Tiandou Royal Academy.

In the past few days, after Qin Ming's constant suggestions, Meng Shenji finally agreed to Qin Ming's ridiculous conditions.

"Chief, Xiao Ming's request is too much. I have no objection to letting Shrek Academy merge into our academy, but retaining Shrek's designation is really a little bit..." Bai Baoshan sighed.

If Tiandou Royal Academy hadn't been in decline, how could they have merged with Shrek Academy.

Even if they are merged, they are still allowed to teach separately, which is completely against the regulations.

Meng Shenji was also very fond of talents, and he ordered: "Zhilin, Bai Baoshan, this matter must not be known to His Highness the Prince. Arrange for someone to clean the area behind the academy. From now on, it will be handed over to Shrek. teachers and students.”

"Hey~ I hope nothing goes wrong."

"Han Yu has been away for more than half a month, and I don't know when he will come back~" Ye Lingling sat on a raised boulder and said with a look of resentment.

These days, Qin Ming did not arrange for her and Dugu Yan to train with the team on the grounds that their soul power was too high.

"If you keep looking at it, you will turn into a husband-watching stone." Dugu Yan walked over and joked with a smile.

"Sister Yanzi, you are still talking about me, what is going on with you and Tian Heng!"

On the day he left Soto City, Yu Tianheng did not appear. Dai Mubai wanted to find Zhu Zhuqing, but the latter ignored him.

Dugu Yan found a clean place to sit down, and said with an innocent face: "Tianheng joined Shrek Academy, he told me before. But it's not like you don't know what Shrek Academy is about. Joining them is not joining them. A den of thieves."

"I don't know what Tian Heng thought, but he joined Shrek Academy after having a fight with me."

Although her face was calm, she knew that her relationship with Yu Tianheng would most likely end here.

Ye Lingling nodded slightly and immediately changed the topic: "Sister Yanzi, how is your cultivation lately?"

"There is still some distance before we can reach the next level. Lingling, is the flame that Teacher Han gave you different from mine? I feel that your cultivation speed is so fast." Dugu Yan said without knowing why.

Combining the Nether Poison Fire with her poison, her combat effectiveness is indeed very strong. She can threaten even high-level soul kings.

However, the Nether Poison Fire will not speed up her cultivation.

Ye Lingling shook his head, "Sister Yanzi, you have to ask the teacher about this. I don't understand it very well either."

Dugu Yan shrugged and suddenly said: "I almost forgot about the business, Lingling, there have been a lot of rumors in the college recently. It is said that Teacher Han and Qin Ming have a bad relationship and have left the college. What is going on? Teacher Han has What didn’t I tell you?”

"What?" Ye Lingling was startled and stood up unconsciously, "No, he only told me that he was going out to do some errands and would not be back until about a month. How could he leave the college?"

"Lingling, please don't get excited. This is just a rumor. It should have been spread by those guys in Xue Beng. When Teacher Han comes back, the rumor will be disproven."

On the other side, there are many people who believe this rumor.

Among them, Qin Ming used this as an excuse to approach three education committee members.

"Three members of the education committee, Han Yu has disappeared for so many days without any reason and has seriously violated the college's discipline. I think he should be expelled from the college!"

As long as Han Yu gets out and everyone from Shrek moves in, things will be much simpler.

Qin Ming will use all means to kill his enemies with one blow.

However, the attitude of the three education committee members seemed much duller.

Han Yu is nominally the dean of students, but in fact he has more free time than the average teacher. Whether you're in the academy or not, it actually doesn't matter. The important thing is that such talents must stay in the Tiandou Empire and stay under Xue Qinghe's command.

"Xiao Ming, don't listen to the rumors of those students. Director Han has already asked for leave from us before he left." Meng Shenji explained.

Qin Ming obviously didn't believe it. He told Yu Xiaogang all about Han Yu's evil deeds in one breath.

After listening, Meng Shenji and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

They didn't think Han Yu was anything, but they thought Qin Ming was making a fuss out of a molehill.

In the academy, it is common for teachers to fall in love with students. Sun Buyu, for example, recently hooked up with a teenage student.

In Douluo Continent, as long as you have strength and have a thousand girlfriends at the same time, no one will say anything to you.

In Tiandou City, in a teahouse.

Listening to what the young man in front of him said, Han Yu couldn't help but laugh:

"I didn't expect that some people wouldn't be able to sit still after I've only been away for so long."

"Brother Han, isn't this what you want? Gu's incompetent imperial uncle will definitely make a fuss about this matter. He is eager to drive away all the capable and righteous people around Gu!" Xue Qinghe said with a sad look on his face. .

Han Yuzi would not be confused by his expression, but asked: "How is the progress of the college affairs?"

Xue Qinghe straightened his face and said, "That woman Bibi Dong is really good at it. She actually agreed to jointly run a school with the Tiandou Empire."

Han Yu frowned: "What's going on?"

Using the conflict at the border to force Xue Ye into submission, Bibi Dong did it. However, Xue Ye opened the door for Wuhun Palace in other aspects, which resulted in the academy being unable to be completed.

In the end, the two sides reached an agreement on jointly running a school.

The Tiandou Empire will provide some financial support every year, and the academy must recruit students from non-Martial Soul Hall.

After the students graduate, all those who join the official Tiandou Empire will be awarded a noble title.

Han Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "It doesn't matter, I won't interfere with the students' freedom. Whether they join the Spirit Hall or the Tiandou Empire, just let them decide for themselves."

Xue Qinghe nodded, and then said: "However, the name of the academy must not be named after Wuhun Palace. Do you have any good names?"

Han Yu originally didn't intend to use the name of Wuhun Palace, but now it saves him trouble.

After thinking for a while, he said: "You can choose between Strange Fire Academy or Canaan Academy."

Xue Qinghe thought for a moment and said, "Let's call it Canaan Academy. The name of Strange Fire Academy is a little different from that of Blazing Fire Academy. Moreover, it is not conducive to recruiting soul masters other than fire attributes."

"As for the teachers in the academy, you don't have to worry at the moment. After the academy is completed, Wuhun City will send people."

"By the way, how long will it take for the academy to be built?" Han Yu asked.

"The people who are building the academy this time are all soul masters, and they are already rushing to work. It will take up to a month for it to be officially completed."

Han Yu nodded slightly.

This speed was completely within his expectations.

But if it were someone from the Yu clan, the speed would only be faster. However, after all, the academy has the background of Wuhun Palace, and the Yu clan is afraid that they will not be willing to do this.

"When I have time in the future, I can also consider acquiring people from the four major families with single attributes."

In the future, Canaan College can be considered a force. It is reasonable for me to recruit some people as security guards for the college.

There are three chapters left, updated during the day

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