Douluo: Strange Fire Martial Spirit, starting with a hundred thousand year soul ring

Chapter 141 Treasure Hunt (Please subscribe, please vote)

"Teacher, Xiaohuo has been flying towards the outside of the academy these past few days. I almost missed it."

In the office, Tianyue looked a little embarrassed. Her hands were tightly holding on to Xiao Huo Yunhe, and there were a lot of chicken feathers on her body.

Han Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "Are you in the chicken coop?"

Tian Yue said with a look of resentment: "Teacher, Xiao Huo keeps getting into the chicken coop. And Uncle Wang from the restaurant almost killed it as a chicken last night."

Han Yu smiled, stepped forward, and patted Tian Yue on the shoulder, "You did a good job. I just pretended I didn't see you stealing sheep in the warehouse these days."

"No way, I'm obviously looking for food for Xiao Huo." Tianyue looked away and said with a guilty look on her face.

Putting aside his jokes, Han Yu asked, "You just said that Xiao Huo has been flying out of the academy. Are they always flying in the same direction?"

Tianyue thought about it carefully and then pointed to the northeast of the college.

"It should be in the direction of Sunset Forest, teacher, is there any problem with this?" Tianyue was puzzled.

"I told you, it knows the location of a treasure trove. The direction it's flying should be pretty close."

"Treasure place, teacher, do you respect Dudu or pretend to be Dudu?"

"Do I need to lie to you? Take it with you and we will go to the Sunset Forest immediately. If we really find the treasure this time, Yue'er, you will also take credit, and I can choose a treasure for you then."

"Okay, okay, teacher, I can't wait."

For those who are curious, treasure hunting is undoubtedly their favorite thing to do.

Han Yu called a carriage, and the two of them quickly rushed towards the Sunset Forest.

In the car, the little fire cloud crane kept flapping its edges.

Its current age has reached the level of a ten-year soul beast, and it can be considered to have a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

Han Yu finally understood why Tianyue was so embarrassed by it.

If it were a person who couldn't fly, catching it wouldn't be easy.

"Teacher, why does it listen to you so much?" Tianyue asked curiously.

"You have to pay attention to methods when doing things. If you keep catching it, it will definitely resist you." Han Yu said with a smile.

The main reason is that he has the soul ring of Huo Yunhe, and this little guy is naturally close to him.

Soon they entered the sunset forest.

Han Yu let go of Xiao Huo Yunhe and let him find his own way.

"Follow it, the treasure is beckoning."

Of course, Han Yu did not blindly dive into the forest.

Dugu Bo had given him the map of Sunset Forest a long time ago. And he also kept it in mind.

As he ran, he recorded the surrounding landmarks in his mind.

Seeing that it was getting late, Tianyue said with some worry: "Teacher, we heard that there are several soul beasts that are 80,000 years old deep in the Sunset Forest. Is it okay for us to keep running deeper?"

"It's okay, they can't detect our breath."

With the existence of strange fire, even a hundred thousand year soul beast may not be able to detect Han Yu's aura.

Moreover, human beings are small compared to spirit beasts, so it is difficult to be detected visually.

It wasn't until the next day that the sky turned white, and the little fire cloud crane stopped moving forward and started to circle around.

Han Yu estimated the terrain and found that it was still half a day's journey from the center. The most important thing is that the surrounding jungle is full of fire-attributed plant-based soul beasts.

It's just that they are very young and not aggressive at all.

"It's so hot. Is this a treasure trove?" Tianyue wiped the sweat from her body and panted.

Han Yu was not sure, so he warned: "Stay here and don't move, I will explore the surroundings."

Most of the nests of flying soul beasts are in trees. But the trees here are very short, not enough to accommodate Huoyunhe's huge body.

After searching for a long time, he finally found a cliff with a huge cavity on the cliff.

This kind of terrain is indeed consistent with the characteristics of the Fire Cloud Crane's nest.

Entering the cave, Qinglian's inner fire emerged from the palm of Han Yu's left hand.

While being used for lighting, Qinglian's Earth Core Fire can also be used immediately for combat in the event of danger.

"Teacher, this cave is so big. Is there really a treasure inside?" The temperature in the cave was very high, and Tianyue was already sweating profusely. "What kind of person would bury treasure in a place like this?"

"Human? Haha." Han Yu smiled lightly and said: "Don't let down your guard, there may be fire attribute soul beasts here; this kind of environment is very suitable for the cultivation of fire attribute soul beasts."

There was one more thing that Han Yu didn't mention, and that was that through Qinglian's inner fire perception, there was an underground cave a few hundred meters below them, and there was even flowing magma in it.

If Xiao Huo Yunhe hadn't led the way, Han Yu would never have found this place.

However, this place is too wide, making it very difficult to find the treasures accumulated by Huo Yunhe. If you are not careful, you may miss it.

After an unknown amount of time, their vision gradually became brighter.

Walking to a cliff, Han Yu put Xiao Huoyunhe into the soul guide, leaned down and looked down.

"No wonder it's so hot. There is underground magma here. Do we want to go down?" Tianyue asked in surprise.

Normally, even if there are caves underground in the forest, most of them are formed by underground water erosion.

There is lava underground in the forest, which is indeed rare.

"Go down and wait to be melted?" Han Yu shook his head and immediately looked around.

In his perception, there are many fire attribute soul beasts here. However, under the pressure of his soul power, they did not dare to act rashly.

"Oh, it's quite hidden."

If it weren't for the Qinglian Earth Core Fire blocking the scent of magma, Han Yu would really not be able to find it.

Not far away, in a cave wrapped by a soul barrier, Huo Yunhe's collection of one hundred thousand years is stored.

"Wow, it's developed, it's developed, Teacher Han, there are so many soul bones here." The moment the barrier was broken, Tianyue rushed into it and frantically picked up the soul bones on the ground.

There are about a hundred soul bones, including four 100,000-year-old soul bones and four 90,000-year-old soul bones.

"Yue'er, stay calm." Han Yu patted her shoulder.

With so many soul bones, Han Yu could decide to give her one piece, and Han Yu planned to take the rest back to the academy and keep them as rewards.

There are more rare metals and some herbs here.

With just a glance, Han Yu discovered several fairy grasses.

Not only that, there are also some soul guides here. For Huo Yunhe, the things he ripped off from human soul masters were also his trophies.

The owners of these soul tools have been around for many years. Among them, many precious ancient books and information are stored, as well as some long-lost secret techniques.

"How to make a soul guide!"

Han Yu couldn't help but gasped, "It seems that the soul beast has preserved a lot of precious historical materials for the soul master world."

Take away!

In the future, Canaan College can also use this to establish a soul guidance department.

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