The seven qualifying teams all stood in the center of the ring.

In order to avoid a direct fight between the Canaan Chamber of Commerce and the Haotian Sect, the Wuhun Palace deliberately separated them.

On the high platform, Bibi Dong delivered an important speech: "Seven of your teams will compete in the final round, and the top three will become the new top three sects."

Bibi Dong said a lot of scene talk.

None of this matters, what matters is the next game.

The seven emerging sects are: Haotian Sect, Canaan Chamber of Commerce, Elephant Armor Sect, Holy Dragon Sect, Black Tiger Sect, Rock Antelope Sect and Bird Bee Sect.

The strength of the Fengjian Sect lies in the sect's inherited sword formation. Although Feng Bailong's own soul power level is not low, without the blessing of the sword formation, the Fengjian martial soul obviously lacks attack power, and was eventually eliminated.

It is worth mentioning that Feng Bailong once pursued Tang Yuehua. Han Yu didn't know the specific situation, but in the end Feng Bailong did not win Tang Yuehua's favor, and he lost his eyes because of it.

It is rumored that Tang Yuehua admires his brother Tang Hao. Perhaps his eyesight is caused by Tang Yuehua blowing wind in Tang Hao's ear, and ultimately caused by Tang Hao.

As a high-level executive of Wuhun Palace, Han Yu knew that Fengjian Sect had secretly defected to Wuhun Palace, and to show his determination, Feng Bailong also informed Bibi Dong of the weaknesses of the sect's inherited sword formation.

However, although the outside world has long forgotten this matter, the people of Haotian Sect must remember it clearly. In the future, they may use Tang Yuehua to form a political marriage and draw the Fengjian Sect into their camp.

At the beginning, Feng Bailong was just the outer deacon of Fengjian Sect, and Tang Yuehua was Tang Chen's granddaughter. Their identities were completely unequal. Nowadays, Feng Bailong has become the leader of a sect, and the sect is not small in scale. Paired with the older leftover daughter of the Haotian Sect, it is more than enough.

As for whether Feng Bailong would betray Wuhun Palace because of Tang Yuehua. Han Yu thought it was impossible.

His eyes were blind and he couldn't see Tang Yuehua's face at all. Furthermore, he is not the young man he was back then. As the leader of a sect, he will definitely put the interests of the sect first.

If Han Yu's guess is correct, Feng Bailong will not only not agree to the marriage, but he will even seek revenge from the Haotian Sect.

As for the Fire Leopard Sect, their sect is based in the Star Luo Empire. Their first sect master had close ties with the Star Luo royal family, but after the first sect master passed away, the Star Luo Empire began to suppress them. Nowadays, the Fire Leopard Sect is no longer what it used to be, and the sect continues to decline.

In the previous game, the Fire Leopard Sect Master and Feng Bailong fought fiercely, causing both of them to have hidden wounds in their bodies. In the subsequent games, they were defeated by the Bird Bee Sect Master and the Chamois Sect Master.

"In the first qualifying match, the Canaan Chamber of Commerce will face the Elephant Armor Sect."

"Two sect masters, please choose whether to start the sect leader war first or the elders war."

"Elders fight." Hu Yanzhen snorted coldly.

Facing Level 95 Dugu Bo, he could only get beaten. However, the Xiangjia Sect has been on the rise in recent years, and Hu Yanzhen will not be stupid enough to embarrass himself first.

Dugu Bo's strength is superior to that of the other party. To refute the other party's proposal at this time seems to lose the majesty of a strong man.

Seeing this, the referee quickly announced: "The first battle of elders, Elder Yang Wudi versus Elder Hu Yanbo."

The names of the other two elders of the Xiangjia Sect are Hu Yanqi and Hu Yannan.

Except for the surnames of these three guys, the combination of their first names has a unique flavor.

Hu Yanbo is a proper inferior horse. With a strength of level 81, he cannot beat Yang Wudi no matter what.

In just one minute, Hu Yanbo was knocked off the ring.

Hu Yannan, as a superior horse, had a close fight with Bai He. In the end, Hu Yannan deliberately betrayed a flaw and was defeated by Bai He.

The final outcome was that the Canaan Chamber of Commerce directly secured the victory with a score of 6:0. With the huge score gap, even if they win the sect leader battle, the Elephant Armor Sect has no hope of coming back.

The suzerain battle did not take place, and the referee directly declared the victory of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce.

The competition on the first day was not very intense, but the highlight started on the second day.

The Bird Bee Sect and the Rock Antelope Sect are the two weakest sects among the seven sects. In order not to be at the bottom, they desperately hope to defeat each other. The Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect are also competing fiercely for the top three sects.

However, Han Yu did not go to the conference today.

At this time, Davis approached him. This was Han Yu's sponsor, and he couldn't just shirk it. The two met at a teahouse in Wuhun Palace.

Davis took the initiative to pour tea for Han Yu and said respectfully: "Dean Han, I haven't seen you for many days. If the situation hadn't been complicated, I wouldn't have bothered you."

Han Yu nodded slightly, picked up the tea cup in front of him and took a sip, "Your Highness Davis, I wonder what you want from me? You have not yet met the prerequisites we originally agreed upon."

Davis smiled and said: "Dean Han, I'm telling you the truth. The empire is in a very bad situation right now. The Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire have joined forces and are eyeing us on the border. We in the Star Luo Empire don't have many strong men. , once a war breaks out, we will definitely suffer.”

The tension on the mainland is largely caused by the border confrontation between the two empires.

It turned out that when the Qibao Glazed Sect was still there, they supported the Tiandou Empire. As a result, the two countries were equally powerful and would not easily start a large-scale war. But things were different after that.

With the destruction of the Qibao Glazed Sect and Xue Qinghe's lack of experience in handling state affairs, a serious imbalance in the strength of the two countries emerged. This is why the Star Luo Empire launched an attack on the Tiandou Empire in the name of recovering lost territory.

Although the war was stopped due to Wuhun Palace, and Wuhun Palace did not directly declare its support for the Tiandou Empire, their series of actions undoubtedly did not indicate to the outside world that they were completely on the side of the Tiandou Empire.

The balance between the two countries was once again out of balance. Davis did not know the reason why the Tiandou Empire had not launched a war, but he could not just watch the Tiandou Empire grow stronger.

"Your Highness Davis, His Majesty Xue Qinghe of the Tiandou Empire has been kind to me. Do you want me to be an unjust person?" Han Yu's tone became a little more serious.

Now that Tang San, Ning Fengzhi and the others were within the Star Luo Empire, he hoped that these guys would use Dai Mubai to cause some trouble for Davis. Now is not a good time to help Davis.

"No, no, no, Dean Han, you misunderstood." Davis quickly put on a weak posture and explained: "I hope that Dean Han can say something nice in front of Emperor Xue Qinghe, our two countries Fighting is also detrimental to your Canaan Chamber of Commerce, so I hope that Dean Han can think about himself and the people of the two great empires of Tiandou Star Luo."

Rather than considering the people, it is better to say that Davis was considering his own political achievements.

If Han Yu remembered correctly, Davis had carried out many projects in the Haliang Province, which was connected to the Fasnuo Province of the Tiandou Empire. Now it's time to pick peaches, and once the war starts, his efforts will most likely be ruined.

Davis is overly worried about this. The time has not come yet, and the continental war cannot start. Once there are signs, Wuhun Palace will immediately extinguish them, without Han Yu's intervention at all.

Of course, it’s not ruled out that Davis has other ideas.

"His Royal Highness Davis understands righteousness, I admire him very much." Changing the subject, Han Yu sneered: "However, the extent of what His Highness Davis said is true and false remains to be considered."

As he said that, he stood up and said, "I will naturally not go back on what I promised you. Your Highness, Davis, I advise you not to be impatient. Some things cannot be forced."

After Han Yu left, Davis looked a little ugly.

"What did Dean Han say? Did he agree?" Zhu Zhuyun came from not far away and asked anxiously.

Davis shook his head, "He didn't fall for it. Zhuyun, prepare your next plan. If successful, we will ascend to the Supreme."

Yes, Davis now wants to replace his father.

The palace change initiated by Xue Qinghe gave him hope. Moreover, Xue Qinghe was similar in age to him, but the latter had already become the emperor, while he was always just a prince.

The incident in Tiandou Palace made Dai Tianfeng even more wary of him, and different voices also appeared in the court.

The issue of Davis losing to Dai Mubai was mentioned again.

The driving force behind this is most likely Dai Tianfeng himself. He wanted to use this to put pressure on Davis to clarify his position.

The implication is that according to the rules of the Star Luo Empire, it was impossible for Davis to ascend to the throne in the first place, that is, because Dai Mubai's six senses were incomplete and he was missed by him. Dai Tianfeng could dethrone him as the crown prince at any time with just one word.

It is not impossible for the Star Luo Empire to mobilize the whole country to rescue and cure Dai Mubai.

Dai Mubai is now out of Davis' sight. This is a time bomb. Davis will not sit still and wait for death. Rather than getting rid of Dai Mubai, he wanted to get it done in one step.

As long as he becomes emperor, Dai Mubai will dare to come back. All he could do was to have his martial spirit abolished and sent to the frontier.

"Zhuyun, I heard that Xue Qinghe intends to attack the Haotian Sect. You should write to the chief of staff now. Since Dean Han is unwilling to help us resist the pressure of Wuhun Palace, we must find another way. The Haotian Sect supported it back then. Father, it’s not difficult to get them to support the Star Luo Empire.”

"In addition, tell the chief of staff that I intend to give Haotian Sect some extra-legal powers and let him find a way to hide it from my father as much as possible."

This chief of staff has sided with Davis a long time ago, and Davis trusts him extremely.

"Weiss, once we fail, Dai Mubai will most likely pick up the slack. When the time comes, we"

Davis interrupted: "Zhuyun, there is no emperor in the Star Luo Empire who has not had the blood of his own race in his hands. As long as I become the emperor, everyone in the world will have to shut up!"

On the way back to the venue, Han Yu thought for a long time.

In his impression, Davis is a steady person who does not show impatience easily.

There is only one possibility now. What Davis wants to do is very difficult and may risk losing his head.

With his status in the Star Luo Empire, there was only one thing that would make him lose his head.

"Looking at Xue Qinghe's ascendancy, he can't sit still." Han Yu sneered.

"Dean Han, why are you here so late? The battle between the Bird Bee Sect Master and the Gazelle Sect Master just now won the applause of many people." The Minister of the Tiandou Empire, who was sitting behind Han Yu, took the initiative to get close to him.

The battle between the two beautiful sect masters, coupled with their equal strength, will definitely make the battle exciting. However, there are more people with evil intentions. When they see two beauties fighting each other, they start to feel restless.

Han Yu responded casually and slowly shifted his gaze to the ring.

The match between the Bird Bee Sect and the Chamois Sect has ended. Although the Chamois Sect lost the sect leader battle, their three-game victory in the elders battle established a victory for them.

Now is the battle between the Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect.

"The match between the Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect, the first match is the sect leader battle."

"Please invite Sect Master Huyan and Sect Master Tuoba."

In this match, Hu Yanzhen had little chance of winning. Although Diamond Mammoth's martial spirit has amazing defensive power, it doesn't have much offensive power. Facing Tuoba Xi, who had comprehensive offense and defense and whose soul power level was higher than his, all he could do was to delay for a while to make his defeat less ugly.

The real deciding factor between the Elephant Armor Sect and the Holy Dragon Sect is the elder battle. Hu Yanzhen was confident that he could successfully arrest the Holy Dragon Sect in the order he arranged.

"Hu Yanzhen, we are old friends too. There is no need to test each other, let's fight with all our strength." Tuoba Xi said with an arrogant expression, his hands behind his back.

He would not lose in the clan leader battle, and as long as they won one round in the elder battle, they would be able to secure the victory directly. But if their superior horse cannot meet the opponent's inferior horse, they also have no chance of winning. The key to deciding these two sects turned out to be an elder battle.

"That's what I mean, the seventh soul skill, the martial soul true body."

The Diamond Mammoth Martial Spirit rose up from the ground, and while letting out a long roar, its eyes were fixed on Tuoba Xi.

Tuoba Xi was extremely calm, "You are still the same, seventh soul skill, true form of the holy dragon."

His martial spirit is the White-armored Earth Dragon, but it is only a sub-dragon martial spirit. In terms of martial spirit strength, it is even weaker than the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There is a saying that is true, if the tiger is not in the mountain, the monkey becomes the king. After the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family was wiped out, the Holy Dragon Sect became the strongest dragon spirit inheritance sect on the continent.

"He looks like a villain who has succeeded." Dugu Bo said with a sneer under the ring.

The true form of the Holy Dragon, the name sounds quite bluffing. But in front of Dugu Bo's Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor, it was nothing. Even when the two are at the same level, Dugu Bo is capable of taking down Tuoba Xi.

"Hmph, guys like the Holy Dragon Sect, if they hadn't surrendered yesterday, I wouldn't have beaten them." Yang Wudi snorted coldly.

"If it weren't for the Haotian Sect and us, Tuoba Xi would really think that the Holy Dragon Sect would be the number one sect in the world." Bai He got a lot of information about them. Especially during the period before the re-election meeting of the seven major sects, Tuoba Xi had just broken through the title of Douluo, and the Holy Dragon Sect regarded itself as the best sect in the world and acted very arrogantly.

Niu Gao added, "The Elephant Armor Sect is not a good bird either. Before we joined Canaan City, Hu Yanzhen already wanted to annex us. Humph, this guy's ambitions are not good either. If he had Dean Han, With that kind of strength, the entire continent would probably be thrown into disarray by him.”

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