
Ju Douluo Yue Guan was staring at Tang San when he suddenly found that one of his petal feather blades had changed direction. He was a little surprised and let out a light sigh.

Although the amplitude is small, for a titled Douluo, no matter how subtle the change is, it is extremely clear. Moreover, due to the angle of view, Shrek and others could not see clearly what it was, which changed the trajectory of the feather blade.

But he couldn't be more familiar with it.

That was Dai Yao's thunder power.

His eyes swept over and instantly focused on the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower in Ning Rongrong's hands. The pupils of his eyes suddenly shrank, and he couldn't help but think in his heart.

"You are actually from the Qibao Glazed Sect, Dai Yao, you have given me a big problem."

He knew that Dai Yao was closely related to the Qibao Glazed Sect, so they had already made plans. After Dai Yao joins Wuhun Palace, his relationship with Qibao Glazed Sect will become weaker and weaker over time.

Now, the soul hunting plan has been put on the agenda.

In a few years, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect will be completely removed from the mainland. Judging from Dai Yao's actions to save Ning Rongrong, what attitude will Dai Yao take towards the future removal of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? ,it goes without saying.

Thinking of this, Ju Douluo Yueguan, who had always been calm and calm, finally changed his expression, pursed his lips, and his eyes were uncertain:

"This matter must be left to His Majesty to decide. Dai Yao, Dai Yao, you obviously have a bright future, so why bother?"

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he glanced at the huge stone with deep meaning. How could a powerful person at the Title Douluo level not notice Dai Yao's arrival?

After a while, he turned his eyes and looked at Liu Erlong and Flender who were trying their best to block his soul skills. A charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and he said softly:

"A mutated blue electric tyrannosaurus, nothing more than that."

Liu Erlong and Flender had several holes all over their bodies, and they were bleeding. Fortunately, they are all attack-type soul masters and have a certain resistance to injuries.

Liu Erlong clutched his chest, looking embarrassed, with horror in his beautiful eyes. Even though they used their martial soul avatars, they still couldn't take a casual blow from Ju Douluo.

She ignored Ju Douluo's disdain and suppressed the anger in her chest. If it weren't for the little monsters behind her, according to her previous personality, she would have rushed forward to fight the titled Douluo to the death.

Turning around, he looked in the direction of Ning Rongrong and said worriedly:

"Rongrong, how are you?"

The Shrek Seven Devils and others also looked in the direction of Ning Rongrong with worried expressions.

"I'm fine..."

Ning Rongrong was panting heavily, her wide-open pupils slowly shrinking, and before she could recover, she was stunned for a moment when she heard everyone's inquiries, and then she answered softly.

"Rongrong, come back quickly and stand with us."

Tang San said quickly, worried that Ju Douluo would use his soul skill again.

Ju Douluo looked at his manicure, with a hint of contempt in his eyes. No matter what the people in front of him did, in his eyes, they were just teasing like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Since you are standing together, you will have a companion on the road to hell!"

The black soul ring shone again, and thousands of feather blades tore through the air and shot out wildly.

The corners of Ju Douluo's lips curled up, and his eyes focused on Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong. Xiaowu can't be killed, he is someone who has been recognized by Xiangsianxinhong. As for Ning Rongrong, let's give Dai Yao some face.

None of the feather blades in the sky were shot in the direction of the two women.

Looking at the scene of the goddess scattering flowers, Shrek and his party all showed expressions of despair.

In the first round of attacks, Liu Erlong and Flender were not only destroyed by the titled Douluo's martial spirit avatar, but were also seriously injured and were already as angry as a thread.

In the second round of attacks, they no longer had the ability to use soul skills.

Tang San gritted his teeth, feeling extremely unwilling. In front of the titled Douluo, they were not even qualified to struggle.

Dai Yao, who was behind the stone, also opened his eyes wide, and lightning surged in his palms. When he found that no feather blade was shooting at Ning Rongrong, the lightning gradually dissipated, and he felt grateful to Ju Douluo in his heart.

He looked at the next scene with great anticipation.

However, at this moment, a strange feeling appeared in his heart.

There was a flash of clear light, and the canyon in front of him seemed to be divided into two. Everything around him seemed to be quiet, and no sound could be heard.

Immediately afterwards, he clearly saw that the petals of those strange and velvety Babel chrysanthemums all turned into powder, and a tall and straight figure dressed in white suddenly appeared.

A pair of eyes were extremely indifferent, looking at Ju Douluo quietly without speaking, making everyone feel a strong sense of oppression.

Between heaven and earth, there was only that white figure and the long sword shining with blue in his hand.

Silver hair is flying, white clothes are flying, and the sword is like the cold moonlight, cold and deep.

Dai Yao looked at the scene in front of him in horror. Of course he knew who this person was. One of the masters of the Qibao Glazed Sect, the strongest offensive soul master in the continent, Sword Dao Chen Xin.

Although he had fought against Sword Douluo before, at that time Sword Douluo was so overconfident that he could not appreciate Sword Douluo's power at all.

Now, he saw that with one sword, the heaven and the earth were split open.

This blow left a deep impression on him.

"The dusty heart of the sword..."

Ju Douluo spoke slowly, his expression extremely solemn, and even his tone concealed a subtle tremor.

"Have you, the Qibao Glazed Sect, also come to this muddy water?"

Ju Douluo said with a fierce expression.

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared next to Ju Douluo. The black shadow was another titled Douluo, Ghost Douluo.

The same nine soul rings on his body floated up and down, and when he was close to Ju Douluo, he had the confidence to stop Sword Douluo.

Ghost Douluo looked at Chen Xin fearfully and said coldly:

"Chen Xin, you know who we are and the price of offending us. I would like to advise you not to go against us."

Sword Douluo looked at the two Kikui ghosts coldly and did not say anything. He just tilted the three-foot long sword in his hand and pointed the sharp and almost piercing blade towards the two Kikui ghosts.

His actions have shown his attitude.

"The last three sects have the same energy, Chrysanthemum Douluo, and Ghost Douluo. Don't you even know this?"

A clear and elegant voice sounded from a distance, and footsteps approached from far away. When this sentence ended, the figure was already close in front of you. The nine-story glazed tower in the palm is breathtaking, and the eight soul rings slowly rise and fall.

Although there were eight soul rings, the shock to the two of them was no less than the appearance of Sword Douluo.

"This...is this the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda? Your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect actually...really succeeded!"

Ju Douluo suddenly raised his head, his pupils narrowed, and his tone was full of disbelief.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda is already the strongest auxiliary martial spirit in the soul master world. However, such a heaven-defying thing also has certain limitations, that is, it can only be cultivated to the soul saint level.

And now they actually see eight soul rings, which means that the restrictions no longer exist, and Ning Fengzhi is very likely to become an auxiliary soul master at the Title Douluo level.

Ning Fengzhi at the Soul Saint level is already the strongest auxiliary soul master. Ning Fengzhi at the Title Douluo level will be such a terrifying existence!

Together with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, this Seven Treasures Glazed Sect may have the strength to challenge the first sect.

But what they didn't know was that after decades of hard work, the Haotian Sect had several more titled Douluo, and their number would definitely surprise the Wuhun Palace.

The two Kiku ghosts looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"Today we admit defeat, ghost, let's go!"

After seeing Ning Fengzhi's Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, Ju Douluo didn't even dare to say harsh words. He greeted Ghost Douluo and quietly disappeared. The men in black also retreated like the tide, and when they retreated, they also took away the bodies of their companions.

As quickly as they came, they left even more quickly. In the blink of an eye, these men in black disappeared from the top of the canyon.

As for Dai Yao, the moment Sword Douluo appeared, he quietly left and returned to the carriage in Auckland.

As the men in black who attacked the team left, and with the efforts of the Tiandou Royal Knights, the boulders were continuously moved away, clearing a wide and unobstructed road.

Xue Qinghe, who was following Ning Fengzhi, commanded the Royal Knights. After the formation was restored, he directly ordered:

"Generals, listen to the order. Everyone should get back on the carriage immediately and leave this canyon, lest those attackers come back to kill us again!"

Hearing this, everyone felt a sense of relief. Thinking back to the shocking scene just now, they couldn't help but take a breath.

Three titled Douluo unexpectedly appeared in this canyon.

The carriage gradually drove out of the canyon. After talking with Tang San, Ning Fengzhi finally came to Ning Rongrong. At this time, Ning Rongrong looked at the passing scene outside the window. Thinking of the thunder, she couldn't help but feel confused and confused in her heart. struggle.

"What's wrong, Rongrong?"

Ning Fengzhi asked.

Ning Rongrong was stunned for a moment, recovered from her wandering state, shook her head gently and said:

"Dad, I'm fine."

"You said it was okay. Where is my little witch who is clever and weird all day long? Why don't you give her back to me?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled.

Looking at the silent Ning Rongrong, Ning Fengzhi sighed, and said with some deep meaning in his eyes:

"Rong Rong, you and Dai Yao haven't been in touch for a long time since meeting His Royal Highness the Crown Prince together. Did something happen?"

Ning Rongrong's delicate body trembled, she pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, and after a while, she said softly:

"It's nothing. Maybe I'm too tired from the game and don't have time."

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, reached out and stroked Ning Rongrong's hair, smiling lovingly:

"Silly girl, daddy can't tell what's going on in your mind? Let them resolve the matter between Dai Yao and Tang San by themselves. Don't take any position, it will only make things difficult for yourself."

"You have grown up now, almost reaching your father's shoulders. You have begun to experience complex things in the world, and your mind will become mature as a result."

"Dad doesn't know what is right or wrong in emotional matters. But what dad can tell you is to follow the answer in your heart and make brave choices."

"Sometimes, even if you make the wrong choice, even if you are bruised and bruised because of it, only in this way will you not regret it in the future."

Ning Fengzhi said with a faint look.


Ning Rongrong raised her head high, looked at Ning Fengzhi, and murmured.

"Okay, have a good rest. We are almost at Wuhun City. Get ready for the competition. Dad's little witch will come back soon."

After saying that, Ning Fengzhi smiled, then turned and left on crutches.

The carriage fell into silence again, and the cool breeze flowed in from the window, blowing the green hair on Ning Rongrong's cheeks, and also blowing the love threads in her heart.

In despair, it is self-evident who the purple lightning that changed the feather blade belongs to. Like a ray of hope, it drove away her despair.

"Why did he save me? Why, we have clearly drawn a clear line with him..."

"Why can't he be more ruthless if he is so good?"

The more I thought about it, the more obvious the struggle became in my eyes, and the ripples in my heart couldn't stop for a long time.

When Oscar returned to the carriage, he saw Ning Rongrong's complicated face looking out the window. Thinking of the scene when he sacrificed his life to save him, he became crazy for a moment.


"Fengzhi, how is Rongrong?"

In the carriage, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin spoke anxiously, there was still the appearance of that peerless master.

"Uncle Jian, if you really want to know, why not ask yourself?"

Ning Fengzhi said helplessly.

"Hey, during this time, Rongrong has been depressed and worried. As a grandfather, I can't understand what these young people are thinking."

Sword Douluo has been obsessed with swordsmanship all his life, and has nothing else but his sword.

"Today is really dangerous. If Dai Yao hadn't taken action in time, I'm afraid Rongrong would have..."

Chen Xin frowned, and a look of solemnity and fear flashed across his eyes.

Although Dai Yao had carefully concealed himself, there was no way he could hide himself in front of the titled Douluo. It's just that several titled Douluo have a tacit understanding and didn't say anything.

The smile on Ning Fengzhi's face gradually disappeared:

"Yes, I have to thank him properly. He is such a good boy, but it is a pity that he cannot join our Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

"Rong Rong has also grown up a lot. As far as I know, the conflict between Ron Rong and Dai Yao was probably because Dai Yao wanted to join the Wuhun Palace. It was because of the opposing stances of the two parties that led to the current situation where they were speechless."

Chen Xin said with a solemn expression:

"Two children were separated because of adults' problems. Rongrong suffered a lot."

"The Wuhun Palace is becoming more and more unscrupulous now. I'm afraid their strength has grown to an extremely terrifying level. Fortunately, Feng Zhi, your Wuhun has evolved into the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda, which has greatly enhanced our strength. Even if the Wuhun Palace If you want to take action, you have to be a little more cautious."

Mentioning the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Chen Xin seemed to suddenly think of something:

"By the way, Feng Zhi, I heard from Old Bones that the two women around Dai Yao evolved their martial arts spirits because they met Dai Yao. Is there such a thing?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded:

"Yes, Uncle Jian. According to my investigation, Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit should have been the Nether Civet, but for some reason, it became the Lord of the Netherworld. That Wutong's real name was Feng Wutong, and he was one of Dai Yao's students at the Star Luo Royal Academy. My friend, although the appearance has changed, various clues point to the identity of Wutong."

"Feng Wutong's martial spirit was originally the Blazing Bird Spirit, but after coming to the Tiandou Empire, for some unknown reason, it also mutated and turned into the Suzaku Spirit."

"It is worth mentioning that Feng Wutong is currently Dai Yao's maid."

"Uncle Jian, you should have experienced the martial arts of those two women. The so-called best beast martial soul in the world, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's martial soul, is still inferior to the martial souls of these two women."

"The only thing the two women have in common is Dai Yao. What this means, Uncle Jian should know better based on your experience."

Chen Xin thought for a moment, and a look of surprise appeared on his face:

"I didn't expect that there really is a miracle of martial soul evolution in the world. It's really incredible."

But then his expression changed, and he stared at Ning Fengzhi with some scrutiny:

"However, Feng Zhi, do you still have plans in your mind to arrange Rongrong to Dai Yao's side to plot the power to evolve the martial soul?"

Ning Fengzhi shook his head and said:

"Uncle Jian, he is gone a long time ago. You don't know what it means when Dai Yao takes action today. Within Wuhun Palace, his reliability will be labeled as questionable."

"Future development will become more difficult."

"This child treats us like this, how can we plot his secrets?"

Chen Xin smiled happily and said:

"That's good. Rongrong's feelings can't be mixed with the dirty things of adults like us. Rongrong can't make the same mistakes as you!"

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