Qingfeng Shoudan was finally bought by Yueguan for four million gold soul coins.

"Huh, let's see if he has the reputation to take away the elixir!" Xuexing waved his sleeves and led the people out of the auction house.

The real good show will happen next.

Han Yu glanced at Yue Guan and immediately left the Tiandou Auction House.

He already knew Xuexing's urine properties. This time, it was a game tailor-made for him.

Yue Guan deliberately waited until the others were almost gone before leaving the auction house.

The two of them, Xuexing, were in a restaurant near the auction house, watching the movement in the direction of the auction house from a distance.

"Humph, uncle, someone dares to refute your reputation. I think he is tired of living!" Xue Beng snorted coldly.

This Qingfeng Shou Dan was the key to regaining Xue Ye's trust. Naturally, he would not be happy if someone intercepted him.

Xue Xing said, "Beng'er, he may be from Xue Qinghe. But no matter who sent him, there is no way he can get any advantage from me."

Among his guards, there were two powerful Soul Saints who were ambushing outside the auction house.


The moment Yue Guan walked out of the auction house, two soul saints quickly stopped in front of him.

"Hand over the elixir obediently, and we can let you live."

"Did Prince Xuexing ask you to come?" Yueguan sneered.

The two guards did not speak, but the seven soul rings that appeared under their feet were not fake.

Yue Guan twisted his neck and quickly took off his disguise.

"Damn it, how could it be him! What did these idiots say!" Xue Xing cursed angrily, pulling Xue Beng and running towards the palace.

"Uncle Emperor, who is he?" Xue Beng asked puzzled.

"My name is Yue Guan, and my title is Ju." At some point, the moonlight appeared behind them.

"Ju Douluo, what do you want?" Xuexing gritted his teeth, feeling cold in his heart.

Now, it doesn't matter even if you pay some price, but if Yue Guan reveals the matter to Xue Ye, it will be a major diplomatic accident.

Yueguang smiled slightly, and his soul power instantly locked onto Xue Beng, "Xue Xing, I just came to Tiandou City to participate in the auction on the order of His Majesty the Pope. You actually sent someone to intercept and kill me, haha, this is such a big deal. It’s not that easy to solve.”

"Let Beng'er go now, I'm willing to pay a price." Xuexing said solemnly.

He made a big mistake right after the confinement ended. If those ministers knew about this, I'm afraid he and Xue Beng would have to be sent to a fiefdom.

"Juhuaguan, how dare you attack His Highness the Prince." Dugu Bo happened to arrive here.

"Mr. Dugu, hurry up, save Beng'er!" Xuexing shouted as if grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Old Poison, Prince Snowstar"

Hearing Yue Guan's words, Dugu Bo suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Your Highness, I need to ask Your Majesty to decide this matter."

After Dugu Bo finished speaking, he was just about to leave when he saw Xuexing grabbing his arm tightly, "Mr. Dugu, as long as you are willing to come forward to settle this matter, then even if you pay back half of the favor, we will be clean from now on! "

"In this case, His Highness the Prince should not come to see me again."

Xuexing nodded dullly, and his whole body instantly looked much older.

If the favor is gone, you can find other ways to do it. If you are sent to a fiefdom, you will lose everything.

No matter what, Xuexing has to cut off his wrist to survive!

"The third soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Soul Enchanting Formation!"

Dugu Bo took action instantly, and green smoke instantly enveloped several people.

After rescuing Xue Beng, Dugu Bo threw him and Xue Xing out of the smoke range.

"Old Poison, you are still so disgusting. In this battle outside the city, I would like to see how much you have improved over the years." After saying that, Yue Guan jumped up and flew towards the outside of the city.

Not to be outdone, Dugu Bo followed immediately.

"Finally saved." Xue Beng collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Hey~ Ben'er, our uncle and nephew should keep a low profile from now on. Don't tell anyone else about this matter."

Xue Xing made up his mind to leave no one close to him except Xue Beng.

The two of them stopped walking until they arrived in front of the Sunset Forest.

"Old Poison, I haven't seen you for ten years, your strength has improved a lot." Yue Guan sneered.

He was working for Han Yu, so naturally he would not actually fight with Dugu Bo.

"Juhuaguan, you haven't made much progress in these years." Dugu Bo snorted coldly.

In the beginning, he was forced to owe the favor after being chased to the brink of death by the two Kikui ghosts.

Now it was because of Yue Guan that Xuexing used this favor.

It is really a good reincarnation.

"I don't have time to chat with you, so say goodbye!" After saying that, Yue Guan's figure disappeared from the place.

Putting on a show, Dugu Bo blasted several big craters nearby and faked a big battle happening here.

After doing all this, he quickly returned to Canaan Academy.

"Old monster, how are you?" Han Yu, who had been waiting for a long time, asked quickly.

"Thank you very much this time, little monster."

Xuexing had tied him up with this favor for ten years, and he was finally "liberated" today.

Han Yu reminded: "Old monster, don't show your face again these days, don't let Xuexing notice you."

Dugu Bo nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Tang San has been tossing and turning since he returned to the academy.

"What is in that mountain? Why do I always feel a sense of loss in my heart."

Climbing up from the bed, he walked to the desk beside him and took out the copied Xuantian Baolu from the soul guide.

This is the most important thing to him. In his last life, he even memorized the contents completely.

Quickly flipping through the contents he had written down, he soon stopped when he reached the page about the Eyes of Ice and Fire.

"According to the description in Xuantian Baolu, it is very likely that there are two eyes of ice and fire in that mountain. Immortal grass, yes, there must be fairy grass in there."

Tang San's whole person was open-minded and cheerful, and his eyes were filled with extremely longing.

If he absorbs the fairy grass, not only can he solve his current Blue Silver Grass problem, but he can even add dual immunity to ice and fire to the Blue Silver Grass spirit.

Moreover, he can also practice with the help of the two eyes of ice and fire.

He is confident that he will reach the Soul Sect level before the Soul Master Competition begins.

The next morning, Tang San quickly found Yu Xiaogang.

He didn't want to tell anyone else about the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

He had already made up his mind that he wanted to take it all to himself. If he told Ning Rongrong, with the strength of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, he would have no chance to fight.

"Mistress, what's the matter with you coming so early?" Yu Xiaogang rubbed his sleepy eyes.

"Teacher, I remembered the treasure land we saw in the Sunset Forest before." Tang San continued.

Yu Xiaogang said nonchalantly: "Xiao San, what did you remember?"

"Teacher, there is a high probability that there will be fairy grass there. The function of fairy grass can not only increase the soul power without any side effects, but also improve the soul master's talent. If you absorb it, you may be able to break through level 30."


Wan Geng is offered

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