Seeing Ye Lingling's arrival, Tang San quickly asked: "Teacher, I have a problem with my cultivation, please help me treat it."

Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, pretending to be profound and said: "Teacher Ye, Tang San is my disciple, please help him."

The doctor was kind-hearted, and even though Ye Lingling didn't know Tang San's character, he was still willing to take action.

And Yu Xiaogang claimed to be a teacher in the college and lived in the teacher's apartment, so Ye Lingling didn't think about anything else.

The Nine-Hearted Begonia Martial Spirit appeared in her hand, and then a burst of white light enveloped Tang San.

Energy full of life breath was continuously injected into Tang San's body.

At this time, Ye Langling also had a certain understanding of Tang San's injuries.

The internal injuries in his body were serious, and it would never be possible for a problem to arise simply from practicing.

After a while, Ye Lingling's face turned a little pale.

Her soul power was limited, and she could only heal most of Tang San.

"Teacher Yu, you are also a teacher in the academy. I will charge you five hundred gold soul coins."

"Five hundred gold soul coins, why don't you grab it?" Xiao Wu said angrily.

To find a healing soul master, you need to pay. Otherwise, why do others consume so much soul power for charity?

Besides, Yu Xiaogang and others were not Ye Lingling's friends. Considering that they were both teachers, charging five hundred gold soul coins was definitely a low price.

However, Master and Disciple Yu Xiaogang did not think so.

"Teacher Ye, we are all colleagues and we should help each other. How can you say you charge a fee?"

Tang San said: "Teacher Ye, I am a student of Notting College. If there is a problem with cultivation in the college, the college should be responsible. How can you still charge money?"

But your injury was not caused by something going wrong in your cultivation.

Ye Lingling rolled her eyes in her heart.

She doesn't really care about money. With her soul master's strength, the one hundred gold soul coins she received from Wuhun Palace every month were enough for her living expenses. But whether she charges or not, and whether Yu Xiaogang is willing to pay, are two different things.

"Farewell." Ye Lingling turned around and walked out of the room without looking back.

Regarding Yu Xiaogang's matter, she felt it was necessary to talk to Han Yu.

Five hundred gold soul coins is a small amount, but such a good teacher will be in trouble if he fails to teach his students well.

"You actually want to collect money, does this guy know the rules?" Seeing Ye Lingling leave, Yu Xiaogang cursed.

"That's right, Third Brother and I are both students of the academy, so why should she charge money?" Xiao Wu also joined in.

Tang San naturally felt the same way.

However, he had a different idea: "Teacher, I feel that her healing effect is stronger than that of ordinary healing soul masters, and her martial soul seems to be different from other Begonia flower martial souls."

Yu Xiaogang didn't know about Jiuxin Begonia, so he just responded casually: "The Begonia flower martial spirit has a healing effect. Her martial spirit may have absorbed certain spirit rings, causing the appearance of the disease to change." Change it.”

"But, mistress. She is only sixteen years old. I plan to come forward and fight for her to be your teammate in the future."

"Teammate?" Tang San asked in surprise.

Yu Xiaogang nodded: "Xiao San, I once told you that any powerful soul master has a team behind him. The healing effect of Teacher Ye is obviously stronger than that of ordinary healing soul masters. And the healing soul master Her cultivation speed is very slow, but if she can break through to the Soul Master at this age, it is assumed that her innate soul power will not be lower than level eight."

"This, teacher"

The innate soul power of an auxiliary soul master is at level eight or nine, which is almost equivalent to the full innate soul power of a combat soul master. Once Ye Lingling grows up in the future, she will be a big nanny. Tang San naturally knew her role.

"But she is a teacher at the academy, and doesn't Shrek Academy only recruit soul masters under the age of thirteen?"

Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back and smiled confidently: "Haha, Xiaosan, there are naturally different standards for geniuses. Just leave it to me. I believe that if she can practice under my theory, she will definitely be able to become a Contra. A level healing soul master.”

Titled Douluo-level healing soul masters were almost unheard of, and Yu Xiaogang was afraid that his reputation would be blown and he would be a little embarrassed.

"That's great, teacher. With teammates like this, Xiao Wu and I can fight against our opponents with confidence."

Tang San looked excited, but he didn't notice that his Blue Silver Grass martial spirit had undergone some subtle changes.

"Teacher Han"

Just after Han Yu came out of the dormitory after practicing, he saw Ye Lingling walking towards him.

"It's just right. It's getting late. Let's go eat first. We'll talk about it when we have something to eat."

In the private room on the second floor of the Notting College cafeteria, Ye Lingling took the menu and said in shock: "The price of food here is so cheap?"

"It's a small place after all. Just order whatever you want and I'll treat you."

After Ye Lingling ordered the food, she immediately told her about treating Tang San today.

"Yu Xiaogang, that guy is not a teacher in our college."

"Not a teacher?" Ye Lingling looked stunned. She felt that she had been deceived.

After thinking about it, she asked again: "Is Tang San a disciple of some big force?"

If this was the case, it would be reasonable to arrange for Yu Xiaogang to teach him alone. Moreover, Tang San's own strength was not weak, and he was not like a civilian student.

Han Yu had no intention of telling Tang San that he was Tang Hao's son.

If there are too many people who know, Tang Hao will kill people and silence them.

But once he had gathered more wool from Tang San, it would only take a matter of minutes to kill Tang Hao.

"Yu Xiaogang is an abandoned son of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. The dean kept him in the academy for the sake of his family's sake. Tang San is his disciple, but Tang San is only a working student."

"How could such a genius appear among common people?" Ye Lingling couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"I advise you not to think too simplistically about Tang San. You have also seen Yu Xiaogang's virtues. Can the students he taught have normal outlook on life? You are not entangled with them now, which is considered good." Han Yuyouyou road.

In the original time and space, after Tang San fought against the Huang Dou team, he directly kidnapped Ye Lingling in order to save Xiao Wu, who was slightly injured. Does this guy deserve sympathy?

And Qin Ming, Ye Lingling is still his student no matter what. He was still eating from the Tiandou Royal Academy, so even if he wasn't standing behind Ye Lingling, he should still step in to stop Tang San's behavior.

I have to say that snakes and rats always like to stay in the same den, and dogs really can’t change their habit of eating shit.

"But why did Tang San have such serious internal injuries? It's not like he made a mistake in his practice, but like he practiced some kind of evil technique." Ye Lingling said suspiciously.

Han Yu would never admit that he did this.

"You don't need to worry about it. I guess Yu Xiaogang will come to you again. As for the five hundred gold soul coins, do you need me to come forward?"

Ye Lingling shook his head: "Forget it, I don't want to see them again, and I don't want these five hundred gold soul coins."

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