Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 226: Zhu Zhuqing VS Zhu Zhuyun

For a moment, the whole place was silent.

Davis, a high-ranking soul sect member, was defeated in one move and had no power to fight back.

In the entire soul fighting arena, there was only the sound of gasping for air.

Those teams that have not yet been eliminated have only one thought in their minds at this time, don't play against the Auckland team! Don't ever meet this monster!

Even the Wuhundian team was in shock.

"Are those wings Dai Yao's attached soul bone?"

Hu Liena frowned.

Through the information provided by Salas, she already knew that Dai Yao had an external soul bone on his body, but she didn't expect that it was actually a pair of wings.

In fact, it is even more practical than her external soul bone fox tail, but the compatibility between her fox tail and her Sky Fox martial spirit is much higher than the wings.

Therefore, she was not very envious.

But others are different. Even ordinary soul bones are rare to see, let alone the more precious external soul bones? If Hu Liena had the Pope's blessing, they would not dare to covet her.

But what does Dai Yao have? A soul master who has not yet joined the Spirit Hall can obtain the attached soul bone as long as he operates it well. Even though he would be punished by the Pope, it was still nothing compared to an attached soul bone.

"What, it's actually an external soul bone?"

Several other members of the Wuhundian team instantly cast their gazes on Dai Yao, their eyes hard to hide the heat, and even a bit greedy.

Hu Liena glanced at these people and said coldly:

"You don't have to think about it. Dai Yao's external soul bone has been completely absorbed. Even if you kill him, the soul bone will not explode. Dai Yao's performance today should make you swallow your pride."

"There are so many geniuses on the mainland. It is not that easy for us to get the teacher's three soul bones as a reward."

In Salas's letter, she had already learned that Dai Yao had completely absorbed the external soul bone. She said this not because she cared about Dai Yao, but to avoid conflicts between others in Wuhun Hall and Dai Yao.

She was trained by Bibi Dong as the future pope, and what she cared about was the overall interests of Wuhun Palace, not the interests of any one individual.

Even if Dai Yao's strength is very ordinary, she will protect Dai Yao from being killed.

She wants the rules not to be broken and to maintain the legitimacy of Wuhun Palace. Otherwise, once someone obtains a treasure, they will be murdered by stronger people and kill people to get the treasure. Who would join such a Wuhun Palace?

How is this kind of behavior different from that of an evil soul master?

Only by upholding the majesty of the rules will young soul masters continue to join in, and cohesion will be generated, so that the Wuhun Palace will not be in decline and continue to be strong.

After saying that, her beautiful eyes moved and she asked Yan:

"Yan, you saw Dai Yao's attack just now. Can you defeat Davis in one move?"

Yan's expression was a little solemn, and after a long while, he replied:

"I can't, Nana. Although I don't think highly of Davis, it is undeniable that he still has certain strength."

"I can completely suppress him, but it's too difficult to defeat him cleanly with one move."

Hearing Yan's words, Hu Liena felt confident. She and Xie Yue looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes.

"Brother, it seems we have met a real opponent."

Hu Liena's red lips parted slightly, and a seductive voice came out of it.

Anyone who knows her well knows that this is Hu Liena’s reaction only when she finds someone extremely interesting. In her daily life, she would not make such a seductive gesture.

Xie Yue raised her eyebrows, her hair on her temples swaying in the wind. In front of others, he was a cold and beautiful man.

"If we want to defeat him, we may have to use our martial soul fusion skills. I'm really unwilling to be forced to this point by a soul master of the soul sect level."

Hu Liena smiled and nodded, acknowledging Xie Yue's words.

As the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, they have always been known as the strongest soul masters of the same level.

The arrogance he had developed in his heart was only suppressed by Pope Bibi Dong, and it did not turn into a character with eyes above his head. But even so, when they saw the soul masters from the other two empires, they still regarded them as nothing.

Now, when they encounter the pervert Dai Yao, no matter how many times he can perform such attacks, when they were the same age as Dai Yao, their strength was far inferior to Dai Yao's.

The arrogance in his heart could not help but dissipate a bit, and he began to face up to his opponents in this competition.

Looking at the changes in the three golden generation members, Bibi Dong nodded slightly, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Yes, Nana and the others have finally put aside their contempt. It seems that using Dai Yao as a whetstone is a good choice."

Thinking of this, looking at Dai Yao with eight wings on his back, a look of surprise appeared on Bibi Dong's face:

"God-level martial souls, attached soul bones, and ten-thousand-year soul rings. As long as any soul master possesses one of these, he can be called the proud son of heaven. But you have three talents combined in one. In the history of Douluo Continent, , are extremely rare.”

"Dai Yao, I'm looking forward to the day when you join the Spirit Hall."

However, just when Dai Yao was performing his fourth soul skill, a faint sigh came out from an extremely secluded palace in the mountains where Wuhun City was located.

"Netherworld Hell Vine! The soul beast containing the blood of the God of Thunder still fell like fate? It just fell into the hands of humans."

"Is our soul beast lineage still cut off at the end of the road? God, how unfair you are!"

The old voice seemed to reveal endless bitterness.

Although this temple is remote, it is extremely grand and magnificent, and the statues of angels and gods are solemn and sacred. Compared with the majestic Pope's Palace, it is not much better.

This temple has a name, called the Hall of Worship.



Zhu Zhuyun shouted sternly.

When she was about to run towards Davis, a cold figure stood in front of her.

"Your opponent is me."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Zhu Zhuyun and said calmly.

Possessed by the Nether Lord's martial spirit, the ice crystal crown on her head gave her an extremely noble temperament. Her whole body was also covered with a thin layer of ice crystal gauze, covering her bumpy figure.

The looming figure under the ice crystal gauze, combined with the noble and invisible temperament, is a peerless beauty.

Zhu Zhuyun stopped looking at Davis with worried eyes and looked at Zhu Zhuqing warily. She knew from Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit, which was called the Lord of the Netherworld, that Zhu Zhuqing was definitely difficult to deal with.

If you are not careful, you may lose to Zhu Zhuqing.

She clearly felt that the Nether Civet Spirit in her body was afraid of Zhu Zhuqing, and she gritted her silver teeth and said:

"What's going on with your martial spirit? Shouldn't it be the ghost cat martial spirit passed down from your family?"

Zhu Zhuqing said calmly:

"Martial spirit mutates."

Hearing that Zhu Zhuqing didn't want to answer too much, Zhu Zhuyue didn't want to ask more questions. After all, Davis was waiting for her to rescue him. His body sank slightly, assuming an attacking posture.

There was a cold light in her beautiful eyes, and she said coldly:

"In that case, I will deal with you as soon as possible and go help Weiss."

"I'll tell you the same thing. I also want to defeat you as soon as possible."

Zhu Zhuqing's beautiful eyes were filled with an unprecedented fighting spirit, her soul power surged, and a cool air spread across the soul fighting arena. It was the aura from the netherworld.

Domain - the realm of the netherworld.

Zhu Zhuqing released the realm without reservation from the beginning. Like Dai Yao, she had waited too long for six years and could no longer bear to give Zhu Zhuyun a surprise.

This cold air made even some soul masters couldn't help but shiver.

"The breath of the netherworld! that...the realm?!"

Ever since Zhu Zhuqing used the Nether Master Martial Spirit, a ghost figure suddenly appeared next to the Pope's Palace, his face full of excitement. However, when the Netherworld appeared, Ghost Douluo was even more excited and trembling all over.

The eagerness on his face was something that even Ju Douluo, who had been with Ghost Douluo for most of his life, had never seen before. Ju Douluo couldn't help but ask:

"Old ghost, I know there are very few people who have domains. Even you and I don't have domains, but you shouldn't be so excited."

"Juhuaguan, you don't understand, you don't understand what that girl means. If you knew, you would definitely be more exaggerated than I showed!"

Ghost Douluo swallowed and suppressed the excitement on his face.

Ghost Douluo's excitement made Bibi Dong couldn't help but turn around, with a flash of curiosity in his beautiful eyes.

"The Lord of the Netherworld not only dominates all the dead souls, but also upholds the authority of the Netherworld. He is the supreme being in the entire Netherworld land. Juhuaguan, you know that my martial spirit is a ghost. By chance, my soul became mine. Martial spirit."

"Therefore, a living dead like me who is wandering in the world of the world can feel the terror of the Lord of the Netherworld. That is the emperor worshiped by countless dead souls."

Hearing Ghost Douluo's explanation, Yue Guan couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in disbelief:

"Really? Is it so mysterious?"

Ghost Douluo snorted coldly and continued:

"Old Juhua, if I can explain it in words you can understand, that girl is as important to me as the lovesickness you have been talking about is to you."

"So, can you understand?"

After Gui Douluo explained, he was still not satisfied and added another sentence.

"No, she is a level higher than the so-called Lovesick Red!"

Yue Guan has forgotten to argue with Ghost Douluo that there is no more noble fairy grass than Lovesickness Red. He has been completely shocked by Ghost Douluo's description.

"How... how is it possible? A martial soul can actually reach this level? Old ghost, you are not exaggerating!"

"Am I exaggerating for you?"

Ghost Douluo rolled his eyes at Ju Douluo. He originally wanted to test Zhu Zhuqing in the school to determine whether she was qualified to be his apprentice. However, once the Lord of the Netherworld appeared, he was now only afraid that others would compete with him to become his apprentice!

Then, he respectfully said to Bibi Dong:

"His Majesty the Pope, I have an unkind request. After Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing join the Wuhun Palace, I want to accept Zhu Zhuqing as my disciple. I hope Your Majesty the Pope will grant you."

Bibi Dong thought for a moment and said:

"Zhu Zhuqing is a woman with extraordinary talents and a domain. Even in my Wuhun Palace, she is a unique genius. If I make this woman become the apprentice of the ghost elder with just one word, I am afraid it will cause dissatisfaction among others. .”

"Your Majesty the Pope! But..."

Ghost Douluo was about to argue when he was stopped by Yue Guan.

His face was quite anxious, which was not his character, but Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit was too important to him, and he could no longer care about his usual demeanor.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's lips curled up slightly, a smile appeared, she leaned on the papal scepter and sighed:

"But Elder Ghost is loyal and has worked hard for many years and made great contributions to Wuhun Palace. Now that a disciple that he likes has appeared, then I will be a beautiful man. I will help Elder Ghost resist the pressure from other elders."

The ghost elder was stunned and said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope, for granting me permission."

Bibi Dong gently swayed her skirt and cast her beautiful eyes towards the spirit fighting arena again.

In one pull and another, she got the gratitude of Ghost Douluo and the gratitude of future Zhu Zhuqing without giving anything. She found Zhu Zhuqing a teacher at the level of a titled Douluo. How could Zhu Zhuqing not be grateful?

This is the technique used by the superior to control his subordinates.

From then on, Ghost Douluo would only become more loyal to her.


"Damn, what is this?!"

Zhu Zhuyun frowned. She felt as if she was being restrained by something, stuck in the mire, and the movement of her soul power was sluggish.

However, just when she was surprised, a ray of light with a sharp sound breaking through the air was approaching quickly.

Although Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit has evolved, she has not lost the speed of an agile attack spirit master. When she attacks, the ice crystal gauze on her body seems to have spirituality, conforming to the curves of her body, forming a set of ice crystals. tights.

The ice crystals on the surface can not only accelerate the speed with the help of airflow, but also provide good defense. At the same time, the appearance looks very gorgeous.

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing who was rushing towards him, Zhu Zhuyun gritted his silver teeth tightly, with a cold light in his beautiful eyes:

"In that case, I would like to see if you have made any progress after more than ten years!"

With unwilling determination, he also turned into a ray of light and killed Zhu Zhuqing.

Two rays of light collided in the air, and the sparks that burst out from contact with the sharp claws shone in the air. However, Zhu Zhuyun's confident expression at the beginning immediately turned into one of horror.

As soon as she made contact, she was immediately at a disadvantage, her whole body was bounced away, and her arms were numb. This Zhu Zhuqing not only has the speed of an agile attack type soul master, but also has the power of a powerful attack type soul master.

Regardless of speed or strength, they are extremely top-notch among similar soul masters.

When she was still shocked by Zhu Zhuqing's strength, from the corner of her eye, she found that Zhu Zhuqing came to kill again.

"not good!"

Zhu Zhuyun cried out anxiously in her heart, her arms were trembling, and there was no way to organize defense again.

Time and space seemed to have stagnated. She looked at the beautiful figure, getting closer and closer to her. Her flawless face became clearer and clearer, making her feel ashamed. She couldn't help but wonder, was this her sister?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Zhu Zhuyun, who was unable to defend himself. A jade hand gently touched Zhu Zhuyun's chest. There was a hint of pleasure in his cold voice.

"The fourth soul skill, Netherworld!"

In an instant, countless ice crystals bloomed, and an area with a diameter of tens of meters suddenly appeared on the fighting spirit platform, covered with ice crystals.

The cold air overflows and takes away the soul.

Zhu Zhuyun spurted blood in the air, looking poignant and beautiful, like a withered rose. The breath of the netherworld had invaded his heart. If he did not receive treatment, his life or death would be uncertain.

"My good sister, you win."

Zhu Zhuyun, who fell to the ground, finally came back to his senses after a long while, and said unwillingly while coughing up blood.

She lost to Zhu Zhuqing, even though she was eight or nine years older than Zhu Zhuqing, she was still defeated by Zhu Zhuqing, and she was defeated without any resistance.

She couldn't believe it.

Looking at Zhu Zhuyun who was powerless to resist, Zhu Zhu stood quietly, and the tight ice crystal gauze returned to its loose shape.

She had defeated the nightmare she had been in all along, and she was free since then, but she didn't feel the joy of having her revenge avenged, instead she felt a sense of emptiness.

The scenes of being bullied and teased by several sisters in the Zhu family's mansion have begun to blur. It turns out that she no longer cares so much about the hatred she once had.

Dai Yao redeemed her and took her out of that cold and cruel world.

Under Dai Yao's illumination, those painful memories had already begun to melt away, but she didn't notice that's all.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on her face, and her usually cold and pretty face suddenly looked like the arrival of spring, with flowers blooming, stunning everyone.

Thinking about it, looking at Zhu Zhuyun who was once aloof, Zhu Zhu said calmly:

"Call me sister, is there sisterhood between you and me? We, the women of the Zhu family, are full of intrigues and killing each other. Is this what sisters should have?"

"It's just that you, who are high above you, as the perpetrator, never thought of anything wrong."

"The matter has reached this point. It doesn't make any sense who is right or wrong. I don't want to have anything to do with you. One day, I will return to the Star Luo Empire with Brother Yao to solve all this."

Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's cold figure, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't help being a little crazy.

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