
As night falls, darkness covers the endless sea, leaving only the stars in the sky and the sound of waves hitting the hull.

"Xiangxiang, since you have decided to go to Poseidon Island, we will naturally protect you. You go back to your room and rest first, and we will talk about it tomorrow."

In the room, Dai Yao looked at Bai Chenxiang, who was a little wary after entering a strange environment, and said with relief.

Bai Chenxiang looked around the room gently. The four women were all Dai Yao's wives. She was an outsider and was not suitable to stay here. However, now that she has decided to go to Poseidon Island, she will not shrink back. After saying goodbye to Dai Yao and others, she returned to her room.

After sending Bai Chenxiang into the room, Dai Yao returned to the room and glanced around the room.

Dugu Yan supported Zhen's head with his hands and lay on his side on the bed. After leaving Qinglian Sect, she no longer wore formal clothes, but returned to her original green cheongsam. Lying on her side, her snow-white and round jade legs were exposed from the crotch of her cheongsam. The devilish arc formed by lying on her side could make any man lose his mind.

His green eyes gently focused on Dai Yao, with a slight smile on his face.

Zhu Zhuqing was wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket, with her hot figure ready to show off. She was sitting on a chair with Ning Rongrong. Unlike Dugu Yan's charming body, Zhu Zhuqing's figure is unabashedly hot, and will attract everyone's attention immediately no matter where he is.

Ning Rongrong sat next to Zhu Zhuqing, clasping her hands together and placing them on her lap. Wearing an indigo dress, only a short section of the snow-white calf is exposed. On Hao's wrist is a soul guide in the shape of a jade bracelet. Her long brown hair falls like a waterfall. The two sideburns parted in the middle of her forehead are all It shows the temperament of a mature and gentle lady.

Feng Wutong was wearing a long fiery red dress, but she was standing behind Zhu Zhuqing, as if she wanted to restrain all her light.

"Tsk, tsk, master? It seems that there is a man who is messing with women again when we are not paying attention?!"

On the couch, Dugu Yan pretended that no one cared about him, and he was feeling resentful and depressed, and lamented. A pair of beautiful eyes looked at Dai Yao with great interest, waiting for Dai Yao's reaction.

It's not like they didn't hear Purple Pearl's words of 'Master'. Dai Yao had only been out for a few days, and he got another woman, and she was quite pretty. If they hadn't taken the lotus given by Dai Yao, their appearance would have been similar to that of the purple pearl.

If Dai Yao is allowed to continue, there will only be more and more women around him.

As wives, Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing are on the same side. If Dai Yao wants to let women into the house again, he must obtain their consent! And do a ‘master’ role play? Isn't this their game?

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong immediately cast their curious eyes on Dai Yao. Even Feng Wutong, who had no opinion of his own in front of Dai Yao, could not hide his curiosity.

Under the gaze of the four women, they were thrust into Dai Yao like a thousand sharp swords. Dai Yao's scalp suddenly became numb, he coughed lightly, looked at the four of them with a guilty conscience, remained silent for a moment, and said:

"Do you really want to know?"

Dai Yao asked in return. Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong looked at each other. Neither of them wanted to press Dai Yao about something he didn't want to say, let alone Feng Wutong. When Dugu Yan saw the three women's reactions, he secretly scolded them for not living up to expectations and said:

"Of course."

Dai Yao was silent for a moment, sighed helplessly, and said, "Come out." In the surprised eyes of the four women, the blond hair turned into rich black at a speed visible to the naked eye. When his eyes opened again, The golden color in his eyes disappeared, turning into black eyes full of evil energy.

"Hello everyone!"

The first time he officially met his other wives, Dai Yao, who had an evil personality, smiled slightly and showed what he thought was a kind smile.

"Who are you?!"

Dugu Yan said in shock and anger, and immediately jumped up from the couch, his soul power surged, his long hair flew, and his martial spirit was about to possess him. Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong, and Feng Wutong also stood up and looked warily at the unfamiliar 'Dai Yao'.

'Dai Yao' didn't care about their wary gazes. He sat carelessly on the stool, leaned on the back of the chair, and said with a smile:

"Don't you want to know the relationship between Purple Pearl and me? I can tell you that Purple Pearl is my maid."

At this time, the four girls no longer paid attention to the relationship between Dai Yao and Zi Zhenzhu. Instead, they focused all their attention on 'Dai Yao' whose temperament had completely changed. Zhu Zhuqing stared at 'Dai Yao', with a hint of anger in his cold voice, and said:

"Who are you? Why do you appear in Brother Yao's body?"

‘Dai Yao’ picked up the tea cup, took a sip, and sipped his tongue a few times. He didn’t know whether he was praising the taste of the tea or sighing at Zhu Zhuqing’s reaction. He raised his eyebrows helplessly and said:

"It seems like they don't welcome me. Forget it, it's up to you to explain."

After the words fell, 'Dai Yao's' black hair turned golden again, and his pupils also turned bright golden. Seeing the familiar figure reappearing, the girls looked at Dai Yao warily. After confirming Dai Yao's identity, they came to Dai Yao with great concern. Zhu Zhuqing asked anxiously:

"Brother Yao! What happened just now? We seemed to have seen another person just now!"

Seeing everyone's anxious look, Dai Yao felt warm in his heart, smiled and comforted him a few times, and said:

"You have also seen the specific situation..."

Then, Dai Yao began to explain the reason for the birth of his other personality, the process of hunting soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. At the same time, he also showed off his third martial spirit, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. After seeing the Dark Demon Tiger Spirit, all the girls were so surprised that they were speechless.

"That's the thing. Although I have a third martial spirit, there is an extra personality in my body due to the influence of the Evil God Bead. However, I made an agreement with him. Without my permission, , he can’t show up.”

"But this personality is very arbitrary in his actions and actions. Sometimes he can even be called a devil."

"Because there are many women around me, he must be the same as me in this regard, so..."

Dai Yao coughed a few times and explained awkwardly.

Ning Rongrong said with a worried look: "Brother Yao, your other personality doesn't look like a good person. Making an agreement with you might be just a delaying tactic. You must be careful!"

Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong also nodded. They loved Dai Yao, not Dai Yao's body. Although they were both the same person, in their hearts, these were completely different things. If Dai Yao is really defeated by the evil personality, they will be helpless and unable to do anything.

Dai Yao smiled and said with relief:

"Haha, don't worry, that guy will not be recognized by Chaos Qinglian. With Chaos Qinglian, I will be invincible. Of course, I will be careful about him."

All the girls breathed a sigh of relief, and Dugu Yan sighed:

"Alas, another personality appeared, but you got a martial spirit, and it is a top martial spirit that is not inferior to the sacred white tiger. It is not a loss. It turns out that we are pity that your Chaos Qinglian martial spirit cannot absorb the soul ring. , and cannot be regarded as the real second martial spirit."

"It's good now, no one in the whole world can compare with you!"

Dai Yao smiled slightly. If there was no Chaos Qinglian, there would be someone who could rival him. However, that person is thousands of years later and has the most precious opportunity on the continent. If no one interferes, he will definitely become the pinnacle god king of a generation! It may even take the place of God Shura.

It's just a pity that it was ruined by a demon in the appearance of a god. Even the relationship between husband and wife can only be done with that person's permission...

"Okay, that's it for now. As for Purple Pearl, just treat her with a normal attitude. She is that guy's maid, so we don't need to worry about her. By the way, Yanyan, come out with me."

Everyone was stunned and looked at Dugu Yan in surprise. After a moment, Zhu Zhuqing showed a look of surprise. She already understood the reason why Dai Yao asked Dugu Yan to go out.

"Huh?... It seems that my brother wants to do some private things with his sister in a different place. On the vast sea, wow, my brother is really interesting!"

Dugu Yan was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, his charming eyes full of teasing.

Dai Yao's head is filled with dark thoughts. He is indeed a few years younger than Dugu Yan, so Dugu Yan always likes to call him younger brother. He also likes to sit on it and move by himself. He grabbed Dugu Yan's wrist and said helplessly:

"Come on, come out with me."

Dugu Yan was pulled forward by Dai Yao, turned back to look at the three girls with shy faces, and said with a smile:

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that my brother is the center of attention. Sisters, I will use your beloved brother for a while and return it to you tomorrow~"

After leaving the room, Dai Yao took Dugu Yan to the bow deck of the ship. Looking at Dugu Yan's charming eyes, full of desire like spring water, Dai Yao sighed and said:

"Stop making trouble, I asked you to come out for business."

Dugu Yan immediately put away the blurred look, and his expression returned to normal. He met Dai Yao's gaze, held his hands in front of his chest, held up the majestic mountains, turned his head, and looked towards the darkness. The boundless ocean, facing the salty sea breeze, said seriously:

"I know you want to ask about Bai Chenxiang."

Dai Yao nodded and said:

"I understand your concerns. The Min clan does have lingering feelings for Tang San and the Haotian Sect. However, now all the Min clan are in the Qinglian Sect, sharing weal and woe with the Qinglian Sect. If anyone wants to betray the sect, they must also Consider the entire clan.”

"So, they don't dare to commit betrayal. You don't have to plot against Bai Chenxiang."

Dugu Yan turned around, looked at Dai Yao tenderly, caressed Dai Yao's face with her jade hand, and said softly:

"Of course I know this, but what I know more clearly is that since I have seen the signs, I must kill them! They do not dare to betray the sect, but with Bai He's character, they will definitely give him a chance when the battle situation is unfavorable. Tang San or Haotian Sect delivers the news!"

"In their eyes, this information may not be important, but to Haotian Sect, it can be inferred that it is extremely important information. This will inevitably draw the sect into the whirlpool of war!"

"Dai Yao, although you are a good person, you cannot have any luck or emotion when it comes to managing the sect. Management requires enough trust, but for people like Bai He, you must grasp Target his weak spot and make him use the enemy as a weapon!"

"Bai Chenxiang is his weakness."

Since the establishment of the Qinglian Sect, Dugu Yan discovered that dozens of people still cherished their old friendship with the Haotian Sect and wanted to betray the Qinglian Sect and defect to the Haotian Sect. Now, they have become fertilizer for the plants outside Hanhai City. This cost Dugu Yan a lot of effort. While dealing with the traitors, he also prevented several elders from complaining.

She was exhausted.

She fulfilled her original promise seriously. She didn't care about her image in the eyes of others. No matter whether she was a viper, a poisonous woman, or cunning, as long as she could help Dai Yao and stabilize the sect, she would do whatever it took.

Hearing this, Dai Yao was extremely moved. He gently hugged Dugu Yan's slender waist like a water snake and gently hugged her into his arms. Their skins were touching each other, feeling the familiar fragrance and body temperature, as if their two hearts were a little closer.

After he established the Qinglian Sect, he left and left such a big stall to Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong. Although Dugu Yan has the backing of Poisonous Douluo, managing the sect is not a competition of strength and weakness, but rather a matter of manipulating people's hearts and requiring a lot of hard work.

Dai Yao understood the pressure Dugu Yan suffered during this period, and with a cold image, he finally put the Qinglian Sect on the right track.

"It's my fault, Yanyan."

Dai Yao said apologetically.

But Dugu Yan shook his head, rolled his eyes at Dai Yao, and said: "You are my husband, if I don't help you, who can I help?! Why are you apologizing? Bai Chenxiang is Bai He's weakness, as long as he can hold Bai Chenxiang , Bai He will never dare to act rashly and do something detrimental to the sect for Tang San."

She smiled charmingly and said with interest:

"Dai Yao, you don't want to see the sect involved in the mainland war and suffer heavy casualties, right?"

Dai Yao suddenly shivered. Why did this sound like a Sakura netizen? He looked up at Dugu Yan nervously and asked:

"What do you want to do?"

Dugu Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "If you don't want to see the heavy casualties of the sect, then take Bai Chenxiang! After arriving at Poseidon Island, Bai Chenxiang will be alone. As long as she has some experience, she will see her and us The gap. She will definitely be beaten to pieces by us, so you can take advantage of it and take down..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Dai Yao quickly stopped Dugu Yan from continuing, rolled his eyes at Dugu Yan, and said:

"The more you talk, the more absurd it becomes! Bai Chenxiang followed us to Poseidon Island just because she trusted us. How could we...?"

Dugu Yan spat and said: "Bah! Do you think I can't see it? Why was your personality born? Isn't it because you suppressed your desires for a long time? Rather than leaving Bai Chenxiang as a future trouble, it's better to just let it go By obeying you, she not only resolved the hidden dangers of the Min clan, but also complied with your wishes."

Dai Yao was startled. Sometimes, bystanders can see things more clearly than himself. After Duguyan's reminder, he finally understood the reason for the evil personality.

For so many years, in order to seek revenge, he devoted himself to cultivation and suppressed his emotions. That's why the relationship with Ning Rongrong was so difficult to come together, and the same was true for Hu Liena. Years of repression, under the influence of the evil thoughts in the evil god bead, mobilized all the suppressed emotions for so many years, and then formed a second personality.

Moreover, precisely because of the formation of the second personality, the closed emotions inside began to be released. No longer yield to Bibi Dong, break with Bibi Dong, and at the same time accept Hu Liena's heart...

However, he doesn't have much affection for Bai Chenxiang. Because of what happened in the original work, he has some pity for her. Dugu Yan's words made him fall into silence. Should I accept Bai Chenxiang?

It is undeniable that Bai Chenxiang is beautiful, but this is not the reason for Dai Yao to accept her. Wouldn’t that mean he became a stallion?

Dai Yao sighed and said:

"Yanyan, you can't force your feelings. You don't have to worry about this. Just let everything happen..."

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