Under the waterfall, Dai Yao slowly opened his eyes against the pressure of the waterfall. After feeling the solid soul power in my body, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and thought:

"I finally got used to the surge of soul power in my body, thanks to a trip to the Star Luo Empire. I competed with three powerful Contra level warriors, and was chased by a group of Soul Douluo from the Xing Luo Dai family. , although it did not pose much threat to me, it invisibly solidified my soul power."

After absorbing Xiao Wu's 100,000-year-old soul ring, Dai Yao's soul power suddenly increased from level 60 to level 68. Such a dramatic increase would be very harmful to future cultivation if the foundation is not stabilized in time. at.

Fortunately, Dai Yao solved the feeling of vanity caused by the sudden increase in soul power.

He jumped out of the waterfall with a slight jump, stood casually on the rocks on the shore, bathed in the warm sunshine, and began to think about his future.

"According to the plot of the original work, the story of the Tiandou Palace transformation should have already progressed. Tang San entered the Tiandou royal family to treat Emperor Xueye, and then because of Bibi Dong's urging, Qian Renxue had to advance the palace transformation. As a result, I missed one move and was defeated by Tang San."

"From now on, I will never forget Tang San."

"However, because of my butterfly effect, the Qibao Glazed Sect was neutralized, Dugu Bo was also won over by me, and Yang Wudi of the Broken Clan joined my sect. In the original work, Tang San was able to defeat Qian Renxue with three major helpers, None of them are around Tang San."

"The only variable, Haotian Sect, is now blocked at the door by two worshippers, unable to get out at all."

"This time, it's impossible for Tang San to defeat Qian Renxue."

"The Tiandou Empire was overthrown by Qian Renxue, and Tang San had no choice but to flee to the Star Luo Empire. When the time comes, the Dai family and Tang San will settle their scores together."

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed across his golden eyes.

Of course, there is also Tang Hao who almost killed him, and he will not forget it. Today, Tang Hao is a useless man with broken arms and legs. He lives in a valley not far from the Holy Soul Village. When the right opportunity comes, sooner or later the grass that was guarding him will be pulled out.

However, after settling the grudge, he had to think about the future path.

First, if he does not find a god to pass on, his cultivation speed will drop significantly. There are so many aging soul saints in Wuhun Palace, and Soul Douluo is a lesson for others. But secondly, what god should he choose to inherit?

The Rakshasa God and the Angel God already have owners. The only gods that appeared in the first part of Douluo Continent are the God of the Sea and the God of Shura.

He is familiar with Poseidon, and he is also very clear about Poseidon's divine test. After all, he has read Douluo Dalu. But the disadvantage of the Poseidon position is that he is too weak and is only a first-level god.

Although God Shura is strong, he doesn't know the specific test. In the original work, even Tang Chen, who was extremely talented and beautiful, failed in the last step of inheriting the throne of Shura God, but Dai Yao was confident that he could pass the test of Shura God.

However, if Dai Yao guessed correctly, if he wanted to pass the Shura Divine Examination and inherit the Shura Divine Throne, he would have to stay in the capital of hell.

He could not help the women around him improve their soul power, and he had to be separated from them. Even if Shura was considered one of the top gods among many gods, he would still refuse.

"Thinking about it this way, it's really a bit of a headache. According to my current strength, it would be a pity to only inherit the position of a first-level god. However, in addition to God Shura, how can I find the other four supreme gods? After all, the inheritance of their gods is not mentioned at all in the original work.”

Dai Yao thought with some distress.

In the spiritual world, the chaotic green lotus sways gently. Dai Yao's somewhat depressed mood immediately calmed down a lot.

"Forget it, it's not certain whether I will inherit the divine position in the future. No one knows where this Chaos Green Lotus will take me. Maybe those divine positions are nothing in front of the Chaos Green Lotus. .”

Dai Yao comforted himself.

At this moment, the maid Peacock walked up to Dai Yao and reminded him softly:

"Sir, a guest is here."

Dai Yao was a little surprised. His place was remote and remote. Almost no one came here all year round. Why did someone come suddenly?


Dai Yao asked.

The peacock replied: "It is... Your Highness the Saint."

"Hu Liena?"

Dai Yao was even more surprised. To be honest, he didn't want to see Hu Liena. Because of the identity of 'Emperor Shura', Hu Liena had been searching for many years, but it was impossible for him to reveal his identity. In addition, he rejected Hu Liena so cruelly last time. Therefore, many times, he Avoid Hu Liena.

Why did Hu Liena come to him this time?

He waved his hand quickly: "Tell Her Royal Highness the Saint that I am not here."

"What? Dai Yao, you don't want to see me so much?"

As soon as Dai Yao finished giving instructions to Peacock, a tall and graceful figure walked over and said in a dissatisfied tone. Those fox eyes were gleaming, staring straight at Dai Yao.

It was Hu Liena.

Dai Yao smiled helplessly, waved his hand, and told the peacock to retreat. Turning his head, as soon as he met Hu Liena's eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and he felt an ominous premonition.

"Nana, did you hear correctly? I welcome you very much."

Hu Liena snorted softly: "That's pretty much it."

So, under Dai Yao's guidance, the two of them walked to a pavilion by the lake. After living in the valley for so long, Dai Yao also built some leisure places.

In the pavilion, the two people sat opposite each other.

Dai Yao personally poured tea for Hu Liena, and glanced at Hu Liena from the corner of his eye, only to find that Hu Liena was staring at him intently, and his inner uneasiness became even stronger. After pouring the tea, Dai Yao sat down and asked casually:

"Nana, tell me, what do you want from me?"

Hu Liena held Zhen's head with one hand, and used the tea lid with the other hand to stir the tea in the cup. Every move exuded amazing temptation. The fox eyes narrowed slightly and said with a smile:

"It seems that we have rarely seen each other since you joined the Spirit Hall. At that time, I first went to the Death Valley to practice, and then went to the Killing City to practice. After returning from a narrow escape, I finally suppressed the murderous aura in my body, and then I just met you when I was hunting soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest."

"Even my teachers have praised me for my progress in the past few years, but compared to you, it is still so insignificant."

"I really want to know, what have you been through in the past few years?"

Dai Yao curled his lips helplessly. Can I tell you that I was by your side when you were in the killing city?

Dai Yao smiled and said:

"You are experiencing it, and of course I am also experiencing it."

"Oh? As far as I know, the cruelest training place on the continent is the Killing City. Where did you train? And when did you train?"

Hu Liena glanced at the pile of rubble under the waterfall and said seemingly unintentionally.

Those were the stones Dai Yao used when he was practicing his spear.

The broken stones were very regular, and they were all obviously punctured by an extremely sharp weapon. Hu Liena doubted that the broken stones were punctured by a gun.

As long as the time of Dai Yao's training coincides with the time of her training in the Killing City, she can be sure that Dai Yao is the 'Shura Emperor'. Otherwise, how could there be so many coincidences?

Dai Yao's heart sank. Why did Hu Liena ask this? Could it be that she was here to test him? A flash of vigilance flashed in his eyes, he laughed and said:

"On the mainland, even the Wuhun Palace is not sure that it knows all the secrets. The place where I have experienced was personally taken by His Majesty the Pope. I personally think that there may be more secrets than the Killing City. A little more sinister.”

"As for the training time, if I remember correctly, you did it when you just walked out of Death Canyon."

The time when he disappeared from Wuhun Hall could not be concealed, so he simply told Hu Liena directly.

Hu Liena's hands froze and she gave Dai Yao a complicated look. She has confirmed that Dai Yao is the 'Shura Emperor'.

'Emperor Shura' happened to enter the killing city half a year before her, and Dai Yao also happened to disappear at this time. How could there be so many coincidences in the world?

Before coming, she specifically investigated Dai Yao's experience after coming to Wuhun Hall. But for some reason, he got a blank. Dai Yao's experience seemed to have been erased by an invisible hand. In Wuhun Palace, the only person who could hide it from her was her teacher, Bibi Dong.

All she could know was when Dai Yao was in Wuhun Hall and when he disappeared.

Moreover, she also learned from Yan that Dai Yao stayed in the library of Wuhun Palace for a year.

Thinking about it now, Dai Yao probably used that time to calm down the murderous aura in his body...

A deep sense of grievance suddenly welled up in my heart. I knew I was looking for you and you were right beside me, but I didn’t say anything. Not long ago, I would have rejected myself so cruelly.

She was excited to find the 'Emperor Shura', but at the same time, she also had the idea of ​​revenge:

"Now, you know that I am looking for the 'Emperor Shura', and I also know that you are the 'Emperor Shura', but I just don't tell you, so I keep tempting you, and I'm watching how you keep pretending!"

She smiled softly, pushed away the tea cup, took out a jade bottle from the soul guide, opened the bottle cap, and a strong aroma of wine evaporated instantly.

"Since we have gone through hardships, we have to celebrate."

Dai Yao quickly refused: "No, no, no, Nana, I'd rather have tea instead of wine."

Hu Liena's face wrinkled slightly. She wanted to see Dai Yao's embarrassed look. She felt itchy with hatred when she thought that Dai Yao had been deceiving her for so many years.

"Why, I, a little girl, can drink, but you can't?"

Dai Yao said helplessly: "Okay... then."

Hu Liena poured wine for Dai Yao, raised the glass, clinked the glasses with Dai Yao, and said with a smile:

"The first cup to celebrate our success."

Dai Yao drank the wine. To his surprise, the wine was extremely strong. Just when he frowned, Hu Liena filled the wine glass for him again. Both of them were soul masters, so this amount of wine was nothing, but Dai Yao wasn't a big drinker.

After a few glasses of wine, Hu Liena's face was already flushed, and she looked at Dai Yao with misty eyes.

"How about taking advantage of the wine, Dai Yao, and let me dance for you?"

Dai Yao's heart rang with alarm bells. There were only himself and Hu Liena here. This was a solo dance. The meaning of this move was not simple. Just when he was about to refuse, Hu Liena had already stood up, looked down at Dai Yao who was sitting on the chair, and said with a generous smile:

"We are friends, and we will work together in the future. I don't care about a girl, so why are you hesitant as a man? This is your territory anyway, who will spread the word?"

Hu Liena said so, and Dai Yao couldn't refuse, so he simply smiled and said:

"Then I will appreciate Her Majesty's dancing."

Hu Liena nodded slightly, and placed her hands on the beach on the shore. As a breeze passed by, a charming demon fox danced with the wind.

Dai Yao looked at it with gusto at first. The beauty and beautiful scenery were pleasing to the eye. But the more he looked at it, the more something was wrong. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he felt Hu Liena's persistence in finding her lover in her dance and the pain of staying alone in the empty boudoir.

For a moment, his mood became extremely complicated. He did not dare to look at Hu Liena anymore and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. The strong alcohol burned his heart, and the pain made him feel better.

He didn't know whether Hu Liena understood his identity and deliberately performed it for him, or whether she was unsuccessfully searching for the 'Shura Emperor' and was looking for someone who could express her inner misery.

After a long time, the dance finally stopped. A smile appeared on Dai Yao's face, he clapped and praised:

"It's so beautiful. It's my honor to see such a dance."

Hu Liena smiled softly, pulled back the messy hair around her ears, and calmed down her somewhat rapid breathing. When she walked to Dai Yao, she fell towards the ground as if she tripped over something.


Dai Yao said anxiously, quickly reaching out and hugging Hu Liena.

It has to be said that Hu Liena fell very cleverly, causing her to be held in Dai Yao's arms.

At this time, Hu Liena had drunk several glasses of wine and was a little intoxicated. After a dance, her face was even redder. She stared at Dai Yao with intoxicated eyes, stretched out her hand, and gently touched Dai Yao's cheek under Dai Yao's shocked eyes, and said softly:

"Dai Yao, it would be great if you were the 'Emperor Shura'..." (End of Chapter)

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