Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 143 The left leg bone of the gilt flying kite (please subscribe, please vote)

"Little monster, what's better than a 70,000-year-old soul bone?" Dugu Bo was shocked.

Han Yu nodded, "It doesn't matter if I tell you in advance. In this Soul Master Competition, I plan to take out eight 90-100,000-year-old soul bones. As long as they win the Soul Master Competition, these eight soul bones will be theirs." So, old monster, do you still think that the 70,000-year-old soul bone is very high?”

"Little monster, whose ancestral grave are you digging? You can't be discovered." Dugu Bo said anxiously.

In the world of soul masters, whoever can produce so many soul bones will not be tempted by at least a titled Douluo below level ninety-nine.

Moreover, taking the soul bone is equivalent to accepting a huge favor from Han Yu. It is not impossible to become Han Yu's thug.

But for Han Yu, his strength will only be stronger in the future, and these thugs are completely unnecessary.

"Don't worry, old monster. There will definitely be no problem with the origin of these soul bones. But don't go out and talk nonsense, so as not to be remembered."

Dugu Bo naturally knows.

Han Yu told him this matter just to treat him as one of his own. With Han Yu's talent, his future is absolutely limitless. It is an honor for the Dugu family to have such a talented person.

Dugu Bo was not Tang San, so he naturally knew how to repay kindness.

"Thank you very much, little monster."

"Don't say such disgusting words, old monster, if you have nothing to do, go to Canaan City and keep an eye on it. In addition, some refugees can be arranged to stay in the area that has been built."

Naturally, Han Yu would not help these people in vain. These refugees were important productive forces.

There are all soul masters in the academy, so no one will do some low-end jobs.

And these jobs, given to these refugees, will not only give them enough food to eat, but also allow them to have extra money to improve their lives.

"I'll do it now."

After Dugu Bo left, Sun Buyu and Huang Min, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, walked in.

"Teacher Sun, Teacher Huang, please sit down."

"Dean, you called us here, what's the matter?" Sun Buyu and the others asked anxiously.

For normal team matters, Han Yu would only call Sun Buyu, but now he called them both.

Sun Buyu once wondered if he had done something wrong.

Han Yu said: "I heard about the results of the college exchange competition. You have done a good job in achieving such results without exposing too many cards."

Hearing this, Sun Buyu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he has meritorious service and does not commit a heinous crime, at least he will not be expelled from the academy.

"Why are you two so nervous? I called you here to reward you based on your merits." Han Yu said angrily.

"Hey, Dean, we..."

Han Yu waved his hand and quickly pushed the two brocade boxes in front of them, "Okay, okay, keep it up in the future. In addition, you also have to pay more attention to tactics. There must be many teams with outstanding performances this time. Studying us in secret."

"Thunder Academy has indeed suffered a total defeat this time, but there is no guarantee that they are secretly planning some big move. Our goal is to be the champion of the Soul Master Competition. Don't let this guy steal us."

"Yes, Dean." Sun Buyu and his wife stood up and said solemnly.

"Go ahead, go ahead, this dean believes in your abilities."

After thanking each other, Sun Buyu and the other two picked up the brocade box and walked out.

On the way, Huang Min opened the brocade box out of curiosity.

The moment she saw the soul bone, she froze on the spot.

"What's wrong?" Sun Buyu asked, and then he noticed the soul bones in the brocade box.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly opened his brocade box, and there was also a ten-thousand-year soul bone lying inside.

With only a trace of reason left, he quickly returned the brocade box to Han Yu, "Dean, the soul bones are too precious, I can't accept them."

Upon hearing this, Huang Min glanced at Sun Buyu with some resentment.

Soul bones are something that every soul master dreams of, so you can give them to me if you don’t want them.

"Take them. These two soul bones are not only an affirmation of your work, but also the 'eyes' to urge you to continue working hard in the future. Do your best." Han Yu waved his hand, but did not take back the soul bones.

"This" Sun Buyu was still a little hesitant.

Huang Min said, "Old Sun, the dean is interested in us. Do you want to embarrass the dean? Get it quickly."

"Thank you, Dean."

After thanking him again, Sun Buyu took the soul bone and left.

Han Yu smiled lightly and didn't care.

Next, he gave a 30,000-year-old soul bone to Litian.

This guy has reached level 89 by relying on the Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower these days. As long as he absorbs this soul bone, it is almost certain that he will break through to level ninety.

Han Yu is not afraid that he will return to Wuhun Palace afterwards. For a cultivator like him, even if he becomes a titled Douluo, he will not give up the training accelerating effect of Tianfen Soul Refining Tower.

"If you can break through level 90 with this, go find Poison Douluo. He will help you get the ninth soul ring."

"Dean Han, this" Litian couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Han Yu said with a smile: "Go, since you can't go back to the Pope's Palace, then you can stay in the academy from now on. After all, I still need you, a Titled Douluo, to support my appearance."

"Dean Han, I will keep your love in mind. If anything happens in the future, just tell me." Litian patted his chest and said with gratitude.

"Dean Li's words are serious, you go to practice first, I won't keep you here."

After taking care of Sun Buyu and his wife, those teachers who switched jobs from Tiandou Royal Academy will naturally be stabilized by them.

After taking care of Litian, the teachers coming from Wuhun Palace will naturally not have two minds.

I paid some unused soul bones in exchange for the long-term stability of the college. This deal is a profit no matter what.

After dividing the rewards, Han Yu took out a 100,000-year-old soul bone from the soul guide.

This soul bone is the most suitable for him to absorb.

He has done so many things on his own, so it makes sense for him to absorb a soul bone by himself.

A 100,000-year-old gilt flying kite left leg bone.

Soul beasts like the Gilded Flying Kite are best at speed. After being absorbed, they will definitely provide good soul skills.

Entering the secret room of the dean's office, Han Yu sat down cross-legged, with his soul bone suspended in front of him.

"My soul power has reached level 88 now. I hope I can break through level 90 this time."

His current soul power quality has reached the level of a ninety-seventh level super Douluo, so it is still unknown whether a hundred thousand year old soul bone can break through his soul power to level ninety.

After half a day, the soul bone was completely absorbed by him.

But his soul power has only improved by one level, and is still a little short of level ninety.

However, this soul bone did provide him with two good soul skills, Yuan Xing and Gilded Body. The former is a teleportation soul skill, and the latter is a defensive soul skill.

"Isn't this the soul skill provided by Silky Bone Rabbit?"

After careful perception, Han Yu found that he had understood it wrong.

Yuan Xing can not only teleport, but his speed will be increased by 100% after teleporting. After turning on the gilded body, he entered an invincible state, but he could move at will, but his speed was reduced.

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