"Two seniors, this soul bone should belong to you." Ji Bo held the soul bone in both hands and brought it to Han Yu.

He knew in his heart that if the two seniors had thoughts about this soul bone and he didn't know it, he would most likely die in this forest. He is not greedy. The two seniors helped him obtain the soul ring, which was already a great favor, so how could he dare to ask for soul bones.

In fact, Han Yu and Di Tian really didn't care.

If it had been placed before, Han Yu might have been able to accept it. But since destroying Poseidon Island, he has found quite a few thousand-year soul bones. Although saber-toothed tiger soul bones are rare, Han Yu still has more than two hundred pieces like this. Even if he wanted to, Di Tian would give him some of his collected soul bones.

Di Tian laughed sarcastically and said indifferently: "You can play with it yourself."

"Senior Ditian." Ji Bo was filled with gratitude. However, until Han Yu made a statement, he could not take the soul bone as his own.

Han Yu said: "Although the soul bone of a saber-toothed tiger is rare, it is not impossible. Twenty-seven thousand years is still a little low, so you can keep it."

"Thank you two seniors, thank you two seniors." Ji Bo burst into tears of gratitude.

Han Yu reminded: "You don't get the soul bone for free. Next, we have to go deeper into the Demonic Forest. This soul bone should be used as your guide."

"If you encounter danger, we will try our best to ensure your safety. But if you take the initiative to cause trouble on your own, then you will be lucky."

Ji Bo nodded repeatedly, "Senior Han, don't worry, I will lead the way seriously."

"Let's go to the deepest part of the forest."

At the same time, within the Natural Disaster Mountain Range.

After more than a month of groping forward, Huo Lie and others finally arrived at the inheritance place as they wished.

This time, the figure of Vulcan did not appear. But Han Yu has already explained how to obtain the inheritance.

"You guys, kneel devoutly in front of the statue of the God of Fire. If your talents are recognized, the God of Fire will pass down the inheritance." Huo Lie said.

Lingxiao did not hesitate and was the first to walk to the stone statue of the God of Fire, followed closely by Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

Huo Lie stepped aside and did not participate.

Han Yu told him that participating in the Vulcan assessment would bring many benefits. But Huo Lie knew that he was old and his cultivation had almost reached its end. If you try to obtain the divine test under such circumstances, you will most likely get nothing.

It is better to do nothing than to be ridiculed by a few juniors.

In the end, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang passed the Vulcan Black Level Six Exam, which also meant that they would become titled Douluo in the future.

As for Lingxiao, there is a fiery red mark on his forehead, which is the symbol of the Nine Tests of the Fire God.

The roads in the Demonic Forest are not easy to walk.

This place is no better than the Star Dou Forest. In the latter, even near the core area, more or less people will arrive every once in a while. With the path paved by the predecessors, it will be much easier for future generations to walk.

But the Demonic Forest is different. The strength of the soul masters of the Sun and Moon Continent is too weak, and not one person may arrive in the depths of the forest within a hundred years.

When they reached a high ground and stopped, Ji Bo quickly said: "Two seniors, the road map I got can only guide us so far. Further forward, it is the restricted area of ​​the Demonic Forest."

Han Yu glanced at Di Tian, ​​who calmly shook his head.

This place is still far away from the real core. The terrain map Ji Bo obtained was naturally drawn by his predecessors after entering the forest. But the boundaries that have not been reached by predecessors cannot be marked on the map.

Moreover, Han Yu had already discovered the movements of several 70,000-year-old soul beasts with just a little use of his mental perception.

The 70,000-year-old soul beast is already equivalent to the strength of a Titled Douluo, not to mention there are more than one. With the strength of the powerful people in the Sun and Moon Continent, they really are unable to go further.

Han Yu thought for a while and gave Ji Bo a choice: "Your mission is completed. You can choose to go back now, or continue walking with us."

Ji Bo was not in a hurry to give an answer.

Along the way, he heard the exchanges between Di Tian and Han Yu. The conversation between these two people left him completely confused. He even doubted whether these two people were from the Sun and Moon Continent.

You know, there are many things that are well-known on the Sun and Moon Continent, but the two of them are completely unaware of them. Even, still guessing.

Of course, Ji Bo also considered that the two of them were just pretending. But in any case, Ji Bo is not an ungrateful person, and he feels that he has the obligation to remind him.

"Two seniors, if you go further, you will reach the core area of ​​the Evil Eye Tyrant Clan. Although we did not encounter them along the way, it does not mean that they did not discover us."

"This is a group of spiritual soul beasts. Their perception is easy for ordinary people. Moreover"

Speaking of this, Ji Bo's face became a little more serious, "The style of their clan is like that of a sect in the human world. Once we defeat their descendants, the strong ones in the clan will soon come. In fact, there are many The evil-eyed tyrant who is over 90,000 years old.”

Han Yu became interested and asked, "So, you know them very well?"

Ji Bo shook his head and explained: "I heard it from the mouths of some seniors, but so far, I have not encountered them. It is said that they are a group of eyeball monsters with slender tentacles. Their eyes Once opened, people will soon lose their resistance and even directly lead to dementia or death. "

"Psychic impact soul skills are indeed the style of those guys." Di Tian nodded to confirm.

At first, he was attacked by the Evil Emperor. The mental trauma he suffered took him thousands of years to heal. Otherwise, as the same kind as the Evil Emperor, he would not have helped Han Yu to hunt down the other party's soul rings.

Ji Bo had no intention of retreating, but became eager to try.

You know, selling terrain maps deep in the Demonic Forest is very profitable. As a free soul master, Ji Bo wants to use this opportunity to explore the unknown realm ahead.

Furthermore, from Di Tian's performance just now, it was obvious that he had heard of, or even had contact with, the Evil Eye Tyrant Clan. But not only did he have no fear, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"If the two seniors don't mind, I am willing to continue going deep into the forest with the two seniors." Ji Bo quickly expressed his position.

Han Yu had no intention of refusing. The closer they get to the core, the greater their risk of exposure. It would be much easier to leave the low-aged soul beasts to Ji Bo to deal with.

"You can follow us, but when we find the goal of this trip, you will have to rely on yourself." Han Yu added, and then he and Di Tian quickly disappeared into the forest ahead.

"Let's fight, the timid will starve to death, and the bold will starve to death." Ji Bo gritted his teeth and kept up with the pace of the two of them.

Half a day later, a guy tens of meters tall and covered with tentacles appeared in everyone's sight.

"The evil-eyed tyrant of ten thousand years is nothing to be afraid of." Di Tian said with a faint smile.

Ji Bo seemed to understand his role, and he took the initiative to ask Ying: "Two seniors, please leave it to me."

Seeing Han Yu agree, Ji Bo raised the diamond sword in his hand and rushed forward.

"The fifth soul skill, Diamond Explosive Slash!"

Han Yu leaned on the tree trunk nearby and said with a smile: "Since the Evil Eye Tyrant clan has a tradition of protecting shortcomings, I think it won't be long before the Evil Emperor will show up."

Ditian agreed with Han Yu's approach, "The boy's move was very loud, and several evil-eyed tyrants have already approached. I'll hide first. I won't come out before the evil emperor appears. The rest, I’ll leave it to you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Tian's figure disappeared from the spot.

The practices of the Evil Eye Tyrant Clan are somewhat similar to those of the Haotian Sect.

Ji Bo's strength is not weak, and his combat experience is very experienced. But when he faced the Evil Eye Tyrant for the first time, he was accidentally hit by the opponent's mental shock, which caused the attack pace to slow down a lot.

But after all, he has the strength of a soul saint. Even if he is not a spiritual soul master, his spiritual power cannot be compared to that of a ten thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant.

"Senior Han, we..." Ji Bo returned to Han Yu and said with a smile.

Han Yu didn't answer and looked around warily.

"Your mission is completed, leave immediately." After saying that, the Fire Cloud Stick appeared in his hand.

Han Yu's body appeared in mid-air. Through the disguise of the system, the original nine soul rings of eight red and one gold changed into the current nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red.

"Title Douluo!" Ji Bo was startled. Before he could think about it, several evil-eyed tyrants that were 50,000 years old sprang out from the surrounding trees.

The mental fluctuations that followed were unbearable and he fainted instantly.

"Well done!" A flash of light flashed in Han Yu's eyes, and a powerful mental shock quickly spread to the surroundings with himself as a dot.

Several 50,000-year-old evil-eyed tyrants, with crimson blood oozing from their huge eyes, fell to the ground. Almost in one move, Han Yu completely killed them all.

As for Ji Bo, he was mentally attacked by these evil-eyed tyrants and would not wake up in a short time. Han Yu waved his hand, and several large leaves wrapped his figure. His life is not in danger in the short term.

"Human, you have crossed the line." A huge eye nearly a hundred meters long slowly rose from the woods.

Huge eyes stared at Han Yu fiercely.

"The 100,000-year-old evil-eyed tyrant is interesting." Han Yu smiled.

If he remembered correctly, this guy would most likely be one of Huo Yuhao's soul rings ten thousand years from now. The Evil Eye Tyrant clan has been entrenched in the Evil Forest for a long time. Apart from the Evil Emperor, there may be more than one among them who have reached the 100,000-year level.

The intelligence of a hundred thousand year old soul beast is equivalent to that of an adult. Seeing Han Yu easily defeat the joint attack of those evil-eyed tyrants clearly shows how powerful the opponent is. Therefore, he did not take action immediately.

"You are not the real master of the Demonic Forest, you'd better retreat." Han Yu smiled faintly.

Killing a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast will result in the explosion of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone that has no soul bone parts on its body. Although the 100,000-year-old skull is very good, it cannot allow him to break through to the god level, and it is useless to Han Yu.

Of course, Han Yu also intended to keep this guy as a soul ring for future strong men on the mainland.

"Arrogant." The Hundred Thousand Evil Eyes Tyrant roared.

"Psychic force field, spiritual illusion!" He used two innate soul skills in succession, and everything within a few miles seemed to be affected.

The behavior of those soul beasts lurking in the dark became extremely absurd, as if they were deeply trapped in an illusion.

"Is that all you can do?" Han Yu sneered.

With his divine mind, he is completely immune to all mental attacks below the god level.

"Impossible, no one can escape my control. Who are you?" Everything in the fantasy realm is controlled by this hundred thousand-year-old evil-eyed tyrant, but Han Yu did not enter the fantasy realm he carefully weaved.

"The fourth soul skill, flying flames piercing the sand." Han Yu threw the fire cloud stick violently.

The fire cloud stick turned into a shooting star burning with raging fire, streaking across the sky above the evil forest and rushing straight into the eyes of the evil-eyed tyrant.

Suddenly, there was an earthquake-like scene in the entire forest.

"Evil gaze!"

A huge eye over three hundred meters in size suddenly appeared in the distance.

There are huge tentacles around the eyes, as many as ninety-nine and eighty-one, and each tentacle is more than five hundred meters long.

A burst of purple-black light was seen in his eyes, and the next second, the ray condensed from the soul power knocked away the fire cloud stick thrown by Han Yu.

"The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, the Evil Emperor!" Han Yu looked solemn.

This guy is the target of his trip. Moreover, he is very powerful and will fall into his trap if he is not careful.

"You are no match for him, stand down." This short sentence seemed to contain endless spiritual power.

The 100,000-year-old evil-eyed tyrant trembled slightly and quickly disappeared into the forest.

The Evil Emperor's status in the Evil Eye Tyrant Clan, converted into a human sect, he is equivalent to the sect ancestor level.

The two looked at each other in the distance. Facing the evil emperor's substantial mental impact, Han Yu resolved it with just a thought.


Over the years, the Evil Emperor has never been provoked like this by a human being.

In a flash, his figure came to a mile in front of Han Yu. Dozens of tentacles came from all directions, trying to entangle Han Yu completely.

"The first soul skill, Fire Cloud Circle Dance Stick."

The fire cloud stick danced rapidly in Han Yu's hands, and the combination of human and stick skills made him invincible in the first wave of fighting.

However, the aftermath of the fight between the two caused the surrounding trees to collapse on a large scale. A huge open space formed on the battlefield.

The evil emperor's spiritual power released all the time is as vast as the ocean.

Han Yu knew that the Evil Emperor was highly accomplished in spiritual power. Even though he had not reached the level of spiritual consciousness, his use of spiritual power was far more sophisticated than his own.

Not daring to be careless, the Void Swallowing Flame formed a powerful barrier around him. Constantly devouring the evil emperor's spiritual power.

"This fire is very strange. Who is this person?" The Evil Emperor felt extremely vigilant in his heart.

At the same time, he withdrew his tentacles and no longer planned to confront Han Yu head-on.

"Hahaha, Evil Emperor, my old friend."

Suddenly, a giant black dragon with a body length of 100 meters rose into the sky. The dark aura emanating from his body almost changed the color of this world.

His eyes radiated golden light, staring at the Evil Emperor.

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