Although it was already night, the road up the mountain leading to the Pope's Palace was still brightly lit and heavily guarded, with a soul master guarding him every ten steps.

Walking on the quiet road down the mountain, looking at the still solemn Pope's Palace behind him, Dai Yao's heart welled up with the joy of surviving the disaster. When the night wind blew, he realized that his back was already wet with cold sweat.

Today was a night of desperate situations. Although there was no fighting, the verbal confrontation was no less than a life-or-death duel.

"Thankfully I came up with a lie about twin martial souls today, otherwise I would have struggled again in the Spirit Hall. I once imagined that I could practice peacefully in the Spirit Hall, but now..."

"Alas, Chaos Qinglian, you have given me everything, but you have also brought endless trouble."

Although he had some complaints about Chaos Qinglian, he also understood that it was impossible for something to exist with only advantages and no disadvantages. Now that he had Chaos Qinglian, he would not say it foolishly.

His continued caution saved his life.

Looking up at the sky shrouded by dark clouds, he felt a little confused. The memory of Bibi Dong's persecution against him was still fresh in his mind. He listened to the faint chirping of cicadas coming from the surrounding forest, and the rustle of the night wind blowing through the forest. He was silent for a long time, feeling emotional in his heart. road:

"Martial Soul Hall is not a home either."

Xingluo, Tiandou, and Wuhun Palace have grown and stayed in many places along the way, but there is no place he can call 'home'.

In the previous life, I heard that my home is where my heart is at ease, but now, where is his place of peace of mind?

On the surface, there is an enemy of the Star Luo Empire, and there is Tang San watching eagerly from the side. In the dark, there is the power of the soul beast lurking, adding fuel to the flames on the mainland.

Even if many elders of the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire value him, it is because of his talent, not his person.

The moment of emotion made him feel a little lonely.

At this moment, a seductive voice sounded from behind.

"Don't you feel a little lonely when you go home alone late at night? How about I come and stay with you?"

Dai Yao turned around and found Hu Liena looking at him with a smile. Behind Hu Liena, there were several guards dressed in black.

Although he was a little wary, he had watched so many palace dramas after all. Based on the plot of the original work, he probably understood what Hu Liena and Bibi Dong were thinking.

He smiled slightly and said:

"The beauty is here, of course I am willing."

Hu Liena covered her mouth and smiled softly when she heard this. Her smart eyes were full of cunning. Just a simple movement made her look charming and enchanting, making the men around her breathe quickly. He is worthy of being the owner of Tianhu Martial Spirit.

Hu Liena seemed a little sad and joked:

"I'm not as good as the two women beside you."

Indeed, compared with Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong after their martial souls evolved, Hu Liena was still half a step behind.

After finishing speaking, she was about to step forward, and when she was walking with Dai Yao, the guard behind him persuaded her while looking at Dai Yao vigilantly.

"Your Highness, if you go out alone late at night without our protection, what will happen to your safety? Especially if you are with a man, your reputation..."

It was hard for the guard to explain, but everyone understood what he was thinking. Dai Yao noticed the admiration flashing across the guard's eyes when he looked at Hu Liena, and couldn't help but shook his head. The guard trying to dissuade Hu Liena was probably not just worried about her reputation, but also had selfish motives.

I have to sigh, Hu Liena's charm is really great. But it happened to be a Yangou who fell in love with Tang San...

Hearing the guard's words of stopping, Hu Liena frowned, her face was cold, her charming eyes completely disappeared, she stared at the guard coldly, and said coldly:

"Back off."

Although the sound is not loud, it contains an undeniable taste.

Hearing this, the guard trembled in his heart and looked at the cold-faced Hu Liena. Seeing such a cold expression on Hu Liena's face, he couldn't help but glance at Dai Yao, feeling bitter in his heart.

After all, it's just a toad who wants to eat swan meat, even a genius like Yan can't win Hu Liena's heart, let alone an ordinary guard like him?

From Hu Liena, he could vaguely sense a majestic figure, that is the current Pope Bibi Dong!

His heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to say another word. He clasped his fists tremblingly and said cautiously:

"Your Highness, I am too talkative."

After saying that, he respectfully withdrew.

"Let's go."

Hu Liena took a deep look at the guard, then turned around and said to Dai Yao with a smile.


Dai Yao nodded, and the two walked down the mountain road side by side.

After briefly chatting about what it was like to join Wuhun Hall today, Hu Liena introduced some basic knowledge of Wuhun Hall to Dai Yao. After her introduction, Dai Yao had a deeper understanding of the power factions within Wuhun Hall. understanding.

The Enshrinement Hall and the Pope's Hall are increasingly incompatible, but everyone knows that now is not the time to kill each other, and they still maintain restraint.

"By the way, Dai Yao, your mansion will take three days to be ready. It covers an area of ​​hundreds of acres and has more than 300 servants. Wutong will need some time to sort through it."

Hu Liena tilted her head and smiled at Dai Yao.

These three hundred servants may seem like a lot, but in fact, the three hundred places have been snatched up by countless people. You know, this is the champion of the currently popular continent-wide soul master competition, and the servant of a powerful figure in the future Wuhun Palace.

Once selected, it will undoubtedly turn a chicken into a phoenix and change its destiny. Therefore, many ordinary people, even soul masters with no hope of becoming a soul master, come to apply.

"In addition to practicing, Miss Wutong, she also found time to find servants for you and arrange all kinds of things in an orderly manner. I really don't understand why a woman as beautiful as Wutong and so powerful would only treat you. What about single-mindedness?”

Hu Liena looked at Dai Yao with some envy.

After spending a few days with Wutong for a short time, Hu Liena was deeply moved by this serious girl. Not only did he practice extremely hard, he was recognized by Lingyuan Douluo. After completing his training, he plunged into the preparation work for Dai Yao's mansion.

Therefore, she was very puzzled that Wutong was just Dai Yao's maid.

Hearing this, Dai Yao just smiled and did not answer. Wutong was so kind to him that he felt a little ashamed. But what he had just experienced at the Pope's Palace made him no longer have the expectations for the palace.

He couldn't find his 'home' in Wuhun Palace, he was still a duckweed on the mainland.

With a long sigh, in Hu Liena's surprised eyes, he said slowly:

"Hu Liena, I don't want that mansion anymore. Can you find me a mimicry training environment with a waterfall?"

Hu Liena was stunned and said in disbelief: "Dai Yao, do you know that that mansion is worth millions of gold coins, and even if you have money, no one else can buy it!"

"I know."

"Then you still..."

"Mansion and money are of no use to us soul masters. The only thing that matters to me is my own strength. The places where I live in the Star Luo Empire and the Tiandou Empire are both training places with waterfalls. .”

"It's kind of sentimental. I wonder if you can find such a place for me?"

Dai Yao looked at Hu Liena who still couldn't believe it and said with a smile.

For him, 'home' is a luxury, but after coming to Douluo Continent for so long, the small wooden house with a waterfall has a special meaning.

The Star Luo Royal Academy endured the humiliation, and the Heaven Dou Empire witnessed his rise. Although his soul power has been condensed to an extremely terrifying level, the waterfall has no effect on him, but it is the place closest to 'home'.

Hearing Dai Yao's explanation, Hu Liena couldn't help but admire Dai Yao. No wonder he was so strong. It turned out that he had a strong heart that pursued strength and was not trapped by external objects.

The reason why she caught up with Dai Yao and had a deep chat with him was because Bibi Dong hinted at it.

Because of the persecution, Bibi Dong was also worried that Dai Yao would become a little dissatisfied, so she simply pushed the boat along. She played the red face, while Hu Liena played the bad side. When Dai Yao felt the most lonely, Hu Liena took advantage of the opportunity and approached him as a friend. .

This will pave the way for Hu Liena's future papacy. The two only need to forge an indestructible friendship. Then, regardless of whether Bibi Dong becomes a god or not, Hu Liena's position as pope will be indestructible.

Hu Liena also understood Bibi Dong's thoughts. From the beginning, her purpose of approaching Dai Yao was impure.

But she didn't expect that Dai Yao's pursuit of becoming stronger would be so strong that even the luxurious mansion covering hundreds of acres in Wuhun City that countless people dreamed of would be abandoned like worn out shoes.

Hu Liena pursed her lips slightly, a flash of light flashed across her eyes, she smoothed her hair that was blown by the evening breeze, and said with a smile:

"Of course there is no problem. Since Dai Yao has joined our Wuhun Hall, no matter what request you make, I will try my best to satisfy it."

What she said in her words was that she was here to satisfy him, not Wuhundian. This was her little thought. The building of friendship started from these little details.

"That will be troublesome, and all the efforts you spent before will be in vain."

Dai Yao said apologetically.

"I don't care. It's Wutong who you need to apologize to. She put a lot of thought into it."

Hu Liena blinked her eyes and smiled.

"You're almost there, I'm leaving!"

Looking at the hotel where Dai Yao was staying not far away, Hu Liena smiled at Dai Yao. There was no smoke in her beautiful eyes, and the evening breeze blew her hair like a pure orchid.

Dai Yao was stunned, waved his hand at Hu Liena, and said to be careful.

Immediately, a pink fox tail sprang out from Hu Liena's back, and a pink stream of light kept jumping on the street, quickly heading towards the Pope's Palace.

Looking at Hu Liena's charming and swaying back, Dai Yao shook his head violently to get rid of the longing in his heart. I have to say, this fox is really alluring.

Sometimes a word can make people's blood flow, charming and enchanting, but sometimes it is as quiet as an orchid in an empty valley, demure and elegant.

He is not someone who is dominated by his lower body. He falls in love with every woman he sees. Although sometimes he does have different emotions for the women in the original novel, his rationality can suppress that fantasy.


Papal Palace.

Bibi Dong sat on the Pope's throne, looking at Hu Liena who had just entered the temple, and asked in a soft voice:

"Nana, how did Dai Yao behave after he left the Pope's Palace?"

Hu Liena lowered her head, thought for a while and said:

"Your Majesty, Dai Yao seems to be in a low mood after leaving. Moreover, he gave up the mansion you personally selected for him, but wanted a mimicry training environment with a waterfall."


Hearing this, Bibi Dong was surprised.

She knew Dai Yao's information very well. Dai Yao's choice of living environment made her immediately understand Dai Yao's mood at the moment, and she laughed and cursed:

"A child's temper."

He raised his head, chuckled, and told Hu Liena: "As long as you get along with Dai Yao sincerely, he will not betray us. I am self-defeating by putting on such a red face today."

"Nana, before you go to Death Canyon, spend some time with Dai Yao, lest those people from the altar take advantage of it! Soul rings, soul bones, treasures and beauties, as long as he asks, try to satisfy him!"


Hu Liena said respectfully, then bowed and left the Pope's Palace.

Looking at Hu Liena's leaving back, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed and she struggled a little, but with the dull sound of the door closing, she immediately woke up, her eyes full of ruthlessness.

"Only by becoming a god! Can I achieve everything I want!"

Leaning on the Pope's scepter, he pushed back all the servants and came to a secret room.

In the secret room, the lights were mottled, and the moisture in the secret room formed a faint mist, which looked extremely gloomy. In the center of the secret room, there is a stone throne, and on the throne, there is a terrifying skeleton.

There is also a broken golden armor hanging on the skeleton.

The bone in the chest was broken into several pieces, as if some sharp weapon pierced through the chest.

This person is the official former Pope, Qian Xunji.

A generation of popes died tragically in the pope's secret room.

Looking at this skeleton, Bibi Dong looked ferocious. The beautiful face was completely distorted and intimidating. A pair of beautiful eyes reflected the essence of hatred.

"Qianxunji, you never thought of dying, did you kill you, and let me touch the inheritance of the gods!"

"All my pain is caused by your angel clan! Today, I will officially start the road to becoming a god. If I succeed, I will wipe your angel clan off the continent!"

After finishing speaking, she ruthlessly put the pope's scepter on the ground, raised her head and looked up, opened her arms, and released the powerful aura of Title Douluo without reservation.

In the surrounding mist, it seemed that countless resentful spirits were cheering, welcoming the arrival of the inheritors of the gods.

A breath rose into the sky from the Pope's Palace, breaking the thick dark clouds into a big hole. This breath was so weird that even many titled Douluo could not feel it, except for the great priest in the Consecration Hall. Looking at the sky with some horror.

In the secret room, in front of Bibi Dong, a complex green-purple inscription suddenly appeared, like an eye that could see through people's hearts, turning slowly and slowly.

I don't know how long it took, but the eye finally stopped moving. The eyeball suddenly enlarged, and the black-purple light continued to expand from the center of the eyeball, forming a black-purple hole.

Looking at this weird hole that seemed to lead to hell, Bibi Dong hesitated, but the next moment she made up her mind and walked straight into the hole.

She is already in hell, so what if there is hell on the other side of the cave?



After returning to the hotel, he sat down next to Zhu Zhuqing, looked at the tired Feng Wutong opposite, and said apologetically:

"Thank you, Wutong, you have worked hard these days."

Feng Wutong smiled sweetly: "You are my young master, and I should do these things."

Dai Yao smiled and shook his head, and apologized solemnly: "Wutong, I changed my mind today. I gave up on that mansion and wasted all your efforts these days."

Feng Wutong was slightly startled, Zhu Zhuqing also turned his head in surprise, and Feng Wutong asked in confusion:

"Sir, where shall we live?"

"I want to live in a mimicry practice place with a waterfall, do you have any objections?"

Dai Yao looked at the two women and wanted to know their attitude.

Zhu Zhuqing and Feng Wutong looked at each other and saw the surprise on each other's faces. The place of cultivation with the waterfall has deep feelings for Dai Yao, and the same is true for them.

Feng Wutong smiled and said, "No objection."

"That's good."

Dai Yao breathed a sigh of relief, thanked Feng Wutong solemnly, then returned to the room, took a shower, and lay down relaxedly on the bed. Today's experience was quite bizarre. If Thunder Prison Vine hadn't reminded him in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Close your eyes and sink into the spiritual world.

Walking to the green lotus, looking at the purple droplets on the green lotus, Dai Yao thanked:

"Thunder Hell Vine, thank you for your timely reminder today, otherwise I would have run away for my life."

After the words fell, as a thunder struck, the purple droplet turned into a stunning woman in purple clothes. She glanced at Dai Yao slightly and said lightly:

"Since I am cultivating with the help of your divine artifact, I naturally have the obligation to repay you. By saving you today, I am also saving myself."

"No matter what, I still have to thank you."

Dai Yao said solemnly.

Seeing Dai Yao's serious expression of thanks, the woman in purple was stunned for a moment, then a strange look flashed across her face, but it quickly disappeared.

After thanking him, Dai Yao looked at the gently moving Qinglian and couldn't help but ask the Thunder Hell Vine:

"Thunder Prison Vine, do you know what this green lotus is?"

Although Dai Yao has always called it Chaos Qinglian, this is just a name he gave based on his own memory. Now seeing that Thunder Prison Vine seemed to know something about Qinglian, he tried to ask for some knowledge.

Hearing this, a hint of disgust appeared on Thunder Prison Vine's face, as if he felt unworthy of the treasure being covered in dust. He sighed and explained:

"I don't know, but in the inheritance of my Thunder God bloodline, even the gods have never seen such a great divine object. The inexplicable aura contained in it, which points directly to the source of power, if you can master part of it, You can directly become a god king!"

"If you can master them all, it will be easy to create a world."

"You should know now why you can't tell the secret of Qinglian. Once you tell it, I'm afraid those gods will not be able to help but secretly descend to the world and capture you!"

These words directly caused Dai Yao to fall into a daze. The breath that Thunder Prison Vine mentioned that pointed directly to the source of power should refer to the 'Tao'. As for creating the world, Chaos Qinglian seems to have such power.

Could this really be Chaos Qinglian?

He rubbed his hands and looked at the seemingly ordinary green lotus with fiery eyes. His Adam's apple rolled and he couldn't help but laugh. Although I have suffered so much, as long as it is the legendary Chaos Qinglian, it is completely worth it!

Looking at Dai Yao's obsessed look, Thunder Prison Vine shook her head, thinking that the way she looked when she saw this green lotus was not much different from Dai Yao's.

However, at this moment, Qinglian suddenly radiated infinite green light, like chains, grabbing something tightly. In the somewhat wary eyes of Dai Yao and Thunder Hell Vine, a black-purple hole slowly opened. Appear·······

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