Since the birth of Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao can no longer be the hands-off shopkeeper he was before.

In just over a month, many vicious incidents caused by disciples of the Haotian Sect have occurred in some cities near the Haotian Sect, and most of the disciples who committed evil were older generation disciples. These people once lived in the powerful era of Haotian Sect, but now after being born, the animal nature in their bones is completely undisguised. As for the fourth generation of young disciples, their behavior will be restrained to a certain extent.

Tang Xiao had a headache about this, but he wouldn't change anything. On the contrary, he was still very encouraging.

The world has probably forgotten the majesty of the Haotian Sect for these people who are closed to the world. The actions of the disciples are also promoting the Haotian Sect to a certain extent.

Early this morning, after Tang Xiao read Wuhun Daily, he quickly negotiated with the three elders in the main hall.

"Three elders, since Wuhun Palace is willing to provide this platform, why can't our Haotian Sect use this conference to regain its former glory?" Tang Xiao expressed his thoughts.

However, he can't just go to the re-election meeting of the seven major sects alone. Although the outcome of the Sect Leader Battle accounts for 40% of the total score, if there are not three elders to participate in the Elder Battle, they might be eliminated in the first round.

The fourth elder was the first to express his position, "I agree with the sect leader. Our Haotian Sect has been closed for too long, and some young people may have forgotten our strength. This opportunity is also a good time for us to show our muscles to the world."

Since being sidelined by Xue Qinghe, the fourth elder's voice in Haotian Sect has weakened a lot. He is eager to gain some voice for himself through this conference.

The second elder said solemnly: "Fourth, don't be rude. Wuhun Palace will send out the announcement, and they probably guessed that we will go. The venue of the meeting is Wuhun City, which is the hometown of Wuhun Palace. We went there rashly, It's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth. Sect Master, this matter needs to be discussed in a long-term way, and it must not be rushed."

Two voices appeared at the same time, giving Tang Xiao a headache. The four elders, who wanted to make meritorious deeds, would support his ideas. But the third elder who wants stability will definitely support the second elder. In a two-on-two situation, no one can convince anyone.

But soon, a turning point came.

When they evacuated, the fourth elder brought Tang Yuehua back. However, the confidants Tang Yuehua had cultivated in Tiandou City over the years were not implicated.

No, after getting the news, she immediately came to report it.

The second elder looked displeased and said, "Yuehua, why did you run in so hurriedly?"

Tang Yuehua is a ninth-level soul warrior. If it weren't for Tang Xiao's relationship, she would have been expelled from the Haotian Sect long ago. But even with Tang Xiao's support, she couldn't just barge into such an important meeting.

"Three elders and sect masters, my people brought news from the Tiandou Imperial Palace. Xue Qinghe plans to attack our Haotian Sect in the name of the disciples of the Haotian Sect affecting the security of the empire. Moreover, at the court meeting this morning, the Tiandou Empire Plans have been established and they will take action soon.”

Hearing this, the fourth elder said angrily: "Hmph, Xue Qinghe set up a trap to harm me, and now he dares to attack Haotian Sect. I think he is tired of living. Sect leader, second elder, I personally went to Tiandou Palace to find out Xue Qinghe theory!”

"Fourth brother, no." The second elder quickly stopped him.

Just kidding, Xue Qinghe was the orthodox emperor of the Tiandou Empire. He used the excuse of maintaining public order to attack the Haotian Sect, which was completely out of the blue. Besides, how can they themselves not know the virtues of Haotian Sect disciples?

If the Fourth Elder were to attack the Tiandou Palace, what reason would he use? Could it be that it was just for revenge? Don't be naive, if you really do this, the Haotian Sect will be immediately labeled as a reactionary element.

Xue Qinghe will only need to do some simple operations at that time, and they may be accused of undermining the peace of the mainland. The Haotian Sect has offended many forces. If these people united with the Tiandou Empire to attack them, it would be a disaster.

"I think Xue Qinghe is lying in the name of public security. He is really trying to take advantage of the opportunity to restrict the development of our Haotian Sect." The third elder sneered.

Seeing that they were still arguing, Tang Xiao waved his hand and said, "Yuehua, there's nothing important. You can go down first."

After Tang Yuehua left, he expressed his opinion: "The current location of the sect is in a remote place, and the road in and out of the sect is very dangerous. In the past, the sect was in a defensive state, and this was the best choice. But the sect was in a defensive state. Now we need to expand, and the old practices no longer apply.”

"I think back when my grandfather was still alive, our Haotian Sect chose to support the Star Luo Empire. Perhaps the Tiandou Empire made such a move because of this reason."

"My idea is simple. Now that we have been born, expansion on the mainland is inevitable. Why don't we move to the Star Luo Empire and support the Star Luo royal family again."

The second elder touched his chin and said: "Martial Soul Palace is supporting the Tiandou Empire openly and covertly. The Star Luo Empire is now under great pressure and does not dare to approach rashly. When we move to the territory of the Star Luo Empire at this time, it is undoubtedly for Dai Tian Feng Yizhen. I agree with the sect leader, but how to decide on the location of the new sect?”

"We have not entered the territory of the Star Luo Empire for many years. The sect must be very careful when choosing a location."

Speaking of this, Tang Xiao smiled from the bottom of his heart.

The news brought by Tang Yuehua was bad news for Haotian Sect, but it was good news for Tang Xiao. After the words of the second elder, Tang Xiao continued: "Second elder, we are afraid that we will not be able to find a new location for the sect in a short period of time. We cannot drag our family with us and search as we go; once the Tiandou Empire When we come to the sect, shall we resist or compromise?”

The second elder sighed, he had no better idea.

Tang Xiao took out the newspaper and pointed at the above paragraph, "Three elders, please take a look at Wuhun Palace's promise. Once we leave Haotian Sect, whoever dares to attack the sect will be tantamount to attacking Wuhun Palace." The Soul Palace declares war. The content of this newspaper is consistent across the continent. The Soul Palace will not shoot itself in the foot. Since he dares to promise, he will keep his word. "

"Since Xue Qinghe has taken refuge in Wuhun Palace, it is even more impossible for him to disobey Wuhun Palace in this matter."

"Three elders, the re-election meeting of the seven major sects cannot be completed overnight. I am sure that the number of sects participating this time must be very huge. During this period, we have the protection of Wuhun Palace, isn't it for The new location of the sect has added a lot of thinking time? "

"This" the second elder was speechless for a moment.

It was precisely because of his words that Tang Xiao's proposal was prompted. He didn't have a better proposal at the moment, so how could he easily reject Tang Xiao?

"Second brother, in my opinion, it may be feasible. Wuhun Palace handles affairs with great fanfare, and we will never dare to go back on our words. Moreover, this is a good opportunity to promote the sect. Time waits for no one." The fourth elder took the opportunity to say.

The second elder thought for a long time and finally agreed with Tang Xiao's proposal. In exchange for the address of the new sect, he enjoyed a greater say.

On this day, the same scene was staged in all major sects.

In general, going to the conference can protect the sect from threats during this period. Even the sects who had a feud with Wuhun Palace planned to go to the meeting. Without him, the re-election meeting of the seven major sects has become the focus of attention across the continent.

As long as Wuhundian is not stupid, he will definitely not attack them during the conference.

The next morning, Wuhun Palace once again issued a continent-wide announcement.

The content of this announcement announced the list of sects participating in the conference. Moreover, Wuhun Palace stipulates that the registration time is five days, and the first team to arrive at Wuhun City after five days can directly compete.

It is worth mentioning that the Haotian Sect, which was the focus of discussion by many people on the mainland yesterday, also appeared on the list.

Many people were not surprised by them. As the former number one sect in the world, it is not surprising that they want to use the re-election meeting of the seven major sects to regain their original influence after being in seclusion for many years.

But there is a force whose name on the list is very eye-catching.

"The Canaan Chamber of Commerce, they are not a chamber of commerce, why are they here to join in the fun?"

Yes, the Canaan Chamber of Commerce also participated in this conference.

The nature of the Chamber of Commerce is very different from that of the sect. Logically speaking, Wuhun Palace should not allow them to participate.

Except for some big nobles, no one can figure out the reason for this.

"The Wuhun Palace just wants to use the power of the Canaan Chamber of Commerce to contain the Haotian Sect." Yu Xiaogang, who has great wisdom, quickly figured out the reason.

As for whether the Canaan Chamber of Commerce has a deep relationship with Wuhun Palace, it is not important in Yu Xiaogang's eyes. Both are his enemies, so what if they work together.

In the Haotian Sect, Tang Xiao looked at the contents of the Wuhun Daily with an ugly expression.

"Canaan Chamber of Commerce, why are they here?"

"If I remember correctly, the youngest son of Tang You's family was killed by the law enforcement team of Canaan City a few days ago. Huh, I haven't gone to Canaan City to settle the score with Han Yu yet, but he can't wait to cause trouble for us." Three The elder said angrily.

Tang You is a disciple of his lineage. If Tang Xiao and the other two elders hadn't stopped him a few days ago, he would have gone to Canaan City long ago.

The Canaan Chamber of Commerce is just a chamber of commerce, but they have developed very rapidly in recent years. Behind them are three titled Douluo, Han Yu, Dugu Bo, and Li Tian. Although they are not a sect, their influence is far greater than that of the current Haotian Sect. .

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the purpose of their participation in this meeting is to compete with the Haotian Sect.

Tang Xiao said in a deep voice: "Third Elder, don't get excited. Wuhun Palace allows us to participate in the conference, so there is no reason to reject the Canaan Chamber of Commerce. If we make a big fuss about this, I am afraid that many people on the mainland will stand up and target us. ”

After a pause, he continued: "I heard Yuehua talk about Han Yu. He had the strength of Contra seven years ago, when he was only in his twenties. At this age, seven years have passed since then. It is inevitable that he will become a titled Douluo in a few years, but he has only made a handful of attacks, and we don’t know what his current strength is.”

"If his strength exceeds mine, I'm afraid the title of the number one sect in the world will fall into his hands."

Han Yu didn't take many actions, but Dugu Bo was the face of Canaan City. There are records of the number of times he took action in recent years, no less than twenty times. And he has at least level ninety-four strength, while the three elders of Haotian Sect are only level ninety-three at most. Moreover, they are old and can no longer exert their full strength at their respective levels.

The sect leader battle accounts for 40% of the weight, and there are three elder battles, each accounting for 20%. As long as Han Yu wins the sect leader battle and Dugu Bo wins the elder battle, they can already seal the victory in advance.

Everyone in the Haotian Sect had a headache when Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway.

"Han Yu's talent is probably even better than that of the old sect master. Alas~ It's a pity that Lao Qi offended him in the Star Dou Forest, otherwise our Haotian Sect would have gained a powerful ally." The second elder collapsed. Sitting on the chair, sighing repeatedly.

What is past is past. Even if you regret it now, it's too late.

"Don't worry, Sect Leader. Even if we risk our lives, we three old guys will win three games in the Elders' War." The fourth elder said firmly.

"However, Han Yu doesn't seem to be very close to Wuhun Palace. Canaan City was built based on Canaan College. I remember that Xue Qinghe originally wanted to build a separate college for Han Yu. Later, Xingluo and Tiandou During the conflict on the border, the Tiandou Empire handed over the land that was originally intended to be allocated to Han Yu. "

"The Wuhun Palace also wanted to build a college at that time. Han Yu was given half of the jurisdiction for no reason. He will definitely be resentful about this. Perhaps we can find a breakthrough in this aspect."

The Haotian Sect was previously in a closed stage, with very limited ways to obtain information, and Han Yu deliberately concealed it. Very few outsiders know about his relationship with Wuhun Palace. It is normal for Tang Xiao to make such a judgment without knowing anything about it.

"In any case, let's start with the issue of the sect's new location first. The re-election meeting of the seven major sects is just a tack-on. As long as our Haotian Sect is still among the top three sects, there will still be room for mediation in some matters in the future." The second elder agreed.

A few days later, all major sects went to Wuhun Hall one after another.

After Han Yu explained Ye Lingling's next training matters, he hurried to Wuhun Hall.

For those larger sects, there is no need for them to participate in the early start of the seven major sects' re-election conference. Only some small sects rushed here in advance for the safety of their sects.

In order to prevent them from looking for trouble, Wuhun Palace came up with this countermeasure.

The people of these small sects naturally know how much they weigh, and even the current winners will not choose to attack those big sects with an egg against a stone. Moreover, being able to see competitions between strong men will be of great help to their future cultivation.

Bibi Dong will not come here to host the conference before all the sects arrive. Currently, the job of maintaining order at the venue falls on Tieniu.

Hu Liena listened to Bibi Dong's opinions and used her achievements in this operation to win the opportunity for Tieniu to make meritorious deeds.

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