"The next group, Tang San versus Xiao Wu."

When the teacher called their names, the two quickly entered the ring.

"When you are ready, start by yourself." After that, the teacher walked aside.

Tang San and Xiao Wu were the only two soul masters in the academy who were innately full of soul power. However, these two did not want to make progress. Instead, they skipped classes, bullied their classmates, and contradicted their teachers. As long as they behave normally, the college will definitely engrave their names in school history.

"Third brother, I'm going to start." Xiao Wu smiled slyly.

"Come on." Tang San took a stance, and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit instantly appeared in his palm.

"Third brother, be careful."

After saying that, Xiao Wu stood up and jumped up, slamming her right leg towards Tang San.

"Xiao Wu, the one who should be careful is you."

Tang San smiled, and his first spirit ring instantly lit up.

"The first soul skill, entanglement."

Blue Silver Grass broke out of the ground and quickly wrapped around Xiao Wu's body.

Originally, if Xiao Wu wanted to break free from the shackles of the Blue Silver Grass, she would have to go through a lot of trouble.

But for some reason today, Xiao Wu actually exerted a little force, and the Bluesilver Grass was like a broken bowstring, instantly broken into several pieces.

Tang San was shocked, "How is that possible? How could Xiao Wu be so strong!"

Seeing Xiao Wu getting closer and closer to him, Tang San quickly backed away. The second soul ring under his feet also lit up.

"The second soul skill is parasitism."

Although the original Blue Silver Grass was broken, the spores remained on Xiao Wu's body.

With the activation of the soul ring, these spores grew rapidly, and in the blink of an eye Xiao Wu's entire body was wrapped in them.

After doing all this, Tang San couldn't help wiping the sweat on his forehead.

Maybe it was because he hadn't experienced actual combat for a while, but he actually felt that the pressure on him increased a lot when facing Xiao Wu.

Originally, if she was restrained like this, Xiao Wu might have given up.

But today, he felt that Tang San was deliberately letting things slip, and the toughness of Bluesilver Grass was far less than before.

"The first soul skill, waist bow." As the soul ring lit up, Xiao Wu's own strength improved a lot.

Tang San's restraints were broken in an instant.

"Xiao Wu, how is this possible?"

Before he could recover, Xiao Wu had already arrived at his side.

"Third brother, look at me. The second soul skill is charm."

Tang San, who was defenseless, was hit by Xiao Wu's charm skill and naturally lost his ability to resist.

"Xiao Wu wins." The referee announced immediately.

Ye Lingling, who was standing next to Han Yu, couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene: "Lan Yincao's choice of the control system is indeed a bit reluctant. It would be better to take the healing system, or the elemental system, at least the method is no longer so single."

Han Yu smiled slightly and said, "It seems that you agree with my theory?"

Ye Lingling nodded, "There are the fewest healing soul masters on the mainland, and there are quite a few soul masters with the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. If there can be more healing soul masters, then when a plague breaks out, civilians will not suffer heavy casualties."

Han Yu smiled and nodded.

This is exactly the original intention of proposing this theory.

However, Tang San's current Blue Silver Grass martial spirit was considered useless. To be precise, the soul ring he currently attached to is useless. If he started from the third soul ring and modified the healing system, it would definitely be more useful than it is now.

But it is estimated that Yu Xiaogang will not agree to this matter.

Not long after the game ended, Tang San woke up.

"Third brother, why do you want to release the water?"

"Xiao Wu, when did you get so strong?"

The two asked each other at the same time.


"Third brother, tell me first, what happened? Your Blue Silver Grass martial spirit became so brittle?"

Tang San said confused: "I didn't release the water, I just released the soul skill normally. Xiao Wu, isn't it that your strength has become stronger?"

Xiao Wu was also a little unsure, so she lifted the stone in front of Qishe and tried it.

"Third brother, my strength has not changed. I still have difficulty lifting this stone."

Then, there was something wrong with Tang San's martial spirit.

Tang San didn't say much, and quickly wrapped the stone with bluesilver grass.

With a slight pull, the blue silver grass instantly broke into several pieces.

"How is this possible? Half a year ago I could pull up the stone."

Xiao Wu said confusedly: "Xiao San, is there something wrong with your martial spirit? Why don't you ask the master, he might know."

Tang San had no better idea, and soon after, they arrived at Yu Xiaogang's residence.

"Xiao San, what's wrong with you?" Yu Xiaogang's heart tightened, fearing that Tang San would ask questions that he didn't know how to answer.

"Teacher, my blue silver grass martial spirit"

With that said, Tang San wrapped the blue silver grass spirit around Xiao Wu.

As expected, Xiao Wu once again broke the blue silver grass.

"How is this possible, mistress, are you in a bad state?"

When the soul power is dissatisfied or the body is ill, the power of the martial soul will indeed drop a lot.

Tang San denied: "Teacher, my body is normal."

Suddenly, something came to his mind. He recalled that it was not his practice that went wrong, but that he was injured by Han Yu. If Han Yu acted secretly, then all this would make sense.

"Teacher, can others change my martial spirit?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, "There is no such possibility. The martial spirit is innate and it is impossible for others to change your martial spirit."

Tang San was stunned, then he didn't know why his martial spirit had changed.

Ever since he fought with Han Yu, he has never fought with anyone using martial arts. Could it be that time?

"Teacher, if it is flame, can it change my martial spirit?" Tang San asked again.

Recalling the flames released by Han Yu, even now, Tang San's heart palpitated.

Yu Xiaogang shook his head again, "Plant-type martial souls are afraid of fire, but the strength of the flames will not cause the martial soul to spontaneously become weaker. And your martial soul does not show any signs of mutation, so the reason is very likely It’s from yourself. Last time, you made a mistake in your cultivation. Is it possible that you still have hidden wounds in your body?”

The Xuantian Technique in Tang San's body was running smoothly, so how could it be that there was something wrong with his own tendons?

Yu Xiaogang touched his chin. He racked his brains and couldn't think of the same example.

Any soul master has almost finalized his form after awakening his martial soul. Unless there is a positive change and a benign mutation occurs, malignant mutation is unheard of.

Even if it is Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit, it is only a mutation that occurred when the martial spirit was awakened.

"Xiao San, I have to study this matter. After all, your situation should be the first one on the mainland. However, I do think that maybe after you obtain the third soul ring, all these problems will be solved. "

"After the assessment results come out, Xiaosan, you and Xiaowu apply for early graduation. Go to Shrek Academy as soon as possible. The teachers there will help you obtain the third soul ring."

"Teacher, I understand." Tang San nodded.

For him, Wuhun is at most just an auxiliary means. His own combat power still relies on Tang Clan's martial arts and hidden weapons.

"Third brother, don't worry too much. Master will find a solution." Xiao Wu comforted.

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