Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 168 Under the mask is an uglier existence (please subscribe and vote monthly)

"Let us congratulate the Canaan team for winning one game in the first round of this Soul Master Competition. We also thank the Tiandou Royal Academy team for presenting us with a wonderful spirit battle. I hope they can adjust their condition well. , achieve better results in the next competition.”

Han Yu was in the player tunnel, welcoming everyone back, "Well done, keep up the good work!"

"Hee hee, the moment we showed off our martial arts spirits, they were frightened. I won before I even fought." Tianyue jumped over and said happily.

Han Yu clapped his hands and said, "Okay, now that you have entered the competition, after the opening ceremony, Yue'er, you and Zhu Qing should go to retreat. Everyone else, always pay attention to your opponent's competition."

The next match is between the Imperial Team and the Shrek Team.

The staff quickly cleaned up the spirit fighting arena, and the next game will start soon.

"We will face the Tiandou Royal Academy team later. Everyone, how they humiliated us back then, this time, we will also slap them in the face in public." Tang San said angrily.

"Haha, Tang San, although I can't play this time, under your leadership, everyone will be fine." Yu Tianheng said, extending his fist.

Seeing this, the others raised their fists and said, "Shrek, we must win!"

"Xiao San, go ahead and build your reputation as Shrek!" Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Whether it is paper strength or hard strength, the second team of Emperor Dou is far weaker than the current Shrek team. Even if he is on the bench, it is not something they can match.

Arriving at the players' tunnel, Tang San was stopped by the staff.

"This player is prohibited from carrying any foreign weapons during the competition. Please take off your mask, otherwise you will not be able to play."

After all, the mask might also be a defensive soul guide. In order to cause unnecessary trouble, the staff would naturally not let him wear such a conspicuous mask on the field.

"Xiao San, just listen to him." Dai Mubai patted Tang San on the shoulder and said.

Tang San didn't think it was a big deal either. After all, wearing a mask didn't seem to affect his vision.

Taking off the mask, Tang San revealed the disfigured half of his face.

The staff member looked stunned. Apparently he thought Tang San was just pretending to be Bicai, but he didn't expect that this guy's face was too ugly.

Soon, members of both teams appeared on the ring.

The members of the second team of Emperor Dou are all children of nobles, and the martial spirits of the seven of them are also weird, they are completely like a zoo combination.

"Hey~ Isn't this the grandson who wears a mask? I didn't expect that he wore a mask to cover up his ugliness." The captain of the second team of Huangdou immediately said provocatively.

There are loudspeakers around the spirit fighting arena, so his voice can be heard by everyone in the venue.

Many people who had seen Tang San started to sneer.

Tang San already had a popular face and wore a pretentious mask, so many people had long been unhappy with him.

It would be okay if that half of his face wasn't disfigured.

However, the pitted half of his face now makes him sick and makes him want to vomit.

"Hahaha, I finally understand why Shrek Academy said he is the champion without any opponent. Just his face is enough to disgust his opponent to death. Taking advantage of the opponent's vomiting break, they launch a sneak attack again, doesn't it mean they have no opponent? ”

"Haha, disgusting guy. I thought there was a handsome face under the mask, but I didn't expect it to be such a disgusting face."

At the VIP table, many eldest ladies scolded Tang San angrily.

These harsh words were extremely clear to the ears of Tang San, who had sensitive senses.

Ma Hongjun glanced at Tang San with schadenfreude, and couldn't help laughing in his heart.

"Hmph, I think you guys are good at showing off your words." Tang San raised his head, showing a disdain to argue with him.

Unexpectedly, the captain of the second team of Emperor Dou still refused to give in. He said: "You Shi Da Ke Academy, aren't you looking for sponsors? I voted for it. As for the name of the advertisement, just call me the father of your Shrek Academy!"

"Captain, they are just a bunch of untouchables, why should we have anything to do with them." One of the team members said.

"That's right, Shrek Academy wanted to be the lapdog of our Tiandou Royal Academy. However, they were unlucky, and His Highness the Prince saw through the ruse. Their senior Qin Ming's head was still hanging on the wall at that time. At the city gate."

"Haha, back then, I saw them rolling out of the academy with my own eyes, especially the fat guy, who looked like a meatball. I laughed to death."

Listening to the words of the Second Imperial Team, Ning Fengzhi's face darkened visibly.

He knew about this matter and originally wanted to resolve it privately, but now it was brought to the table. Especially the person involved, Dugu Bo, was sitting next to him. It doesn't matter if he takes action, or if he doesn't.

"Hmm~" Xue Ye snorted coldly, and the referee in the audience immediately understood.

If he continues talking, Dugu Bo and Ning Fengzhi will fight on the spot. With this being broadcast live across the continent, the Tiandou Empire has lost its face.

"The game officially begins!"

Everyone in Shrek, who had suppressed their anger, immediately activated their martial spirits.

Tang San's entire face was extremely ferocious, "According to plan, the battle will be resolved within one minute."

"The seven treasures turn out to be glass, and the seven treasures have names. The first is strength, the second is speed, and the third is soul!"

"Fantasy mushroom sausage."

"The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Cage!"

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Meteor Shower!"

Everyone in Shrek was not surprised. The moment the game started, all the soul skills poured out.

Everyone in the Second Imperial Team has not even activated their martial souls yet.

God knows why, Team Shrek doesn't follow martial ethics.



Screams were heard one after another. The second team of Emperor Dou, who had not activated their martial souls, were just like lambs to be slaughtered, being tortured wantonly by Shrek's people.

Shrek's attack was very serious. If it hadn't been for Prince Snow Star, Qin Ming wouldn't have died, and all the members of Shrek would not have been forced to roll down the mountain!

Fifteen seconds. Thirty seconds. Fifty-nine seconds!

"I declare that Team Shrek wins this match."

"Referee, I want to complain. They are clearly trying to erase it. I demand that Shrek Academy be expelled from this competition immediately!" The leader of the Second Emperor's Dou Team quickly accused the Shrek team of atrocities.

"No, Xiao San and the others were too harsh!" Yu Xiaogang stood up quickly. If he was expelled from the competition, he would be in big trouble.

While he and Flanders were thinking about this, Tang San on the field smiled and said: "Dear referee, may I ask, are they dead?"

The referee came forward to check and found that the person was indeed not dead, but with this kind of injury, they would basically miss the next game.

Tang San continued, "Since he's not dead, then why should we call him a foul?"

"Just now, I could have sent the sausages of our food-type soul masters into their mouths. I don't think it will take long for them to recover!"

Wan Geng is offered

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