Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 4 The blood shines and the sacrifice is completed

"Human, you dare to covet my emperor's soul ring and soul bone, you deserve to die." Huo Yunhe was furious in an instant, and he had the momentum to take action.

Han Yu was calm and said: "Did you forget the oath you just made?"

In Douluo Continent, when humans use their martial souls and soul beasts to swear their own heavenly tribulations, they usually come true.

There are real gods here, and it cannot be ruled out that there are gods in charge of oaths.

As expected, a hint of fear flashed in Huo Yunhe's eyes.

Han Yu took advantage of the situation and continued: "Facing the natural disaster alone, the chance of success should be infinitely equal to zero. Otherwise, you wouldn't go crazy looking for resources to help you break through the natural disaster."

"Even if you have the resources, your success rate is still less than 10%."

The soul beast can only rely on itself to survive the catastrophe, and no matter how many resources it has, they are only external objects.

Han Yu, who knew this well, naturally understood what the other party needed.

"And if you sacrifice yourself to me, then I am 90% sure to get the test of the gods. Even if you are not a powerful god, it will be no problem to resurrect you. By then, you will be a divine beast, and you will be able to avoid the troubles of natural disasters. . This situation is a win-win situation for both you and me.”

"I think you won't refuse my proposal."

Huo Yunhe knew his own situation, but whether Han Yu could become a god was still unknown.

If Han Yu had received the inheritance from the gods at this moment, he would sacrifice without hesitation as long as he swore an oath on his god's throne.


"A hundred thousand-year-old soul ring and soul bone can improve the talents of human soul masters. I believe that your bloodline is enough for me to meet the standards of a god's heir. I am willing to swear by my future godhood and my martial soul. As long as I achieve the status of a god , will resurrect you in the divine realm.”

The speed of human cultivation is countless times that of soul beasts.

Huo Yunhe didn't believe Han Yu's so-called promise, but he showed confidence and was neither humble nor overbearing in the face of himself. This involuntarily gave him the idea of ​​making a sacrifice.

As he said, once resurrected in the God Realm, even if he does not reach the level of a divine beast. Then there will be no trouble from heavenly calamity in future cultivation.

This is a big gamble. If you win, you will become a winner in life. Even if he didn't lose the bet, he was still a loser.

After a long silence, Huo Yunhe finally spoke, "Human, remember your oath. If you dare to violate it, I will not let you go even if you are a ghost."

Han Yu smiled calmly and said, "You should be a divine beast. We may have the opportunity to discuss moves in the divine world in the future."

"Haha, okay. Human, your determination has impressed me. Remember your words. Haha."

Hearty laughter echoed in the forest.

A burst of blood-red energy suddenly erupted from Huo Yunhe's body and enveloped Han Yu.

The rich soul power fluctuations, even just one breath, will make people break through on the spot.

One hundred thousand years of cultivation all exploded at this moment.

"Haha, when this emperor wakes up, he will be a divine beast!"

The blood-colored light beam soared into the sky, lighting up the entire periphery of the Star Dou Forest.

Countless strong men gathered outside the forest, all looking at this scene in the sky.

"That's the position of the 100,000-year-old Huo Yunhe. Oh my God, there is actually a senior who can absorb his soul ring."

"On the mainland, I'm afraid another peerless strong man will be born."

"No, there was no fighting in the forest. Huo Yunhe was not killed by someone." In the Soul Beast Town, in a luxurious carriage, the young man could not help but widen his eyes.

Beside him, the middle-aged man with a snake-shaped mark on his forehead said solemnly: "Young Master, I have seen this scene before. This is the sacrifice of a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast. Once it starts, unless the victim is sacrificed, Completely absorb the soul ring, otherwise, no one can interrupt this process."

"So, this person may not be a Titled Douluo. Grandpa Snake, Grandpa Guizhou, find this person quickly. If he is a member of the upper three sects, he will be killed without mercy! If he is a casual cultivator, he will be recruited immediately." The young man is from the Tiandou Empire. Emperor Xue Qinghe, at the same time, she is also the young master of Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue.

The two titled Douluo took the order and rushed into the Star Dou Forest in an instant.

Not only them, but also the sect leaders and family heads of many powerful forces sent strong men to try to win them over.

Among them, there is also Ju Ghost Douluo.

Han Yu, who was in the process of making a sacrifice, naturally had no knowledge of the outside world.

As the last ray of soul power sank into his body, a blood-red soul ring exuding a terrifying aura suddenly appeared at his feet.

Not only that, a fiery red soul bone and a palm-sized young Fire Cloud Crane suddenly lay in his palm.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, the Wanhuo system is perfectly bound. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a soul guidance ring (which can store living creatures), unlocking the second martial soul's fallen heart flame, and the first martial soul's perfect promotion. 】

[Name: Han Yu]

[Soul Power: Level 46]

[Soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple and red]

[Martial Spirit One: Fire Cloud Stick]

[Martial Spirit Two: Fallen Heart Flame (requires the host to refine the alien fire by itself)]

A soul guidance ring appeared out of thin air in his hand, and Han Yu quickly put the Huoyunhe larvae and soul bones into it.

With these two things appearing in his hands at the same time, I am afraid that many powerful forces will have the urge to kill and steal goods.

As for the flame in his left hand.

"The movement just now was definitely not small. I'm afraid many people are watching to catch up."

If you want to leave safely, you must absorb the Fallen Heart Flame, and then rely on the characteristics of the strange fire to break out of the siege.

"I can only escape deep into the forest, hoping to find a safe cave."

Shortly after Han Yu left, a sword light flashed across the sky and fell to the ground.

In the sword light, the white-haired old man with sharp eyes looked around.

"Sect Master, it seems that the person has gone far."

"Uncle Jian, are you sure this is a sacrifice?"

These two people were surprisingly Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo, the masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

Ning Fengzhi provided a speed increase, coupled with Chen Xin's level 96 soul power, allowing them to rush to the scene as soon as possible.

Chen Xin nodded solemnly: "Although I have never seen a sacrifice, I can make a conclusion based on what happened more than ten years ago."

"If a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast can offer sacrifices on its own initiative, could this person be the soul beast incarnate?" Ning Fengzhi slowly bent down and looked at everything around him.

At that time, Tang Hao's incident caused a stir on the mainland, and Ning Fengzhi also learned about the transformed soul beast from that time.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out, and I can feel that the surrounding smell has been burned away by a powerful flame. We may not be able to capture the traces of that person." Chen Xinjian frowned slightly.

Even the remaining heat of the flames around him couldn't help but feel palpitations.

This is definitely a strong man.

"Sect Master, the people from Wuhun Palace are here, let's go first."

Since there will be no gain, there is no need to waste it any more.

The visitor was naturally Jugui Douluo from Wuhun Palace.

"Old ghost, it's Kendo Chenxin." Yueguang said solemnly.

"Juhua Pass, if this person has nothing to do with the Qibao Glazed Sect, then they have found the direction of that person's escape. Let's follow." A black soul ring lit up under the ghost's feet, and he followed quickly like a ghost.

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