When the cardinal's voice fell, everyone was very surprised.

Star Luo Royal Academy team, the main seven members all had expressions of astonishment on their faces, they did not expect to face off against the former traitor so soon.

After a while, the shock on Davis' face gradually dissipated, but was replaced by a malicious smile, with a cold chill in his eyes as he looked in the direction of Auckland.

"My dear fourth brother, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. It's really surprising. In that case, let me finish it off for you. I will let you know how ridiculous your so-called efforts are!"

"Let's send you down to meet that bitch!"

Thinking of this, Davis clenched his fists tightly, making a crisp sound between his fingers. There was hatred in his eyes, and the aura radiating from his body made the rest of the Xingluo Royal Academy team take a few steps back.

Zhu Zhuyun hugged Davis' arm and said softly:

"Don't worry, Weiss, don't be too nervous, I'm sorry they won't make any waves."

Here in Auckland.

Dai Yao noticed Zhu Zhuqing's slightly trembling body, gently attached himself to Zhu Zhuqing's tender skin, and said firmly:

"Zhuqing, everything depends on me."

Zhu Zhuqing's body gradually calmed down and he nodded slightly.

For six years, not only was Dai Yao struggling with the fate of Prince Xingluo, but she, whose fate had long been entangled with Dai Yao, was also tortured.

Life in the Star Luo Empire was also a memory she didn't want to mention.

Although the two decided to join the Spirit Hall, they have not joined so far. They still carry the title of the Star Luo Empire's prince and the prince's concubine.

Therefore, the competition for the throne is a hurdle they can never get around.

Today, being able to compete with the Xingluo Royal Academy team led by Davis and Zhu Zhuyun is an answer to her fate in the first half of her life.

One of the answers to Dai Yao's hard training in the past six years was to let herself know that her choice was not wrong.

"It's time to sever Zhuqing's fate."

Dai Yao looked at Zhu Zhuqing beside him, stroked her hair, and thought in his mind.

Zhu Zhuqing's fate is the fate of every woman in the Zhu family. As long as he defeats Davis, it means that Zhu Zhuqing becomes the winner among all the Zhu family women.

After completing the competition for the throne, from now on, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, the sky is high enough for birds to fly, and there is no longer any restraint.

But his fate is more than that. He also has an undying grudge against the Star Luo royal family. When he becomes stronger, he will definitely return to the Star Luo Empire and complete his revenge in person.

Before the game even started, the two teams had already begun to become vaguely hostile, and a wave of anger began to spread.

Looking at the two opposing teams, the members of the other teams couldn't help but start talking.

"We are really enemies! We actually ran into each other in the first game."

"Let's see how His Highness Davis teaches the traitor! This traitor has ruined the reputation of our Star Luo Empire!"

"It's shameless to say that, I think the loser is your Star Luo Empire team!"

Before the game started, the soul masters of the two empires used the dispute between Dai Yao and Davis to bring the contradiction between the two empires to the surface.

The soul masters of the two empires, in the previous competitions, whenever one empire defeated the soul master team of the other empire, they would definitely attack the opponent's face and amplify their attacks.

If you lose, you will be ridiculed by others. The main focus is a turn-based game.

Today, Auckland's record ranks first among all the soul master teams in the Tiandou Empire, and can fully represent the Tiandou Empire; and the Star Luo Royal Academy team, needless to say, is the recommended team of the Star Luo Empire.

The competition between the two teams can be called the peak showdown between the younger generations of the two empires!

No matter which team loses, they will be ridiculed by the empire represented by the other team for four full years! Find the place again until the next competition.

Among them, there are also personal grievances between the two core teams, Davis and Dai Yao, and Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing. Winning or losing the game is not only related to the reputation of the two imperial soul masters, but also related to the fate of the individual.

No one can afford to lose.

In such an atmosphere, the game officially began.

Game after game was carried out in an orderly manner, with winners and losers, losers weeping, and winners cheering. It's okay to lose to a team from your own empire, but to lose to a team from another empire, in addition to being unwilling to lose, there's also the shame of losing to the enemy.

In this atmosphere, the hostility between the two empires continued to brew, until the last game, Auckland played against Star Luo Royal Academy, pushing today's game to a climax.

"The Heaven Dou Empire must win!"

"The Star Luo Empire must win!"

Some people have already begun to cheer for the team they support. Seeing the unity of all people, the soul masters of Wuhun Hall turned blue and white.

This is the home ground of my Spirit Hall. Are you two empires so arrogant? Eye drops in front of us.

However, the soul masters of the two empires no longer care about so much and just want to welcome the next game.

In the Oakland lounge, Dai Yao temporarily took over Feng Qianli's captaincy. This game is crucial to him, and he must shoulder the most important responsibility.

Dai Yao crossed his hands and held them tightly, making a crisp crack between his finger bones. He raised his head and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. After the referee announced the start, he stood up suddenly and shouted:

"It's time, let's play."

He had waited too long for this moment.

"Auckland, must win!"

As Dai Yao stood up, the rest of the Oakland team also stood up, followed behind Dai Yao, and shouted angrily in unison.

After going through the qualifiers and promotion rounds, they have become a strong team that has experienced hundreds of battles. Unknowingly, their every move began to exude an aura of invincibility and confidence.

Without countless victories, it is absolutely impossible to cultivate such a confident momentum.

In front of the Pope's Palace, looking at Dai Yao's figure slowly stepping out, Bibi Dong couldn't help but nod slightly, and an undetectable flash of admiration flashed in her beautiful eyes.

His eyes shifted slightly, and he asked Ju Douluo beside him:

"Is he Dai Yao?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Yue Guan lowered his head slightly and replied respectfully.

Looking at Dai Yao, whose momentum was rising, after a while, Bibi Dong's beautiful eyes were filled with brilliance, and she lightly opened her lips:

"Yes. It seems that what Salas said is true. This son has not relaxed after going to the Tiandou Empire. Although he is still a soul sect, his solid and huge soul power is probably incomparable to that of an ordinary soul king. Fuck him."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with letting him serve as a whetstone for Nana and the others and letting him go to the Tiandou Empire."

"I'm looking forward to what he does next."

Yue was overjoyed because he knew that Dai Yao had been recognized by Bibi Dong.

The next performance of Fighting Soul is the reference for measuring the best treatment of Dai Yao by Wuhun Palace. In such a peak duel, as long as he wins, Bibi Dong will undoubtedly be rated higher.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Since Dai Yao has decided to join the Wuhun Palace, he will definitely win a hearty victory as a vote of trust."

Yueguan Gongshou Road.

In front of Bibi Dong, he put away his usual smoky and charming behavior and looked extremely serious.

On the side, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace observed the Auckland team with great interest. Yan looked at Dai Yao, holding his hands on his chest, with undisguised disdain in his fiery red eyes.

Turning his head, he looked at Hu Liena beside him, and his tone immediately became gentle:

"Nana, even a soul sect is worthy of being our whetstone. I think it would be good if he doesn't get swept away by us."

In front of Yan, a graceful and tall figure stood leaning on the railing.

Just standing there is a beautiful scenery, and the charming aura exuding from his body involuntarily makes countless men in Wuhun Hall enchanted.

But the only person who can get close to her is Yan, who has become the golden generation of Wuhun Palace.

Compared with her beauty, what is more impressive is her strength. She is the strongest among the younger generation of Wuhun Palace and the true leader of the golden generation.

Because of this, the younger generation of Wuhun Palace can only hide their love in their hearts and be buried by their inferiority complex. One glance at this woman from afar was enough.

This woman is Hu Liena.

Hu Liena's arms, which were like white jade, were leaning on the armrests, and her uncanny head was gently placed in the palm of her hand. Her beautiful eyes were staring closely at Dai Yao, who was stepping onto the court step by step.

Hearing Yan's disdainful words, she lightly shook her head and said:

"Yan, I know you are very dissatisfied with Dai Yao, but his current strength is much more powerful than ours at the same age. What's more, his second soul ring and fourth soul ring both surpass soul masters world-recognized limit.”

"In my opinion, his four soul rings have probably exceeded the limit, but it is just because of the limitation of the color of the soul rings that they are not reflected."

"Such talent is rare in the world."

"Don't tolerate others in your eyes because of prejudice. Dai Yao is about to join Wuhun Palace. In the future, he will be our companion."

"Competition within Wuhun Hall does exist, but it must not turn into jealousy. Do you understand?"

As she said that, Hu Liena gave Yan a cold look.

The coldness contained in the beautiful eyes made Yan tremble. The majesty made him see the shadow of the Pope. He lowered his body slightly and replied:

"I see, Nana."

"So much the better."

Looking at Yan who agreed, Hu Liena nodded, withdrew her gaze, and turned to the spirit fighting arena again.

But I couldn't help but sigh secretly.

She deliberately maintained her dignity and indifference in front of Yan, instead of being charming and enchanting when fighting souls. In fact, she had a clear understanding of her own charm.

Charm is an excellent weapon for women, especially a natural beauty like her, whose damage to men is unparalleled. But in her daily life, she doesn't want to use her charm to please men.

In this way, you are humiliating yourself.

She hates this approach, except of course for fighting spirits. In order to win, Douhun used her charm to win. She did not reject it, but actually enjoyed it.

"Brother, what do you think of Dai Yao?"

Suppressing the thoughts in her heart, she raised her eyebrows and asked Xie Yue beside her.

Xie Yue raised her chin slightly, looked down at Dai Yao in the spirit fighting arena, and answered with a chuckle:

"I have no problem with Dai Yao himself. The unpopular prince left his empire, studied hard, and finally completed his revenge. I am also very interested in this kind of fairy tale script."

"But look, sister, the women in the Auckland team are all beautiful and fragrant! Zhu Zhuqing is as cold as an iceberg, Wutong is as red as fire, and Dugu Yan is charming and prickly. These three women are all... There is no one among them all.”

"Brother, you..."

Hu Liena was a little angry, with a look of disbelief on her face. I didn't expect that my brother would have these things in his mind.


Seeing that something was not going well, Xie Yue quickly changed the topic and said:

"Nana, don't get distracted. What I'm talking about about these girls is not their beauty."

"Do you still remember? After receiving the information from everyone in the Auckland team, Your Majesty Ling Yuan was very interested in Wutong and had the idea of ​​accepting him as his disciple. And His Majesty Gui Douluo, too. Staring at Zhu Zhuqing’s message intently.”

"you mean?"

Hu Liena was thoughtful. Yan also cast a curious look.

"Yes, you see, Ghost Douluo Mian, who is usually invisible, appears next to the Pope at this time. I'm afraid he is here just for Zhu Zhuqing."

"There is also Lingyuan Douluo, who should be watching from the dark."

"Today's competition should be about the two Douluo His Majesty's observing their future disciples. If their performance today is good, these two women will be directly accepted as disciples by the two His Majesty's Majesty."

As a result of Xie Yue's explanation, Hu Liena also became interested in the women around Dai Yao.

On the mountain where the Pope's Palace is located, a beautiful shadow stands on a very tall pine tree.

Like a feather, standing on the top of a pine tree, it sways with the mountain wind but never falls. A pair of sharp eyes were like falcons, spanning a distance of several thousand meters, and the scenes happening in the spirit fighting arena were clearly seen in her eyes.

Her red lips parted lightly and she said:

"Wutong? Feng Wutong? I want to see if you are qualified to be my disciple."


On the soul fighting stage.

Led by Dai Yao, Auckland's seven main players lined up and stood quietly on the stage. Dai Yao's eyes were extremely cold, and he looked at Davis quietly.

But just as they stepped onto the soul fighting platform, the atmosphere of opposition brewing between the two imperial soul masters gradually reached its peak. The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire couldn't help but start mocking.

"Traitor! Coward! I heard about your reputation as a coward in the Royal Academy. What's the matter? Is it still the same in the Tiandou Empire?"

"As a prince, you betray the empire and bring shame to the empire. Will you accompany me as the prince?"

"Go away, you are not worthy to be the Royal Academy's opponent!"

Amid the ridicule, Dai Yao clasped his hands behind his back and looked indifferent. It was as if these taunts had no effect on him.

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but nod.

"At such a young age, when faced with destined enemies, he remains calm and indifferent, already showing a hint of everyone's demeanor. It really makes people jealous. Why can Wuhun Palace always recruit such geniuses?"

There was a hint of surprise in Sword Douluo Chenxin Gujing Bubo's eyes.

"You and I know very well how Dai Yao has cultivated his character in the past six years. Just watch patiently."

On the other side of the Soul Fighting Stage, a group of seven people from the Star Luo Royal Academy, led by Davis, slowly climbed onto the Soul Fighting Stage.

"Dai Yao, I will give you one last chance. If you surrender obediently, I will spare your life after I inherit the throne."

Davis had blond hair hanging down his head, and there was no concealment of contempt on his face.

In his heart, no matter how talented Dai Yao is, there is only one way to fail when facing him. Especially for an unknown college like Auckland, which is not a long-established and strong team in the Tiandou Empire, how can it be strong?

What's more, he leads the Star Luo Royal Academy, and he is not afraid of even the Five Elements Academy of the Tiandou Empire.

The Tiandou Empire's combat philosophy regarding the soul master team has lagged behind the Star Luo Empire! Extreme flow will eventually withdraw from the stage of history.

The soul masters of the Tiandou Empire couldn't help but burst into an uproar.

They didn't expect that someone would dare to look down on Auckland College. The soul masters of their Tiandou Empire were all beaten to their hearts' content by Auckland College.

"There are still people who dare to look down on Auckland. I really don't know the heights of the world!"

"Let's suppress our laughter first and let the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire mock them to their heart's content. After Auckland defeats them, we will mock them back and see if their faces hurt!"

"Damn it, your college is really full of bad ideas! Fortunately, I don't have a rival with your college."

The soul masters of the Tiandou Empire did not respond to the ridicule of the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire. Instead, they looked at the Star Luo Royal Academy team with contempt.

After hearing Davis' words, Dai Yao did not get angry, but looked at Davis calmly, extremely calm.

This calmness made Davis tremble in his heart, and he had a bad premonition. The contempt of the soul masters of the Dou Empire that day made him angry, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"You brat, what's wrong, you don't even dare to reply?"

Dai Yao still looked at Davis indifferently, and after a long while, he finally spoke:

"Is there room for coexistence between you and me? As the Queen's son, you should know that one day, I will personally return to the Star Luo Empire and end everything."

Dai Yao's words immediately attracted another round of abuse from the soul masters of the Star Luo Empire.

"Don't be ashamed of your big words, let me pass this test first!"

Davis drank.

"Sister Zhuqing, as long as you leave Dai Yao and come back, I will make the decision and forget everything. The reason why you betrayed the empire is because Dai Yao was bewitching you."

"You are still young, it is understandable to be bewitched."

Zhu Zhuyun said softly.

She is as gentle as a good wife and mother, but only Dai Yao and Dai Mubai know that this is just Zhu Zhuyun's disguise, and his vicious heart has left several princes with lingering fears.

"There's no need to sow discord, I know exactly who you are! Will there be trust between us sisters?"

Zhu Zhuqing's voice became colder.

The cardinal of Wuhun Palace came to the middle of the soul fighting arena, glanced at the two teams, and after the verbal confrontation between the two teams stopped, he smiled and said:

"The Auckland team's match against the Star Luo Royal Academy team has officially begun!"

Dai Yao and Davis, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun, the four people's eight eyes collided violently in the air.

"Xingluo Royal Academy, open the martial spirit!"

Davis shouted.

The soul power of the seven members of the Star Luo Royal Academy was instantly released. Davis and Zhu Zhuyun stood at the front, with the most powerful soul power fluctuations.

Davis is level 47 and Zhu Zhuyun is level 46. The levels of these two people are second to none among all participating soul masters. Among the soul masters in the Tiandou Empire, there is no one who can compare with him.

Of the five people behind him, four are above level 40. Adding the former two, the number of soul sects in the entire Star Luo Royal Academy team has reached six.

Its terrifying strength instantly silenced the soul masters of the Tiandou Empire. The spirit masters of the Star Luo Empire suddenly increased their momentum, shouting and provoking the spirit masters of the Tiandou Empire.

Dai Yao's face was still calm, and the air seemed frozen as he looked at Davis.

The breeze blew through the leaves and slowly passed between the arenas.

"Why, you don't even dare to activate the martial spirit?"

Davis challenged.

Dai Yao smiled softly. This laughter was particularly abrupt in this solid atmosphere.

"Brothers, activate your martial spirit and let us give them a surprise!"

As soon as the words fell, the soul power of the seven people in Auckland surged, and the yellow and purple soul rings kept flashing. Dai Yao raised one hand and looked at Davis, as if he were looking at an ant.

Soul power surged, and under everyone's gaze, the black soul ring slowly emerged.

Elegant and profound.

This deep black made everyone's hearts stop beating.

The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire seemed to be strangled by their necks. The originally noisy atmosphere immediately became silent, and the arrogant expressions were still frozen on their faces, telling them how funny they were.

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