In the main hall.

As soon as he sat down, Tang Xiao couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao San, I have discussed your proposal with the three elders. However, compared to our answer, I want to know yours, Dai Mubai's." What’s the idea?”

This question had been rehearsed before coming here, and Dai Mubai answered it fluently, "Sect Master Tang, the position of crown prince of the Star Luo Empire already belongs to me. Davis acted like a villain, slandered me, spread rumors, and ruined my reputation. , he gained the favor of his father. This kind of villainy is really despicable. If Davis really becomes the emperor, there may be some kind of turmoil in the empire. I don't want to, and I don't want to. This must never be allowed to happen.”

Tang Xiao smiled lightly and did not answer in a hurry, but asked: "Xiaosan, I heard that Dai Mubai has a very serious injury. This will affect his future to a great extent. This time Something?"

Tang San quickly responded: "Uncle, I am 90% sure of curing Mubai's injury. However, it will take some time. It can take up to two years, and Mubai will definitely be able to recover."

"Master Tang Xiao, as Xiaosan's teacher, I have no doubts about Xiaosan's ability. Since Xiaosan dares to speak, he must be sure." Yu Xiaogang followed up.

Tang Xiao didn't care or care about Dai Mubai's physical condition. Even if Dai Mubai is an eunuch, he can still become emperor as long as no one knows about it. The only troublesome thing is that Davis has exposed this matter before. If it is not handled well, Dai Mubai will easily become the target of public criticism.

By that time, the efforts made by Haotian Sect were in vain.

Therefore, in order to stop the public from talking, Dai Mubai must recover, otherwise Tang Xiao and the Haotian Sect will not provide substantial help.

"Let's leave this matter aside for now. Dai Mubai, tell me, if you successfully ascend the throne, what political achievements will you make, or what political achievements do you want to do?"

Dai Mubai had fantasized about this matter countless times. When he became emperor, the first thing he did was to kill the Davises and capture the bitch Zhu Zhuqing. However, this kind of thing cannot be said on the table.

Dai Mubai spoke eloquently: "As the prince of the Star Luo Empire, my father has taught us many times to put the people first. Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it. Those who win the hearts of the people will win the world."

Dai Mubai said a lot, but Tang San didn't teach him these words. Dai Mubai remembered a lot of them after being exposed to them in the palace since he was a child.

Tang Xiao asked with a smile: "What if someone wants to subvert your position?"

Tang San quickly winked. This question was not to ask Dai Mubai to answer the question, but to ask him to express his loyalty.

Dai Mubai calmly understood, and then said: "If I can ascend the throne, it must be with the support of your sect. At that time, I will have to look up to Sect Master Tang to clear some obstacles for me."

"What if our Haotian Sect suffers heavy casualties?" Tang Xiao touched his chin and asked again.

Dai Mubai said without hesitation: "Tang Zongzong made a serious statement. Your disciples are unparalleled in the world, so how could there be casualties? If there are casualties, the empire will take care of their families."

Tang Xiao nodded slightly.

Dai Mubai does not have the qualifications to ascend the throne now, so talking about the benefits he will bring to Haotian Sect after ascending the throne is inevitably a bit unrealistic.

The two sides talked for a while, during which Tang San winked at Dai Mubai a lot.

Tang Xiao saw all this. What they want is not a wise king but a complete puppet. Tang San is a member of the Haotian Sect. As long as he can keep Dai Mubai under control, the Haotian Sect will reap endless benefits from the Star Luo Empire in the future.

Moreover, among the fourth generation disciples of the Haotian Sect, only Tang San had outstanding talent. Tang Xiao also intended to give up his position as the future leader of the Haotian Sect to Tang San.

Finally, Tang Xiao stretched out three fingers.

"Dai Mubai, you are not worthy of the Haotian Sect's investment in you now. But I will give you three conditions. If you can complete them all, the Haotian Sect will support you immediately."

As the leader of the sect, Tang Xiao naturally kept his word to the letter. Besides, if he can come up with three conditions, he will most likely reach an agreement with the three elders.

While Tang San was relieved, he couldn't help but wonder what the three conditions would be.

"Tang Zongzong, please tell me, I will definitely complete it." Dai Mubai said solemnly.

Tang Xiao smiled lightly and said: "First, your injuries must be healed. And the whole continent must know that you, Dai Mubai, will participate in the competition for the throne."

"Second, your current strength is not enough. You have no advantage in the competition for the throne. Therefore, your soul power must exceed level 71."

"Third, if you give up the marriage with the Zhu family, you must marry a disciple of the Haotian Sect. The status of the Zhu family can remain unchanged, but I, the Haotian Sect, cannot enjoy lower treatment than them."

"As the leader of the Haotian Sect, I, Tang Xiao, swear by my martial spirit that if Dai Mubai fulfills the above conditions, the Haotian Sect will support Dai Mubai's ascension to the throne."

After a pause, Tang Xiao looked at Dai Mubai: "You swear by your martial spirit to repeat the three conditions I mentioned above."

Dai Mubai didn't dare to be negligent and quickly expressed his stance.

"Haha, now that the business is settled. You have been on a bumpy road for more than a month, so go and rest early. By the way, mistress, there is a courtyard for you in the sect. You can take the master and the others to rest."

With Tang San's status, he naturally couldn't get a whole courtyard. Tang Xiao fought for him in the name of his father, overpowering three elders.

Since Tang San did not return to the sect often, although the three elders objected, they did not make any substantive action.

"Uncle, let's take our leave now. Uncle Ning should want to talk to you later." Tang San took the opportunity to speak out Ning Fengzhi's request, "Uncle Ning has taken good care of me these years, and now the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect has repeatedly Even under such circumstances, Uncle Ning still supports the actions of my teacher and me. If the sect allows it, I will ask my uncle to help Sect Leader Ning."

Tang San would definitely not be so kind.

Ning Fengzhi benefits, and as a member of the interest chain, he can also benefit.

Tang Xiao was easy to say, mainly because the three elders had a difficult time. Moreover, the current situation of Qibao Glazed Sect cannot bring any benefit to Haotian Sect.

He sighed in his heart, if it weren't for the current tense situation in the mainland, the Haotian Sect would need three titled Douluo to support its appearance. Otherwise, he would have abolished these three guys who relied on their elders to support them.

"Xiao San, you should go and rest first. I will discuss this matter with Sect Leader Ning personally." Tang Xiao did not give any reply.

After leaving the main hall, Ning Fengzhi briefly met with Tang San and others.

From Tang San's side, this was barely good news. As long as Dai Mubai grits his teeth, these three conditions can be fulfilled.

But Ning Fengzhi's side was not very ideal.

"The three elders of the Haotian Sect seem to be deliberately avoiding the topic. I'm afraid they will not unconditionally support the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"Sect Master Ning, you should go talk to Sect Leader Tang Xiao first. If it doesn't work, then think of other solutions."

Yu Xiaogang gave an explanation, and then together with Tang San, led by the disciples of the Haotian Sect, they came to a newly built courtyard.

The courtyard is not too small, but there are no fallen leaves on the ground. It is obvious that someone comes here frequently to clean it.

"Xiao San, it seems that your status in Haotian Sect is extraordinary." Dai Mubai said with some envy.

A courtyard of this size can only be enjoyed by the prince in the Xingluo royal family. Dai Mubai once could only live in a small courtyard.

Tang San didn't say much and immediately walked into the living room.

For him, now is just the beginning, and there are still many things that need to be properly arranged.

Davis has been in power for a long time, and it is completely unrealistic to overthrow him. Even with the support of Haotian Sect, they need an opportunity, even if it is to create an opportunity.

After several days of discussion, Haotian Sect finally agreed to give Ning Fengzhi some help.

The Qibao Glazed Sect was originally one of the three upper sects, so it was unrealistic for them to become a vassal sect of the Haotian Sect. But from their current situation, they can't produce anything of value.

However, the Qibao Glazed Sect's innate business acumen is the foundation that helps them gain a foothold. Therefore, the Haotian Sect decided that after the Qibao Glazed Sect was rebuilt in the future, it would need to hand over some of its property equity to the Haotian Sect. To put it bluntly, it means handing over a certain amount of profit.

If it were more than half a year ago, Ning Fengzhi would not agree to anything. But now, the Qibao Glazed Sect is at the end of its rope, and Ning Fengzhi must compromise in exchange for a chance to breathe.

In the end, Tang San and others embarked on the road home with fruitful results.

Next, Tang San only needs to wait for the medicinal material industry to stabilize, and then he will embark on the road to find the gods.

On the vast sea, even a giant ship with a length of hundreds of meters is like a small boat here.

The Haijiao was originally a fishing boat and its sailing speed was not very fast. After a month of sailing, there is still a short distance to the outermost edge of the Demon Whale Sea.

Along the way, relying on the navigation map in Captain Chen Ping's mind, the Haijiao avoided the territories of powerful soul beasts one after another. During this period, they only encountered one attack from the Millennium Soul Beast.

There were many soul masters in the crew, and they worked together to kill the thousand-year-old giant octopus. In the following period, the crew on the ship even received extra meals.

"Sir, the fresh water reserve on the ship is almost exhausted. I just checked the chart and there is a small island nearby that can replenish enough fresh water. Do you think we need to dock for a while?"

Water cannot be stored in the alien fire space of Void Swallowing Flame, so Han Yu doesn't carry much fresh water with him. Moreover, when he breaks through the divine body with the help of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, he may not know how long it will take. The fresh water in his hand must not be used before leaving the Haijiao.

The work of sharpening the knife and chopping firewood has already come here, and Han Yu is not short of this time.

"After staying on the ship for a long time, it's time to go ashore and relax for a while. Captain Chen Ping, please make the arrangements. We will rest on the island for three days, and then send me to the outer reaches of the Magic Whale Sea."

When Chen Ping heard this, he felt happy and quickly raised his hands and said, "Thank you for your understanding, I will make arrangements right away."

The ship was bumpy when sailing on the sea, and even the experienced crew members felt that their bodies were not able to bear it for a long time. Just imagine, where ordinary people live, there are several earthquakes every day. Can they still live well?

One can imagine what a great joy it is for the crew when the ship docks. Under Chen Ping's guidance, the outline of a small island soon appeared not far in front of the ship.

Many crew members also took this opportunity to take out their homemade navigation charts from their arms and marked the location of the island.

As the saying goes, a sailor who doesn't want to be a captain is not a good sailor. Chen Ping also started out as a crew member before becoming a captain. And the nautical charts are the unparalleled treasures of these crews and captains.

According to Chen Ping's recollection, he started running boats at the age of twelve and ran for thirty years. During this period, he experienced countless dangers before he could draw a relatively complete nautical chart. You can imagine how difficult the process of drawing a maritime chart is.

Looking at the island getting closer and closer, the crew members gathered on the deck, everyone with a smile on their face.

According to the rules of the Haijiao, a party will be held every time it docks. The crew members in charge of the food were working tirelessly to move the cooking utensils out. After docking, they would immediately light a fire to cook.

The scene on the island couldn't help but evoke Chen Ping's memories, "Sir, this island is rich in a kind of green-yellow fruit. Twenty years ago, I was lucky enough to taste it once. Unfortunately, this fruit is ripe. It is extremely perishable and cannot be transported to shore.”

The closer to the island, the slower the Haijiao sails. They even sent a small boat to clear the way ahead. Because not far from them, there was a ship larger than them, stranded on the reef.

"This ship has been stranded for more than ten years. I wonder if the unlucky people on the ship have been rescued." Chen Ping couldn't help but feel sad that the rabbit had died.

This place is far away from the land. If someone hadn't chartered a boat, they wouldn't have brought the boat here. The crew of the stranded ship will most likely die in this vast sea.

With the boat as a pilot, the Haijiao docked safely.

Han Yu had no intention of celebrating with the crew. He turned around and wandered around the island.

There may be ancient ruins on the small islands in the deep sea. If you can find the crystallization of the wisdom of the predecessors from the ruins, this trip will be very rewarding.

I had a sightseeing mentality, so even if there were no ruins here, it wouldn't matter.

When passing by a "fruit tree" with green-yellow fruits, Han Yu couldn't help but smile: "The mysterious fruit that Chen Ping talked about turned out to be bananas."

There are indeed no bananas in the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, so there is no unified name for bananas in the Douluo Continent.

Han Yu stepped forward and was about to pick the bananas when he suddenly discovered that the bananas had signs of being picked. Moreover, there are human footprints scattered around.

Even though orangutans and monkeys look similar to humans, their footprints are easy to distinguish. It had only been a short time since they landed, and the weather conditions on this island were very good when they landed, with no sign of rain at all.

To leave such clear footprints, they must have been stepped on when it rained.

There are people on this island!

Han Yu was a little excited. Some ruins would be guarded for generations. But it is not ruled out that there are human strongholds on the island. If a human stronghold appears on a deep-sea island, it is most likely that it is a pirate.

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