Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 187 Broken Dream, Instant Kill of Time

A figure slowly walked out of the Wuhundian camp.

This man wore a mask, was tall and burly, and exuded a domineering aura.

Under the confused gazes of everyone in the Qibao Glazed Sect, the masked man slowly took off his mask, and a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar appeared in front of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"It's you! Dai Yao!"

As the mask was removed, Ning Rongrong's eyes gradually changed from shock, to disbelief, and finally to hatred.

Sword Douluo's eyes on the side were dull for a moment, but he quickly recovered, and the sword energy in the sky gradually began to riot.

Bone Douluo clutched his wound, and when he saw the identity of that person, he stopped breathing for a moment, and then laughed wildly.

"Hahaha! I knew it! It must be you, a traitor!"

Ning Fengzhi looked deeply at the man gradually approaching, and involuntarily grasped the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda in his palm. With heavy breathing, he suppressed the murderous intention that was about to come out, and said coldly:

"Dai Yao, Dai Yao, I don't know how my Qibao Glazed Sect has wronged you?! Not only did I take in homeless people, but I also married my precious daughter to you!"

"This is how you repay us!"

"Look what you did?! There are more than 10,000 members of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and no one survives! Are you still a human being?!"

When he said this, Ning Fengzhi had lost his composure, his face was ferocious, and his eyes wanted to spit fire.

"Hmph, this can only be said that your Qibao Glazed Sect is too naive. The Holy Son has been the secret child of our Spirit Hall to break into the Qibao Glazed Sect from the very beginning."

"You didn't do your own investigation work, but you blamed us?"

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son has been using you from the beginning, and even marrying a woman like you is just to achieve his goal."

Lingyuan Douluo pointed at Ning Rongrong and said with a smile.

Ning Rongrong's pupils were slightly stunned, and her expression was painful. Lingyuan Douluo's words broke the illusion that Dai Yao had weaved for Ning Rongrong when he was lurking.

The naked reality is before us, Dai Yao is the culprit of the Qibao Glazed Sect's destruction! He took advantage of his father's appreciation for the younger generation and took advantage of her feelings, all just to achieve his goals!

Every time she recalled the sweet memories, her heart felt cramped. The sweetness of the past had turned into a sharp sword, piercing her heart.

Those smirks, those teases, those kisses all made her feel ridiculous and despicable.

Dai Yao is not the culprit who destroyed the sect, she is!

If she hadn't fallen in love with Dai Yao, how could Dai Yao gain his father's trust so easily and figure out the sect's defense layout!

Bai Te bit her red lips, which were already bleeding, and her pupils were a little dilated, but the next moment, she suddenly raised her head and glared at Dai Yao!

The unforgettable hatred seemed to have condensed into substance, which frightened several Spirit Hall elders who were titled Douluo.

Feeling this hatred, Ning Fengzhi and the two titled Douluo came to care even if they were in battle:

"Rongrong, are you okay?"

"Dad, I'm sorry. Grandpa Jian, Grandpa Bones, I'm sorry for you."

Ning Rongrong choked up.

"Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong."

Chen Xin and Gu Rong were in a hurry for a while. If they hadn't been surrounded by powerful enemies, they would have lowered their faces and acted ugly to make the little princess laugh.

"If it weren't for me, the sect would not have suffered this catastrophe, and Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Bone would not have been injured. It was me who harmed you!"

Ning Rongrong hated herself so much. She only hated herself for being blind in the first place, so why did she fall in love with Dai Yao, a guy with a bad heart and a dog's heart?

Ning Fengzhi sighed deeply. He suddenly felt that the little witch she once had had grown up, but it was too late now.

Chen Xin and Gu Rong's faces were full of relief, and their eyes looking at Ning Rongrong were full of love. Even if they were seriously injured, even if they were surrounded by heavy siege, what they would not change was still their love for Ning Rongrong as if they were their own granddaughter.

"Kill them!"

The soul masters all over the mountains and plains of the Wuhun Palace roared excitedly. The four people in front of them were the ultimate targets of their soul hunting operations. As long as they killed these few people, they would be promoted to noble positions and reach the sky in one step, no more!

The four titled Douluo were also ready to move, and the soul power fluctuations on their bodies spread in circles.

However, at this moment, a hand slowly raised, and the originally noisy scene suddenly fell into dead silence.

All over the mountains and plains, the eyes of all soul masters were focused on the raised hand.

It was Dai Yao.

The four titled Douluo were a little confused, but they silently put away their martial soul waves and looked at Dai Yao.

The raised right hand slowly dropped down and was clasped behind his back. With his back to all the soul masters in Wuhun Hall, he approached the people of Qibao Glazed Sect step by step, and did not stop until he was ten steps away.

At this moment, his eyes were clear and clear.

From the moment he met the people of the Qibao Glazed Sect, he had escaped from confusion and all his memories had returned. This situation and scene were exactly the soul hunting action in the original work.

However, he was the culprit who destroyed the Qibao Glazed Sect.

"It is indeed a residual dream. It conjures up the most terrifying scenes in people's hearts. They were a sweet couple in the past, but today they have become life-and-death enemies. Both of them are miserable!"

"Even if one person wakes up from the illusion, it will be in vain. If the two of them kill each other in the illusion, there is no possibility of survival."

"Moreover, from today on, Ning Rongrong will also completely understand the difference in identity between her and me, and we will gradually drift apart, and we will even stand on opposite sides in the future."

He sneered in his heart, he already had a way to die!

To be honest, although he had reserved some restraint towards Ning Rongrong before, he felt a little regretful if he really wanted Ning Rongrong to leave him.

"What a shame."

Dai Yao cursed himself secretly.

Immediately, his eyes passed through Sword Douluo Chenxin, Bone Douluo Gu Rong, and then passed through Ning Fengzhi, whose face was filled with hatred, and landed on Ning Rongrong.

After thinking about something, he let go of the regret in his heart, his eyes softened, and he said slowly:

"Rongrong, I have a message for you."

"Don't call me Rongrong!"

Ning Rongrong roared sharply, looking at Dai Yao with hatred.

Dai Yao shook his head helplessly, closed his eyes and chuckled:

"Forget it, it's still in the environment, and you won't listen."

"If I want to survive, I only have one chance. If I don't succeed, then I'll just be a mandarin duck with the same fate."

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong was startled, a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes, as if he understood something, and then, a shocking scene appeared.

The shadow of a lotus slowly bloomed and continued to expand. Wherever the lotus passed, the dream world shattered like glass, and the dark forest filled the eyes, and the real world appeared.

"This is?"

Before she could react, four black soul rings slowly lit up on Dai Yao's body, emitting a breathtaking black light. Then, Dai Yao's figure suddenly disappeared.

When Shi Nian was leaning against the tree trunk, he still had a sly smile on his face, and the seventh black soul ring was shining. At this moment, he suddenly found that his dream was shattered.

"How is it possible that my dream has been shattered? Just because of those two brats?!"

Looking at where Dai Yao and Ning Rongrong were, he found that the two of them were still standing there in a daze. But the next moment, Dai Yao's figure disappeared, his heart jumped suddenly, and a cold air instantly followed him. Spinal rush into brain.

The hairs on his hair also stood up, which was his body's spontaneous response when danger came. Relying on this induction, he did not know how many death crises he had avoided!

However, just as he was about to retreat, he felt a chill behind his back, and the sharp spear tip pierced his chest and came out through his body.

He lowered his head and saw that there was no blood on the gun tip, and a black soul ring was shining. Looking back in disbelief, he found that the gloomy face was none other than Dai Yao!

A bolt of lightning flashed through his mind, and he seemed to understand something.

Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the sly smile was still frozen on his face, but his eyes were full of disbelief.

"Are you... twin martial spirits?!"

But Dai Yao didn't answer him. The soul power poured into the God-killing Spear crazily. He knew that if he couldn't instantly solve the problem of Shi Nian and a strong soul saint level counterattack on his deathbed, he would not be sure to survive such an attack. Come down.


Dai Yao screamed in his heart, the God-killing Spear was like a black hole, swallowing up most of his soul power in an instant, but the effect was significant.

With the God-killing Spear as the center, Shi Nian's body instantly emptied into a hole. The edges of the hole were as smooth as a mirror. The adjacent muscle tissue, blood, and internal organs immediately turned into nothingness as soon as they came into contact with the hole.

Shi Nian looked at the void in horror and wanted to say something, but was instantly swallowed by the rapidly expanding void.

It was as if he had never been in this world before, with nothing material left behind.

The dignified Soul Sage was instantly obliterated by Dai Yao, who was still at Soul Sect level. This shows the domineering power of Qinglian Martial Spirit.

But Dai Yao was also uncomfortable. In order to kill Shi Nian, he used three skills in a row at the same time.

Qinglian phantom, an invincible defensive soul skill, but unlike Xiao Wu's invincible golden body, Qinglian phantom can not only defend against physical attacks, but also immune to mental attacks.

This is the fundamental reason why Dai Yao broke the illusion of time.

And in order to shorten the distance between him and Shi Nian, while using the second soul skill Qinglian Xuying, he also used the third soul skill, teleportation.

Teleported behind Shi Nian, he stabbed out the first soul skill, God Killing Spear.

The God-killing Spear has a terrifying decomposition ability, which can directly decompose the material of the human body into its most primitive state. Once a person touches it, he will definitely die.

These three soul skills are indispensable.

Qinglian's phantom breaks the environment, teleports to close the distance, and kills with the God-killing Spear. If any link is missing, he will definitely die!

But in order to prevent Shi Nian's dying counterattack, Dai Yao desperately activated the God-killing Spear, causing most of the soul power in his body to be consumed, causing the soul power in his body to fluctuate. The remaining soul power swelled in the meridians of his arms, causing swelling pain.


There was a soft cry, and Dai Yao looked around, and saw a purple bone falling on the ground. He knew in his heart that it was the soul bone of the head of the fantasy space of that time.

However, this is of little use to him.

In the original work, Tang San finally gave this soul bone to Ning Rongrong.

Not far away, Ning Rongrong also recovered. She saw everything that just happened.

Looking at the God-killing Spear held in Dai Yao's hand, four black souls slowly rose and fell around the God-killing Spear. His eyes were full of shock.

"Dai Yao... is actually a twin martial soul!"

"A soul saint died in Dai Yao's hands so easily. His martial soul is so terrifying!"

Immediately, the memories in the fantasy hit her mind like turbulent waves.

Those sweet memories, and finally the pain and hatred when Dai Yao led the Wuhun Palace to attack the Qibao Glazed Sect, for a moment, mixed feelings filled his heart, and he gave Dai Yao a complicated look.

Of course she knew that those were just illusions, but Dai Yao would eventually join the Spirit Hall, and she was the daughter of the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. Perhaps, sooner or later, everything that happened in the illusion would reappear in reality.

Gritting his teeth slightly, he finally made up his mind:

"From today on, I will keep a distance from him and cannot let what happened in the fantasy happen!"

She shifted her gaze and jumped when she saw the purple soul bone. She sensed through her martial soul that that soul bone was very suitable for her, but then she shook her head.

"No, that's Dai Yao's soul bone. I can't have anything to do with him because of my greed!"

But noticing Dai Yao's slightly painful expression, thinking that Dai Yao had saved her life after all, she finally used her martial spirit, and two rays of light shone on Dai Yao.

"This is?"

Dai Yao felt his body relax, and the swelling pain in his arm quickly eased. He felt a little happy in his heart. He glanced around and realized that this was caused by Ning Rongrong's soul skill, and felt a little sad in his heart.

His expression became calm, and his voice did not contain any emotion:

"Thank you, Ning Rongrong."

"I can't repay you for your life-saving grace. This is just my little effort."

When she heard that she was no longer called Rongrong, Ning Rongrong's heart trembled and hurt a little, but she quickly adjusted herself back and put on a calm look as she said.

The encounter in the fantasy world gave the two of them a deeper understanding of their relationship. There was no room for reconciliation between Wuhun Palace and Qibao Glazed Sect.

There is only a life-and-death struggle!

It would be best for both of us to keep our distance.

Dai Yao took a deep breath and said calmly:

"Let's go, it's time to go back. If you haven't come home so late, I'm afraid Uncle Ning is already impatient. I'll take you back first."

"No, I can go back by myself."

"It's so late. It's not safe for you, an auxiliary soul master, to go back alone. I still..."

Just when Dai Yao was still about to say something, Ning Rongrong interrupted:

"I said, I will go back by myself. If you save my life, I will tell dad and let him give you a satisfactory reward."

Although Ning Rongrong knew that nothing could change her life, in order to no longer have anything to do with Dai Yao, she could only say this regardless of her conscience.

Dai Yao looked at the decisive Ning Rongrong and his heart trembled slightly:

"That's fine."

Ning Rongrong turned around and was about to leave, and said softly: "Thank you for your kindness. I will not tell anyone about your twin martial souls. Also, keep the soul bone on the ground well. Don’t let anyone find out.”

Ning Rongrong's thin back looked a little thin under the moonlight.

Dai Yao was originally worried about the second martial soul, but what Ning Rongrong said made him feel relieved. He kept his face calm and remained silent for a while before saying:



Ning Rongrong no longer hesitated and walked away. But what Dai Yao didn't know was that Ning Rongrong's face was full of tears as her back was turned to him. How could the sweetness in the illusion be fake?

Dai Yao put away the soul bone, put it on his waist and put it into the treasure bag.

Looking at the direction Ning Rongrong was leaving, he sighed quietly, cheered up and followed, his steps as light as a feather falling to the ground, barely audible. He didn't turn around until Ning Rongrong approached the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

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