The golden mushroom cloud slowly dispersed, and Poseidong stood there with an ugly expression.

If the blow just now hits, it will definitely severely damage Han Yu's Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's martial spirit, and even his body will be severely damaged. The crisis on Poseidon Island will be completely over.

But at the last moment, the shadow of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King suddenly disappeared, and his magical skills completely hit the air.

Feeling that his intelligence had been insulted, the veins on Poseidong's forehead popped out.

This time, he will never hold back.

"The thirteenth halberd of the Thirteen Golden Halberds, the body and halberd merge into one."

"Is it going to be a decisive battle?"

At the moment, it is not realistic to immediately create a fire lotus.

Han Yu, who has a God's perspective, knows that the attack of the Thirteenth Golden Halberd mainly relies on borrowing power. Then, as long as he just defends blindly, Poseidon's attack power will be much smaller.

Thinking of this, three parts of his soul bone armor emitted soul power fluctuations, "Golden Flying Kite Left Leg Soul Bone Skill, Gold Body."

"The soul bone skill of the ancient giant's right leg, desolate barrier."

"The soul bone skill of the torso of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, the control of the Demonic Whale."

With the three major defensive soul skills activated at the same time, Han Yu's defense was impregnable.

When Poseidon saw this, his expression turned extremely ugly, because the Thirteenth Halberd Star Shift used the power of the opponent's soul skills to increase the power of the divine skills.

Han Yu's response seemed to have seen through him completely.

The arrow had to be fired when it was on the string, and Poseidong didn't care much. Even if the power was small, it was enough to deal with mere mortals!

The Poseidon Trident swung out a strike full of rage, causing the color of the world to change. From a distance, it looked like the sky was collapsing.

"Di Yan, go."

More than ten kinds of strange fires condensed in Han Yu's palm, and the colorful flames turned into a lotus to resist.

The impact of the Poseidon Trident is not small. Although it is blocked by Emperor Yan, the power it exudes should not be underestimated. The constant impact of soul power collided with Han Yu's defense.

"This flame is going to be determined by me." The desire in Poseidong's eyes became more intense.

Even though Bo Saixi's physical strength is very weak, under his control, the power of the Golden Thirteen Halberds is enough to reach god level.

Han Yu is only a quasi-god at best, and he is still far away from a god. He knew that without these flames, Han Yu would have been defeated by him long ago.

Seeing that the offensive was making no progress, Poseidong casually called back the Poseidon Trident.

"Thirteen golden halberds, thirteen halberds in one!"

Poseidong draws strength from the sea water, and the power of this move is getting stronger.

Naturally, Han Yu would not give up. After taking apart the strange fires again, he randomly picked out seven strange fires and prepared to rub the fire lotus with his bare hands.

Last time, the nine-color fire lotus he made was powerful enough to collapse a small world. But this is the sea. Once the fire lotus is too powerful, it will not only kill thousands of creatures on Poseidon Island, but even coastal cities will be affected by the tsunami.

Besides, it would be too stupid for Poseidong to just come under the cover of others and use the full power of the fire lotus to die with him.

"Poseidon's Twilight!"

Terrifying power erupted from the Poseidon Trident, and when the Trident came out, it destroyed the world and destroyed the world.


Han Yu shouted loudly, pushed his hands forward, and the seven-color fire lotus slowly floated forward.

Wherever the fire lotus passed, everything around it seemed to be silent.

As the trident and the fire lotus collided, a doomsday scene was staged again, and this time, the size of the mushroom cloud was countless times larger than before.

In the center of the explosion, the fire lotus was like a blooming lotus, engulfing the Poseidon Trident.

In Kaiba City, everyone who had just finished dealing with the waves saw the tsunami coming again that covered the sky and the sun, and they instantly cheered up.

When they were about to take action, Xiaobai, the Demonic Great White Shark King, came to them.

"Hurry and support Lord Poseidon. My people will resist the tsunami."

Seeing countless demon soul great white sharks rushing toward Tsunami, Sea Dragon Douluo breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but ask: "Xiao Bai, how could Master Poseidon lose to that guy, and why should we go to support him?"

With the mushroom cloud blocking them, it was impossible for them to see the specific situation in the distance. But to the major Holy Pillar Douluo, Poseidon is invincible.

Xiao Bai shook his head and explained: "Lord Poseidon just gave me the oracle and asked us to support him."

In fact, when the fire lotus bloomed, Han Yu not only did not dare to release the defensive soul skill, he even turned around and fled far away.

Poseidon thought that he was conceding that he was invincible and was about to run away, but who knew that the moment the fire lotus bloomed, the powerful impact directly shattered Bo Saixi's martial spirit. For a moment, in order to protect Bo Saixi Zhouquan, his spiritual thoughts were directly dispersed by the fire lotus.

It can be said that Poseidon will not only be unable to participate in the next battle, he will not even be able to take back Poseidon's Trident. Because just now, the Poseidon Trident was at the center of the fire lotus explosion. The power of the fire lotus created by Han Yu using the top seven strange fires on his body should not be underestimated.

The Poseidon Trident was actually melted under such an attack.

You know, Poseidon has a total of two Poseidon Tridents in his hands. One is kept in his hand as a weapon, and the other is placed in the Poseidon Hall, waiting for the heir to take it away.

As the mushroom cloud gradually dispersed, Bo Saixi's figure slowly fell from the sky.

Han Yu, who was watching this scene from a distance, couldn't help but say: "This Poseidon is still somewhat responsible. If he hadn't used his spiritual thoughts to absorb the remaining damage from the fire lotus, not only would Bo Saixi die, but even Bo Saixi would have died." Poseidon Island will also be razed to the ground."

Of course, it's not that Poseidon has a conscience, but once Poseidon Island sinks, his prestige as Poseidon will completely cease to exist, and his power of faith will plummet.

Sacrifice a mere thought to save most of his foundation, this is the choice Poseidon must make.

"Bo Saidong has been defeated. Everyone surrenders immediately. Those who resist will be killed without mercy."

Han Yu's voice was filled with majestic spiritual power, and soon everyone in Haima City could hear it clearly.

"The invincible Lord Poseidon actually lost."

For a moment, most of their beliefs collapsed, and they looked in the direction of Han Yu in confusion, as if expecting Lord Poseidon to speak out.

However, after waiting for a while, Lord Poseidon still had no explanation for this.

"The guy who deceives the public with his monstrous words shall die." Sea Dragon Douluo attacked Han Yu from behind.

The other Holy Pillar Douluo quickly rescued Bo Saixi.

Han Yu casually waved his hand, and the powerful soul impact knocked Sea Dragon Douluo to the ground.

As Bo Saixi is the strongest person on Poseidon Island, Han Yu will never leave her behind.

In the palm of his hand, four different fires quickly merged to form a four-color fire lotus, which was thrown at Bo Saixi's position.

"Protect the great offering!" Xiaobai turned into a soul beast and stood in front of Bo Saixi.

The four holy pillar titled Douluo standing behind him activated their soul skills at the same time.

Rumble ~ a loud noise.

These five guys were blown to ashes by the fire lotus and ceased to exist.

Just when Han Yu was about to take action again, an irresistible wave of space struck. When he reacted, the figures of Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo had disappeared.

"This space power must be the work of gods. I didn't expect Poseidon to have such a backup plan."

Although Han Yu was angry, he didn't know where Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo were teleported.

In the next few days, he dismissed everyone on Poseidon Island. He destroyed all the sacred pillars, statues and the Poseidon's hall that symbolized Poseidon's authority.

There are many islands in the sea, and many residents of Poseidon Island were originally natives of nearby islands.

As their faith collapsed, they no longer believed in Poseidon. In just a few days, only half of the people in Kaiba City were left.

The remaining people were originally residents of Poseidon Island, and they had nowhere to go.

It is worth mentioning that with the death of Xiaobai, the Demonic Great White Shark clan has long since disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that if it weren't for Xiaobai's existence, her tribe would not want to become the slaves of Poseidon."

Han Yu didn't force anyone who didn't want to leave, he just told them not to leave Seahorse City for a few months.

After doing all this, he sat in his original position in the Poseidon Hall, relying on the property of Void Swallowing Flame to quickly absorb the spiritual energy on the island.

Spirit world.

"What's going on with this guy Poseidong? How can he be brothers with a bunch of second-level gods? And he also takes the initiative to have a good relationship with those third-level gods." Many gods became curious when faced with Poseidong's unusual behavior.

However, only Poseidong himself knew the specific situation.

Without the power of faith from the residents of Poseidon Island, his strength immediately shrank. Originally, his strength was the best among the first-level gods. He was also favored by God King Shura and even had the opportunity to join the God Realm Committee.

With the collapse of his faith, his current strength can only reach the level of a first-level god. In fact, it won't be long before it falls below the second level god level.

If Han Yu spreads his story, he will even fall directly to the third level god realm. At that time, the people he looked down upon will become unattainable to him.

However, Bo Saidong did not sit still and risked being held accountable by the God Realm Committee at the last moment. He forcibly teleported Bo Saixi and Sea Dragon Douluo away in order to spread the faith of Poseidon in other places.

No, no, no, he can no longer be called the Poseidon, but the Lake God.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, Tang San and his party had arrived at Binhai City, a seaside city in the Star Luo Empire.

"Young Master, I have heard about Binhai City. It is said that this place was once a pirate city. Later, after it was conquered by the Star Luo Empire, it gradually got on the right track. However, some habits will not change. If you are here, If you don't act strong, you will get into trouble," Tai Tan reminded.

"Thank you, Senior Taitan, for the reminder. Without further ado, let's find Captain Menlev as soon as possible." Tang San said.

In terms of scale, Binhai City is much larger than Hanhai City. Moreover, the geographical environment here is excellent, with many deep-water ports, so the ships here are generally much larger in size than other coastal cities.

Entering the city, Tang San could immediately feel the sturdy folk customs here.

Most of the people walking on the street are burly men. Of course, there are also some thin women. Anyone who can hang out here is not a good person. Even those thin women were unambiguous in their actions.

Along the way, they had encountered countless fights. Yu Tianheng couldn't help but said: "Tang San, the people here are too irritable."

The former members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family were also very aggressive. But under the constraints of the sect, they all resolve their conflicts in the ring and can never fight on the same spot. And the people here will really use knives or guns on you if they disagree with you.

Tang San frowned, he had already noticed that many people were staring at them with unkind eyes, "Tianheng and Mubai, brace yourself, they should be eyeing us and may attack us at any time. "

"Don't worry, young master, there is an old slave here."

Looking at the eyes of these people, Tai Tan snorted coldly, and then, eight soul rings appeared at his feet.

Taita is old, but Contra's strength is not something that ordinary people can shake. The group of guys who originally had evil eyes, knowing that they were outmatched, dispersed in a hurry.

Dai Mubai smiled and said: "Xiao San, the folk customs here are strong, which is a good thing. Along the way, at least half of the people we met on the road are soul masters. Even in Tiandou City, the proportion of soul masters is Not that high.”

This problem is easy to understand. Ordinary people without soul power will either move away from here early or be killed by these soul masters. Over time, the ratio of soul power has become much higher.

Tang San nodded, if he could take the spirit masters here as his own, he would immediately form a team of at least ten thousand spirit masters. But just think about this kind of thing. The people here are unruly and rebellious. Even the Star Luo Empire may not be able to mobilize them, let alone him.

Soon, a burly man and a group of people dressed as sailors blocked their way.

Titan didn't talk nonsense, he stepped forward and started fighting.

"No, no, no, we are not here to cause trouble for you." The leader said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Menlev, and I am the captain of the Manta Ray. The four of you are dressed like the distinguished guests I am waiting for. "

"Senior Taitan, don't do anything yet." Tang San crossed over from Taitan, walked up and asked, "We are coming from Carlo City. I think someone has informed you of our situation, right?"

Menlev smiled and said: "Four distinguished guests, this is not the place to talk. Please come with me."

Not long after, in a tavern.

Menlev asked: "Two distinguished guests, where are you going? The sea has not been peaceful recently, and there are very few ships that dare to go into the sea."

The news of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's sacrifice, as well as the news of Han Yu's battle with the Poseidon, had already been spread to various port cities. Since some time ago, countless ships have docked at the pier and have never left the sea.

Tang San and others didn't know these things.

However, just before entering the tavern, Tang San saw through the Purple Demon Eyes that the dock was full of ships.

"I'm afraid if you want to go to the sea, you will inevitably have to pay a huge price." Tang San thought to himself.

In order to inherit the divine status of the inheritance place, Tang San would not refuse even if it was a bigger price. What's more, most of the money he brought was given to him by Ning Fengzhi.

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