Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 172 Shrek becomes a background (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Tang San stood tall and straight, and said with a serious face: "Teacher, Shenfeng Academy is indeed powerful, but we can't escape unless we admit defeat. If we get to the finals, can we admit defeat to them again? In this game, we We don’t need to use all the main players, but we must use their strength. Even if we lose, we can still know the opponent’s tactics.”

"This" Yu Xiaogang was speechless for a moment.

What Tang San said was not unreasonable. Being timid before fighting was really not a good sign.

However, even if you lose, there are levels. A regretful defeat and a disastrous defeat are obviously different.

Feng Xiaotian's offensive was very fast, and only when Dai Mubai and Yu Tianheng came on the field at the same time could it be possible to contain him. But according to Yu Xiaogang's idea, Yu Tianheng is their trump card and their strength must not be exposed easily.

Tang San saw that Yu Xiaogang showed signs of relenting, and he continued: "Teacher, let Tai Long replace Fatty in this match. Even if they lose, we will force them to use their full strength."

"Okay, you can arrange Xiaosan's tactics, but Xiaowu and Tianheng, it's best not to play. Keeping the cards is very important to us." Yu Xiaogang thought deeply and decided to fight.

Shrek has been on a winning streak during this period of competition. The audience doesn't care what your character is like, they only care about your performance.

Because Kamikaze Sentai lost to Canaan Academy last time, their number of fans dropped a bit.

After the players from both sides appeared on the stage, the Shrek Team's voice actually faintly surpassed that of the Kamikaze Team.

Dai Mubai and others obviously enjoyed such calls, "Xiaosan, if we can win the championship with a complete victory, will it be considered a mark in history?"

Tang San smiled and said: "If you can do this, you will naturally leave your name in history. However, facing the Canaan Academy competition, I still think it is better to listen to the teacher's opinion."

All the main forces of Canaan Academy were not present. Even if they defeated the opponent, they would not be able to see all of the opponent's tactics.

Rather than doing this, it is better not to expose one's own strength.

"Third Young Master, I listen to you." Tai Long quickly expressed his loyalty.

Tang San smiled and said: "The mission of Tailong, You and Boss Dai is to hold Feng Xiaotian down. The teacher said that Feng Xiaotian is their absolute core. Once Feng Xiaotian is eliminated, the Kamikaze team will not be afraid at all. !”

Kamikaze Team and Shrek Team were not familiar with each other, and Feng Xiaotian wanted to break the fastest elimination record. At this moment, he was constantly adjusting his breathing.

"Third brother, what is Feng Xiaotian doing taking a deep breath?" Ning Rongrong, who was very observant, asked curiously when he saw this scene.

Tang San glanced at it, but didn't take it seriously, "Rong Rong, he must be nervous. After all, this is a formal competition, and there are many people who are nervous."

For example, Ma Hongjun was trembling after taking the field.

"Shrek Academy team vs. Kamikaze Academy team, the game begins!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the second and third soul rings at Feng Xiaotian's feet appeared and lit up at the same time.

"The second soul skill is possession by two wolves; the third soul skill is two wings of strong wind!"

"The fourth soul skill, Furious Wind." Two auxiliary soul masters simultaneously added boosts to Feng Xiaotian!

Feng Xiaotian's speed was incredibly fast!

"Oops!" Yu Xiaogang said something bad in his heart.

Sure enough, before Tang San and others could react, Feng Xiaotian had already killed Shrek's team!

"Thirty-six blows from the Swift Wind Demonic Wolf!"

Looking at Feng Xiaotian's soul skill, no soul ring lit up at his feet.

Yu Xiaogang stood up from his chair in shock, "It's impossible to create your own soul skills, it's impossible. Mistress, you must hold on!"

Flanders and Zhao Wuji, who were sitting next to him, were also worried about Team Shrek!

"Oops, mistress, what should I do!" Tai Lung was eliminated after just one face-to-face meeting.

An impatient Dai Mubai asked hurriedly.

Tang San had actually reacted, and his Bluesilver Grass had already been released.

However, a strong wind formed around Feng Xiaotian, which was like a sharp blade and could easily cut through his Blue Silver Grass.

And with his own fighting skills, there is no way to start.

Feng Xiaotian's attack power is getting stronger and stronger. If he uses his Xuanyu hand to catch it forcefully, it is very likely that his palm will be shattered!

"Come together." Seeing that the time was right, the Kamikaze deputy captain led several other team members and besieged Shrek.

As auxiliary soul masters, Oscar and Ning Rongrong were eliminated in just ten seconds after the start.

Dai Mubai activated his defensive soul skill and only managed to hold on for a few more seconds, but he was inevitably eliminated from the game.

However, except for the two auxiliary soul masters, everyone else in Shrek who was eliminated was seriously injured!

Even if Tang San struggled to hold on, he could only be seriously injured and eliminated as he was not allowed to use hidden weapons.

"Murder, they are obliterating!" Yu Xiaogang's fist hit the chair hard.

"Incredible, Kamikaze Team eliminated Shrek Team in thirty seconds. It broke the previous record of fifty-nine seconds set by Shrek Team."

Hearing the referee's voice, Feng Xiaotian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, with such a fast speed, it is impossible for Canaan Academy to surpass them.

"Oh, all your happiness is in vain. Shrek Academy is indeed a soft-footed shrimp. When it encounters a strong team, its true colors are revealed." The audience who was the first to react cursed.

"To deal with a weak team, Team Shrek punches hard; to face a strong team, they behave like a fool!"

"That's right. Isn't Shrek awesome? How come he has set a record for the fastest elimination?"

"Mistress!" Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and the veins on his forehead popped out.

He rushed to the referee's table and shouted at the top of his lungs, "I demand that the results of the Kamikaze Team be cancelled. Murder. This is murder by Chi Guoguo! They must be severely punished!"

"Haha, I always feel like I've seen this scene before?" The audience sitting in the front row looked stunned.

Then Feng Xiaotian's voice was heard, "Dear referee, may I ask, are they dead?"

Shrek and everyone were lying in pieces under the ring.

Reluctantly, the referees stood up and quickly checked.

"There were no casualties in Team Shrek, so the report is invalid."

After all, Team Shrek had done this before. If the referee dared to treat them differently, if this scene was broadcast, the organizing committee of the Tiandou City Division would completely lose credibility.

"Haha, I was laughing so hard. I asked why this scene looks so familiar. It turns out that Shrek and the others have done it before."

"Team Shrek is shooting itself in the foot. Tsk, tsk, even if the referee is deliberately biased, he doesn't dare to give a penalty!"

"Tit for tat, I like it!"

When Yu Xiaogang heard this, his face suddenly turned the color of pig liver.

Since the accusation of murder fails, then he accuses the other party of violating the rules!

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