The matter of the Sea Spirit Master only received brief attention.

Many forces on the mainland have nothing to do with them. Besides, under the current situation, no one wants the war to really start.

Time passed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, the construction of Haotian Sect's new residence was completed.

After Tang Xiao settled the clan members, he had a brief moment of leisure. During this period, he had close correspondence with Tang San.

Tang Xiao was a little tempted by Tang San's proposal, but he couldn't defeat the other three elders for the time being and couldn't give a clear answer. At the end of the letter, he told Tang San to bring Dai Mubai to the Haotian Sect for a talk before giving an accurate answer.

After learning the news, Tang San immediately brought the news to Ning Fengzhi.

With Dai Mubai's current strength, it is difficult to get substantial help from the Haotian Sect, or in other words, the Haotian Sect will definitely give him some tests. Before this, only the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect could help him.

"The Haotian Sect is in the Star Luo Province, and I'm afraid it will take us three months to return from this trip. Xiao San, are you really sure that the Tang Sect Master will support Dai Mubai?"

Ning Fengzhi asked this, naturally he didn't want to waste time on the road. And in his heart, he was not very optimistic about Dai Mubai.

Tang San didn't hide anything, and said calmly: "Uncle didn't give me a clear answer, but I can see that he also has this idea. I won't know the specific situation until I talk to him."

It's just that the Haotian Sect is not exactly what the uncle said. He added in his mind.

"Feng Zhi, I think we can go. If we don't contribute, Tang San may not take us with him when the Haotian Sect really supports Dai Mubai. After we leave, invite Tai Tan to protect the safety of the sect's disciples. When the time comes, give Some of his benefits are," Gu Rong said.

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment and agreed with his idea.

"Xiao San, if you decide on the departure time, Uncle Gu and I will accompany you. There are some other things that Ning needs to discuss with Sect Master Tang."

Tang San had already figured out Ning Fengzhi's unfavorable temperament. However, with Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo on this trip, the chance of success will be greater.

Han Yu on the other side, after finishing the matters at hand, came to Hanhai City alone.

The sea is huge, and without an experienced captain to lead the way, Han Yu has to fly all by himself. It is difficult for Han Yu to accurately find the location of Poseidon Island. You will even encounter attacks from spirit beasts along the way.

Hanhai City is the largest city along the coast of the Tiandou Empire. Before the Canaan Chamber of Commerce came, this place was already quite prosperous. Now that the Canaan Chamber of Commerce helps digest the catches of fishermen, the fishing industry and supporting business system here are much more developed than before.

Entering the city, the air is filled with the salty fragrance of sea water. Standing at a high place, you can even easily see the distant coastline.

If the transportation in Douluo Continent were not underdeveloped, this place would definitely be a good tourist city.

"It's a really nice place, very suitable for retirement." Han Yu chuckled in his heart.

Before he could go far, a young man in professional attire came up to him and said, "Sir, are you here to do business in Hanhai City?"

"Why do you say that?" Han Yu glanced at him and said casually.

He knew that this man's outfit was Wuhun Bank's work attire, which he had designed himself.

The young man pushed up his glasses and introduced with a respectful expression: "Sir, judging from your attire, you must be from outside. You have an extraordinary bearing and must be a wealthy businessman."

"Our Wuhundian Bank has opened an exchange in the city. I am the broker of the exchange. You can call me Xiao Chen. Everything that can be legally sold in Hanhai City can be purchased at the exchange. Mr. I don’t know If you have time, come with me to visit.”

Exchange, this was not Han Yu's idea.

One year after the establishment of Wuhun Bank, Bibi Dong established exchanges in some cities where large chambers of commerce did not exist. Its function is similar to that of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce, which is to rectify the market, unify local prices, and create a good business environment.

As for the "broker" in front of him, if Han Yu spends money in the exchange, he can get a commission of one point on the transaction volume, which is considered a high-income profession. But the premise is that you can make your boss consume under your leadership.

Han Yu thought for a while. He needed to find a ship now, so he went directly to the dock to find it. Not only would he be cheated, but he would also easily run into a pirate ship. Although he was not afraid, it was troublesome to lose his way in the depths of the sea.

"Lead the way."

"Okay." The young man surnamed Chen walked quickly to Han Yu with an enthusiastic look on his face.

"Sir, may I know your last name?"


"Okay Mr. Han, in our exchange, you can buy anything in Hanhai City. And it is also accompanied by picture descriptions. If you buy bulk commodities, as long as the transaction amount is enough, we will have additional storage souls. The guide is given as a gift.”

Along the way, the young man surnamed Chen introduced many specialties in the city. But Han Yu showed little interest in this. After burning incense, the two came to a magnificent building.

The exchange is divided into three floors. The first floor is the hall. In order to highlight the grandeur, the exchange hall is more than ten meters high. People coming and going are talking inside, which makes it quite noisy.

There is a separate private room on the second floor, and the environment will be much quieter. The third floor is the auction house, which is generally closed.

After a brief introduction, the young man named Chen couldn't help but look at Han Yu.

Transactions are also possible on the first floor, but the transaction volume is usually very small. If he could go to the second floor, he could get a lot of commission.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "I need a soul-guiding submersible or a soul-guiding ship; in addition, I also need to charter a boat to go out to the deep sea."

Hearing this, the young man surnamed Chen felt embarrassed and quickly explained: "Mr. Han, chartering a boat is no problem. But the soul-guiding submersible or soul-guiding ship you mentioned are only available at auctions. I We have no right to sell directly to you, please see”

"When will the auction start?" Han Yu asked.

The young man surnamed Chen had a bitter look on his face, "Mr. Han, unfortunately, the auction just ended yesterday. The next time it opens, we can only wait until one month later."

Han Yu wasn't on vacation, so he definitely couldn't wait for a month.

However, this soul guidance ship and soul guidance submarine are completely tasteless existences in the eyes of the locals. Just think about it, any captain who can go to sea doesn't have a sea chart in his mind? And the soul guide ship is small and cannot withstand strong winds and waves, so what is the use of it?

As for the soul-guiding submarine, this is even more useless. When sailing underwater, you can't see the sea conditions at all, and if you make a slight mistake, you will veer off course. Moreover, soul-guiding submarines are not that strong, and ordinary thousand-year soul beasts can destroy them.

Putting these two items at an auction is just an added bonus at most, and there is a high probability that no one will buy them.

Thinking of this, Han Yu casually threw the token into the hands of the young man named Chen.

"It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out. Take this token to your boss and let him find a way to figure it out."

"This" the young man surnamed Chen did not recognize the token at first. After looking at it a few more times, his pupils shrank a lot in an instant, and he said in a trembling voice: "Subordinate, I have met the elder."

In Hanhai City's Wuhun Hall, the biggest one is the hall master here, who is at the level of a cardinal. Moreover, this is one of the few sea soul masters' territories on the mainland, and the elders of Wuhun Palace may not appear here even once in decades.

As a member of Wuhun Palace, the young man surnamed Chen had received training in this area, but he still did not recognize the token at the first time.

"Elder Han, please go to the VIP room with me first. My subordinates will find Director Wang later."

Han Yu did not refuse.

Entering the second floor of the exchange, the environment here is in sharp contrast to the hall. Not only is there no noise, the floor here is also quite clean and there is no smell.

"Don't keep my affairs public, let alone reveal anything to others, do you understand?"

"Yes, I will obey Elder Han's orders."

As a broker on an exchange, your ability to observe people's opinions is naturally not bad. The young man named Chen did not dare to neglect and quickly arranged for Han Yu to bring Hanhai City's specialty fruits.

After doing all this, he quickly went to Director Wang's office. When he handed the token to Director Wang, the latter ejected directly from his seat and arrived at the VIP room where Han Yu was.

Manager Wang held the token with both hands respectfully and handed it to Han Yu.

Looking at the bald middle-aged man, Han Yu said calmly: "I think Xiao Chen must have told you about my request just now."

Manager Wang rubbed his hands and said with a flattering look on his face: "Sir, I have already said it. I have already sent people to the warehouse to pick it up. As for the chartered ship, I have also sent people to find the ship." , I guarantee that you will be satisfied, Mr. Elder.”

Although the soul-guiding submarine and soul-guiding ship were the only items in the auction, they had never been photographed before. Manager Wang relied on his authority to take them out and give them to Han Yu as a favor. Naturally, he also had his own ideas.

With their privileges, these people can get things done surprisingly quickly.

After a cup of tea, the staff in the exchange found two items from the warehouse. It was put in charge by Wang and handed over to Han Yu personally.

"Sir Elder, this is what you want."

On the tray padded with red cloth, there were two toy-sized soul submersibles and soul guidance ships. The reduced size makes it easy to carry and fit into a soul guide. Once soul power is injected into it, it will quickly change to its original size.

According to Supervisor Wang, they bought these two items from a child. They originally thought they were picked up, but they didn't expect to be able to sell them at all.

"Let's negotiate a price. I won't take my own things for nothing." Han Yu accepted the two soul tools and said casually.

"This" Manager Wang hesitated for a moment.

He originally planned to give this to Han Yu as a favor in exchange for his chance to be promoted in the future. But after all, he didn't understand Han Yu's temperament, so it would be troublesome if it was self-defeating.

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Sir Elder, these two soul tools were originally collected by my subordinates at the price of two gold soul coins. They have not been sold at the auction for so long, which proves that they are not worth it. It’s so much money, why don’t you just give me the cost price?”

Han Yu smiled lightly and threw away a check for one hundred gold soul coins.

Don't ask, just ask for the minimum check limit of one hundred gold soul coins.

"Thank you, Mr. Elder." Manager Wang would not ask for change.

Of course, he "returned" the extra ninety-eight gold soul coins to Han Yu in another way.

I saw Manager Wang whispering instructions to the waiters, and soon, the waiters brought plates of valuable fruits.

Half an hour later, the waiter led a dark-skinned man into the private room.

Manager Wang introduced: "Sir, let me introduce to you. This is Captain Haider. His ship often goes into and out of the deep sea. Don't you need to charter a ship? Captain Haider has this ability."

Haider took off the hood on his forehead, bowed slightly and said, "I am the captain of the Sea Devil, Haider. Dear noble gentleman, I am honored to serve you."

Haider, this name sounds familiar.

Han Yu didn't speak in a hurry, but in the eyes of Manager Wang, it turned into dissatisfaction with Haider.

He quickly said: "Sir, Captain Haider is a famous captain in Hanhai City. If you are not satisfied, I can"

Han Yu waved his hand. Just now, he remembered who the other party was.

Captain Haider is a member of the Purple Pearl pirate group. Not only does Purple Pearl have abnormal sexual orientation, but none of her pirates are good.

It is true that Haider can lead the fleet into the deep sea, but there are also many people who are robbed by him along the way.

Thinking of this, Han Yu asked with a smile: "Captain Haider, let me ask you if you know about the Purple Pearl Pirates."

Hearing this, a trace of panic flashed in Haider's eyes, but he quickly calmed down, "Sir, you are joking. We who are running boats don't know the name of the Purple Pearl Pirates."

Director Wang was even more angry and said: "Sir, you don't know something. This group of pirates is so rampant that they have robbed merchant ships belonging to our Wuhun Palace several times. If it weren't for the incompetence of the Imperial navy, those pirates would have been wiped out long ago."

Han Yu said with a half-smile, "Oh? It seems that Director Wang hates pirates deeply. Why are the guards so stunned? They caught Haider!"

The two guards following Haider looked at each other in confusion, wondering why Han Yu would issue such an order. Moreover, they did not know Han Yu's identity, so they all looked at Manager Wang in unison.

Haider had no doubts about fraud and knew that his identity would only lead to death if his identity was exposed. He rushed to Manager Wang in one stride and grabbed the other person's neck with one hand. The sea snake martial spirit behind him appeared immediately. Five soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, and purple, appeared at his feet.

"With the strength of the Soul King, it seems that your status in the Purple Pearl Pirate Group is not low." Han Yu said lightly.

"So what if I'm discovered by you? As long as I'm at sea, no one can do anything to me." Haider snorted coldly.

He never figured out why his identity, which he had worked so hard for so long, was exposed. What's more, he clearly remembered that Han Yu had never been on his ship before.

Seeing Manager Wang becoming a hostage, the guards quickly surrounded him, but they did not dare to make any next move for fear of offending Haider.

"Haider, you are actually a pirate." Manager Wang looked extremely sad.

Once upon a time, many wealthy businessmen wanted to go sightseeing in the sea, but he personally delivered them to pirates.

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