
The third soul ring on Dai Yao suddenly lit up, and a shocking wave of air suddenly spurted out.

"The third soul skill, White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation!"

The whole person's aura increased again, and the body expanded in a circle, like a humanoid tyrannosaurus, with muscles tangled, containing amazing power, which was intimidating.

The long golden hair stood up automatically without wind, and the word "王" on his forehead shone brightly.

The skin also has a faint dark golden color. Under the sunlight, it glows with a metallic luster and looks extremely hard. That is the soul skill from the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. Compared with the traditional White Tiger Vajra Transformation, the increase is more domineering, more than double.

Feeling the pressure brought by the supreme martial spirit, countless people couldn't help but hold their breath and look at Dai Yao with fear on their faces.

Now, for the first time, he fully exerted his martial spirit.

Immediately afterwards, the turbulent soul power in his body suddenly spurted out, and he stamped his right foot on the ground. Several cracks appeared on the hard surface of the soul fighting field. Dai Yao's whole body turned into a light golden light and headed towards Shrek's camp. Rush away.

Not only Dai Yao, but almost everyone in Auckland rushed out, their soul rings flashing.

Feng Qianli held a Xuanwu shield and blocked the front. Dai Yuan held a green rainbow sword in his hand and hid behind Feng Qianli. He stared at Shrek's every move. A long rainbow spanned a distance of tens of meters and landed accurately. Dai Yuanyi's body.

That was the increase from Luo Ling. Under her increase, Dai Yuanyi's momentum increased a lot. He was no longer weaker than a soul sect, and his whole person exuded a sharp aura.

The phoenix phoenix tree stretched its wings of the red bird and turned into a fiery red rainbow, soaring straight into the sky, like a ball of flame burning in the sky.

In the fiery red figure, the flames turned into gorgeous and elegant robes, outlining his fiery body. His delicate facial features were unlike anything that could exist in the human world, and his pair of phoenix eyes shot out a terrifying divine light.

The yellow and purple soul rings on their bodies were rising and falling, and all the soul masters with the bird souls felt the pressure. The ones who felt the most were undoubtedly Ma Hongjun with the evil fire phoenix soul, and Shui Bing'er with the ice phoenix soul.

They possess top-level martial arts spirits, and they are more aware of the gap between them and Feng Wutong. A thin line of difference is the difference between heaven and earth.

As soon as Fengwutong appeared, it was like a magnet, attracting the attention of many viewers. Her temperament is different from that of Dugu Yan. She is noble and elegant, making it impossible for people to feel blasphemous.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing, who was wearing black tight-fitting clothes and looked extremely cold, had four soul rings on his body slowly rising and falling. As the soul rings lit up, his whole person seemed to become transparent and disappear.

But the explosion in the spirit fighting arena made people feel that it was not simple.

At the beginning of the game, the Auckland team showed unprecedented pressure. Almost everyone pressed forward, almost madly attacking. With the surging soul power, everyone felt that Auckland won the game. Determination.

For a time, except for Shrek, the remaining twenty-six teams that had fought against Auckland all looked horrified. This is no longer the sharp knife tactics or decapitation tactics that Oakland once had, but an unprecedented crazy attack.

They imagined that they were facing Auckland in such a state, and they couldn't help but think smart, feel a little lucky, and at the same time feel sympathy for the Shrek players.

But in the Auckland camp, there is one person who has not moved at all, and that is Dugu Yan.

A pair of green snake eyes exuded a seductive yet dangerous feeling, staring at Tang San's every move without making any move.

Feeling Dugu Yan's gaze, Tang San's heart tightened.

"Why didn't the soul master of the Jade Scale Snake Spirit attack with Dai Yao and the others? Could he be hiding something?"

But he didn't have time to think about it. Auckland's attack was already coming towards them like an overwhelming mountain. Shrek Academy was like a small boat in the big waves. If they weren't careful, they would be in danger of capsizing.

He looked at his nervous teammates, gently tightened the Bluesilver Grass around their waists, and signaled them to calm down. After glancing around, the other six monsters calmed down.

"We must block their attack, friends!"

Tang San said calmly.

"Okay third brother."

"Yes, mistress."

Everyone looked solemn and answered one after another.

"Act according to the original plan!"

As Tang San spoke, the fourth spirit ring lit up, and there was an unexpected calmness hidden in his ordinary appearance.

"What a player with a big heart. Faced with such a desperate situation, he still remains calm and composed."

At the VIP table, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but praise Tang San when he saw Tang San's performance.

This is the game that determines the places for promotion! Once he failed, he would probably be eliminated. Under such circumstances, Tang San still remained calm, which really surprised Ning Feng.

Tang San was not only extremely talented, but also had such an outstanding mentality. The possibility of becoming a strong man in the future was greatly increased.

"The fourth soul skill, Blue Silver Cage!"

Tang San's eyes were fixed on the five people attacking from Auckland, his soul power suddenly surged, and the fourth thousand-year soul ring flashed.

Without any warning, hundreds of dark blue silver grasses suddenly emerged from the ground and turned into six hard cages. Except for Feng Wutong who flew into the sky, the other six people were trapped in them.

"Crowd control skills!"

Some people exclaimed, group control, the most threatening ability in the team battle of control-type soul masters, was displayed without reservation at the beginning of this last game.

The appearance of the blue silver cage instantly blocked Auckland's attack and cut off Luo Ling's increase in power over Dai Yuanyi. Dai Yuanyi's aura suddenly dropped and returned to the Soul Master state.

Dugu Yan remained motionless in the blue silver cage.

"Huh, blue and silver cage?"

Dai Yao snorted. In the original work, Tang San used the blue silver cage and defeated countless powerful enemies, but this level of blue silver cage was far less terrifying than the original work.


Dai Yao stepped on the ground without any pause. With a muffled sound, the ground broke into several cracks. Then, the seemingly solid blue silver cage opened a big hole without any pause.

Dai Yao killed towards Shrek without slowing down.

From the time the blue silver cage appeared to when Dai Yao broke open the blue silver cage, there was no obstacle or pause in between, as if it was as easy as breaking a page of paper.

Under the increase in White Tiger's Dark Gold Transformation, Dai Yao's physical strength has reached an extremely terrifying level. Now Tang San's Blue Silver Grass is still the unawakened Blue Silver Grass and cannot pose any threat to Dai Yao.

The cage that was blocking Zhu Zhuqing also broke open without any pause. Only Dai Yuanyi and Feng Qianli crashed into the blue and silver cage, and were beaten to pieces.

For ordinary soul sects, it still has a certain effect.

The sharp knives Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing were still coming at them fiercely. A flash of horror flashed in Tang San's eyes. He didn't expect that the Blue Silver Cage, which had repeatedly performed extraordinary feats in previous games, couldn't even stop Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing for a second. arrive.

"What two monsters!"

Tang San's heart sank slightly, looking at Feng Wutong swooping down from the sky carrying a blazing sea of ​​fire, he shouted sternly:

"Seven monsters riot!"

The next moment, Team Shrek suddenly erupted.

"Leave it to me Dai Yao!"

Dai Mubai's evil eyes flashed with light, and the third soul ring lit up, protecting the Vajra and transforming into a possessed body, rushing straight towards Dai Yao, followed closely by Zhu Lu, who supported Dai Mubai from the side.

Ma Hongjun fluttered his phoenix wings and soared into the sky to face Feng Wutong; Xiao Wu stood quietly on the path that Zhu Zhuqing must pass forward, his scorpion braid fluttering wantonly in the strong wind of Oakland's attack.

"Or not."

Observing the situation on the field, Tang San simulated the battle scene in his mind, and judged that in this case, his companions could not stop Dai Yao and the others.


Tang San didn't look back, his eyes were still staring ahead, but after hearing these words, Ning Rongrong immediately knew what to do now.

"The seven treasures have names. The first is: strength, the second is: speed, and the third is: soul!"

As the three soul rings lit up, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower in Ning Rongrong's palm radiated bright brilliance, and three tricolor rainbows rushed into the sky and entered the bodies of Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai respectively.

The momentum of the three people suddenly increased a lot.

Ning Rongrong was distracted by three uses of the Heart of Three Apertures to increase three people at the same time, and the degree of increase was far greater than Luo Ling's increase. This is the domineering power of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

This shocking change immediately triggered overwhelming cheers from the audience. This was the first time that the world's number one auxiliary martial spirit unleashed its brilliance in a competition!

At the VIP table, Emperor Xueye turned around, looked at Ning Fengzhi and smiled:

"I didn't expect Rongrong to be here at Shrek Academy. Feng Zhi, it's so hard for you to hide this from me."

Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile:

"Replying to Your Majesty, I did not do this intentionally. Your Majesty also knows that this girl Rongrong is naughty and willful. With the connivance of the two nobles of the sect, even I cannot educate her."

"Last time she sneaked out and joined the Shrek Academy. After she came back, her temper changed greatly. She was also willing to stay at the Shrek Academy, so I declined the Royal Academy's invitation on her behalf."

Emperor Xue Ye waved his hand and said:

"Hey, Fengzhi, I'm not blaming you. Rongrong's temperament is hers, and it will be fine when she grows up. Qinghe hasn't seen Rongrong for a long time, so let the children get closer to each other."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes moved. He didn't understand Emperor Xue Ye's thoughts. He let Xue Qinghe and Ning Rongrong get close and even made a marriage contract, thus completely tying the Qibao Glazed Sect into the imperial chariot.

He just smiled softly and said:

"I won't force her to do anything about the children, let her make her own choice."

Emperor Xue Ye sighed in his heart and understood Ning Fengzhi's polite refusal. This was just a simple temptation, and it was no big deal to refuse.

The two of them focused their attention on the spirit fighting arena again.

In the spirit fighting arena, the battle was stalemate.

Under Ning Rongrong's increase, Ma Hongjun's strength increased significantly, and he fought back and forth with Feng Wutong, who was also at the Soul Master level.

"What a domineering martial spirit!"

Ma Hongjun had a look of horror in his eyes. Only with the increase of Qibao Glazed Pagoda could he fight to a draw with Feng Wutong, which showed Feng Wutong's domineering power in Wuhu.

During the battle, his small eyes would squint at Feng Wutong from time to time. Feng Wutong's exquisite face was a bit more beautiful than Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong he knew.

Those promiscuous women in the hook fence are not worthy of carrying Feng Wutong's shoes!

Feng Wutong's eyes gleamed, and the divine light contained in them made Ma Hongjun's mind wander. He thought of Feng Wutong holding a whip and doing what the hooker woman did to him. The queen's noble temperament did not need to be acted at all!

In the sky, the white Nanmingli Fire and the red Suzaku Divine Fire collided with each other. The temperature of the Soul Fighting Field increased sharply, making the already crowded Soul Fighting Field even more uncomfortable.

They were evenly matched in the sky, but the situation on the ground was not optimistic for Shrek.

Zhu Zhuqing was a spirit master of the agility attack system before, and he arrived first, and was one step ahead of Dai Yao to meet Xiao Wu. Although he had the boost from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, Xiao Wu was only a soul master. With the help of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, he could only block Zhu Zhuqing's attack.

The battle situation in these two battlefields was tense, but everyone's eyes were focused on Dai Yao and Dai Mubai.

Dai Yao's every step made cracks appear on the hard ground. He was only a few seconds away from Shrek at a distance of a hundred meters.

Dai Mubai refused to give in. The White Tiger Vajra Transformation exploded, and his whole body glowed with bright white light. He clenched his fists and faced Dai Yao without fear.

Dai Mubai's performance in this competition was also extremely impressive. Together with Yu Tianxin and Huo Wushuang, he was known as one of the three strongest offensive soul masters in this competition.

As for Dai Yao? He is far away from these three people and is known as the strongest person at the Soul Sect level in the history of the competition.

In front of everyone's attention, the dark golden light group and the white light group collided brazenly.

"Dai Mubai, you are no match for me now!"

Dai Yao looked indifferent, looking at Dai Mubai who rushed towards him, and said coldly.

"How will you know if you don't try?"

Feeling that his body was stronger than ever due to Ning Rongrong's increase, Dai Mubai was a little happy. Hearing Dai Yao's words, he answered confidently.

Eighty-nine years ago, he fought like this with Dai Yao, and he was defeated in the end. Now, both of them have grown up a lot, their strength has also increased, and they are both at the Soul Sect level.

He knew that there was a bottomless gap between him and Dai Yao, but with Ning Rongrong's increase, he had the confidence to stop Dai Yao!

The failures of the past need to be washed away by victory today!

Hearing Dai Mubai's answer, Dai Yao didn't say much. As the distance between the two became closer, the liquid soul power in his body surged along his meridians like a tide!


Dai Yao shouted angrily in his heart, and the white light on his fist exuded a heart-stopping aura. It was the white light that could only be left on his fist after countless efforts. This was also proof of his hard training for more than ten years.

Buzz buzz——

As Dai Yao swung out his fist, the energy contained in his fist exploded out unbridled, causing pain on Dai Mubai's face. His fist tore the air, and the harsh sound of breaking through the air resounded throughout the spirit fighting arena.

Dai Yao stared at Dai Mubai closely and smashed it down boldly!

Dai Mubai was also not to be outdone, he cast the first spirit ability instantly, and a white mask appeared in front of him. The white color is warm and thick, with Ning Rongrong's support, he has the confidence to persist for a while in the face of an opponent like Huo Wushuang.

In the eyes of everyone, the two collided.


Suddenly there was a deafening explosion on the soul fighting field, and then, a shaped wave of air burst out suddenly centered on the place where the two fought.

The air wave was so fast that the ears of the audience in the front row were even deaf for a while.

The members of the participating teams were all shocked. This level of collision was beyond their reach.

Huo Wushuang and Yu Tianheng had solemn expressions in their eyes. Even they were a little afraid of such power.

However, at the next moment, their solemn expressions suddenly disappeared, their mouths were slightly opened, and their faces were full of disbelief.


In Dai Mubai's horrified eyes, a crack appeared in the white tiger's protective barrier.

He had used the White Tiger Vajra Transformation and Ning Rongrong's amplification. Even with such a level of White Tiger protective barrier, he still couldn't stop Dai Yao!

"In the past, I could only defeat you by luck, but now I have left you behind. I no longer regard you as an opponent."

Dai Yao said calmly.

Finally, he stopped holding on, and the Baji Beng suddenly erupted. The white tiger protective barrier was like broken glass, shattered, turned into dots of starlight, and disappeared.

The fist with terrifying strength hit Dai Mubai's chest brazenly.


Dai Mubai's chest was hit hard, and his body flew away. His evil eyes suddenly widened, and he groaned in pain. Blood spurted from his mouth, like withered petals, which was extremely miserable.

The clothes behind him were torn open by the energy that came out of his body. The energy had not stopped yet. In Tang San's horrified eyes, he used blue silver grass to make a shield to block the energy.

"What a scary monster."

Tang San was still frightened and his eyes were extremely solemn.

This scene shocked everyone, and all the audience exclaimed. Nearly 80,000 spectators cheered together with overwhelming momentum.

Huo Wushuang looked at Dai Mubai flying backwards in horror, and his heart seemed to have stopped for half a beat.

He had fought against Dai Mubai, and the strength of the two of them was only between equals. If it were him, he would never be able to block Dai Yao's powerful punch!

"In this competition, the strongest attack-type soul masters are Dai Yao and other soul masters!"

Huo Wushuang smiled bitterly.

Even Yu Tianheng, who had the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit, had a flash of fear in his usually indifferent eyes.

As a soul master of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, if he is a soul master of the same level, no matter how high the external evaluation is, he will not care, because their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus spirit will always be the strongest.

Even if he faced an opponent one level higher than him, he would dare to fight, but now Dai Yao has made him lose the courage to duel.

The pride of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit was shattered to pieces with Dai Yao's punch!

On the soul fighting arena, after Tang San blocked the force, he looked at Dai Mubai who was flying upside down, and he held his palm empty, the blue silver grass wrapped around Dai Mubai's waist suddenly exerted force, stopping Dai Mubai .

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Dai Yao's fourth black soul ring began to emit black light, and a heart-stopping aura slowly blew out.

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