mobilized under the leadership of Tang Xiao, and Dai Tianfeng's personal guards were also killed by Tang on the day of the palace coup. Killed by Xiao.

Currently, Davis is the only one who can use a strong person above Contra. As for the strong man from the Zhu family, it was because he did not marry Zhu Zhuqing and rejected the subsequent women sent by the Zhu family. Even if it does not affect the Zhu family's status, it is undoubtedly difficult to ask them to come forward. Besides, Dai Mubai couldn't help but look like this.

Thinking of this, Dai Mubai could only place his hope on the city guards. "Notify them. If you see the Davis couple, they will be killed without mercy. Whoever can take their heads will be promoted to three levels in a row and will be rewarded with a hundred gold." two!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The guard moved quickly and quickly brought the news out.

Of course, he, the head guard, was also quite tempted by such a reward.

"Davis, Zhu Zhuyun, let's see how you can escape from Xingluo City!" Dai Mubai said in a cold voice with a twisted face.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing and the others had taken the Davis couple out of the city.

There were not many strong men in the city guard. Zhu Zhuqing rushed to the front to clear the way, and no one could stop her. With Golden Crocodile Douluo cutting off the rear, even if the city guards surrounded him, he couldn't hold on to a few moves in his hands.

Arriving at a hilltop not far from the city and looking back at the battle that took place in Xingluo City, Davis had mixed feelings for a moment.

If he became the emperor, would the Star Luo Empire still be like this? Or, if Tang Xiao brings the powerful men of Haotian Sect to force him into the palace, will he really not compromise?

Davis understood that all this seemed to be a dead end from the time he planned the palace coup. When Dai Tianfeng was still there, all parties within the empire did not dare to be as active as they are today.

At this moment, he was like a child who had done something wrong, a little at a loss.

"Things have already happened, and there is no point in thinking about right and wrong anymore." Golden Crocodile Douluo sighed, "Dai Mubai can become the Star Luo Emperor. This is also the result of historical choices. As for where to go in the future, it is not what you should consider. ”

Zhu Zhuqing said: "Next, we will take you to Canaan City, where you will take refuge for a long time in the future. If you want to make money, you can find a lot of jobs in the city. However, what is specific for you? We still have to wait until the teacher comes back to make arrangements.”

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun did not refuse, or in other words, they were not qualified to refuse. With Dai Mubai's urinary nature, of course he will not let them go. It is estimated that they will be wanted throughout the country soon.

Although Canaan City is close to Tiandou City, the royal family of the Tiandou Empire will not care about the situation in Canaan City. Living in seclusion there is indeed a good choice. Furthermore, Han Yu had already promised that there would be real estate belonging to them there.

"Thank you." Mr. and Mrs. Davis said in unison.

Since moving forward together with Tang Xiao, Ning Fengzhi and others' journey has become much smoother.

Along the way, Ning Fengzhi even discussed the future with Tang Xiao.

Little did they know, they had already entered the ambush set by Bo Saixi and others.

Soon, Sea Dragon Douluo blocked their way and said, "You can make it easy for me to find it. The scenery in this place is nice. Let it be your burial place."

With the presence of Tang Xiao and Gu Rong, Ning Fengzhi naturally had no reason to back down, "Ning has nothing to do with you, but since you insist on looking for trouble, don't blame us for being rude."

After saying that, the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit appeared in his hand.

Sea Dragon Douluo sneered and said, "I told you that this is your burial place, so you don't have to think about escaping. Just surrender and be captured. Maybe I can give you a good time."

"Arrogant!" Gu Rong has never had a good temper, not to mention that his current strength is still higher than that of Sea Dragon Douluo.

But just as he was about to take action, a huge Clear Sky Hammer blocked his way.

The person who took action was Tang Xiao, "I'm afraid you really can't leave here today."

"Sect Master Tang, you!" Ning Fengzhi was surprised. He didn't expect Tang Xiao to be with them.

Now, it all makes sense. Dai Mubai and the Haotian Sect wanted to kick the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect out of the competition. As for the promise they got, it goes without saying that it either belongs to Haotian Sect or Poseidon Island.

The three elders of the Haotian Sect and Bo Saixi appeared around Ning Fengzhi and the two of them, forming an encirclement.

"Sect Master Ning, I didn't expect that we could see each other again, but we won't be able to see each other in the future." The second elder of the Haotian Sect said with a smile.

Gu Rong said in a cold tone: "I didn't expect that your Haotian Sect would be so virtuous. I should have known it a long time ago!"

Tang Xiao smiled and said: "Bone Douluo, I heard that your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect once dreamed of becoming the number one sect in the mainland? But it doesn't matter. In the future, there will only be one powerful sect on the mainland, and that is our Haotian Sect. ”

"To be honest, I didn't want to be your enemy, but there are some things that we can handle better after you are gone."

With the strength of Tang San Soul Douluo, if he hurried with all his strength, he would arrive at the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect very soon. Naturally, Tang Xiao would not hold back. Since everyone had arrived, there was no need to be polite anymore.

The battle is about to begin!

Gu Rong may still have room to deal with them, but now there is Ning Fengzhi beside him. In order to protect his safety, Gu Rong cannot let go of his hands and feet at all during the battle. Even Gu Rong had to dedicate part of his soul power to "bring" Ning Fengzhi behind him.

Fortunately, with Ning Fengzhi's increase, his soul power can be replenished to some extent.

"The bone dragon goes out to sea, soars into the sky, is free and easy, swings to the third level, and the wind swims. The ninth soul skill, bone the dragon!"

"Bone Douluo, why do you have to fight to the death?" Tang Xiao smiled helplessly.

The three elders of Haotian Sect activated the ninth soul skill at the same time under his instruction.

Sea Dragon Douluo and Bo Saixi were guarding one after another, eliminating any possibility of their escape.

Gu Rong knew that this was a dead end. During the battle of soul skills, his eighth soul ring quietly lit up.

"The eighth soul skill, the gate of space!"

A spatial stance formed in front of him, and as the bone dragon let out a roar, the spatial fluctuations quickly condensed into the shape of a door.

"Let's attack together, don't let them escape!" Tang Xiao shouted, swinging the Clear Sky Hammer harder in his hand.

In order to allow Ning Fengzhi to escape, Gu Rong used his body to withstand the attacks of many people.

"Fengzhi, leave quickly!"

After saying that, he grabbed Ning Fengzhi and rushed towards the door of space.

"Don't think about it." Bo Saixi instantly threw the scepter in his hand.

The end of the scepter hit the bone dragon's back, and as the two of them sank into the space gate, under Gu Rong's control, the space gate disappeared instantly. Bo Saixi's scepter had already fallen. on the ground.

"Damn it, Sect Master, what should we do? Should we pursue him?" The fourth elder gritted his teeth. He had never thought that Gu Rong would be so courageous.

"No need, he was hit by my attack and won't survive." Bo Saixi put away her cane and said calmly.

Once Bone Douluo died, the current Qibao Glazed Sect was all auxiliary soul masters, no different from lambs to be slaughtered.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "The matter is over. As for Ning Fengzhi's life or death, it doesn't matter anymore. Just leave the rest to the mistress."

After saying that, Tang Xiao quickly rushed back to Haotian Sect with the three elders.

The gold mine that Dai Mubai promised to Ning Fengzhi had actually been internally decided by the Haotian Sect. Giving the mining documents to Ning Fengzhi was just to paralyze him.

Not long after, a space crack appeared in mid-air on a barren mountain, and the figures of Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong fell from it.

"Uncle Gu, how are you?" Ning Fengzhi said anxiously, looking at Gu Rong, whose face was pale.

Gu Rong knew that he was not going to die soon, but for the future of Qibao Glazed Sect, he could not fall at this moment.

"Fengzhi, I will open a space door later, and you will take Rongrong and Oscar over. Remember not to alarm anyone. Only in this way can the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect have a chance to survive."

It's not that he doesn't want to activate the Space Gate soul skill, but that this soul skill will consume a huge amount of soul power and will also have a certain impact on his body. And every time you bring one more person, the burden will increase one more point.

Before, he felt that he might not have time to recuperate, so he didn't think about releasing the eighth soul skill.

In his current state, it was already the limit for Ning Fengzhi, Ning Rongrong, and Oscar to pass through the space gate.

"Uncle Bones, you are seriously injured now and can no longer use soul skills."

Gu Rong didn't speak. He walked slowly to the big tree nearby and sat down quietly. "Feng Zhi, do as I say. Haotian Sect has always wanted to annex our Qibao Glazed Sect, and now they are openly tearing it apart." It’s too late to lose face if you don’t go back.”

"But my ability is limited. Please take Rongrong and the others over first, and we will make plans later."

The space door in mid-air was not closed, and Gu Rong's soul power was injected into it again. At the other end of the space door, the scene inside the Qibao Glazed Sect emerged.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't defeat Gu Rong, and with the help of the big tree beside him, he jumped into the door of space.

The sudden sound startled Ning Rongrong who was practicing in the room.

Turning around and seeing the seriously injured Ning Fengzhi, she said with surprise: "Dad, what's wrong with you? This is Grandpa Bones' soul skill. What happened?"

Ning Fengzhi knew that time was running out and said quickly: "Rong Rong, call Oscar and follow me. This matter is very serious."

Ning Rongrong was no longer the little witch she once was. Although she didn't know what happened, she still followed Ning Fengzhi's request and called Oscar.

Within the Qibao Glazed Sect, things are still calm at present, and the disciples are all engaged in the work at hand. But Ning Fengzhi knew that this was the calm before the storm. It won't be long before the people of Haotian Sect will annex the disciples of Qibao Glazed Sect.

If he had the ability, he would definitely not give up on these disciples, but in this situation, he could only save Ning Rongrong and Oscar.

"Uncle Ning, what's wrong?" Oscar asked with a puzzled look.

Ning Fengzhi said nothing and pulled them into the space door.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Gu Rong withdrew his eighth soul skill.

"Grandpa Bones." As soon as he landed, Ning Rongrong spotted Gu Rong not far away.

"Who, who made you and your father do this?" Ning Rongrong asked anxiously.

The light from the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in his hand quickly disappeared into Gu Rong's body.

Oscar hurried forward and was about to make sausages when he was stopped by Gu Rong, "Rongrong, Oscar, don't waste your efforts."

"Uncle Bones, you."

Gu Rong shook his head and said with a pale face: "Fengzhi, I can't accompany you any longer. In the future, the Qibao Glazed Sect can only rely on you. Don't give up hope. Maybe we have not reached a dead end."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his right hand and pointed not far away, "Fengzhi, over there is the Star Dou Forest. We can't stay in the Star Luo Empire any longer, so you should leave quickly."

"Grandpa Bones, I will definitely save you." Ning Rongrong had already burst into tears, and the light of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower never stopped.

But the next moment, the light fell on Gu Rong and scattered to other places as if it had received some kind of rebound.

Only then did everyone see clearly that Gu Rong's body had been broken into two pieces. Previously, he just used his remaining soul power to support himself, so that no one could notice the clues.

Ning Fengzhi staggered back a few steps and almost fell to the ground if Oscar hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands.

In his mind, he was rapidly recalling this life.

In the first half of his life, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect reached unprecedented heights in his hands. But great things must come true. At the beginning of the second half of his life, the Qibao Glazed Sect faced competition from the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. The subsequent soul hunting operation caused the Qibao Glazed Sect to lose a Sect Protector Douluo and thousands of disciples.

I thought this was already the lowest point, and the Qibao Glazed Sect would rebound.

Unexpectedly, the bad news has just begun.

Nowadays, there are probably only three of them left who can be called disciples of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

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