Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 195 Beat up Xiao Wu, Haotian appears

"The cosmic sky stream, right?"

Looking at Tang San who brought Shrek and the others into the sky, Dai Yao murmured in his heart.

He knew Shrek's tactics very well. Apart from Tang San's cheating of water and fire, he only had the cosmic sky flow and the seven monster fusion techniques and tactics.

After the battle with Canghui Academy, Yu Xiaogang got inspiration and used Ning Rongrong's ring fusion skill as the starting point to perform the seven-in-one martial soul fusion skill.

In the original book, when Shrek used this trump card, he was fighting against a team that combined Kamikaze and Blazing Fire. At that time, the competition was nearing its end.

Now, Yu Xiaogang obviously hasn't figured out this tactic yet.

All members of Shrek flew into the sky. This scene shocked all the audience, who all had expressions of disbelief.

Several Taishan Beidou from the soul master world at the VIP table were also a little moved.

"You are truly worthy of being a disciple of the master."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes were not on Tang San, who was attracting all the attention, but instead on the middle-aged man in gray linen in Shrek's rest area.

Salas' eyes were slightly cold: "What a cosmic sky flow, what a Yu Xiaogang, facing such a desperate situation, he still has the trump card to resist!"

The next moment, he sneered in his heart:

"Even so, it's just a matter of survival. The final victory will definitely belong to Auckland and Dai Yao."

Indeed, Shrek's cosmic sky flow was beyond everyone's expectations, but judging from the way Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and others were breathing heavily after rising into the sky, it was just delaying time.

It is doomed to fail.

"Fat man, block the sycamore tree and don't let her flames burn here. Once my blue silver grass is burned by him, I will be in big trouble!"

"Rongrong, eat a big sausage quickly to restore your soul power!"

"Xiao Ao, prepare the flying mushroom sausage immediately and make sure everyone has one!"

Hearing this, Oscar couldn't help but show a bitter look on his face, and continued to perform the third soul skill, which was quite taxing on him, but he did not hesitate and continued to recite the vulgar soul curse.

Tang San made several arrangements in one breath. Although the situation was still at a disadvantage, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the non-existent cold sweat on his head, and said concernedly to Dai Mubai:

"Boss Dai, are you okay?"

In the shocking scene just now, Dai Mubai was undoubtedly the one who suffered the most.

Stomping the Nether White Tiger with one foot, with Dai Mubai's strong character, Tang San was worried that he would not be able to think about it for a while, confronting Oakland would not be possible without Dai Mubai.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Dai Mubai hugged Zhu Lu, said calmly, but the horror in his eyes still betrayed him.

Being defeated by Dai Yao again and again, he has given up the idea of ​​fighting Dai Yao, and Dai Yao's growth rate has exceeded his imagination. He was extremely fortunate that Dai Yao left the Star Luo Empire and gave up the competition for the throne.

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang San heaved a sigh of relief, as if he had lifted a heavy burden, he looked down at Dai Yao on the ground, his gaze was extremely solemn.

Dai Yao's performance just now was really amazing. He single-handedly destroyed their entire defensive system.

Even if they used their hole cards, the Nether White Tiger, they were still defeated by Dai Yao.

No one in Shrek can stop Dai Yao! What to do? !

This question that he had thought about countless times popped into his mind again.

The palm of his left hand was empty, trembling constantly, and black light flashed. For this plan, only the trump card can block it.

But then, he shook his head. He was still struggling. The consequences of exposing the Clear Sky Hammer were too serious, so he finally gave up the plan.

Above the Soul Fighting Field, Feng Wutong and Ma Hongjun were constantly fighting. With Ning Rongrong's boost, Ma Hongjun entangled Feng Wutong so that she could not attack Shrek's large army.

Tang San led Shrek and the others to hover in the air.

Oakland on the ground slowly retreated to form a defensive lineup as Shrek flew into the air.

Dai Yao and Tang San, one on the ground and one in the sky, looked at each other across a distance of several hundred meters.

The entire spirit fighting arena fell into deathly silence.

"Dai Yao, what should I do?"

Feng Qianli raised his shield towards the sky, guarding against Shrek's sneak attack, turned his head and asked Dai Yao.

"Don't worry, they in the sky are more anxious than us."

Dai Yao chuckled.

Many people in the Auckland team were a little surprised. They didn't expect Shrek's willpower to be so tenacious and not admit defeat even after this.

As expected of being the dark horse of this competition with them, he was able to hold on for a minute in their hands.

On the ground, Dai Yao raised his head and looked at Tang San, with a sneer in his heart:

"The Cosmic Sky Flow is certainly good, but it relies on Oscar's third soul skill. If I remember correctly, this soul skill only lasts three minutes."

"After these three minutes, you will have to come down."

"But you should continue to take the flying mushroom sausage and consume it with us."

"Changes will occur later, and we cannot keep them any longer."

Thinking of this, a stern look flashed in Dai Yao's eyes. Tang San always made him feel uneasy. He must not let down his guard until he won the final victory!

Immediately, he took a deep breath and raised his right hand again in front of everyone's eyes. The surging soul power made an explosion in his palm, and the air waves shot straight into the sky.

The fourth soul skill on his body flashed, and a heart-stopping aura began to spread.

Nearly 80,000 spectators exclaimed in unison and looked to the sky. Above the sky, black began to spread, and a cool air swept across the spirit fighting field.

Black clouds are pressing down on the city, and the power of thunder is hidden in the sky.

"This is the ten thousand year soul skill that Dai Yao unleashed with all his strength!"

Feng Xiaotian's brows were furrowed tightly, and he was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

Having been defeated by this move before, he was very familiar with it. He realized it as soon as Dai Yao performed it.

"This is too flattering to Shrek."

He secretly cursed in his heart that Dai Yao used his fourth soul skill with all his strength, only when facing them. Now that he also used this move against Shrek, doesn't it mean that Shrek and they are on the same level of team?

When Ning Fengzhi saw this, he smiled and shook his head:

"Shrek escaped from a desperate situation by relying on the cosmic sky flow, but it also means that when Dai Yao uses his ten thousand-year soul skill with all his strength, no one can stop him."

"When Dai Yao finishes accumulating power, Shrek will be defeated."

Many people realized this and began to secretly feel sorry for Shrek. Shrek's trump card made them trapped in a cocoon, unable to interrupt Dai Yao's energy accumulation.

In the Shrek rest area, Flanders' glasses were almost scared off. Liu Erlong's body seemed to have lost strength, his eyes were dull, and he stared at Dai Yao motionless.

Even the master, who had always been calm, clenched his fists and trembled slightly. Apparently, he couldn't keep calm either.

"Come on, kids!"

He shouted with some despair in his heart.

Tai Lung, who joined later, and the Jinglings, were even more miserable and distraught. After a while, Tai Lung gritted his teeth and ran to the fence to cheer for Shrek loudly, but was immediately drowned in the sea of ​​cheers for Oakland.

The Shrek people in the sky looked in horror at the increasingly terrifying power of thunder that was gradually gathering in the sky, and looked at Tang San in bewilderment.

Tang San's eyes were deeply moved.

He knew that Dai Yao's move was terrifying, but when he faced it, he realized that his previous prediction was so naive and ridiculous. The power of this move was no longer something that a soul master of their level could stop!

"What kind of monster is this? There is no gap between the fourth soul skills? So far, he has used the fourth soul skills three times. It is still such a terrifying soul skill. Where did he get so much soul power?!"

Tang San thought in disbelief.

Having studied under the master, he has a very deep understanding of every realm of a soul master, especially since he is currently at the soul sect level and knows very well how much soul power the soul sect has.

But Dai Yao has exceeded his imagination. According to theory, ordinary soul masters can only use Dai Yao's terrifying soul skills twice, and there must be a lot of time in between.

And what about Dai Yao?

Not only have I used it three times, but I am planning to use it for the fourth time! It was still an extremely powerful one, and what was even more frightening was that there was no gap in between!

Many viewers exclaimed at the power of Dai Yao's move, but only a theoretically rich person like him could notice these details.

The more he knew, the higher his evaluation of Dai Yao was, and the more terrifying he could feel.

The Thundergod bloodline contained in the Thunder Hell Vine gave Dai Yao the fourth soul skill, which was so terrifying!

"He must be stopped!"

Tang San thought.

His eyes turned cold, he turned his head and looked at Xiao Wu, his lips trembled, and finally he nodded and said:

"Xiao Wu, it's time."

There was some struggle in Xiao Wu's pink eyes, but in the end she nodded vigorously.

She is the trump card that interrupts Dai Yao!

In the worried eyes of the other six Shrek monsters, Tang San flicked Xiao Wu and threw it towards Dai Yao.

Xiao Wu fell from the air, breaking through the wind quickly, her delicate face was wavy, her eyes were extremely determined, and she hit Dai Yao in the incredulous eyes of the audience.

"Do you want to die?"

Many viewers had such thoughts in their minds and covered their faces, unable to bear to watch anymore.

Everyone in Auckland was also a little confused. What did the other party mean? Is he trying to die? The attack was shot towards Xiao Wu who was falling straight down without any reservation.

The sword energy and water flow shot straight into the sky, which was far beyond what Xiao Wu, who was at the Soul Master level, could stop.

But the next moment, they knew her purpose.


Xiao Wu flashed continuously in the air, avoiding all attacks. The third soul ring on her body lit up, and her third soul skill was teleportation!

In less than a breath, Xiao Wu crossed a distance of more than ten meters and appeared behind Dai Yao.

Dai Yao's dark eyes slowly moved back, just in time to meet Xiao Wu's pink eyes. His second soul skill, Charm!

The thought came to his mind instantly, but there was no surprise in his heart, and there was even a sneer on his lips.

Xiao Wu, who flashed behind Dai Yao, smiled proudly. Even a powerful person would find it difficult to please her under her teleportation and charm.

"am I pretty?"

Xiao Wu's eyes glowed pink, she touched her red lips with her index finger, and pretended to smile charmingly at Dai Yao.

"not good!"

The Auckland generals immediately turned around, secretly thinking that something was wrong, Dai Yao's fourth soul skill was going to be interrupted.

Dai Yao had no reaction, but Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan on the side saw Xiao Wu seducing Dai Yao, their faces were as gloomy as water, and their fists clenched.

"The first soul skill, waist bow!"

While charming, Xiao Wu's scorpion braid wrapped around Dai Yao's neck, then twisted her body and exerted her strength, kicked Dai Yao on the back, and kicked him high into the air.

At the same time, Dai Yao's fourth soul skill was also interrupted.

The thunder gathered on the sky was also slowly dissipating, Tang San finally relaxed, looked in Xiao Wu's direction, and next, it was time to deal with Dai Yao!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Xiao Wu swallowed the mushroom intestines, her wings vibrated on her back, and she flew into the sky, teleporting again and again, and immediately appeared above Dai Yao.

"Explosive killing and eight-stage throw!"

Xiao Wu wrapped her scorpion braids around Dai Yao's neck, then swung her body, looked at Dai Yao with the pleasure of revenge, and shouted coquettishly.

The scene where Dai Yao used his identity as a soul beast to threaten her was still vivid in her mind. To destroy Dai Yao with eight levels of explosive killing was not only Shrek's wish, but also her wish.

She swung her jade legs in pink stockings hard, preparing to hit Dai Yao, but the next moment, she felt her scalp numb, and the foot that hit Dai Yao couldn't move, and she was stunned.

"Is it a blast to kill the eight-stage fall?"

A cold voice sounded from below, Xiao Wu looked down in surprise, it was Dai Yao sneering.

The explosive eight-stage throw is Xiao Wu's unique skill. It is the most violent throw method. It involves eight throws in a row. As long as the first hit is used successfully, there is no possibility of escape.

In the original work, Bu Le lay in bed for three months without being able to move after being thrown hard.

Now, Xiao Wu used the explosive eight-stage throw on Dai Yao, and he immediately knew what Xiao Wu was thinking.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

He grabbed Xiao Wu's scorpion braid and threw her jade legs in the air. Then, Dai Yao's big hands firmly grasped Xiao Wu's pretty face.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth soul skill exploded instantly!

"The fourth soul skill, White Tiger Thunder God Strike!"

The soul power in his palm exploded, and the power of thunder that was about to dissipate instantly condensed and fell from the sky. Countless thunderbolts fell on Dai Yao's hand that was holding Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu's delicate body, which was originally full of vitality, immediately became stiff. She was hit by the thunder in the sky, and she was seriously injured even if she didn't die.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Yao fell straight from the sky, grabbed Xiao Wu's pretty face, and smashed it hard on the ground from the sky, forming a huge pit and causing earth and rocks to fly!

In an instant, there was an uproar in the fighting spirit field!

"Too cruel!"

Countless people exclaimed.

In the rest area of ​​the team, Feng Xiaotian looked shocked:

"Such a cruel attack?! That Xiao Wu is also a very beautiful girl, how can he be so cruel?!"

Hu Yanli from Xiangjia Academy was in great admiration and kept nodding:

"Women will only affect the speed of my cultivation! You are worthy of being the one who defeated me. He shows no mercy to girls and kills them. He is really a role model for me!"

Compared with the shocked audience, the expressions of the Shrek Academy team members changed drastically.

Especially Tang San, his eyes were extremely blood red, he was filled with anger like an erupting volcano, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Seeing Xiao Wu being held by Dai Yao, scenes of those vows flashed before his eyes. He looked at Dai Yao coldly, his voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell!

"Dai Yao, you should die!"

Immediately afterwards, a black light condensed in his left hand. As the black light continued to condense, the eyes of all the spectators opened wider and wider. When the hammerhead finally condensed, their mouths could not close in shock!

Countless spectators stood up, the pupils of all the VIPs in the VIP seats shrank suddenly, and the entire soul fighting arena was filled with gasps!

That is - the world's number one martial soul

Clear Sky Hammer!

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