Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 208 Victory over Blazing Fire


Baji Beng and Fire Dragon's Claw collided brazenly, and fists collided with each other, making a huge roar. Under the shock, both of them couldn't help but retreat, and only then did they get rid of the force of the shock.

Comparing the two, Dai Yao took more steps back than Huo Wushuang.

After all, Dai Yao didn't summon the martial soul, and only relied on the strength of his body, which was almost the same as Huo Wushuang, who was still using soul skills after the martial soul possessed him.

The soul masters watching the battle let out a low exclamation. This was the first time since the match at Blazing Academy that they were able to suppress Dai Yao in a head-to-head confrontation.

Huo Wushuang looked at Dai Yao who was not far away fearfully. He glanced at his trembling arms from the corner of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and his soul power surged. Orange flames rose up from his arms.

With a violent flick, the dark energy in the arm was forced out with soul power, and a small hole was smashed on the ground.

Looking at the small pit under his feet, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes:

"Fortunately, I know that Dai Yao's fist has a weird strength, so I have to be prepared, otherwise I have already lost this match."

A thought flashed in his mind, the flames exploded, and immediately turned into an orange figure again, rushing towards Dai Yao.

"Well come."

Dai Yao's eyes lit up, and he refused to give in. He used explosive steps and Baji Beng at the same time, colliding with Huo Wushuang again.

On the soul fighting stage, the battle between the two entered a fierce stage from the beginning.

The soul power of both sides poured out on the soul fighting field in an almost gushing manner. The flames dispersed by the fists, the sound of breaking through the air when punching, surged from all over the venue, and the roar of the collision also erupted from the place where the two collided.

The fighting between the two became faster and faster as the battle progressed.

At the end, only the moon-white figure could be seen, and the orange-yellow figure continued to intersect, and then, where they intersected, you could clearly see the sparks flying away.

Looking at the two blurry figures that kept flashing, almost all the soul masters watching the game fell into shock.

Huo Wushuang's strength has been fully demonstrated in the previous competitions, and he can be called one of the most powerful attack-type soul masters in this competition. But even so, Dai Yao can still match him without using martial arts. .

How terrifying will Dai Yao's strength be after using his martial spirit?

Such thoughts arose in the minds of ten teams from the Kingdom and the Principality at the same time.

Not long ago, the Botanical College, who felt disdain for Dai Yao, was even more stunned now. They didn't expect that the playboy in their eyes had such unfathomable strength.

Blazing Academy rest area.

Huo Wu's beautiful eyes were dull, with a look of shock on her pretty face:

"Brother has already performed exceptionally well. Facing Dai Yao, he has entered a state of selflessness. Today's performance can be regarded as his peak state."

"Even so, can't you do anything to Dai Yao? Even his martial spirit can't be forced out?"

Thinking of this, a flash of despair flashed across Huo Wu's beautiful eyes.

On the soul fighting stage, Huo Wushuang became more frightened the more he beat him. Dai Yao was indeed suppressed by him, but Dai Yao's elbows, calves, knees, and all parts of the human body were used as weapons by him, and he could always avoid them dangerously. His sure-kill attacks can also cause him trouble from time to time.

Although Dai Yao was suppressed by him, in actual combat, he was far inferior to Dai Yao.

This was the key reason why he relied on his strength to suppress Dai Yao, but could never determine the outcome.

Looking at the moon-white figures flashing across the Soul Fighting Stage, Dai Mubai felt a bitter taste in his heart.

Unlike that time in the Star Dou Forest, where he had a personal duel with Dai Yao, this time as a bystander, he had a clearer understanding of Dai Yao's actual combat capabilities.

"I didn't expect Dai Yao's actual combat ability to evolve to this extent. I think back then, he was still suppressed by me. Over the years, he has not relaxed at all."

"And what about me? I'm still struggling in the competition for the throne, and I'm not even qualified to protect Zhu Lu. When did the gap become so huge?"

With a loud noise, the two separated briefly.

Huo Wushuang panted heavily, and the sweat on his forehead fell to the ground like heavy rain. Looking at the still indifferent moon-white figure, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes:

"What a monster. Such a fierce battle seems to be just a warm-up for him. He doesn't even take a breath."

"No, no matter what, I have to force out his martial spirit!"

Thinking of this, Huo Wushuang gritted his teeth and stood up with serious eyes. The first three soul rings flashed at the same time, surging soul power overflowed, and the surging firepower raised the temperature in the air a lot.

Looking at Huo Wushuang, whose aura was rising not far away, Dai Yao's eyes flashed with solemnity.

If he uses martial arts, Huo Wushuang is naturally not afraid, but it is a bit fanciful to want to block Huo Wushuang in this state without using martial arts.

He glanced at Huo Wushuang with interest and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"In this case, I must reveal another trump card."

Slowly withdrawing his right fist and placing it on his waist, his body sank slightly, and the surging soul power rushed towards his right arm like a roaring river.

After the fierce battle just now, the meridians in the right arm have adapted to the intensity just now. Under the continuous compression of soul power, there is a slight bulging sensation in the meridians.


Dai Yao shouted softly.

The clothes moved automatically in the absence of wind. Around his body, tiny grains of sand were constantly blown into the air. The gray-brown sand made the invisible airflow clearly visible.

In the retracted right arm, a terrifying momentum was slowly brewing.

Many soul masters watching the match looked at this strange scene and exclaimed in confusion.

"Is it another self-created soul skill?"

"When did self-created soul skills become commonplace? How many soul skills has Dai Yao used so far in the competition?"

Tang San looked at Dai Yao's right arm intently, the purple color in his eyes solidifying. Although his face looked like a flat lake, there was a turbulent wave in his heart.

"Is this the move that Dai Yao used to defeat Boss Dai? It's somewhat similar to my random cloak hammering technique, but I don't know how far his self-created soul skills can be stacked."

At the VIP table.

Chen Xin looked at Dai Yao's retracted fist, and a look of surprise flashed across Gu Jing Bubo's face.

Dai Yao's move originally compressed his soul power to six times. Even he was a little surprised after one punch. Now that so much time has passed, how far can this kid's trick reach?

Feeling the energy coming from not far away, Huo Wushuang's expression suddenly froze on his face.

Dai Yao's move was beyond his imagination. But he has no way out. He represents the last dignity of Blazing Academy. If he still can't force Dai Yao's martial spirit out, Blazing Academy will become the biggest joke in the promotion competition.

Many colleges were in trouble, and he didn't know how to face his father, the dean.

Gritting his teeth, he waved the claws of the fire dragon, gathering surging fire clouds. A flash of determination flashed in his pupils, and he killed Dai Yao again.

A moment later, the Fire Dragon's Claw collided with the twice-compressed Baji Beng!


At the point of collision, layers of ripples were created in the air that were visible to the naked eye. The fire cloud behind Huo Wushuang was continuously swept away by these ripples.

Huo Wushuang flew upside down in the air, holding his trembling arms with a look of horror on his face.

After two soul skills were amplified, and then the third soul skill was used, the attack power was second to none among all the attack-type soul masters in this year, but unexpectedly, Dai Yao still defeated him head-on.

Swallowing the fishy sweetness in his throat, he felt fierce in his heart, and the fourth soul ring flashed.

"The fourth soul skill, Tyrannosaurus clone."

In the sky, three Huo Wushuang suddenly appeared, and the blazing flames rushed in like a sea.

For ordinary soul masters, one Huo Wushuang is no longer able to cope with it, and three Huo Wushuang makes people feel even more desperate. Under the superposition of three Huo Wushuang, the fierce aura makes people unable to resist.

"Is this your trump card?"

His eyes swept over the three figures of Huo Wushuang, and Dai Yao keenly discovered that one of them, Huo Wushuang, had the strongest aura, while the other two were weaker.

"I can use my own power to defeat these strange and obscene skills. If I use Baji Beng, which compresses my soul power three times, how would you respond?"

Dai Yao chuckled and put his right fist back to his waist again.

Seeing this situation, many soul masters thought in shock:

"Is he still going to use that self-created soul skill to resist Huo Wushuang's attack? The collision between the two just now was evenly matched, but Huo Wushuang has already used his trump card. If Dai Yao doesn't use his martial soul, is he a bit brave?"

Someone next to me cursed secretly:

"Watch your game carefully. Do you need to explain it? Which of the two is not better than you, and it's your turn to point fingers?"

The person who spoke earlier glared, but was immediately attracted by the shocking changes in the spirit fighting arena.


On Dai Yao's retracted arm, as the soul power continued to compress, the space around the arm was slightly distorted.

His clothes shook crazily, and the ground beneath his feet shattered into a spiderweb shape with a thud, and began to sink slowly, filled with light smoke.

The maintenance soul master who had just rested outside the field looked at the messy soul fighting platform with a bitter look on his face.

Fighting souls are just fighting souls, why do you have to make a mess every time on the soul fighting platform? It’s very tiring to repair it, okay?

Different from the focus of the maintenance soul master, Huo Wu could only feel despair and his whole body was cold.

Dai Yao still hasn't used his martial soul, but the power displayed by this self-created soul skill is already as powerful as Huo Wushuang's fourth soul skill, and even exceeds it by a lot.

"Brother has reached his limit, and Dai Yao still hasn't used his martial spirit. Will our Blazing Fire Academy eventually become the laughing stock of others?"

Feeling the momentum rising into the sky, Huo Wushuang felt extremely powerless.

He tried his best and even performed beyond his level, but still couldn't force out Dai Yao's martial spirit.

"Even if you are not an opponent, you must use your strongest attitude to face failure."

He gritted his teeth and thought decisively.

The next moment, the three Huo Wushuang lit up various soul skills at the same time, carrying blazing and explosive flames, and fiercely attacked Dai Yao.

The strangeness around Dai Yao slowly disappeared, and the process of compressing soul power was completed.

Triple compression!

However, just as he was about to punch, his heart suddenly thumped, and the corner of his eye glanced at Shrek's ordinary-looking face in the viewing area.

I saw a solemn expression on that face, and the purple eyes were shining with wisdom.

"No, if I use Baji Beng to compress my soul power three times directly in front of Tang San, according to the original work and with Yu Xiaogang's analysis, it is very possible to find out the details of my Baji Beng."

"Once the details are known, the game with Shrek will only increase the number of variables soon."

"I have to interfere with their judgment."

Thinking of this, under the gaze of many soul masters, the sacred white tiger spirit instantly possessed him, and a terrifying aura filled the air.

Looking at the heart-stopping beast in the field, many soul masters watching the game couldn't help but take a few steps back, and finally regained their composure.

"What kind of martial spirit is this? It feels more powerful than the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial spirit!"

"What are you talking about? The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is the best beast spirit in the world. How can there be a more powerful beast spirit than it!"

"Tell me, why is Dai Yao using Wuhun now?"

From time to time, Feng Xiaotian would pretend to casually glance at the fiery red figure of Blazing Fire Academy. Seeing Huo Wu's dull eyes, he felt a little sad in his heart, and said with a solemn expression:

"Of course it was Huo Wushuang's tyrannical strength that forced Dai Yao to use his martial spirit."

Dai Yao's move also made Tang San confused.

The original estimate of the power of Dai Yao's self-created soul skills became even more confusing and difficult to estimate after adding the variable of martial soul possession.

"Did you do it on purpose? It prevented me from finding out the details of your self-created soul skills. An enemy like you is really too cautious."

Tang San thought secretly.

Not far away, Huo Wushuang showed an expression of astonishment when he saw Dai Yao actually using Wuhun.

Dai Yao could defeat him with his own soul skills, so why did he use martial souls? Isn't it superfluous?

However, his goal has been achieved, forcing Dai Yao to use his martial spirit, and Blazing Fire Academy also retained some dignity.

"No matter what your purpose was, you used martial arts, but it allowed me to save the academy's last face. I must thank you."

Huo Wushuang's tense heart suddenly relaxed a lot, and he could finally take on Dai Yao without any psychological burden.

Dai Yao stepped forward with his left foot, suddenly exerting force, and his whole body rushed towards Huo Wushuang like a cannonball.

When he was still a few meters away, he punched boldly, and a harsh sound broke through the air. The next moment, Dai Yao's fist stopped one meter in front of Huo Wushuang, but the ferocious energy broke through Huo Wushuang like a bamboo. Three soul skills.

The other two figures instantly dissipated under this energy.

Feeling the terrifying energy coming towards his face, Huo Wushuang's pupils shrank suddenly and he quickly crossed his arms to resist.

The rich fire element condensed into a shield on his chest. However, as soon as it condensed, it was shattered by the roaring energy, which hit Huo Wushuang non-stop.


Huo Wushuang resisted strongly, with his crossed hands barely resisting, but his upper body couldn't stop leaning backward. He was pushed back by the strong force, but his legs were pushed forward tightly, and his upper body leaned backward. Forming a 'V' shape.

After an unknown amount of time, the suffocating torture finally ended. He noticed that the energy hitting his arm was weakening and even disappeared. Huo Wushuang slowly opened his eyes with a look of joy on his face.

"I blocked your attack, Dai Yao!"

"Look at the ground beneath your feet."

Huo Wushuang was stunned and lowered his head, only to realize that the ground under his feet had long exceeded the range of the Soul Fighting Platform.

Two deep ravines formed between the place where he originally stood and the place where he stood now, and his feet stood at the end of the ravine.

At this moment, the whole place fell into dead silence.

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