"President, what's going on? Why did Hongjun leave just after he came back? I just packed up a wing." Zhao Wuji came over and said puzzledly: "By the way, Hongjun was sneaky when he came back. It seems like something happened. President, what were you talking about?"

Flanders turned his back and sighed: "I just hope Hongjun can listen to what I say. Hey, it's getting late, Old Zhao. You should go back and rest."

After that, he walked into the office minding his own business.

Zhao Wuji saw that he had something on his mind and hesitated for a moment at the door of the office. Then he walked in, intending to ask what happened.

"What's going on? Are you dissatisfied with Hongjun's cultivation over the years and drove him away? President, you are not an impulsive person. Is there anything you can't say properly?"

Flender shook his head and said with a bitter look on his face: "Old Zhao, I think we have found the whereabouts of Yu Xiaogang and the others."

"What's the meaning?"

In the past, Ma Hongjun didn't have much feeling about the evil fire issue. On the contrary, I felt that the process of releasing the evil fire was very enjoyable. This concept that has been developed since childhood generally does not disappear with age.

In other words, what Ma Hongjun said was actually an excuse. In the past, although Ma Hongjun's moral character was not very good. But at least he can walk and sit upright. Even if he falls in love with a beautiful woman, he will not make love in his heart, but tease her in person.

The only explanation is that Ma Hongjun was instigated by others. And the person behind him needs money very much.

To sum up, except for Yu Xiaogang and others who want to escape from the Star Luo Empire, others don't need much money. If it was to get a wife, Ma Hongjun would definitely say it openly instead of being vague.

Flanders gave the money, firstly, hoping to use the money to save Ma Hongjun's life (in case of personal danger). Secondly, the money can also allow Ma Hongjun to get away from those people and ensure that there will be no problems with the quality of life.

After listening to Flanders' explanation, Zhao Wuji punched the wall angrily with his fist, "Damn it, it must have been this guy Yu Xiaogang's idea. I grew up watching Hongjun, he would never do this. No matter what the means."

Flanders walked to the window and looked at the crescent moon outside the window. He said with some shame: "People always have selfish motives, just like us, we will not give up our current life. From frugality to luxury, from luxury to luxury Jian, we’re afraid we can’t do it.”

"Xiao Gang, I hope you will treat Hong Jun kindly for the sake of past friendship."

He was almost certain that Yu Xiaogang and others were somewhere outside the city. If he informed the city guards of the news at this time, he would be rewarded regardless of whether he caught Yu Xiaogang and others.

He chose not to say it, largely for the sake of Ma Hongjun's safety.

"Old Zhao, you know this and I know it. Don't let the third person know, and don't make fearless sacrifices." Flender reminded. After all, if money is gone, you can make it again, but if people are gone, there is nothing.

After getting the money, Ma Hongjun handed it over immediately.

"Fat man, how did you get so much money?" Tang San asked in surprise.

It's not like he has never seen a check before. This kind of check with Flanders seal can be exchanged at any Wuhun bank.

Yu Xiaogang took the check and checked it briefly with the help of the weak moonlight. He looked at Ma Hongjun with a strange expression, "Hongjun, are you sure you haven't informed Flender about our affairs?"

How dare Ma Hongjun say that? Among their group, there is a strong man like Bone Douluo; if the news leaks out to him, not only will he himself be in trouble, but other people who learn the news will also be implicated.

Yu Xiaogang touched his chin and placed the check casually on the desk beside him, "Flanders must have guessed something. As long as we take this check and go to the Wuhun Bank in Soto City to exchange it, I'm afraid our whereabouts will be revealed immediately. Exposed. Who knows, Flanders has sent people waiting at Wuhun Bank, and when we go to cash the check, the troops of the Tiandou Empire will swarm over. "

Ma Hongjun was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the money he received would turn into a hot potato. "Master, this is impossible, Teacher."

Tang San smiled faintly, "Teacher, the Tiandou Empire wants us, but the Star Luo Empire has not launched a wanted search for us. When we arrive in the Star Luo Empire, we can definitely use this check."

"The Wuhun Palace has no obligation to arrest people for the Tiandou Empire, and the reputation Wuhun Bank has accumulated over the past few years cannot be compared with these five hundred thousand gold soul coins. If it doesn't work, we can also spend the check directly. . And I think that not only the Tiandou Empire, but also the Star Luo Empire should have underground channels to exchange checks for gold soul coins."

What Tang San said was true, there were quite a few businessmen who cashed checks for others on the black market. Most of these people have some relationship with Wuhun Palace, and Wuhun Bank is quite happy to exchange the checks they took, but they cannot exchange them in full.

Wuhundian also understands that it is impossible to completely destroy these black and gray industries. Instead of doing this, it is better to use the hands of these businessmen to earn more gold soul coins for them.

"What Xiaosan said makes sense. Okay, Hongjun, you go back and rest first. If anyone asks, just say that you got up at night just now, do you understand?" Yu Xiaogang warned.

At this moment, Tang San and his party had no idea that their movements were firmly controlled by Dugu Bo.

"Hmph, if this old boy Flanders is sensible, if he dares to embezzle the Chamber of Commerce's money privately, I will definitely clean up the house." Dugu Bo snorted coldly.

The seal on the check was signed by Flanders personally, not by the Canaan Chamber of Commerce.

Embezzling money from the Chamber of Commerce privately is still funding the enemy. This behavior was enough to sentence Flanders to death.

Although Dugubo had no control over Flender's personal money, Dugubo felt it necessary to report his behavior to Han Yu.

Through the communication soul guide, the two quickly established communication.

However, Dugu Bo thought that Han Yu would ask him to take certain measures, but unexpectedly the other party had no such intention and just asked him to continue monitoring.

Han Yu's idea was also very simple, to give Tang San a glimmer of hope before completely shattering his hope. Only in this way can Tang San's fighting spirit be completely defeated.

The next morning, Gu Rong had been watching Ma Hongjun's movements last night.

Since the latter did not do anything extraordinary and was instructed by Yu Xiaogang, he did not say much about it.

Ning Fengzhi told him that their hope for revenge against Wuhun Palace in the future lies with the Shrek Seven Monsters. He and Gu Rong are both very young, and their cultivation is almost unable to progress. As for Tang San and others, geniuses with innate soul power generally above level eight, as long as they practice hard, they will definitely surpass Gu Rong in the future.

Ning Fengzhi no longer ignored some of Yu Xiaogang's opinions as before. Many times, he even agreed with the other party's ideas intentionally or unintentionally.

Although Yu Xiaogang is a master of plagiarism, he has real materials after all; the most important thing is that the Shrek Seven Monsters all use him as their backbone.

"Fengzhi, the disciples have been exploring the city for a while. The situation on the border between Xingluo and Tiandou Empire has been a bit tense recently. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for us to directly enter the Xingluo Empire." Gu Rong whispered in Ning Fengzhi's ear.

Ning Fengzhi pondered for a moment and said in a deep tone: "The period of power change in the Tiandou Empire was also the time when they were at their weakest. At the beginning, Emperor Xueye agreed to Wuhun Palace's request for his own political achievements. And Wuhun Palace , and forcefully forced Emperor Dai Tianfeng to return the land annexed from the Tiandou Empire a hundred years ago. "

"Hey~ Now, without our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Star Luo Empire will inevitably fight with the Tiandou Empire to gain more benefits."

Ning Fengzhi seemed to be thinking about the Tiandou Empire both inside and outside of his words. After hearing this, Gu Rong became furious and said, "Fengzhi, the Tiandou Empire has persecuted us like this, do you still have the heart to speak for them?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, "No, Uncle Gu. Since Qinghe has united with Wuhun Palace, once a battle breaks out between the two empires and Dai Tianfeng refuses to pay enough benefits, Wuhun Palace will probably If we unite with the Tiandou Empire to attack the Xingluo Empire, with the strength of the soul masters in the Wuhun Palace and the millions of troops in the Tiandou Empire, the Xingluo Empire will inevitably be defeated.”

"If the war breaks out too early, it will be even more detrimental to us. We may even have no time to accumulate enough strength."

"Let's go, Uncle Gu. If you can't leave the country, let's find another way."

Before setting off, under Yu Xiaogang's order, everyone went through simple disguises.

None of their main wanted criminals could show their true faces, so the human face masks Tang San made in advance came in handy.

In order not to attract attention, a group of more than a dozen carriages entered Soto City from different city gates at different times.

At noon, they met at the border.

Ning Fengzhi held the land deed and the special pass, and their carriage naturally walked at the front of the team.

"Exit restrictions, you can only leave the country at the right time!" The guard commander gave the order.

Ning Fengzhi's heart tightened. As expected, what he was worried about happened.

The group of them has gathered together, and if they stay here for too long, the risk of exposure will also increase.

At this time, Ning Fengzhi leaned out of the carriage and said, "Soldiers, I am from the Xingluo Empire. My mother was seriously ill at home yesterday and we are urgently needed to recruit my clan members back home. Please make it easier for me."

Normally, when Ning Fengzhi says something like this, even if there is no special pass, the others will make it easier for them.

But now, tensions between the two countries are high. The Star Luo Empire keeps hoarding heavy troops at the border. Looking at the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe has just ascended the throne and has no intention of mobilizing troops within the empire for the time being.

It is true that the Barak Kingdom has autonomy, but at the same time, the long border between them and the Star Luo Empire also needs to be defended by themselves.

Looking at the special pass in Ning Fengzhi's hand, the guard commander coldly snorted: "Hmph, Shen Shi is Shen Shi. Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be shot to death."

For a moment, many guards looked at Ning Fengzhi with unkind eyes, as if Ning Fengzhi made any extraordinary move, they would swarm him.

At this time, it was not easy for Gu Rong to reveal his identity. Even if Ning Fengzhi felt unhappy, she could only endure it for the time being.

"Sorry to bother you, soldiers." After saying that, Ning Fengzhi returned to the carriage angrily.

"Fengzhi, have they discovered our identities?" Gu Rong asked with a wary look.

"These people all have families. Once the two countries start a war, they will be the first batch to go to the battlefield. Alas~Uncle Bones, we can't change anything now. We can only hope that Wuhun Palace will come forward to mediate."

The only hope to avoid war between the two countries turned out to be in the hands of their enemies. Ning Fengzhi looked bitter. Now they were not just passive.

In the carriage behind them, when he heard the movement outside, Tang San said in a deep voice: "Teacher, let me get out of the car and take a look. This is the most sensitive place in the Balak Kingdom. If we are not careful, we will be exposed."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head: "Xiaosan, what we have to do is to reduce contact with outsiders. Even if you use money to please those guys now, it will often be counterproductive."

"At this moment, waiting is what we should do. Moreover, the implementation of border travel controls is not accidental. It is very likely that there will be friction between Tiandou and the Star Luo Empire. Historically, wars have occurred during the change of power. few."

Ning Fengzhi did not inform them of this matter. Yu Xiaogang could only make guesses based on the existing situation.

They were anxious to leave the Tiandou Empire, but secretly, there were people who were more anxious than them.

At this moment, Dugubo approached the guard army headquarters.

He had to go back and recover as soon as possible, but there was no time to delay here.

"General, I have seen His Majesty Dugu Mian." The guard commander bowed and saluted.

Dugu Bo was once awarded a title by Xue Ye. In addition to being a titled Douluo, he was also the Duke of the Tiandou Empire.

The Balak Kingdom is only a subsidiary kingdom, and the Duke of the Tiandou Empire has a status here second only to their king Kundera.

"Let the convoy at the front of the queue be released. I am ordered to go with them to the Star Luo Empire to collect intelligence."

Dugu Bo's two simple words instantly made the commander pay attention.

The other party was superior to him in terms of strength and status, so he certainly did not dare to ask too much, "Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I will deal with this matter."

With the commander's order, the guard captain did not dare to object.

Soon, after receiving permission, Ning Fengzhi's convoy successfully left the border of the Tiandou Empire.

"Strange, how could they change their minds." Ning Fengzhi in the carriage still couldn't figure it out.

Gu Rong shook his head, "Fengzhi, I didn't find anyone following us. Maybe it was Flanders who was secretly helping us."

If they were caught, Ma Hongjun's fate would not be much better. Flanders has been operating in Soto City for a long time, so it is not difficult to make friends with the guards.

Ning Fengzhi just took it as such and didn't think about it any more.

Rather than anyone else taking action, he still hoped that Flanders would help them.

Watching the convoy of Tang San and others gradually go away, Dugu Bo coldly snorted: "If Yanyan's next stage of training isn't too dangerous, I wouldn't be worried, so just wait here slowly."

Regarding the next stage of training, Han Yu did not tell him explicitly, but he informed him of the danger. For the sake of his granddaughter, Dugu Bo didn't want her to face it alone.

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