Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 263 Hardworking Worker Bibi Dong

In the secret room.

The black-robed man transformed by Dai Yao looked at Bibi Dong intently, but with his peripheral vision, he glanced at the withered bones on the stone base, feeling awe-inspiring in his heart.

"Is that Qian Xunji's body?"

He murmured in his heart.

When I personally came to the classic secret room in the original work and saw the corpse of Qian Xunji, I couldn't help but feel some different emotions in my heart.

The dignified Pope used so many methods to tie up the Saint, but he chose the lowest and most shameless method. From then on, Bibi Dong's character was completely distorted.

However, in the previous life, many people envied the Pope's happiness, because Bibi Dong was so beautiful, even if Qian Xunji only got her body, those guys would be envious and jealous.

What Qian Xunji did made Dai Yao click his tongue several times in his heart. Although he was a little envious, he knew that Bibi Dong was now crazy and twisted, and it was impossible for any man to enter her lonely heart again.

"Master God Envoy, how do we return to the real world?"

Dai Yao turned around, and Bibi Dong was looking at him with a smile.

With Dai Yao's help and weapons, it is not that difficult to simply return to the secret room without killing zombies. Therefore, the two of them arrived at the secret room without much effort.

He glanced at Bibi Dong and said in a hoarse voice:

"I'll take you back now."

He discovered that if Bibi Dong wanted to return to the real world, he also needed to seduce Chaos Qinglian in order to succeed. Otherwise, even if you return to the rebirth point, you will not be able to go back.

With a thought in her mind, Bibi Dong returned to the secret room, her figure gradually dimming.

In the real world, in the secret room of the Pope's Palace, the Pope, who had disappeared for three days, finally appeared.

"I'm finally back. It feels so good to have soul power."

Bibi Dong felt the powerful soul power in her body and couldn't help but scream in comfort. The experience of not eating or drinking for three days and struggling in the zombie world made her a little uncomfortable.

Without soul power and unable to use martial arts, she is no different from an ordinary person. Under such circumstances, she persisted for three days, even though her body was injured, but she didn't even blink. This shows that Bibi Dong is not only cruel to others, but also cruel to herself.

He glanced at the foot, which was beginning to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, relaxed his brows, and murmured softly:

"It turns out that the injuries I suffered in that world can be recovered quickly in the real world. It must be because I am just an ordinary person in that world, but in the real world I am a titled Douluo."

He raised his eyes slightly, weighed the dagger in his hand a few times, and said:

"This dagger is quite old. In that world, I couldn't even use my soul power, let alone take out the weapons in the soul guide. Before I go in next time, I have to prepare some weapons and hold them in my hands. Maybe you can bring it in.”

"However, those prisms are good things."

Licking her dry lips, a look of greed flashed across Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes.

There are not many precious things that can help her improve her realm on the mainland. She has already used everything she can use, and has become resistant to it, but those prisms are not.

With enough prisms, she could even reach the level of a Peerless Douluo.

Thinking of the man in black robe who suddenly appeared, Bibi Dong felt some strange emotions in his heart.

"God's envoy? How come I have never heard of this identity? The guardians of gods on the mainland are usually Qiandaoliu. How can a peerless Douluo like Bo Saixi be like that man in black robes?"

"However, don't even think about taking away ten thousand prisms from me with white teeth, even if you are a god!"

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's beautiful face was filled with a look of madness.

"Next time I go in, I want to see how strong the so-called divine envoy is? If I kill you, I can get back the 10,000 prisms. I believe that even without you, I can pass the divine test alone!"

"But this guy can really help me return to the real world. Next time I go in, I must be prepared to live in the zombie world for three years."

"Before I go in again, I must arrange all the affairs of the Pope's Palace! Lest those clowns come out to make noise again."

Even though Bibi Dong was already a little crazy, he could still analyze the current situation rationally.

But her sense of madness makes everyone shudder.

Back then, after she came out of the secret room, there was no more light in her world. She hated Qian Xunji, hated Yu Xiaogang, hated that bastard, hated everyone in the world, and hated herself even more.

From then on, her heart became dark, twisted, and evil, and she would use any means to achieve her own goals.

There is only one motivation that supports her survival, the Destroying Angel Clan. As time went by, her thoughts became more and more extreme, from being a member of the Destroying Angels to destroying the world and even herself.

She doesn't believe in any gods, and even if they are gods, in her eyes, they are just more powerful humans. Those gods are just tools for her to achieve her goals.

Even if she killed the divine envoy and was unable to inherit the divine throne, she had already obtained the 20,000 prisms, which was enough for her to advance several levels.

Then it would be a good idea to look for inheritance from other gods.

She knew very well that what came into her hands was hers.


Waking up from the haze, the roar of the waterfall in his ears became clearer and clearer. Dai Yao slowly opened his eyes and looked at Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful face, lying next to his bed and falling asleep.

The moonlight shines through the window and onto Zhu Zhuqing's body, covering her with a layer of silver sand.

A warm feeling welled up in my heart.

He gently stroked Zhu Zhuqing's somewhat messy hair, but he never thought that he would wake up the beauty.

"Brother Yao, you wake up!"

Zhu Zhuqing was still a little confused at first, but when he saw Dai Yao who was awake, he said in surprise.

"Brother Yao, what's wrong with you? How come you're sleeping until now?"

Dai Yao looked tenderly at that pretty face that was cold and beautiful, but in front of him, it was always gentle and considerate. His heart was full of tenderness, and he explained:

"It's okay, don't worry too much. This is a kind of practice, and it may happen again in the future."


Although Zhu Zhuqing was a little confused, her years of companionship had made her trust Dai Yao so much that she didn't ask any questions. Listening to the roaring sound of water, a sense of intimacy arises spontaneously.

Although the scenery of the small wooden house next to the waterfall has changed, the people who live there have remained the same for many years.


On the second day, Bibi Dong's appearance immediately calmed down the originally surging undercurrent in the Pope's Palace.

When the bloody heads of several cardinals were placed in front of everyone, those guys with ulterior motives were immediately frightened and trembling, fearing that Bibi Dong would find them again.

Dai Yao also went to see those three heads. They had a very pleasant conversation a few days ago, but today they were separated from each other, which gave him a deeper understanding of the power struggle within Wuhun Hall.

At the same time, I also felt deeply chilled by Bidong's ruthless methods.

This was no ordinary strong man. Three cardinals, including two Soul Saints and one Contra, had even the highest combat power that many principalities could produce, but they were easily obliterated by Bibi Dong.

Dai Yao became more and more cautious. What he had to do now was to improve his strength. As long as he hugged Bibi Dong's jade legs, he would definitely not have to worry about his future.

However, every time he thought of the aloof Bibi Dong, who had to work hard for him and be exploited by him in the zombie world, he felt relieved.

The resentment that Bibi Dong had been forced to bear has also been reduced a lot.

The days passed, and on the last day of the week, Feng Wutong would also end Qingluan Douluo's teachings and train with Lingyuan Douluo. Therefore, she can come to her new home tomorrow.

In the cabin, Dai Yao calmed down, seduced Chaos Qinglian, and entered the zombie world.

Today is the day to collect protection fees again...oh, no, it's the day to collect prisms.

In a few days, Dai Yao had broken through level 46. After breaking through level 46, he stopped. After laying a solid foundation, he absorbed the prism crystal breakthrough.

After several days of accumulation, the number of prisms in my hand, excluding the more than ten used, is now fifty-three.

He has now begun to worry about what to do with these prisms. If they are used by Zhu Zhuqing and the others, the changes in their cultivation speed will definitely be discovered by several titled Douluo teachers.

Things will not be good then.

It is worth mentioning that Dai Yao doesn’t have a teacher yet, and he doesn’t know what Bibi Dong is up to.

Putting aside distracting thoughts, he put on his black robe and mask, and checked the possible exposed areas again before he went out with confidence. After all, you can't be careless when facing a guy with such deep knowledge as Bibi Dong.

After a while, I found Bibi Dong, who had gone through a battle and looked a little embarrassed, at the agreed place. Looking at Bibi Dong, I felt a little surprised.

Today, Bibi Dong did not wear the dignified tight-fitting floor-length purple dress, but put on a looser nightgown. She lost her usual sharpness and her human temperament like a ripe peach. Ready to come out.

The Cao Mengde heart that Dai Yao had promised was suddenly ready to move, but he was not a person who thought with his lower body. If Bibi Dong found out that he could enter the Rakshasa Divine Examination, he would definitely die.

"Inheritor, it's time to collect the prisms again."

A hoarse voice came out of the mask.

Bibi Dong chuckled and nodded. She has worn this fake smile on her face for almost twenty years! Sometimes, when she wears too many masks, she can't tell whether she is really smiling or fake.

Looking at the man in black robe tightly wrapped in black robe, a cold look flashed across Bibi Dong's eyes. She had only obtained eighteen prisms all day long, but she had to give ten to the so-called divine envoy!

Today, it was her time to take action.

He took out ten prisms, gathered them in his hand, and approached the man in black robes little by little, and chuckled:

"Lord God Envoy, these are the ten prisms for today."

Suddenly, her eyes paused and fixed on the position behind the man in black robe, pretending to be scared. Bibi Dong's appearance made the man in black robe that Dai Yao transformed into feel confused and he couldn't help but turn around.

The moment he turned back, the sharp sound of breaking wind sounded, and the cold light of the dagger seemed to penetrate through the mask, stabbing Dai Yao's cheek with pain!

The experience he had gained in the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena once again came into play. The warning signs in his heart went off. Without looking back, he subconsciously rolled towards the jungle behind him.

However, Bibi Dong had the advantage with one move, and immediately pressed forward step by step, hitting the black-robed man's vitals with every move! Her face was full of madness.

I want her to believe the man in black robe and dream!

Facing Bibi Dong's continuous and fatal attacks, Dai Yao couldn't find a chance to fight back. For the first time, he experienced the power of the killing god in this world. His little three-legged cat kung fu was not enough in front of the killing god who had experienced it in the killing city!

He was extremely shocked and angry, and he didn't know why Bibi Dong suddenly went crazy.

But when he saw the crazy, ruthless and crazy expression on Bibi Dong's face, Dai Yao was suddenly shocked. However, this surprise made his situation more difficult.

The black robe on his body was already in tatters. If he hadn't paid special attention to hiding his identity before coming, he would have been exposed.

Seeing that Bibi Dong's attacks were becoming more and more fierce, and if he continued like this, he might lose his life here, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the little soul power he could still use in his body suddenly exploded.


The strong energy centered on Dai Yao and spread out to all directions, blowing Bibi Dong, who was grinning ferociously in the air, flying backwards and hitting the trunk of a tree. Her delicate body trembled and she spurted out a mouthful of blood.

There was disbelief in his eyes.

This man in black robe can actually use his soul power in the divine examination! The gap between a soul master and an ordinary person is like a chasm.

The man in black robe quickly stepped forward, knocked the dagger out of Bibi Dong's hand, clasped her hands behind her back, pressed her hard against the tree trunk, and put one knee on Bibi Dong's back to prevent her from moving.

But Dai Yao didn't feel as happy as victory. He noticed the madness in Bibi Dong's eyes, which made him shudder.

He really wanted to kill Bibi Dong and completely strangle the seeds of this madness that would destroy the world in the cradle. But once Bibi Dong dies, the plot will inevitably be changed, and the advantage of foresight will be lost, and those opportunities will most likely be wasted.

Moreover, after Bibi Dong's death, the Pope's Palace will be leaderless. Once Hu Liena falls in love with Tang San, as in the original work, where will he go?

Due to both emotion and reason, he had to keep Bibi Dong.

Anyway, all traces of his possible exposure were carefully hidden by him, and Bibi Dong could not discover his identity.

"I am an envoy of God now, so I can't let her notice my murderous intention!"

After looking at him for a moment, he decided to save Bibi Dong's life. Fortunately, his experience of dormancy in the cold palace allowed him to hide his emotions very well. Coupled with the barrier of the mask, even Bibi Dong, who had the realm of the God of Death, could not detect his murderous intention.

He put the dagger in his hand back into the black robe and released the hand that was holding Bibi Dong. In Bibi Dong's stunned eyes, a mechanical and hoarse voice sounded from under the mask:

"For offending the divine envoy, the difficulty of the divine test will increase. Within three years, kill 25,000 zombies, take their prisms, and give me 15,000 prisms, leaving 10,000 prism inheritors Keep it for yourself.”

Bibi Dong rubbed the sore wrist that was held by Dai Yao, as if the person exuding crazy murderous intent just now was not her at all, and said to the black-robed man with a smile:

"I accept."

Bibi Dong is crazy, but not stupid. If the man in black robe can use soul power in this world, she has no chance of winning. Since she failed, she can also accept the price of failure.

After staring at the nonchalant face for a while, Dai Yao felt a deep chill, and the mechanical voice sounded again:

"Inheriter, you don't need to be wary of my existence. In words you can understand, I am just a puppet, responsible for helping the inheritor inherit the position of god. When you inherit the position of Rakshasa God, you will be my master. "

Worried that Bibi Dong would continue to go crazy, Dai Yao tried to patch Bibi Dong up and make her believe in him.

After hearing this, Bibi Dong believed a little bit of the black-robed man's words. If the man in black robe was a human being, he already wanted to kill him and he would definitely not let him go.

Moreover, the man in black robe spoke as if he were an emotionless creature. He was indeed a puppet as he said.

However, she couldn't help but smile bitterly when she thought about the added test content.

Stealing chicken is losing money, and there are more and more zombies that need to be hunted.

Seeing Bibi Dong's slightly bitter expression, Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Bibi Dong already had some trust in him, otherwise he wouldn't show such an expression.


"Inheritor, you have three chances to offend me. After three times, you will be wiped out. At the same time, after each offense, the difficulty of the divine test will increase."

"The prism I took is not for myself, but for the gods, so that your assessment can go smoothly."

"Inheritor, the more work you put in now and the more sweat you sweat, in the future, you will be the almighty, omnipotent god who is admired by thousands of people. Even if you ascend to the divine realm and gain eternal life, you will It’s not impossible.”

After these few words, even Bibi Dong couldn't help but breathe faster, but then her brows furrowed. Why did this sound like she was drawing a pie for her subordinates?

No matter what, the hard working life in the future is already waiting for Bibi Dong. (end of this chapter)

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