Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 165 The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition (Please subscribe and vot

"In the qualifiers, Tailong, Tianheng, and Xiaowu will not be on the court. The substitutes will take your place."

Yu Xiaogang said: "The rewards in this Soul Master Competition are unprecedentedly rich. Your opponents will definitely try their best to obtain your information. Therefore, it is particularly important to hide the strength of the main team members."

After Ma Hongjun heard this, he didn't know whether he should be happy or cry.

The good news is that he can always play in the qualifiers, but the bad news is that he has become a substitute for the team and may be replaced at any time.

For Tang San, he was the brains of the team. Even if there were newly added substitutes, relying on his commanding ability to control the entire field, it would not be difficult for them to quickly form coordination with their teammates.

At this time, Flanders came out.

Although he is not responsible for the affairs of the Shrek team, he still knows some things within the team.

Although he really wanted Ma Hongjun to become a main player, Tailong's strength was much stronger than Ma Hongjun.

Sighing in his heart, he said:

"Haha, children, there is another important thing today. The school uniforms designed by the dean myself have been finished."

As he spoke, Flanders waved his hand, and several sets of shit-green school uniforms appeared in front of everyone.

"Dang, dang, haha, little monsters, aren't the school uniforms designed by this dean very nice?"

"This" everyone was speechless for a while.

God sincerely invites advertisers to sponsor. This behavior is indeed very Flemish.

Moreover, the color of the school uniform is just like the color of the excrement produced by the geese raised by farmers. Not to mention exactly the same, there is no difference at all.

"Dean, this school uniform is so embarrassing." Ning Rongrong couldn't help complaining.

The Qibao Glazed Sect has sponsored Shrek Academy a lot of money in the past few months. If this is the case, do they still need advertising sponsorship?

Flanders pushed up his glasses and said with a sly smile: "This time, little monsters, if you win the championship in the Soul Master Competition, the future of Shrek Academy will be great. Not to mention anything else, even the number of students will be greater than Now, it’s free to expand the academy several times?”

Yu Xiaogang shook his head helplessly when he heard this, but he did not stop him. After all, he was the team leader, and he did not need to wear such an ugly school uniform.

"Okay, kids, stress training is also crucial for you. Starting from today, you have only one goal, and that is to win the Soul Competition. During the qualifying period, your training plan is temporarily Stop!"

Following Yu Xiaogang's order, everyone in Shrek jumped up excitedly.

The training these days is not something that ordinary people can endure. Of course, the effect is really good.

At least that's what Tang San and others thought.

The next day.

The opening ceremony of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Tiandou Empire Division, was held in the original Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena.

In order to prepare for this competition, the Great Soul Fighting Arena expanded the arena of the Soul Fighting Arena a month ago.

Moreover, the tickets for the opening ceremony have been sold out early.

"Wow, there are so many people!" Lingxiao walked to the front of the team and couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the sea of ​​people.

Fortunately, as players, they have special access. Otherwise, in this crowded environment, it might not be easy to squeeze into the arena.

"Hey, aren't they from Wuhun Hall?" Tianyue pointed to the staff holding equipment not far away.

Han Yu said with a smile: "This year's Soul Master Competition will be broadcast live across the continent. And these are the staff of Wuhun Palace. What they hold in their hands is the soul guide."

With that said, Han Yu motioned for everyone to look forward.

Not far away, in the center of the square, a huge projection appeared in front of everyone.

The news of the live broadcast of the Soul Master Competition was only notified by Wuhun Palace today. In order to prepare for the war, Tianyue and the others naturally had no intention of paying attention to these things.

The people who benefit the most from this matter are ordinary people.

For example, people from several nearby villages such as Saint Soul Village were called together. Su Yuntao was in charge of the soul guidance equipment and presented the picture in front of everyone in real time.

"Live broadcast? I've never heard of this word before."

Han Yu smiled and said, "When you walk in front of the soul guide, others can see your face."

After hearing this, Tianyue actually did it.

Soon, Tian Yue's face appeared on pictures all over the continent.

"Yue'er, you really have a face." Dugu Yan said with a smile.

Golden Crocodile Douluo, who was far away in the Enshrinement Hall, also saw this scene.

"Haha, second brother, your granddaughter is quite interesting." Guang Ling Douluo laughed.

Jin Crocodile looked helpless, it was really Tianyue's behavior, it was so embarrassing. It's nothing to take the initiative to get in front of the camera.

Fortunately, Tianyue immediately stepped back after noticing the strange gaze.

"Are they Canaan College? Their school uniforms are so cool." At this time, the female spectators passing by couldn't help but comment.

When Tianyue saw this, she had to pose in a sullen manner.

Han Yu reluctantly stepped forward and grabbed her back, "Don't act like a conspicuous bag for me. Aren't you embarrassed?"

"I was wrong, teacher, please let me go!" Tianyue quickly begged for mercy.

"Dean, why are there so many female spectators here?" Zhang Zhenyu came over and asked.

Zhu Dazhi rushed to answer: "Brother Yu, this is not easy. What girl doesn't like the genius soul masters who participate in the competition."

As he spoke, he pointed enviously at Feng Xiaotian, who was not far away and was surrounded by thousands of girls.

Feng Xiaotian was already well-known in Tiandou City, and with his handsome and tough appearance, many wealthy daughters had pursued him.

However, he is very dedicated to his feelings and only likes Huo Wu.

"Long time no see." Everyone from the Tianshui team came over at this time.

"Hey, when we wait for the competition, let's see how my fire breaks your ice." Lingxiao said with confidence.

"Then I'll wait for you." Shui Bing'er said lightly.

"Wow, look, that's the Tianshui Girl Group."

If Kamikaze Academy has many female fans, Shui Academy had the majority of male fans that day.

After all, the team is full of beauties, who are very eye-catching.

"Hahaha, hello, Dean Han. I was the dean of Canghui College in my childhood." An old man with a gloomy appearance walked up to Han Yu and took the initiative to shake hands with him.

Shi Nian's thoughts were obvious, but Han Yu was not afraid of him.

The moment the two shook hands, Shi Nian's soul skills were quietly activated.

"Hmph, the youngest dean of the Advanced Soul Master Academy, let me see how strong you are!"

He laughed in his heart, but after a moment, Han Yu's expression remained unchanged.

Suddenly, Han Yu's figure changed in Shi Nian's eyes.

The figure was wrapped in glazed flames, and the figure quickly grew in size, and then stepped down on him.

"Ho ho ho~" Shi Nian collapsed to the ground and looked again. Han Yu looked at him with a smile on his face.

"Dean Shi Nian, if you feel unwell, please go and rest early."

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