Although five years have passed, the relationship between Dugu Yan and Feng Wutong has not become unfamiliar. Ning Rongrong's previous relationship with Dugu Yan was just a casual acquaintance, but with the mediation of Feng Wutong and Dai Yao, the two women gradually became familiar with each other.

When she was in Tiandou City, Dugu Yan had always heard about the reputation of the young master of Qibao Glazed Sect, who was highly praised by many powerful men. She originally thought that a fierce tiger had come to Dai Yao's harem, and she was a little wary, but now It seemed that Ning Rongrong was just a shy little white rabbit.

As soon as he made a joke, his face turned red.

This made Dugu Yan want to tease Ning Rongrong.

Looking at the shy Ning Rongrong, Dugu Yan smiled and said:

"I thought Rongrong, as the young master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, must have a very strong personality, but I didn't expect that after seeing him, he turned out to be like this."

Ning Rongrong had just recovered from the astringent scene, and the blush on her face had faded slightly. After hearing Dugu Yan's words, she secretly glanced at Dugu Yan and muttered with some dissatisfaction:

"I also didn't expect that Sister Yan, who has always been regarded as a poisonous woman by outsiders, can be so annoying when she plays tricks on people."

Dugu Yan smiled softly and didn't care about Ning Rongrong's complaints. Since leaving Longxing City, the two of them have gotten along and have become very familiar with each other.

Especially since they both recognized each other as Dai Yao's wife, and both thought about Dai Yao, there was no conflict. After getting along, the two naturally became a lot closer.

Dugu Yan's green eyes moved slightly, and suddenly said to Dai Yao:

"By the way, Yao, you haven't said what you want to do in Gengxin City."

Dai Yao took out a stack of blueprints from the soul guide and said with a smile:

"Look, what is this?"

Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong each pulled out a drawing. Dugu Yan browsed it up and down for a while, wrinkled his beautiful eyes, full of doubts.

As soon as Ning Rongrong saw the drawings, a look of excitement appeared on his face. Then she pulled out a few drawings again to confirm, she raised her head excitedly and said:

"Dai Yao, isn't this Tang San's hidden weapon blueprint? How could you have it?"

After purchasing the hidden weapons from Tang San, the Qibao Glazed Sect has been trying to imitate the hidden weapons, especially the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. But for some unknown reason, every time the hidden weapons such as the Zhuge Divine Crossbow are dismantled, these hidden weapons are automatically destroyed, making it impossible to imitate them.

Therefore, hidden weapons have become a concern of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Ning Rongrong was naturally worried about this, so as soon as she saw the blueprint, she knew it was Tang San's hidden weapon blueprint.

Dai Yao smiled and said:

"Of course Tang San admires my strength, so he gave me these hidden weapon blueprints and wanted me to let him go."

Dugu Yan spat at Dai Yao, laughed and cursed:

"Thanks to your words, Tang San wants to eat you alive, and he will give you the blueprints of hidden weapons?"

Dai Yao's exaggerated answer let them know that Dai Yao did not want to tell them the truth, so they were sensible and did not ask any more questions.

Dai Yao smelled the increasingly strong smell of rust in the air and continued:

"Gengxin City is also known as the City of Metals. The famous blacksmiths' association is located here. This is the holy land of famous blacksmiths."

"And to create hidden weapons, it naturally requires many blacksmiths. Especially in the hidden weapon drawings, the three top hidden weapons must be made by the top blacksmiths."

"Therefore, I came here just to recruit the Blacksmith Association into the Qinglian Sect."

"On the one hand, it can create various hidden weapons to increase the financial resources of the sect; on the other hand, it can also use hidden weapons to arm the sect's children, especially the Min clan. After being armed with hidden weapons, their strength will be greatly improved. .”

Dugu Yan said worriedly:

"Yao, will the Blacksmith Association join the sect so smoothly?"

Dai Yao chuckled and said: "Don't worry, with these hidden weapon drawings, I don't believe they won't join. Besides, even if they don't join, I still have a trump card that they can't refuse."

Although the two girls were very interested in Dai Yao's so-called trump card, Dai Yao refused to tell them after asking several times, so they simply stopped asking.

Dai Yao said:

"Don't worry, Rongrong. Once I recruit the Blacksmith Association, I will definitely hand over the hidden weapon technology to the Qibao Glazed Sect, so that the Qibao Glazed Sect will no longer be subject to Tang San's technical control."

Ning Rongrong smiled lightly and said:

"No, Dai Yao. Don't give your hidden weapon skills to my dad for free because of me. Just let dad buy hidden weapons from you. Anyway, dad and his family have a lot of money. Spend more money and save him. Go to some auction."

When the auction was mentioned, Ning Rongrong seemed to think of something, wrinkled her nose and said with some dissatisfaction.

Dai Yao laughed dumbly. He didn't know how he would feel if Ning Fengzhi found out about Ning Rongrong's evil behavior.

Opening the curtains, Dai Yao saw people selling ore on the street. He recalled the plot of Ning Rongrong harvesting ore in the original work, and couldn't help but suggest:

"Why don't we go shopping? We happen to be visiting Gengxin City, which is one of the main cities of the Star Luo Empire. By the way, we can buy some more ore. Maybe we can buy some materials for making top-notch hidden weapons."

Although in the original work, Ning Rongrong bought the cold iron essence that made the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus and the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle and the silver mother of the deep sea silver because of the treasure hunting talent of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, but after all, the time and place are different, so it may not be possible to buy them. Those treasures that appear in the original work.

But it doesn’t hurt to give it a try.

"Just in time, I also want to see this metal city."

Dugu Yan said excitedly, and Ning Rongrong on the side was also a little excited.

Dai Yao stopped the carriage, and after he got off the carriage, he reached out and picked up Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong one by one. The moment the two girls appeared, Dai Yao could clearly feel that the noisy atmosphere around them immediately quieted down, and countless fiery eyes were fixed on the two girls, Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong.

Only Feng Wutong, who was wearing a black robe, was completely covered in black robes, so there were no eyes watching her.

Dai Yao took the three girls for a few steps, and naturally got a 100% turn-around rate. Looking back at the two girls who looked around with interest, Dai Yao said with a helpless smile:

"Otherwise, you should put on your veil, otherwise if this continues, if we take a few more steps, the street will be blocked."

Dugu Yan rolled his eyes at him, but did not refute Dai Yao.

More and more people gathered on the street, and almost all eyes were focused on the two girls. She knew very well that Dai Yao was right. She frowned. She didn't like those naked gazes. She took out two green veils from the soul guide and put them on her face, blocking most of her face and only revealing a pair of eyes. .

Another veil was put on for Ning Rongrong.

Dugu Yan looked at Feng Wutong in the black robe and couldn't help but sigh:

"It seems that Sister Wutong has the foresight and knows how to hide herself."

Feng Wutong whispered: "I just don't like the eyes of those people."


Dai Yao and his party strolled on the street for a while. Under the disdainful eyes of many pedestrians, Ning Rongrong bought many ores that seemed worthless to outsiders. However, Dai Yao was a little happy because those ores exactly matched the description in the original work.

Maybe, he really bought the raw materials to create those top-notch hidden weapons.

Because Dai Yao was not familiar with the Blacksmiths Association and had no introduction from Tai Tan, he was not in a hurry to find Lou Gao.

Therefore, he came to the auction in Gengxin City.

Originally, the waiter at the auction wanted to usher them into the ordinary auction area, but when Ning Rongrong took out the token of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the waiter immediately changed his attitude and ushered them into the VIP area.

People from the Qibao Glazed Sect have always been wealthy and are the honored guests at every auction!

"Oh, I can finally rest."

Dai Yao sat down on the sofa and said comfortably.

Even with such a strong body, he felt exhausted all over after following the three girls shopping.

Seeing this, Dugu Yan glanced at him and said angrily:


Ning Rongrong walked up behind Dai Yao with some distress and gently rubbed his shoulders.

Dugu Yan said dissatisfied:

"Rongrong, don't spoil him. Why don't you go shopping with us? I guarded the pond for him for five years, but I didn't say anything."

Ning Rongrong just smiled and said nothing.

Hearing Dugu Yan's complaint, Dai Yao knew that what he did in those five years was indeed unethical. However, he really couldn't spare any time in those five years and was completely dominated by Bibi Dong. He said a little guiltily:

"I'm sorry, Yanyan."

Dugu Yan felt that he had gone too far and said anxiously:

"I didn't mean that, it was just..."

It’s just that after these five years of lovesickness, she has almost turned into a resentful woman. For five years, Dai Yao never looked at her once. Five years later, when she saw Dai Yao again, Dai Yao didn't stay with her for long before he left again.

Ning Rongrong also thought of the five years of hard waiting, but the final result was good after all. She looked at Dai Yao with gentle eyes, smiled and comforted:

"Okay, okay, we are finally together, there is no need to argue about this. By the way, Dai Yao, how do we recruit the Blacksmith Association? Should we adopt the identity of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

Dai Yao stood up, looked at the center of the auction, and explained:

"No need. Isn't the reason why we came to the Metal Capital low-key just to hide our whereabouts? We will naturally meet the people from the Blacksmiths Association later."

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but that many things come from his foresight in understanding the original work, so he can only pretend to be mysterious.

And just at this moment, the auction started.

The lights suddenly turned on, and several lights converged on the center of the stage. An old man in his fifties slowly stepped onto the stage and spoke the opening remarks for everyone.

The old man's name is Sidi, and he is a direct disciple of Lou Gao, the master craftsman of the Blacksmiths Association.

After a while, the auction officially started.

"Rongrong, I'll have to rely on you later. Once any metal appears, help me get it."

Dai Yao looked at Ning Rongrong beside him and smiled.

Ning Rongrong raised her fist, revealing the green jade bracelet on Hao's wrist, tilted her head and smiled:

"Okay. With my financial resources, I will definitely take down all those metals!"

After a while, all the auctioneers looked at the VIP room in shock. Just now, nearly half of the metal ore was bought by the auctioneer in the VIP room.

In just a short time, the auctioneer had already spent nearly 600,000 gold soul coins. This money is spent as casually as buying things on the street.

This can't help but make them wonder whether they are here to cause trouble or whether they really have such strong financial strength.

"Hmph! How dare you steal my things!"

In a VIP room, Miles punched the table angrily and said angrily. He suddenly turned his head and asked the people in Wuhun Hall behind him:

"Go and find out for me who is in that VIP room! I have always been the only one who caused trouble in the Blacksmiths Association, and no one dared to cause trouble in my case!"

Several Wuhundian assistants behind him could not help but agree with trepidation.

At this point, he rolled his eyes, and a treacherous plot came to mind. Anyway, he was here to cause trouble for the people of the Blacksmiths Association, so he simply muddied the water a little more.

Just as the people from the Blacksmiths Association were bringing up the next auction item, Miles said loudly:

"Wait a moment."

Sidi was stunned for a moment, then his expression turned cold, and he said coldly:

"Bishop Miles, what do you want? The auction is going on now, please respect yourself."

Miles ignored Sidi's warning, laughed, pointed at the VIP room where Dai Yao was, and said loudly:

"Master Sidi, VIP No. 3 has purchased dozens of rare ores and has spent nearly 600,000 gold coins. I suspect that he does not have that much money at all. He is just randomly bidding and interfering with the normal progress of the auction!"

Immediately, many voices echoed.

They had also long suspected the people in VIP Room No. 3. It was a full 600,000 gold coins. None of their families had that much money!

The noisy scene was gradually getting out of control. Sidi was a little flustered for a moment and hurriedly ordered his servants to go to VIP Room No. 3 for capital verification.

"Everyone, please be quiet! Our Blacksmiths Association will definitely give you an explanation. We also ask you to be quiet and continue with the auction."

"I think it's better to wait until someone comes back to prevent anyone from randomly asking for the price again."

Miles smiled sinisterly.

Since he wanted to cause trouble anyway, he simply stopped the entire auction and delayed it for as long as he could.

Behind the stage, looking at Sidi who was a little confused, Lou Gao couldn't help but sigh.

"This Miles is too aggressive, and Sidi doesn't dare to stop him."

Silong stared coldly at the shouting Miles, he wanted to kill Miles directly!

Lou Gao stroked his long beard and smiled calmly:

"In that case, let's wait. I also want to know who this VIP No. 3 is. If he really has such strong financial strength, I can go and meet him later."


Silong said respectfully.

After a while, the waiter finally came out of VIP Room No. 3, hurriedly came to the stage and whispered something into Sidi's ear. Sidi's face was suddenly startled, and he said in confusion:

"you sure?"

The waiter nodded affirmatively.

Sidi took a deep breath, and under the gaze of many auctioneers, he slowly turned around and said with a smile:

"Everyone, the association has determined that the distinguished guest is not under financial pressure. However, the guest emphasized that he cannot reveal his identity, so I cannot tell you. I hope you can understand."

After all, the Blacksmiths Association is quite prestigious, so many auctioneers did not embarrass Sidi too much.

But Miles was different. He was already annoyed by the people in VIP Room No. 3, and now he was hiding his head. He stood up suddenly and shouted:

"Let's go! Come with me to see who is in VIP Room No. 3! You dare to steal things from me, I'm tired of living!"

When he walked out of the VIP room, the maid from the Blacksmiths Association quickly stopped him.

"Get away!"

Miles slapped the maid mercilessly and shouted angrily, exuding an aura of violence.

Many maids remained silent and did not dare to step forward to stop him.

Miles came to VIP room No. 3, sneered, and kicked the door open. Hearing the explosion, Dai Yao and Ning Rongrong immediately turned their heads and looked at Miles.

In an instant, everything was eclipsed, and in Miles's eyes, there were only those three women who were all-powerful.

He couldn't help but look at the man, with deep jealousy in his heart. Immediately, a possessive desire took over his heart. Such a beautiful woman should belong to him!

His eyes were red, he suppressed the greed in his heart, showed what he thought was the kindest smile, and laughed at the top of his voice:

"Oh, my three maids got lost this morning, and they were hidden here by this man. Someone, take this man down! I want to comfort my three maids." (End of Chapter)

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