Douluo starts from self-created soul ring

Chapter 103 Shocked the whole audience


"He actually doesn't admit defeat?"

"Do you want to die? How can he be Tang Hao's opponent!"

"Yes, even if no one knows what the fourth soul skill he has been hiding is until now, it is impossible to defeat Tang Hao, who has the cultivation level of Soul King..."

"I guess he wants to help Bibi Dong consume Tang Hao's soul power!"

"It can only be said that it is stupid. Just choose to give up like Dainessa!"


The audience was all shocked when they saw that Gu Ziyi actually chose to challenge Tang Hao in a duel.

Yu Xiaogang even called him stupid, why would Gu Ziyi beat his idol?

"Tang Hao, come on, let Gu Ziyi know how powerful you are!"

Yu Xiaogang then cheered loudly for Tang Hao.

"Okay, okay, let me see how you can jump now?"

Ning Shuangjiang also jumped up excitedly off the court.

She absolutely did not believe that Tang Hao would not be able to deal with Gu Ziyi.

That's impossible!

The other members of the Haotian team all had smiles on their faces, waiting to see the joke.

"Second brother..."

Only Tang Yuehua wanted to call Tang Hao but couldn't.

Should Tang Hao be asked to be careful not to hurt Gu Ziyi in public?

"Don't worry, since Gu Ziyi dares to stay in the ring, he must have someone to rely on. If my second cousin is careless, he might even suffer a loss!"

On the contrary, the egret next to Tang Yuehua was not so worried about Gu Ziyi, and instead comforted Tang Yuehua.

"Gu Ziyi, I guess you have some talent, don't worry, I promise you will be merciful!"

Tang Hao looked at Gu Ziyi across from him, summoned the Clear Sky Hammer and hit the ground, then clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"You'd better talk about it after you defeat me!"

"Be careful of the boat capsizing in the gutter!"

Gu Ziyi hummed lightly, without giving in.

"Hmph, let me see if you can continue to be tough!"

Seeing that Gu Ziyi was not afraid of him at all, Tang Hao immediately put away the smile on his face.

"Boy, let me show you the power of the towering Haotian Sect, the Jiaojiao War Soul Hammer!"


After Tang Hao shouted loudly, he lifted the Clear Sky Hammer under his feet and rushed towards Gu Ziyi in a flash.

Tang Hao was very fast, closing the distance by half almost instantly.

Then Tang Hao didn't use any soul skills, but directly picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and attacked Gu Ziyi.

He was afraid that Gu Ziyi wouldn't be able to withstand any of his soul skills, so it would be useless.

He didn't want to defeat Gu Ziyi so quickly, he wanted Gu Ziyi to taste the power of the Clear Sky Hammer.


"Tai Chi field!"

At this moment, Gu Ziyi did not stay still, and for the first time displayed his talent in front of outsiders.

I saw a Tai Chi pattern unfolding under Gu Ziyi's feet in an instant, and the Tai Chi pattern just covered the entire arena.

Tang Hao's originally very fast figure suddenly slowed down a lot after Gu Ziyi's Tai Chi field expanded.


"Field of Talent!"

Tang Hao, who originally had a relaxed look on his face, suddenly widened his eyes when he saw Gu Ziyi actually using his talent field. He couldn't believe what he saw.

He never expected that Gu Ziyi actually had a talent field.

"Field of Talent!"

"It's actually a talent field!"

"And you still have a talent field at the level of Soul Sect..."

"Is this Gu Ziyi a monster?"


The moment Gu Ziyi's talent field was revealed, except for Tang Hao and a few people who already knew the truth, the entire audience was shocked.

This is an area of ​​talent!

Especially for those stronger soul masters, they were undoubtedly even more shocked when they saw that Gu Ziyi actually had a talent field.

Because they know better how rare the field of talent is.

"Awakening the talent field at level 40... No, maybe earlier!"

"No wonder he dares to stay in the ring!"

It was also the first time that Sword Douluo was shocked by Gu Ziyi's talent.

"This boy actually has the same talent field as my little sister!"

After Tang Xiao saw Gu Ziyi displaying his talent, he felt a sense of regret in his heart for the first time.

This time it was not to regret not killing Gu Ziyi in the first place, but to directly eliminate the hidden danger.

But I regret not recruiting Gu Ziyi into Haotian Sect!

Perhaps, he should have turned a blind eye to the situation of Gu Ziyi and Tang Yuehua from the beginning.

Just give him another chance, he believes that he will still stop it, unless Gu Ziyi shows the fact that he has a talent field, and then tells his secret, proving that he has the potential to become stronger.

But Gu Ziyi didn't.

Even after knowing that Tang Yuehua had returned to Haotian Sect, he did not find him, but turned around and joined Wuhun Hall.

After thinking about it like this, Tang Xiao regretted not getting rid of Gu Ziyi even more.

Now I can only think about it, now that Gu Ziyi is a disciple of the Pope, they Haotian Sect dare not touch him.

"Damn it, this guy actually has a talent field!"

Ning Shuangjiang, who was originally waiting to see Gu Ziyi's joke, was a little bit off guard this time.

I didn't see Gu Ziyi's jokes, but I saw the side of Gu Ziyi that stole the show first.

"How can this be……"

"This is impossible……"

"He is obviously like me, with only level 1 innate soul power. Why does he have a talent field?"

"Why on earth?"

Speaking of breaking the defense, of course it was Yu Xiaogang who really broke the defense at this time.

He has always compared Gu Ziyi with himself. He once even thought about surpassing Gu Ziyi in terms of soul power level!

But since coming to Wuhun Hall, Gu Ziyi's performance has broken his psychological defense time and time again.

Not only did Gu Ziyi's soul power level far exceed his, he also broke through the shackles of level 30 and reached level 40.

Now it's even more outrageous, it even has a talent field.

Yu Xiaogang really wanted to ask God, why?

How come Gu Ziyi, who has the same talent as everyone else, was chosen by the Pope to become his disciple? He could obtain the legendary treasures of heaven and earth to break through the talent limit, and he also had many areas of talent that Titled Douluo did not necessarily possess.

He is obviously the one with a more noble status!


"What about the field of talent?"

"Hit me!"

Regardless of the reaction of the audience present, Tang Hao quickly came to his senses after the initial shock, then picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and continued to hammer it at Gu Ziyi.

Facing Tang Hao's attack, Gu Ziyi first cast a layer of golden light spell on himself, then stretched out one hand to block Tang Hao's attack, as if he wanted to block Tang Hao's attack with one hand.

"Let's see how you block it!"

When Tang Hao saw this, he was furious. You, an auxiliary soul master, want to catch my attack with one hand?



With strong anger, Tang Hao slammed the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

"In the field of Tai Chi, four ounces can move a thousand pounds!"


The moment he caught Tang Hao's attack with his right hand, Gu Ziyi simultaneously displayed his field skills.


I saw Gu Ziyi's right hand, with the blessing of domain skills, steadily catching Tang Hao's attack.

The Clear Sky Hammer in Tang Hao's hand fell on Gu Ziyi's hand, as if it had no strength!

"Is this soft attack the power of the Haotian Sect's Jiaojiao War Soul Hammer?"

After Gu Ziyi caught Tang Hao's attack, he immediately raised his eyes to look at Tang Hao opposite, who looked in disbelief, and smiled and mocked.

ps: Sorry, I originally wanted to finish writing about beating Tang Hao, but I found that I couldn’t finish it. Let’s do it tomorrow! I must finish writing it tomorrow!

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