Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 237 Legend! Fourteen in one outfit! 【Down】

With the mournful cry of the phoenix, Ma Hongjun's wings broke and he fell off the stage.

"Fat man, are you okay?"

Dai Mubai hurried out, helped Ma Hongjun up, and said with concern.

Ma Hongjun's plump body trembled suddenly, a look of fear flashed across his pupils, and he breathed heavily. Hearing Dai Mubai's concern, he shook his head gently.

In the previous battle, Dai Yao's punch after punch completely shattered his self-confidence. Now that he saw Dai Yao, he was a little afraid.

Dai Mubai let out a long sigh of relief. Ma Hongjun was Shrek's strongest single-target attack and played a very important role in the game. Once injured, the impact would be huge.

He raised his eyes and looked at Dai Yao's still calm figure on the soul fighting stage, and his heart suddenly froze.

So far, Dai Yao has gone through nine, and the things he has displayed are still those self-created soul skills. Just like the iceberg on the water, no one knows how many things this guy hides under the water!

Compared with Auckland, which is full of excitement, the Shrek Academy team and the Wuhundian team are shrouded in a dark cloud, and the faces of the members of the two teams are full of solemnity.

Tang San's face was gloomy, and he clenched his palms unconsciously, his fingers turning white without realizing it. A pair of purple eyes stared at Dai Yao on the stage.

The Auckland team went through nine, and the three people who came up after Wuhundian were the golden generation of Wuhundian. Shrek Academy obviously had no chance of winning.

"Xiaosan, I understand your unwillingness, but there is no way, we can't win the individual competition."

Yu Xiaogang patted Tang San on the shoulder and said helplessly.

"Teacher, I know." Tang San was not an impulsive person, but he was still a little unwilling.

Seeing Tang San calm down, Yu Xiaogang sighed deeply and said:

"Now, what we have to do is to prepare for a rainy day, prepare for the team competition in the afternoon, and try to consume their soul power as much as possible. No matter which team we face, we can gain one point of advantage."

Tang San's eyes flickered. He knew this was the wisest choice. He nodded heavily, and then told Dai Mubai, who was supporting Ma Hongjun, about this.


After defeating Ma Hongjun, Dai Yao glanced at the Wuhundian team and said indifferently.

With this sound, it seemed that what Dai Yao defeated was not the top soul masters of the younger generation in the mainland, but a group of unknown people.

But Yan was different. As a person at the top of the pyramid among his peers, he naturally had his arrogance. Dai Yao's ability to wear nine did make him admire him a little. This level of strength was unreachable when he was at the same level as Dai Yao.

But a person who was let loose by the Wuhun Hall beat the people who were carefully trained by the Wuhun Hall to ashes. Doesn't it mean that these so-called geniuses of the Wuhun Hall are just a bunch of losers.

The so-called Wuhun Temple, the holy land in the hearts of all soul masters in the mainland, is just a name in vain?


Hearing Dai Yao say 'next' again, Yan no longer suppressed the anger in his heart, his body slightly bent, his soul power surged, he jumped high, and then landed heavily on the soul fighting platform.

The moment it fell, there was a heavy muffled sound, and everyone's hearts stagnated for half a beat, as if they were being suppressed by stones.

When Yan landed on the ground, a shock wave was formed, and the smoke and dust on the fighting platform was instantly discharged to the surroundings, and the blazing flames began to rise.

Yan stood up slowly, his fiery red eyes full of fighting spirit locked onto Dai Yao tightly, and said in a low voice:

"Dai Yao, you are indeed very strong, but that's it for now!"

"That depends on whether you have such strength."

Dai Yao looked at Yan without any sign of weakness.

"The momentum is so strong, far surpassing that of Sun Chuantao. He is indeed the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. Such an opponent is the strongest existence I have encountered since this competition."

"After defeating nine, there are five left. At present, I still have 60% of my soul power. Although defeating nine people only consumed 40% of my soul power, the remaining five are stronger than those nine combined. !”

"Yan, Dai Mubai, Xieyue, Tang San, Hu Liena."

"Except for Dai Mubai, who is a bit weaker, the strength of each of these five people cannot be underestimated. The real test begins now!"

Dai Yao licked his lips, his eyes filled with fighting spirit.

He worked hard to save his soul power just so that he could have more soul power now. This 60% soul power may be consumed in one game when facing an opponent like Yan!

At this point, he has no room to hold back. Fighting across a large level is as difficult as climbing to the sky! Must go all out!

Following the confrontation between the two, all the spectators turned their eyes over and stared at the two.

Ferdinand shook his head and said in wonder:

"Nine people! A total of nine people! These are not drunkards, but the elites of the younger generation in the mainland. They don't even have a martial spirit. This little guy Dai Yao is so surprising to me!"

Salas looked at Dai Yao with relief, stroked his beard and said:

"What Dai Yao has shown so far has surpassed any genius in history. This kind of talent should belong to our Wuhun Palace."

Thinking of the decision to recruit Dai Yao into the Wuhun Hall against all opinions, Ferdinand couldn't help laughing.

Not only these platinum bishops and cardinals, but also the five titled Douluo and Ning Fengzhi all cheered up. It's not that the match just now was unattractive, but it was much boring compared to this battle.

On one side is the most outstanding genius in the history of Wuhun Palace, and on the other side is the whetstone carefully selected by the current Pope Bibi Dong. I wonder if the knife was sharpened by the whetstone, or was it broken by the whetstone? !

Bibi Dong showed an interested look and smiled softly:

"The real game is about to begin."

While these high-ranking people were talking, the smell of gunpowder in the venue gradually became stronger with the salute before the start.

As soon as the cardinal's voice fell, the two of them possessed martial spirits in unison.

"Yan, fifty-level attack type battle soul master, martial soul flame lord, please give me some advice."

Yan Gongshou said, with lines flowing like magma flowing all over his body. Behind him, the huge rock giant looked down at Dai Yao quietly. In Yan's dark red eyes, there was pride and fighting spirit that could not be hidden.

His martial spirit is the Fire Lord, a top-quality martial spirit with dual attributes of fire and rock. Even facing the Fire Phoenix Spirit, he is not inferior.

The five soul rings on his body, yellow, yellow, purple, purple and black, rise and fall quietly, the best configuration of soul rings. Especially the black soul ring, although it is not used, it gives people a great sense of oppression.

The Soul King, with five soul rings, is enough to make any participating team lose their fighting spirit.

"Dai Yao, a level 45 attack-type battle soul master, a sacred white tiger of martial souls, please give me your advice."

Dai Yao returned the courtesy.

His hands slowly lowered, assuming an attacking posture. As the soul power surged, yellow, purple, purple, and black, four extraordinary soul ring configurations slowly emerged, exuding a halo.

Although it only has four rings, the pressure it puts on people is no less than that of the Soul King's Yan. Low exclamations sounded from the upper echelons of the Spirit Hall.

They are used to seeing too many genius soul masters, but these so-called geniuses need sharp eyesight and enough time to prove whether they are real geniuses.

But at the first glance of these four soul rings, they already knew that Dai Yao was a real genius. Looking at ancient and modern history, they could not find anyone who could match him.

When the two released their soul rings, the scene in front of the Pope's Palace and on the soul fighting stage gradually became extremely quiet. As the two looked at each other, sparks seemed to burst out in the air!

"Game start!"

The cardinal drank.

"The fifth soul skill! Flying Sand Kuangyan!"

The black soul ring moved crazily, bursting out with brilliant brilliance, and the palpitating aura permeated the entire soul fighting field in an instant.

The moment the cardinal finished speaking, Yan did not hesitate at all and immediately used his strongest soul skill, the fifth soul skill. Dai Yao could not tolerate any contempt from him. In an instant, the entire Soul Fighting Platform seemed to have turned into a magma purgatory.

The fiery red magma fluid is like a snake, tangles towards Dai Yao crazily.

However, he was surprised to find that a big difference in realm could not bring any pressure to Dai Yao at all. Normally, when a soul sect faces a soul king, he will first be suppressed because of the gap in soul power.

But Dai Yao didn't seem to feel the pressure, like a fish swimming in the tide of pressure.

Yan's eyes were fixed: "It's weird! The pressure I exerted didn't affect him at all!"

The fear of Dai Yao in my heart deepened even more.

"Is this the power of the fifth soul skill? It's so strong that it turns the entire soul fighting platform into magma."

Dai Yao's heart trembled, and there was a solemn look in Yan's eyes. Both Shrek and the Oakland team showed expressions of horror.

In the original book, Yan's only shot was against Shrek. And the only time he fought against the Six Shrek Monsters was because he was the only one who used the power of fire to melt the poisonous Eight Spider Soul Bones.

One person picks six people, a lonely fighter, until death.

Although Yan is a buffoon, a licking dog, a supporting role to set off Tang San's handsomeness and wisdom, there is no doubt about his determination and strength to win. This is a ruthless man who can withstand the attacks of Netherworld White Tiger and Ma Hongjun even if he is alone.

If Bibi Dong hadn't conceded defeat in the end, Yan might have continued to fight.

For such an opponent, Dai Yao must cheer up. Without any hesitation, Dai Yao used his strongest state, the third soul skill, White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation! With a soul bone attached outside, the white tiger has eight wings!

The aura of the whole person does not seem to be inferior to Se Yan, and even surpasses it by a point.

Looking at the giant flaming snake that was killing it crazily, Dai Yao used the white tiger's eight-wing maneuver to dodge, while raising one hand to the sky with his palm empty.

"The fourth soul skill - White Tiger Thunder God Strike!"

In an instant, the originally clear sky quickly dimmed. Countless silver snakes fell from the sky, dividing the world into two halves. The continuous thunder illuminated all the spectators!

The continuous explosion of thunder roared in everyone's ears.

The falling silver snake collided with the giant flaming snake on the soul fighting stage in front of everyone's horrified eyes!



The rocks disintegrated and the lightning was extinguished. The two of them avoided each other's attacks while firing at each other with all their strength. The two gradually formed a stalemate.

Finally, the thunder in the sky gradually dimmed, and the number also decreased a lot, leaving only a few sparse ones. Yan also felt uncomfortable. The magma on the ground completely disappeared and returned to the original ground.

Judging from the results, Dai Yao's fourth soul skill seems to be slightly stronger than his fifth soul skill.

Yan's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

A soul sect's fourth soul skill is actually more powerful than his fifth soul skill. This is unbelievable. Not just him, almost all the spectators stood up with a look of horror on their faces.

Is this still the Soul Sect? Their perceptions seemed to be confused.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena's eyes were dull. Although they had seen Dai Yao's fourth soul skill and had estimated its power, it was comparable to the power of the Soul King.

But when they saw it with their own eyes, they were still a little shocked. The Soul Sect's battle against the Soul King was a fantasy in imagination, but it was actually before everyone's eyes.

Yan gritted his teeth and stared at Dai Yao. He was silent for a long time and said in a deep voice:

"Dai Yao, I have to admit that you are very strong, and even had the strength to compete with me when we were in the Soul Sect, but your soul power, after the consumption of the first nine games, there is not much left, right? !”

"Now that you have used such a terrifying soul skill, how much soul power do you have left?"

"Although it's a bit unviable to defeat you in this way, I must do this for the sake of Wuhun Palace."

However, his eyes widened in the next moment, and the dark clouds that had begun to dissipate began to gather again, with lightning flashing and thunder gestating.

Dai Yao's black soul ring lit up again, the silver snake connecting to the sky struck down again, and the thunder was deafening.

Under the thunder in the sky, Dai Yao gently flapped the wings on his back and hovered in mid-air. His clothes were elegant and his blond hair was flying. He looked down at Yan with his bright golden eyes and said indifferently:

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong. I have much more soul power than you imagined."

Knowing the power of Yan's fifth soul skill, Dai Yao had a rough understanding, and his tense heart suddenly relaxed. Many times, you are more afraid of the unknown, but when you understand it, you are not so afraid.

"Why?! Why can you use your fourth soul skill without any delay!"

Thunder continued to roar, Yan was stunned for a moment, and then roared in disbelief.

A soul master's strongest soul skill requires a certain cooling time after being used before it can be used again. Just like Yan's fifth soul skill, if he wants to use it again, he has to wait for more than ten minutes.

Therefore, Dai Yao used his fourth soul skill without interruption, and it was a skill that was as powerful as his fifth soul skill. This scene directly made him doubt his life.

But Dai Yao did not explain, looking down at Yan with a pair of eyes coldly.

Thunderbolts all over the sky condensed in Dai Yao's palm, and his entire arm was covered by the white light of thunder. His whole body turned into a bolt of thunder and rushed towards Yan.

The sonic boom caused spread quickly.

Looking at Dai Yao coming to kill him, Yan's heart skipped a beat, but he was worthy of being the golden generation of Wuhun Palace. The shock was immediately suppressed, and the first four soul rings lit up at the same time.

Rub rub rub rub!

Four rock walls with magma suddenly rose up in front of Yan. His martial soul had the attribute of earth, so he used four soul skills to form defensive rock walls of different shapes and thicknesses.

Even the Soul King cannot easily break these four soul skills. But even so, he dared not let go of his hanging heart easily. Dai Yao had frightened him too much.

Sure enough, the next moment, his pupils suddenly dilated.

Three rock walls were instantly shattered by Dai Yao. Every time a rock wall was broken, the amount of thunder in Dai Yao's hand was reduced by a few points. Finally, when the last rock wall was broken, the thunder in Dai Yao's hand was finally exhausted.

Seeing this situation, Yan finally breathed a sigh of relief, stared at Dai Yao who was close at hand, and said: "Dai Yao, it's my turn next! If you can still use your fourth soul skill, I will be convinced that you lose. oral."

As the saying goes, there are only three things that can be done. In his understanding, he did not believe that Dai Yao could still use the fourth soul skill, which was comparable to the Soul King's ten-thousand-year soul skill!

"Then as you wish."

The moon-white figure raised his head slightly, and Yan could clearly see the faint smile floating on the corner of Dai Yao's mouth. The next moment, with a muffled thunderous sound, his heart beat violently.

The power of thunder that had dried up in Dai Yao's hand became dazzling again, the black soul ring shone, and the forest of thunder in the sky struck down again.

Thousand-year soul skill, third time, instantaneous!

The fist attached to the thunder shattered the last barrier and hit Yan's stomach. Yan's pupils gradually blurred. With a muffled groan, the whole person flew out, bringing with it bursts of breaking wind, and hit the fighting spirit. Under the stage.

Glancing at Yan who fell onto the Soul Fighting Platform, Dai Yao curled his lips slightly, turned around, slowly walked to the starting point and stood there, clapped his hands lightly and said:

"The golden generation is nothing more than that."

In front of the Pope's Palace, there was an immediate commotion.

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