Today is the first day of school at Canaan College.

Dozens of teachers transferred from Wuhun Palace, as well as hundreds of students, arrived here one after another.

"Old monster, after the first few days of school are over, immediately arrange for people to build a city around the college. The College of Elements has their Element City, and I, the Canaan College, should also have a Canaan City."

Han Yu's idea was that the city would surround the countryside, with Canaan College as the center, and expand outward.

Perhaps ten thousand years from now, there will be a large Canaanite city here.

"Little monster, I'm here to take care of my old age. If you do this, my old bones won't be able to withstand it." Dugu Bo spread his hands helplessly.

Han Yu smiled slightly and said: "Old monster, those teachers from Wuhun Palace don't listen to me. I can only rely on you in this matter."

Helpless, Dugubo had no choice but to take on this burden.

This time, a strong Contra warrior came with the large army.

Since the Tiandou Empire recommended Han Yu to become the dean, correspondingly, the Wuhun Palace also nominated a Contra dean.

Not long after, the dean from Wuhun Hall took the initiative to find Han Yu.

"Dean Han, your name is very familiar to me. When I see you today, you are really extraordinary."

"President Wang's name is something that I have admired for a long time." Han Yu said with a smile that was not as bright as a smile.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the old man standing in front of him suddenly felt unhappy.

"What does Dean Han mean by this? Are you trying to humiliate me?"

"It's impossible, Dean Wang, what are you doing?"

After saying that, Han Yu snorted coldly in his heart.

After all, his power was being given away for no reason, and he felt a little unhappy. But now he couldn't go to Wuhun City to confront Bibi Dong.

"Hmph, my nickname is 'King of Murderers', my name is Litian, not Wang!"

"It turns out to be Dean Li. Since we are all colleagues from now on, I would like to ask for your advice, Dean Li." Han Yu said with a smile.

Litian didn't appreciate it, "I need to practice, you can decide the matters of the academy yourself. Where is the mimicry training ground? I need to practice now."

Han Yu was startled. It seemed that the situation was different from what he expected.

Pointing to the Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower not far away, Han Yu said: "Dean Li can go there to practice, but the Heavenly Burning Soul Refining Tower will not be officially opened until tomorrow. Dean Li came all the way, and the journey was tiring. Please take more rest.”

Litian was obviously from Bibi Dong.

From the conversation just now, Han Yu could tell that he was not very happy to be the dean here.

Moreover, the opponent has the cultivation level of a peak Soul Douluo, but at his age, it is almost impossible to break through to the Titled Douluo.

"Was he abandoned by Bibi Dong, or what?"

Han Yu couldn't think of a reason for that moment.

However, since the other party just wants to have a name in the academy, Han Yu can help him.

By noon, the students and teachers arriving from Wuhun Hall had already made arrangements.

The Tiandou Empire only sent some children from noble families, but the number was pitifully small.

After Han Yu's understanding, many of the teachers sent by Wuhun Palace were elderly.

They come here, like Litian, more for a change of environment to practice.

In the dean's room, Dugu Bo said with a smile: "Little monster, the quality of this group of students is quite good. The average age is around fifteen years old, and the average soul power exceeds level 25."

"Not bad. Old monster, tomorrow you can take everyone to Tianfen Soul Refining Tower to practice. Do you still remember the original flame? I have sealed it in the tower, and anyone from our academy can enter it to practice. ”

Han Yu said: "Also, I have marked the floors that different levels can go to. After that, I will arrange a few teachers to guard there for a long time."

"Little monster, I need to remind you that the funds in the college are still sufficient, but this is one year's expenses. If you want to expand the city, this money is probably not enough."

"It doesn't matter, I have plenty of ways to make money."

After hearing this, Dugu Bo said nothing more, turned around and left the principal's office.

Han Yu looked at the list in his hand and couldn't help but sigh.

Today is the opening ceremony and the registration ceremony. From early morning to now, the college has only received a dozen transfer students. Of those who signed up directly, none of them met the college's recruitment standards.

"After all, it's not the beginning of the school year, but the current number of teachers and students can be considered a relatively large college."

Han Yu's work doesn't stop there. He also needs to deliver a speech at today's opening ceremony.

After all, Canaan College has such a backing from the Tiandou Empire. Starting from the afternoon, deans from major colleges near Tiandou City came to support them one after another.

Not only that, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe, also arrived here.

"Dean Han, it's not too late for you to come."

"His Royal Highness, you are joking. Please invite me quickly."

"Haha, Dean Han is indeed a young man as rumored." The old man behind Xue Qinghe greeted with a smile.

"Lao Huo, this is called young and promising. I didn't expect that when I saw him today, Dean Han was really extraordinary."

"Who are they?" Han Yu didn't recognize the person coming.

Xue Qinghe explained with a smile: "Dean Han, let me introduce to you. This is Huo Lie, the dean of Chihuo College, this is Shui Ningbing, the dean of Tianshui College, and the last one is the dean of Shenfeng College. Dean Feng Changlin.”

Hearing this, Han Yu clasped his fists and said, "Three deans, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Dean Han, you're welcome. I'll wait."

Before the three of them finished speaking, a sharp shout came, "Three old guys, you came quite early."

"Hu Yanzhen, why are you here too?" Huo Lie said with an unhappy expression.

The Elephant Academy has entered Elemental City forcefully, and these three companies have long disliked them. But fearing the strength of the Elephant Armor Sect, they had no choice but to swallow their anger.

Seeing Hu Yanzhen's actions, Dugu Bo immediately stood up and said:

"Hu Yanzhen, you are a guest, but if you do something beyond your reach, don't blame me for being unkind."

"Dugu Mian is joking. Although I, Hu Yanzhen, am a rough man, I still understand etiquette." Hu Yanzhen clasped his fists and did not have too much entanglement with Huo Lie and the other three.

Next, many famous people came one after another.

Yu Luo Mian, the deputy head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, came to support him as the principal of Thunder Academy.

Not only that, even Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo were present in person.

"Dean Han, Ning is very troublesome when he comes here this time." Ning Fengzhi said with a slight smile.

You knew you would disturb me, so why did you come?

Cursing in his heart, Han Yu led him to the square inside the academy.

Starting in the afternoon, students and teachers have gathered here.

Today is the first opening ceremony of Canaan College, so it will naturally be extremely grand.

On the rostrum, Han Yu said with a smile: "Sect Master Ning, please take a seat."

"Dean Han Yu, please."

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