"Fortunately, we ran fast. Damn it, is this a fight between titled Douluo!"

Looking at the slowly rising mushroom cloud in the sunset forest, they still felt the vibration of the ground even though they were far apart.

"Isn't this Poison Douluo? I remember that Poison Douluo's spirit is a beast spirit, and in the previous fight, both of them seemed to have weapon spirits." A sharp-eyed mercenary noticed something was wrong.

However, others didn't pay much attention.

After all, they cannot interfere in the battle between titled Douluo. It was not easy for them to save a life.

On the other side, Ning Fengzhi from the Qibao Glazed Sect suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Sunset Forest.

In his perception, there were two powerful soul power fluctuations in the Sunset Forest.

"Uncle Jian, there are titled Douluo fighting in the Sunset Forest. Can you feel their aura?" Ning Fengzhi asked hurriedly.

After Chen Xin felt it carefully for a moment, he shook his head and said, "I don't know. These two people are probably not the titled Douluo that I am familiar with. Moreover, their strength is no weaker than that of me."

"Uncle Jian, let's go take a look. It would be best if we could mediate this matter." Ning Fengzhi said.

Of course, he had another purpose, which was to try to recruit these two people.

Chen Xin did not refuse, summoned the Seven Killing Sword, and rushed towards the Sunset Forest with Ning Fengzhi.

Han Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and immediately a white flame like a swimming fish swam around his body.

The injuries on his body were being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for Tang Hao, he had already disappeared.

"Where's the rat man? Did he run away?" Han Yu glanced around, but still found no trace of Tang Hao.

As for Tang Hao being killed by him, this is impossible. The blow just now was evenly matched between the two of them, and there was no way he could blast Tang Hao into Momo.

After cautiously exploring the surroundings, he was sure that Tang Hao had really escaped.

[Congratulations to the host for defeating Tang Hao by relying on his own strength. He will be rewarded with a strange fire. 】

Sure enough, Tang Hao also had something to gain from his body.

But in this victory, Han Yu was a bit weak. The injuries in Tang Hao's body meant that he would not be able to survive for a long time.

But it doesn't matter to Han Yu, his own soul power is lower than Tang Hao, and if he wins, he wins.

"Compared to the embarrassing escape last time, I am no longer afraid of Tang Hao. Tang Hao, rat tail juice!"

At this time, Tang Hao had already left Sunset Forest.

For him, this is not an escape. Han Yu is not his revenge target this time, and there is no need for him to get entangled with him. On the contrary, teaching Dugu Bo a lesson is what he should do.

That's right, he's just attacking in a different direction.

Tang Hao comforted himself in his heart and quickly tidied up his appearance.

In the battle just now, the hidden wounds in his body were touched again, and now he had to recuperate. But before that, he still needed to inform Tang San about the fairy grass.

Not long after, Ning Fengzhi and the two of them were in vain.

Han Yu tidied up his clothes and returned to Canaan College as if nothing had happened.

"Ba Ba!" Seeing Tang Hao's figure, Tang San rushed forward to greet him.

Tang Hao held himself up and tried his best to put a smile on his face.

"Ba Ba, have you defeated Dugu Bo?"

"Xiao San, Dugu Bo is not here. I have already checked the Ice and Fire Eyes, and there are the fairy grasses you mentioned, but they are just young grasses that have just begun to sprout."

"This" Tang San was stunned for a moment.

The grass jelly is not mature, so what's the matter? The growth cycle of fairy grass is too long, and they simply can't wait.

Tang Hao didn't say anything more. After leaving some high-end medicinal materials, he hurriedly left Shrek Academy.

"Xiao San, father still has things to do, and you also need to complete your studies." Flender patted Tang San on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Mistress, how is the matter with the fairy grass?" Yu Xiaogang arrived belatedly.

Not long ago, he woke up and Tang San told him what happened.

At this time, he ran over happily, just for the fairy grass.

"Teacher, Ba Ba said that the fairy grass has just begun to sprout. It will take at least hundreds of thousands of years to wait for them to mature." Although Tang San felt a little regretful in his heart, at least Tang Hao's words made him settle something. Worry.

Moreover, the high-grade medicinal materials Tang Hao left behind are all of great value.

"Impossible." Yu Xiaogang denied it.

Naturally, he would not think that his idol had swallowed up these fairy herbs, and the land of ice and fire eyes was originally Dugu Bo's territory. "Xiao San, Dugu Bo is a master of poison. He must have some medical skills. Immortal He may know about the grass."

Tang San raised his brows, suddenly feeling that what Yu Xiaogang said was reasonable.

Even if Xuantian Baolu is not a product of Douluo Continent, there may not be any records about immortal grass in Douluo Continent’s inheritance over the years. The possibility of being picked off by Dugu Bo is very high.

"It's bad, Ba Ba was deceived."

"Xiao San, we should have alerted the snake before, and asked Dugu Bo to harvest the fairy grass overnight and run away with the fairy grass." Speaking of this, Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, Dugu Bo is indeed a selfish person. , He actually tried to monopolize the property that has benefited the soul master world for himself. "

Tang San suddenly said: "No wonder Ba Ba didn't find Dugu Bo during this trip. He must have run away with the fairy grass."

Yu Xiaogang quickly grabbed Tang San's arm and asked: "Xiao San, where is your father? We must intercept Dugu Bo, we can't let him swallow the fairy grass alone!"

"Xiaogang." Fran pulled Yu Xiaogang's sleeve to signal him to calm down.

After all, this is just speculation. If he kills Dugu Bo but fails to find the fairy grass, Yu Xiaogang cannot bear this responsibility.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully refining the beast spirit fire]

[Name: Han Yu]

[Soul Power: Level 88]

[Soul ring configuration: yellow, yellow, purple, red, red, red, red]

[Kung Fu: Burning Technique]

[Field: Strange Fire Field]

[Martial Spirit One: Fire Cloud Stick]

[Martial Soul II: Strange Fire]

"We have all the strange fires ranked nineteen and above." Han Yu stretched.

However, with the improvement of his strength, the lower ranked strange fires had little effect on his soul power.

After walking out of the secret room, Han Yu looked at the Blue Silver Emperor on the window sill and thought to himself: "Since Tang Hao and his son can get such a high reward, what about the bank?"

Just do it, the green flame of life emerged from Han Yu's palm.

With a gentle push from his palm, the flames of life surged and soon engulfed the Blue Silver Emperor.

The rhizome of the Blue Silver Emperor was growing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it didn't take long for the branches and leaves to flourish.

Not receiving the system prompt for a long time, Han Yu slowly withdrew the flame of life.

Then, he picked up the scissors and started trimming the Blue Silver Emperor.

Unfortunately, there was still no sound coming from the system.

Dropping the scissors, Han Yu said angrily: "I won't play anymore, let's go."

The author has exams for politics, English, and Chinese today and tomorrow. My mother, Xipi, will stay up all night to study!

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