Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 190 The shock of instantaneous use of ten-thousand-year soul skills

Shui Bing'er stared blankly at the thunder pouring down, her throat was dry, she swallowed unconsciously, her eyes looking at Dai Yao were full of disbelief and unwillingness.

He said bitterly:

"Is your fourth soul skill instant?"

Dai Yao nodded.

"Then why do you need your teammates to delay you when you are playing against Kamikaze Academy?"

"Please feel carefully the power of my fourth soul skill."

Dai Yao pointed to the countless silver snakes above his head.

Shui Bing'er had a cluster of beautiful eyebrows and carefully felt the power of thunder in the sky. Then she realized that the fourth soul skill Dai Yao used this time, not only the range of the Thunder Forest was much smaller than the last time, but the power was also not reduced. few.

But even so, the power is comparable to the Soul King's strongest blow.

She immediately understood that the power of the original attack was too great, and she needed to continuously accumulate the power of thunder to reach an attack comparable to Contra level.

But now this time, the power has dropped a lot, so it can be fired instantly.

Although the power was far lower than the last attack that was comparable to Soul Douluo, the Soul King's attack was not something that Tianshui Academy, which was still at the Soul Sect level, could contend with.

Moreover, Tianshui Academy has water attributes and is itself restrained by thunder attributes. Dai Yao's overbearing thunder attribute attacks left them unable to fight back.

Shui Bing'er looked at her teammates. Their eyes, which were originally full of fighting spirit, were a little more shaken.

The instantaneous ten-thousand-year soul skill shattered their understanding of how to perform soul skills, and also interrupted their inner self-confidence.

She knew in her heart that Tianshui Academy no longer had the courage to resist, and failure would be inevitable sooner or later.

Turning his head, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Dai Yao, trying to see something. Finally, he shook his head helplessly and thought to himself:

"Forget it, Dai Yao's ten-thousand-year soul skill, even if Xue Wu and I use the martial soul fusion skill, I'm afraid we can't stop it. Thunder-type attacks are too restrained for our water-type attacks."

"Furthermore, looking at Dai Yao's ease and ease, the instant ten thousand-year soul skill seems to have no effect on him. I don't know how many more times he can use it. He is really a monster."

"Try to preserve your soul and physical strength and try to win the last game tomorrow."

A flash of pain flashed through Shui Bing'er's icy blue pupils. As a soul master, she actually wanted to compete with Dai Yao. Although there was no chance of winning, it was the nature of a soul master to challenge the strong.

But as the captain of Tianshui College, she is not allowed to be willful. She needs to be responsible for the reputation and future of the college.

The promotion competition is the most basic requirement of the Five Elements Academy. Once the Tianshui Academy led by her failed, the current Elephant Academy will learn from the past. Even if the teachers could forgive her, she couldn't forgive herself.

"We throw in the towel."

After taking a deep breath, Shui Bing'er said calmly after a while.

"Are you sure?"

The referee walked cautiously through the Thunder Forest and asked Shui Bing'er in disbelief.


Hearing this answer, the referee was shocked. He looked at Dai Yao with a look in his eyes that he did not dare to look directly at. He coughed lightly and announced the result of the game.

The referee's words echoed in the spirit fighting arena through the soul amplification device.

Upon hearing the news that Tianshui Academy had surrendered, all the spectators exclaimed.

They thought Auckland would win this game, but they didn't expect it to be so easy. Dai Yao only used a soul skill to make Tianshui College automatically admit defeat.

Although the competition was not too fierce, seeing Dai Yao's ten thousand year soul ability again made their trip worthwhile.

Shrek Academy rest area.

Whether it was the team members or the teachers, they were all speechless as they looked at the figures on the Soul Fighting Stage.

Dai Yao's performance was really shocking.

Oscar had just put the big sausage in his mouth and was about to enjoy the game. However, the next second, the game was over and he was stunned on the spot.

"Is this... the end?"

The fat man's small eyes, squeezed into a line by the fat, were greedily admiring the beauty of Feng Wutong and the beauties from Tianshui College. When he heard the referee declare Auckland the winner, his mouth suddenly opened wide with a look of disbelief.

Swallowing his saliva, he looked at Dai Mubai with a faint look:

"Boss Dai, are you and Dai Yao brothers? Why is Dai Yao so powerful, but you..."

Dai Mubai gave the fat man a slap in the face without any courtesy, and said with a malicious smile:

"Try saying one more thing."

The fat man closed his mouth knowingly.

Dai Mubai took a deep breath, looked at Tang San who was also in shock, remained silent for a while, and then said:

"Xiao San, you see we are going to play against Auckland tomorrow. Do you have any countermeasures now?"

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked at each other, and he saw the shrinkage in Dai Mubai's eyes.

Dai Mubai was a militant with a strong will to fight. He would not be afraid even if he faced a soul master with the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit. But Dai Yao's performance today made him, the proud man of heaven, feel despair. .

Tang San forced a smile and said:

"Mubai, I know what you mean."

"Dai Yao's fourth soul skill is indeed beyond my expectation. It can actually instantly launch an attack comparable to the soul king. The strength of the Auckland team has reached an incredible level, and our hope of winning is very slim."

"The strength of Auckland is that no one can beat Dai Yao."

"I'm not looking down on Boss Dai, but he is really too strong."

The team members gathered around and listened carefully to the two men's analysis. Dai Mubai was not angry at being looked down upon, but instead said to Tang San with a solemn expression:

"I know."

Tang San nodded, glanced at the worried faces of everyone, and couldn't help but smile:

"Although Auckland is very strong, their control system and auxiliary system soul masters are too bad, but we are different."

"My control, Rong Rong and Xiao Ao's support, in fact, our strength is not far behind them."

"I have a few ways to block Dai Yao. The first one is Boss Dai, your Nether White Tiger, with Rongrong's support, can block Dai Yao. Moreover, Xiao Wu's teleportation and invincible golden body are enough to hold Dai Yao back." Yao."

"As long as he is held back, I think even Dai Yao won't be able to keep going when he encounters Xiao Wu's Blast-killing Eight-Dan Fall."

Hearing Tang San's analysis, Ma Hongjun's eyes lit up:

"That's right, I forgot about Miss Xiao Wu's 8-Duan Wrestling! I think back then, it directly abolished the unhappiness of the Soul King level!"

Hearing this, everyone cheered up, and the Seven Shrek Monsters remembered that Xiao Wu was still hiding such a cruel move. At the beginning, it was because after using the Blast Kill Eight-Dan Flood, he would either die or be injured, so Tang San emphasized that Xiao Wu should not use it until the critical moment.

Tai Long, Huang Yuan and the others who joined later were not very clear about this move.

Tai Lung asked directly:

"Fat man, who is Bu Le? How did you provoke them? What is the eighth level of explosive killing?"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's face turned pale. In order to solve the problem of evil fire, he was jealous of Bu Le in the Cao Wo, and then he was beaten up by Bu Le.

Then he called his brothers to avenge him. He didn't want to mention the scandal back then.

Tang San relieved Ma Hongjun's embarrassment and explained the explosive kill and eight-level fall, which shocked the four people who joined later. From the corner of his eye, he noticed that Xiao Wu beside him looked a little ugly. He couldn't help but caress Xiao Wu's face and asked with concern:

"Xiao Wu, what's wrong with you? Why don't you look so good?"

Xiao Wu glanced at Tang San, with some inexplicable meaning hidden in her eyes, smiled, shook her head and said:

"It's okay, it's just that we have to face the Auckland team tomorrow, which is a lot of pressure."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

Xiao Wu felt warm in her heart and nodded. Although she said so, she didn't think so in her heart. She really didn't want to meet Dai Yao. When she saw Dai Yao, an inexplicable fear would arise in her heart.

At the beginning, Dai Yao pointed out her identity as a soul beast. If Dai Yao hadn't been greedy for her soul ring and didn't expose her identity, she would have been caught by now and imprisoned in a dark place.

Holding the lovesickness in his arms tightly, he took another look at the ordinary-looking Tang San, and his fearful mood eased a lot.

Ning Rongrong, who was standing at the back, was staring at the domineering figure on the soul fighting stage with mixed emotions and a look of struggle on his face.

The quirky and lively figure of the past has disappeared.

She thought that the memories in the fantasy world would be forgotten quickly, but she didn't expect that every night, she would unconsciously think of that figure and couldn't sleep at night.

But she does not regret her choice. She cannot lead the sect into the abyss because of her willfulness.

After a while, Rui slowly tightened his grip and his eyes became firm:

"In the next game, I can't let him think that I'm having a bad life and can't even make it to the promotion rounds. I definitely can't let him look down on me!"

Seeing everyone in Shrek becoming confident again under Tang San's bond, the master said happily:

"It seems that Dai Yao's performance today did not defeat them. The children have grown up."

Liu Erlong turned his head and looked at Yu Xiaogang's side face tenderly, feeling a little worried:

"Xiao Gang, Auckland is too strong, don't you need to help the children formulate tactics?"

Yu Xiaogang sighed and said:

"It's not necessary. The children's mentality has reached a critical value. It's hard to stabilize their emotions. If I help them formulate strategies, it will backfire and cause them to perform abnormally tomorrow."

Liu Erlong and Flanders were silent, and Yu Xiaogang continued:

"Besides, I believe that Xiaosan has far surpassed me in controlling the rhythm and situation of the game. I am just a great soul master. Even if I don't formulate any tactics, with Xiaosan's wisdom, the tactics and on-the-spot judgments, No way inferior to me.”

"You have gained a good apprentice."

Flanders sighed.

Hearing Yu Xiaogang say that he was just a great soul master, Liu Erlong's heart tightened. He looked at Yu Xiaogang with eyes full of pity, and then asked:

"Xiao Gang, do you think the children can win tomorrow?"

Yu Xiaogang sighed: "There is not much hope."


Flanders' eyes widened and he said in horror.

"What's wrong, Boss Fu?"

Flanders said without tears: "If we lose tomorrow, what will happen to my advertising fees?"

Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong looked at each other and raised their foreheads helplessly.


In the Soul Fighting Arena, with the cheers of the audience, Auckland won the game.

After extending their hands to greet the audience, the two teams slowly left the stage.

Although Tianshui Academy admitted defeat, not many viewers blamed them. They were the goddesses of many male viewers. Just appearing on the soul fighting stage made people feel comfortable physically and mentally. How could they blame them?

After walking into the player tunnel, Shui Bing'er suddenly turned around, looked at Dai Yao with a smile, and shook hands.

"Congratulations, you are great."

Dai Yao was stunned for a moment, then held the catkin in his hands. The soft and delicate touch made his heart tremble slightly, and he replied:

"It's just limited by attributes."

"This is also part of your strength. I hope we still have a chance to meet you in the promotion round."

Shui Bingeryu used her fingers to tuck the few strands of ice-blue hair that fell from her forehead behind her ears, and chuckled.

Dai Yao saw Shui Bing'er's unwillingness and smiled:

"Well, I hope you advance smoothly."

At this moment, a voice sounded faintly.

"How long will you keep holding on to it?"

Shui Bing'er quickly let go of her hand, a blush rising on her pretty face. She followed the sound and saw six people from Tianshui Academy staring at her intently. Shui Yue'er looked suspicious, her eyes moving back and forth on the faces of Dai Yao and Shui Bing'er. This was exactly what she said.

Shui Yue'er said faintly: "You still call me a nymphomaniac. Look, I just thought about it, and someone has already taken advantage of it!"

"Girl, you ask for a beating, don't you?"

Shui Bing'er feigned anger.


Shui Yue'er, who had a gloomy look on her face, immediately laughed and hid behind Xue Wu. As a younger sister, of course she knew her elder sister's mood at this moment.

The purpose of teasing my sister is to divert her attention from failure and relax. On the other hand, I also want to see how my sister, who has always been polite to men, will behave.

"No more?"

After Shui Bing'er left, a gentle voice sounded behind Dai Yao.

Dai Yao turned around and saw that Dugu Yan was holding up the mountains with his arms folded, looking at him with a smile on his face, but that smile gave Dai Yao goosebumps all over his body.

He unceremoniously took Dugu Yan into his arms, skin to skin touching each other. Dugu Yan, who looked like a royal sister just now, immediately pretended to be shy and said in a voice as loud as a mosquito:

"Let me go."

"Do you still dare to be jealous?"

Dai Yao pretended to be angry.


Dugu Yan snorted, twisted her slender waist like a snake's body, and left Dai Yao's arms. She no longer behaved like a little girl, rolled her eyes at Dai Yao, and said in a charming voice:

"You get a good deal and still act nice."

Dai Yao knew that Dugu Yan's shy look just now was just an act, so he didn't say anything more. Zhu Zhuqing on the side raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a faint look in his eyes.

Dai Yuan said, "No matter where he goes, Dai Yao is always the most popular among beauties."

Luo Ling grabbed his ears and said angrily:

"What? You want it too?"

"No, no, no, I never thought about it that way." Dai Yuan waved his hands repeatedly.

"That's about the same."

A series of performances by the two made the team members burst into laughter. Luo Feng looked at the battle arrangement above his head and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Tomorrow our opponent is Shrek. He is also a dark horse, and his strength is far inferior to that of the Five Elements Academy. It looks like it will be an easy victory tomorrow."

Feng Qianli frowned and said:

"No matter what the game is, we can't be careless. Even if it's a very weak team tomorrow, we can't be complacent."

He turned his head and discussed with Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, tomorrow is the last game. There is no room for failure. How about letting Zhu Zhuqing play too?"

Dai Yao shook his head slightly, which made Feng Qianli stunned. This was not like the Dai Yao he knew. When he was about to say something, Dai Yao said seriously:

"No, Dugu Yan will also come tomorrow, we will go with all the main force!"


Feng Qianli's eyes widened, and almost all the team members in Auckland were shocked by Dai Yao's decision.

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