"It's nothing. I don't know much about this. However, I can't do it until I leave Tiandou Royal Academy." Han Yu said.

Currently, he is still a teacher at Tiandou Royal Academy. If he helped Wuhundian publish a book at this time, wouldn't he be cast aside by thousands of people?

Of course, Tiandou Royal Academy had no intention of helping him publish a book, so doing so was not considered cheating.

"Okay, Mr. Han Yu, on behalf of Wuhun Palace, I would like to express my gratitude to you." With that said, Tianchen slowly stood up and was about to salute.

Han Yu quickly stopped me and said, "Dean Tianchen is too polite. I only hope that the palace can provide greater help to my new college."

"Haha, okay." Tianchen smiled heartily, and then he turned the book to the last page.

"Mr. Han, I can answer your two guesses for you. My father is the second enshrined Golden Crocodile Douluo in the Enshrinement Hall, and his ninth spirit ring is a hundred thousand year spirit ring."

"Your guess about the hundred thousand year old soul ring and soul bone is correct."

"What!" Han Yu looked surprised.

What surprised him was not Tianchen's answer, but Tianchen's father.

He didn't expect that the dean of Wuhundian Academy was actually a second-generation ancestor. Couldn't the girl he saw that day be his daughter?

Tianchen added: "If Mr. Han is willing, I can ask my father to show it in person."

Han Yu's talent and strength have been cultivated by the Consecration Hall as his future successor.

Of course, he took over the class of other worshipers and assisted Qian Renxue when she grew up.

With such a talent, just to satisfy curiosity, there is no loss to Wuhun Palace.


"Well, I wonder if Mr. Han still has doubts. I have heard about what happened to you before. Today is different from the past. Now that you are also the elder of my Wuhun Palace, you are naturally qualified to know some secrets."

"If you have any conjectures, you can bring them out and we can discuss and study them together."

Tianchen said seriously.

Han Yu started thinking.

Researching theories and so on, originally he just planned to fulfill the original owner's wish, and he had no intention of developing in this area.

But seeing Tianchen's serious look, he knew he had to say something.

"I once heard that when a soul beast reaches one hundred thousand years, it can only live for another thousand years. Are there any soul beasts that are two hundred thousand years old or even older?"

After hearing the question, Tianchen thought about it in his mind.

Feeling that there was no suitable answer, he quickly ran to the bookshelf and started searching.

After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "It is recorded in the book that a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast will encounter a terrible disaster after one thousand years. Once it fails, the body will die. But there is no record about it in the book. The soul beast that successfully survived the catastrophe."

Next, the two discussed this issue a lot.

Han Yu knew the answer to the question. He hinted at it several times, openly or covertly, but he didn't know if Tianchen would listen.

It wasn't until late at night that he left Wuhundian Academy.

"This guy is not a nerd, and he won't give you an accurate answer on whether it will work or not." Han Yu complained in his heart.

At this moment, he looked like a migrant worker waiting for the result of the interview.

However, the other party did not allow him to stay in the college, so he still had to solve the accommodation problem as soon as possible.

Earlier, why did he say that restaurant would do business?

Looking at the map in his hand, he knew that it would be difficult for him not to go back to that restaurant again. Damn it, there is only the destination and the location of that restaurant on the map. After you finish your errands and go back, you will become a repeat customer in an instant!

After Han Yu left, Golden Crocodile Douluo walked into Tianchen's office.

"Father." Tianchen bowed.

Jin Crocodile waved his hand, "Is there any result about Yue'er's matter?"

Tianchen smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Father, the evolution of martial souls is not caused by man-made things. I just talked to Mr. Han Yu, and he had the same idea as me. The evolution of martial souls the day after tomorrow, in addition to absorbing soul rings and causing mutations, We can only rely on rare items.”

Wonderful objects always depend on fate.

Even if you search all over the world, it may not work.

"Hmph, I never believe in relying on God to change fate. Everything depends on man. This matter can only be achieved by relying on man!" Jin Crocodile snorted coldly.

In fact, Tianchen's martial spirit was not the Golden Crocodile King of his family, but just an ordinary golden crocodile.

Jin Crocodile originally thought that his granddaughter would inherit his martial spirit and create a family legacy.

But as luck would have it, her martial spirit was inherited from her father.

As for the last trip to the Star Forest, the Golden Crocodile used the blood of the Golden Crocodile King Soul Beast to allow Tianyue's martial spirit to evolve a little.

But this evolution is not comprehensive. Tianyue's martial spirit has only evolved its claws.

As for the Golden Crocodile Martial Spirit, it is a top-level martial spirit. It is very difficult to evolve it.

Even though there is only one level difference between the top martial spirit and the super martial spirit, the difference is actually as big as clouds and mud.

"That boy's soul power has improved very quickly, and he must have a lot of opportunities. When I took Yue'er to the Star Dou Forest, he even used me to block the knife!"

He reported to Qian Daoliu that someone from the Haotian Sect was out.

However, the seventh elder quickly fled back, and Qian Daoliu did not investigate further.

As for the improvement of Han Yu's soul power, almost all the senior officials of the Consecration Hall knew about it.

During the day, Qian Daoliu went to see Han Yu, which actually meant testing.

Since it is certain that he did not rely on evil methods to improve his soul power, he must have a great opportunity on his hands.

However, Qian Daoliu would not take the initiative to ask about chance. Whether Han Yu was willing to bring it up or not would depend on Jin Crocodile and the others' words.

"Father, since you have no hope of breaking through, just read more books if you have nothing to do. How can it be so easy to evolve a martial soul? Even Yu Xiaogang and Yu Yuanzhen have not found a way until now."

The incident between Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong caused quite a stir in the city, and it was difficult for Jin Crocodile not to remember him.

"Hmph, then put some pressure on him. Xue'er has suffered so much in the Tiandou Empire, and even risked being exposed to open an academy for this kid. If he doesn't pay a price, what will happen!" Jin Crocodile said angrily. .

"And you kid, you are still stuck at level 89 after so many years. I have lost all my face to you!"

"In short, don't agree to him easily about opening a new college. The Pope's Palace is keeping a close eye on Xue'er. Don't mention this matter again until the elder brother has made a decision."

After saying that, Golden Crocodile turned and left.

Hearing this, Tianchen smiled bitterly and shook his head.

His martial soul level is not low, but his innate soul power is only level seven. In addition, he is not a training material, reaching level eighty-nine, which almost overdraws his potential.

"Tiled Douluo, there is no hope in this life~" With a heavy sigh, Tianchen sat at his desk and continued to study his theory.

As for the matter of the new academy of Wuhun Palace, Tianchen also has more than enough intentions but not enough energy.

This involves the dispute between the Pope's Palace and the Enshrinement Palace, as well as the dispute between the Wuhun Palace and the Tiandou Empire. No matter how optimistic he was about Han Yu, he was still helpless.

PS: Set a flag, if this book can reach an average of 3,000 orders. Before finishing the book, the author updated it 10,000 times a day, and after the next book is released, the author will update it 15,000 to 20,000 times a day for a month, hehe.

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