"Detoxification soul ring?" Ye Lingling said: "To put it bluntly, detoxification only relieves certain symptoms of poisoning. Man-made toxins require specific antidotes."

"Otherwise, wouldn't there be detoxification soul masters on the mainland?"

"However, judging from the situation last night, if I had detoxification soul skills, I should have been able to deal with last night's situation much better."

Ye Lingling thought for a while and felt that Han Yu's idea was not wrong.

Han Yu nodded slightly, knowing that he was taking it for granted.

Since the healing type soul master is not possible, then the food type soul master may be feasible.

The healing effect of the healing soul master is from the outside in, while the healing effect of the food soul master is exactly the opposite.

With the certainty of detoxification, it will be much easier to deal with Shrek's group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps.

"Lingling, please go back and rest first. Tomorrow morning, we will leave for Soto City."

[The mission is completed, and the host will be rewarded with the secret method of hiding the soul ring; the body method secret book, and the Divine Fire Seeking Flame. 】

The method of hiding the soul ring is what he needs to use most at the moment.

Otherwise, once you enter a big city like Tiandou City, the matter of the hundred thousand year soul ring will be exposed sooner or later.

As for the body technique secret book, Han Yu read the introduction and learned that the stronger the fire attribute soul power around him, the faster the body technique would bring.

"With my powerful body skills, I can defeat my opponent with minimal effort in battle. The reward this time is really good."

Early in the morning, Han Yu approached Peifeng.

"Dean, I am leaving the academy today."

Peifeng nodded and said: "I heard from that guy Alto that Wuhun Palace Junior Soul Master Academy intends to invite you to teach. Wuhun Palace is a good opportunity for you. Moreover, with the skills of Wuhun Palace With resources, our future achievements are limitless.”

When Han Yu heard this, he shook his head and said, "Dean, I don't want to go to the Spirit Hall for the time being. Let's go to the Tiandou Empire first. It seems good to join the Tiandou Royal Academy."

The person who became crazy Bibi Dong was not that stupid yet.

When Peifeng saw this, he didn't say much, he just told Han Yu what to pay attention to on the road.

After coming out of the dean's office, Han Yu approached Director Su again.

After a conversation, Han Yu officially left Notting College.

Before leaving, he took away all the property and soul master's notes from Yu Xiaogang.

After Tang San was poisoned, he fled in fear of crime. How could he, Yu Xiaogang, live a comfortable life in the hotel.

In a hotel, Tang San gradually woke up.

Looking at Xiao Wu lying beside him, he hurriedly ran forward without any time to think.

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu, wake up quickly."

"Third brother?" Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Wu's consciousness gradually returned.

However, when she saw Tang San's face, she was completely frightened.

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? I'm Tang San." Seeing Xiao Wu's actions, Tang San said quickly.

Xiao Wu took a closer look and saw the other person's clothes and figure, and then she was sure that it was her third brother.

"Third brother, what's wrong with your face? It's a bit scary."

Tang San touched his face for no apparent reason, and the skin on the left half of his face was somewhat bumpy.

He quickly took out a bronze mirror from the soul guide, and Tang San himself couldn't help but be startled by the human face reflected on the mirror.

Only half of his face was as ferocious and terrifying as a devil.

Surprised, Tang San quickly took out a long scarf from the soul guide and covered half of his face.

"Third brother, what's wrong with us? You're injured. Do you want to ask a healing soul master to take action?" Xiao Wu asked with some worry.

Tang San replied: "I just woke up. This seems to be a hotel, but there is no one there."

Tang Hao killed everyone in the hotel for their safety.

After walking out of the room, the two saw corpses piled aside.

"Third brother, let's leave quickly." Xiao Wu tugged on Tang San's sleeves and whispered.

Tang San nodded seriously.

He didn't know how long he had been unconscious or who rescued him. But the person who injured him and Xiao Wu was either a corpse in the hotel, or had already left.

Only this time, Tang San didn't know who this person was, so he couldn't label him as someone seeking death.

The two of them quickly arrived at the border city of the Barak Kingdom while the sun was just rising.

Half a month later, Soto City.

When they arrived at the city gate, they were stopped as expected.

"You need to pay a gold soul coin to enter the city."

Ye Lingling smiled calmly and took out his soul master's handbook, "We are soul masters, so we shouldn't need to pay the entrance fee."

The guard took one look and then let him go respectfully.

"You've learned a lot," Han Yu said with a smile.

"I won't give you a gold soul coin in vain." Ye Lingling shrugged.

The two came to a teahouse and sat down, and Han Yu said:

"You can stay at the Soto Hotel. I'm going to the Star Forest."

"Teacher Han, do you want to hunt souls?" Ye Lingling asked hurriedly.

Although she didn't know Han Yu's soul power level, judging from the soul power consumed the last time he treated the opponent, she understood that Han Yu's strength had grown explosively.

"The Fallen Heart Flame has the ability to speed up cultivation. You have broken through level 36 these days, largely due to this flame."

There is no need to worry about teaching tasks, Ye Lingling's cultivation speed will naturally be faster.

"Teacher Han, I'm afraid you are the most evil genius of this era. In just four or five months, you have been promoted from Soul King to Soul Emperor."

Ye Lingling couldn't help but praise: "A teacher from Tiandou Royal Academy is said to be the second youngest Soul Emperor on the mainland, but he is also in his early thirties this year."

Han Yu nodded and said, "Lingling, as long as you continue to practice step by step, you may be able to be promoted to Soul Emperor soon."

"Teacher Han, I plan to go with you this time."

Han Yu refused: "No, your soul power level is too low, and I need to hunt for soul rings that are more than 30,000 years old this time. It is too dangerous."

In the end, Ye Lingling did not insist on going with Han Yu.

In the Soto Hotel, Han Yu rushed to the Star Dou Forest after telling Ye Lingling not to leave the hotel at will these days, let alone come into contact with Shrek's people.

Ye Lingling did not refuse, but stayed in the hotel to practice.

As it got darker, Han Yu arrived at Soul Beast Town.

[Wanhuo System releases a mission to help Zhu Zhuqing escape from Shrek's clutches. The mission is completed and a self-created soul skill cheat book will be rewarded. The mission failed, and a strange fire from the host was deducted. 】

"I didn't expect that this mission would be related to Zhu Zhuqing." Han Yu touched his chin. He had wanted to do this for a long time.

That guy Dai Mubai is self-destructive and not worthy of Zhu Zhuqing at all.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's talent is indeed a bit weaker.

Han Yu thought for a while: "It seems that it's time to go to Tiandou City, and we need to plan carefully for Dugu Bo's fairy grass."

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