"Ba Ba, we came here and turned back."

As he said that, Tang San pointed to the forest in the distance that was covered in white smoke, "Dean Flanders said that there might be fog beasts there. Ba Ba, are you really okay?"

Tang Hao touched Tang San's forehead and said with a smile: "Xiao San, the age of the mist beast is generally not more than fifty thousand years. This kind of spirit beast has many natural enemies in the forest. Even if the human spirit master does not take action, The spirit beast will also take action."

"If there is a mist beast that is more than 100,000 years old, then the entire forest will be its hunting ground!"

"Don't worry, even if you encounter a fifty thousand year old mist beast, you won't be a match for Ba Ba."

The mist beast's smoke seems to be dense among the trees, and even the strong wind cannot easily blow it away. But in front of the Titled Douluo, this fog can be broken with just one finger!

Moreover, the mist beast is just Flanders's guess, and it is not yet known whether it is true or not.

Tang Hao reminded: "Mistress, follow me closely, there may be unknown dangers inside at any time."

Before entering the misty forest, Tang Hao did not dare to be careless, holding the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit tightly in his hand.

Tang San also activated his martial spirit. Facing the unknown realm, maintaining awe is the most basic rule of survival.

Entering the misty forest, the alert Tang San quickly took out the poison testing tool from the soul guidance device.

"Ba Ba, the air here contains sluggish toxins. Once the poison is too deep, the whole person will freeze in place."

"It's just a little poison." Tang Hao curled his lips, and a soul barrier enveloped the two of them.

After checking again and seeing that the poisonous smoke was separated, Tang San set out on the road with confidence.

In such a forest, disorientation is inevitable.

Here, even the guidance methods used in navigation or the identification of directions through the growth rings of trees are all ineffective.

"Mistress, hold on to me!"

Tang Hao didn't want to waste time in the forest, so he took Tang San and flew into the air.

Being in the air does not mean there is no danger. Tang Hao also had to always pay attention to the spirit beasts below that could attack at any time.

"Boss Dai, where is the third brother? Why haven't I seen him for several days?" Ma Hongjun asked hurriedly before the training started.

"Fat man, you should think about how to train." Dai Mubai leaned into the opponent's ear and whispered: "Your training performance is too poor. If this continues, Tai Lung will replace you!"

Ma Hongjun had no choice but to say that his soul power level was too low. Moreover, a bloated body will also consume more energy.

Although Yu Xiaogang is not as fierce as Tang Hao, he is not sloppy at all when implementing the training plan set by Tang Hao.

"Boss Dai, I've lost a lot of weight these days, please don't bury me." Ma Hongjun muttered.

"Ma Hongjun, what are you mumbling about? You will fall behind here. You go to training first. When training starts, at least you will not fall behind!" Yu Xiaogang came over and said.

"Oh~" Ma Hongjun reluctantly walked into the training ground after giving Yu Xiaogang a resentful look.

Tai Lung, who didn't take it too seriously to watch the excitement, even asked, "Is Ma Hongjun always like this?"

"It's bad, fat people are born fat. When we were in Soto City, we didn't know how to control ourselves, so we ended up like this." Dai Mubai spread his hands and joked.

But when these words reached Ma Hongjun's ears, they were no longer a joke.

The person making the joke finds it funny, but the person being made fun of doesn't.

Silently clenching his fists, Ma Hongjun couldn't help feeling disgusted with everyone in Shrek.

"Mistress, be careful!"

A huge figure sprang out of the fog. Tang Hao didn't have time to think, he swung the Clear Sky Hammer and stood in front of Tang San.

This was an Earth Dragon King. The inertial force brought by its huge size knocked Tang Hao away for a while.

Tang San lost his grip and fell from the air.

But he did not panic. With the help of the Flying Divine Claw, he quickly swung into the forest.

At this time, another Earth Dragon King sprang out from the ground, with several rings of teeth on its large plate-shaped mouth.

Once bitten by him, there is no chance of survival!

"Mistress!" Tang Hao roared angrily. With such a distance, he obviously couldn't reach the rescue in time.

"Damn evil spirit beast." Tang San cursed in his heart.

His right hand quickly released the blue silver grass, blocking it in front of him. With the power of the blue silver grass, Tang San quickly disappeared into the forest.

Unexpectedly, there was a huge hole under his feet. Because it was covered by the fog, Tang San didn't notice it until the moment he got closer.

"Could it be that the treasure place marked on the map is down here?"

Just as he was thinking, the blue silver grass supporting his body was instantly broken by the Earth Dragon King.

Caught off guard, his body fell towards the hole!

"Mistress!" Tang Hao's eyes suddenly became bloodshot, and nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black, black, black, and red appeared at his feet.

The pressure brought by the hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring made these earth dragon kings fearful and they immediately fled.

"Haotian Hammer, random cloak!" How could Tang Hao let go of the beast that hurt Tang San!

The Clear Sky Hammer was swung rapidly in his hand, and the smoke under his feet was blown away by the strong wind whipped up by the Clear Sky Hammer.

That bottomless hole appeared completely in Tang Hao's eyes!

"Ling Tian strikes!"

The Clear Sky Hammer, which weighed tens of thousands of kilograms, slammed into the Earth Dragon King.

The powerful soul impact smashed a big hole in the Earth Dragon King's body.

The deep-colored ten thousand year soul ring also floated out.

"And you guys!" Tang Hao fell into madness, and the ninth soul ring under his feet suddenly lit up.

"Blue Silver Haotian Strike!"

The Clear Sky Hammer became extremely huge in an instant, and the moment it fell to the ground, everything around it became quiet.

A bloody mushroom cloud slowly enveloped the Earth Dragon King's body, slowly rose into the sky, and fell in the form of blood rain.

"Mistress, be sure nothing happens to you!"

Tang Hao was so anxious that he immediately rushed into the cave to look for the person.

Ah Yin was caught, and if another accident happened to Tang San, Tang Hao would have no motivation to live.

However, he was obviously overly worried. Tang San, who fell into the hollow, was able to land safely with the help of countless bluesilver grass as a buffer before falling to the ground.

After regaining consciousness, he looked around and saw a colorful "ocean".

"here it is"

"Little San, Little San!" Tang Hao's figures came one after another. Seeing that Tang San was safe and sound, he was relieved!

After regaining his composure, Tang San pointed in front of him with excitement, "Ba Ba, this is the fairy grass, the fairy grass!!"

"Immortal grass?" Tang Hao looked along.

"But it's a pity that the spiritual energy here is not enough. These fairy grasses are not fully grown, and the effect may be greatly reduced!"

Looking at a few fairy grasses scattered not far away, Tang San couldn't help but sigh.

These can only be regarded as false fairy grass, and only five baht grow here.

No matter whether the attributes are suitable or not, it will definitely not be enough after you take it back.

"Xiaosan, take those fairy grasses first, and let's look around to see if there are any more."

"It can only be the."

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