Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 178 Defeating the Divine Wind with One Move

Feng Xiaotian took the lead, followed closely by the other seven members of the Kamikaze Academy. The sharp sound of breaking through the air was deafening. Kamikaze Academy was like a sharp knife, piercing Auckland's hard defense.

Feng Xiaotian, who looked upon the seemingly indestructible sea of ​​flames as if he was dead, found a breakthrough in the cracks with great perseverance and courage.

At this moment, the Divine Wind Academy led by Feng Xiaotian is close at hand!

As long as Feng Xiaotian interrupts Dai Yao's soul skill accumulation, Shenfeng Academy will win this game!

The situation was extremely critical. Dai Yao looked at the approaching opponent, but slowly closed his eyes under the horrified eyes of the audience.

At this time, all his energy was focused on performing soul skills.

The power of thunder that has been continuously accumulated has exceeded the limit of what Soul Sect can control. Only by working hard can we firmly control the power of thunder!

The situation was critical, but Dai Yao's heart was as calm as water.

"If you want to win, you can't rely on me alone. My teammates, you may lack strength, but you must be reliable. These last five seconds are all up to you."

Feng Xiaotian stared at Dai Yao and found that Dai Yao had closed his eyes, and his heart moved.

"good chance!"

In an instant, the power of the wind surged on Feng Xiaotian's body, his speed became faster, and his wings were like knives. When he was about to kill Dai Yao, a flame lay across him.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the strong wind and white flames collided violently.

At the moment of the collision, the sound of howling winds resounded across the sky, causing many spectators below to cover their ears and look at the collision with surprise.

The horror of Nanming Lihuo was once again reflected. As soon as the strong wind collided with the white flames, the strong wind was like melting snowy mountains, being continuously burned by the white flames.

In Feng Xiaotian's horrified eyes, the extremely condensed and sharp wind was burned by white flames into the purest wind attribute energy.

"What kind of flame is this?"

Feng Xiaotian was stunned.

"I said that if you want to hurt him, you must defeat me first!"

The Suzaku wings behind Feng Wutong lightly flapped and blocked Feng Xiaotian. The fiery red figure was like an indestructible barrier, blocking the people in Auckland behind him.


Feng Xiaotian did not hesitate at all. As the captain, he knew very well the idea of ​​​​this game, which was to suppress Dai Yao so that he could not perform.

Immediately, he waved countless cyan wind blades as a cover, turned around in the air, and with the help of the wind, despite the flames blocking him, he still killed Feng Wutong without hesitation.

Feng Wutong's eyes wrinkled slightly, Feng Xiaotian was indeed the captain of Shenfeng Academy, calm, courageous, and confident.

Facing the threat from Nanming Lihuo, he showed no fear at all.

But Feng Wutong would not back down. He let out a soft cry, and Suzaku's eyes were full of fighting intent. He flapped his wings, brought blazing fire, and smashed into Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Wutong was just a soul master, and he was instantly at a disadvantage against Feng Xiaotian, who was the top soul sect member.

Even with Nanming Lihuo's advantage, he couldn't take any advantage against Feng Xiaotian, and was defeated by Feng Xiaotian.

After Feng Xiaotian briefly fought with Feng Wutong a few times, he was immediately shocked by the bravery and prowess of the girl in front of him. Overcoming the surprise in his heart, the cyan cyclone gathered in his palm again and hit Feng Wutong.

At the same time, he shouted coldly:

"You are no match for me!"

"Of course I know, but it's my mission to hold you back!"

Feng Wutong was not afraid at all. There was a cold light in Feng's eyes, her red lips were slightly opened, and white lines of fire were spitting out, immediately blocking the cyan cyclone, and then exploded with a bang.

Although Feng Xiaotian had the upper hand, it was not easy to defeat Feng Wutong quickly.

He felt more and more troubled that a Soul Lord actually had such strength. He secretly gritted his teeth and while fighting Feng Wutong, he focused on the others.

Watching the battle between Feng Wutong and Feng Xiaotian, all the audience's mouths grew bigger and bigger, and eventually a loud discussion broke out. Even the sound of the pouring rain was suppressed by the audience's discussion.

"Is this the Soul Sect? It actually blocked the Soul Sect's attack head-on!"

"And it's still Feng Xiaotian!"

"How many trump cards does Auckland have?!"

On the other side, the other seven people from Shenfeng Academy saw that Feng Xiaotian was blocked, their expressions changed a little, but they quickly rushed towards Dai Yao.

They also have three soul sects and three soul masters. Facing Auckland, they still have an overwhelming advantage!

All this happened in the blink of an eye. Only three seconds had passed, and there were still two seconds left before Dai Yao's ten-second charge!

Regarding Oakland's lineup, Kamikaze Academy is indeed a veteran team. They cooperated tacitly and made the best judgment immediately without any verbal communication.

One Soul Sect killed Feng Qianli, holding down Auckland's strongest defensive force; one Soul Sect killed Dai Yuanyi, and as a Soul Master of Sword Martial Soul, he also had formidable capital; the other three Soul Sects coincidentally did the same thing. They rushed towards Luo Feng, Luo Ling and Dou Yu respectively.

Under the control of these five people, no one in Auckland could help Dai Yao.

The last soul sect from Kamikaze Academy rushed towards Dai Yao without any hindrance.

As long as he interrupts the process of Dai Yao's soul skills, Shenfeng Academy can easily win the final victory.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, at this critical moment, all the soul masters in Auckland unanimously used their strongest soul skills.

But their goal is not to rush towards their opponent, but the soul sect who is rushing towards Dai Yao!

They knew very well that this move undoubtedly gave up their own defense, and it would be easy for the enemy to kill them, but they did not hesitate at all and blocked the soul sect who rushed towards Dai Yao.

Feng Qianli threw a tortoise shell, Dai Yuan's sword was as strong as a dragon, and the green trees in Luo Feng grew wildly.

"Are these people crazy?"

The soul sect who rushed towards Dai Yao looked horrified when he saw this situation. He really couldn't believe that the Oakland players spontaneously gave up their defense and did whatever it took to block Dai Yao's attack.

Nearly 80,000 spectators, watching what happened in Auckland through the heavy rain, were shocked.

Auckland's players would rather get injured themselves and absolutely block the attack coming towards Dai Yao. What kind of spirit is this?

Moreover, it was not one person who made this move, but all the players in Oakland.

For a time, everyone admired this team.

While Feng Xiaotian was fighting with Feng Wutong, he caught a glimpse of this scene out of the corner of his eye and was startled, but then a chuckle appeared on his face.

"So what if you blocked the attack for Dai Yao? If you don't defend yourself, you will be hit hard by us. When the time comes, only Dai Yao can still fight. I don't believe that Dai Yao can defeat seven of us by himself!"

call out--

When the soul masters of Shenfeng Academy saw that the soul master who attacked Dai Yao was blocked, they did not hesitate at all. The wings behind them were like steel knives, cutting through the rain curtain.

Five cyan lines appeared on the rain curtain as if it had been cut off by a knife.

The next moment, all five people from Kamikaze Academy knelt down on one knee and buckled their ankles inward to try to reduce the sliding caused by too fast speed.

Behind them, several screams sounded.

Their wings like steel knives sliced ​​into the unsuspecting Auckland members, severely injuring them instantly. If they didn't hold back a little, they could kill them with one strike.

Except for Dai Yao and Feng Wutong, the other five people in Auckland lost their ability to fight and fell to the ground.

The situation suddenly changed and the audience was in an uproar.

Only Dai Yao and Feng Wutong were left. Compared with the complete lineup of Shenfeng Academy, how could they be their opponents?

Even many spectators who supported Auckland gradually became depressed. Anyone with a little knowledge of soul masters would know that Auckland has no hope of winning.

Although Salas's face was expressionless, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"It looks like Oakland is going to lose. Little guy, your personal strength is indeed beyond that of all your peers, but the strength of your teammates is too poor."

"It seems that your idea of ​​challenging the Golden Generation of Wuhun Palace will not be realized. You can't pass the level of Shenfeng Academy, but you can't fight against the Golden Generation."

Ning Fengzhi sighed slightly, he also believed that Auckland would definitely lose.


Suddenly there was a harsh sound behind him. Ning Fengzhi looked back, only to find that no matter what happened, Sword Douluo Chenxin, who remained unfazed, suddenly stood up, with a look of shock on his face.

Ning Fengzhi asked doubtfully:

"Uncle Jian, what's wrong? How did you..."

Chen Xin's pupils shrank slightly and said in disbelief:

"How is it possible? What did this little guy do? How come there is such a terrifying thunder element gathering in the air? Is he still a Soul Sect?"

"Uncle Jian, who are you talking about?"

Hearing Chen Xin's incomprehensible words, Ning Fengzhi was a little confused.

Chen Xin took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down the shock caused by Dai Yao. As a Titled Douluo, his understanding of energy far surpassed that of Soul Douluo. He could feel that the thunder elements in the Soul Fighting Field were already boiling and rushing towards Dai Yao.

"It's Dai Yao!"

Chen Xin slowly spit out these words.

Dai Yao is like a black hole, gathering all the thunder elements in this world.

After Feng Qianli was seriously injured, he forced himself to stand up. The blood on the corner of his mouth had faded a lot due to the erosion of the heavy rain. Looking behind Dai Yao, he turned back firmly again and stared coldly at the reassembled members of the Kamikaze Academy.

The basalt tortoise shell returned to his hand, thrust it into the ground hard, and drank:

"If you want to attack Dai Yao, you must first pass me!"

In the sky.

After Feng Wutong and Feng Xiaotian struck, they separated at the same time and returned to their own camps.

Looking at the miserable situation of the team members protecting Dai Yao behind her, with no one standing, she closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. She knew that her soul power was on the verge of exhaustion. Facing an opponent like Feng Xiaotian, relying on Nan Ming Lihuo's Sharp, she only lasted ten seconds.

Immediately afterwards, the phoenix eyes suddenly opened, and the cold phoenix eyes were full of determination.

Two white flames rose up in his hands, and he echoed:

"And I!"

These two people were like an impenetrable wall, blocking the route of the Divine Wind Academy from attacking Dai Yao.

At this moment, everyone was moved! One of these two people was seriously injured, and the other had exhausted his soul power, but he still refused to retreat. What kind of trust did he have in Dai Yao!

Dugu Yan looked at this scene, as if there was a dull thunder in his heart.

She used to look down on these weak soul masters in Auckland, but now, something seemed to be broken in her heart.

Feng Xiaotian's eyes trembled, then he sneered:

"Admit defeat. The two of you have run out of gas. Only one of you, Dai Yao, still has fighting power. He alone can't defeat us!"

Feng Qianli's eyes flashed. He also thought that there was little chance of winning, but since he agreed to Dai Yao, he must complete the task of blocking it.

"Winning or losing, it's not your turn to decide!"


Feng Xiaotian said coldly, then pointed his finger in Dai Yao's direction, and said:

"Go together!"

Whistle, rustle——

The sound of the wings breaking through the air sounded again, and the seven members of the Kamikaze Academy rushed towards the Oakland camp again.

The army pressed on the situation, and countless spectators felt despair. The strength of Kamikaze Academy, no team can beat it. Even Oakland, which has also won 12 consecutive victories, will lose now?

Feng Qianli saw the seven birdmen who were attacking fiercely. He only moved slightly, and the injuries on his body made him break out in a cold sweat. Gritting his teeth tightly, he lifted the Xuanwu tortoise shell with difficulty, trying to resist the attack of the Kamikaze Academy.

The phoenix tree and the phoenix eyes are like ice, and the noble birds try to fly to the sky again. But her soul power was exhausted, the wings on her back were faintly visible, and she was washed to the ground by the torrential rain just a few centimeters off the ground.

Feng Wutong stubbornly looked at the team members of Kamikaze Academy who came to kill him, without flinching in the slightest.

Many spectators couldn't bear to look directly, they seemed to be able to foresee how terrible injuries Feng Qianli and Feng Wutong would suffer under the fierce attack of Shenfeng Academy.

However, at this critical moment, a pair of hands gently touched the shoulders of Feng Qianli and Feng Wutong.

"Thank you for your hard work, leave the rest to me."

A low voice came from the two ears.

Both of them were slightly startled and looked at the sound.

At this time, Dai Yao's golden hair was dancing wildly upwards, his eyes were like lightning, flashing with blue-purple lightning, and there were small thunder and lightning screams from time to time all over his body.

The ten thousand year soul ring surrounds Dai Yao, exuding bright brilliance, and blue-purple thunder arcs crackle around the soul ring.

At this moment, the Oakland players had already bought ten seconds for Dai Yao.

The members of the Divine Wind Academy used the strong wind to reach extremely fast speeds and arrived in front of Dai Yao in the blink of an eye. The gray light on their wings was faintly visible.

There are enemies on all sides.

Feng Xiaotian's smile was already on his face, and victory in this game was already within reach!

Dai Yao looked at the people behind him who were lying on the ground, his eyes paused, and he looked coldly at the opponent flying over, snoring slightly in his heart.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Dai Yao raised his right foot slightly, and then landed with a crash.

Stab it!

The sky and the earth were split open, and a silver snake with a thickness of one meter struck towards the sky, illuminating the Soul Fighting Field dimmed by the heavy rain like daylight. The sound of lightning was deafening, and countless people lost their hearing in an instant. Their ears were buzzing and they had to cover their ears in pain.

This thick thunder and lightning brought great power, with Dai Yao as the center, a violent force exploded suddenly, and the strong wind set off swept away all the proud students of Shenfeng Academy.

The members of the Divine Wind Academy, headed by Feng Xiaotian, flapped their wings vigorously before they could control their bodies in the strong wind.

Countless spectators looked at this shocking scene and were stunned. A soul sect used only one soul skill to blow away all the members of the Divine Wind Academy. What a terrifying soul skill.

But what they didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

The silver snake that split the sky and the earth lasted for a second before disappearing into the pitch-black sky.

The constant blowing force made Feng Xiaotian's face hurt. Looking at the place where the lightning disappeared in the sky, a flash of horror could not help but flash in his eyes.

Dai Yao's attack just now had already reached the soul king level.

If he crashes into that bolt of lightning, he will be seriously injured even if he doesn't die.

He took a deep breath to relieve the shock in his heart, then looked at Dai Yao from a distance and drank:

"Dai Yao, your fourth soul skill is indeed a ten-thousand-year soul skill, and its power is comparable to that of a soul king. However, this move consumes a lot of your soul power. I will not use it on you again." opportunity.”

Feng Xiaotian believes that every time Dai Yao uses his fourth soul skill, he needs to continuously accumulate energy. But what he didn't know was that if it were an ordinary Soul King-level attack, Dai Yao could do it instantly.

Hearing Feng Xiaotian's confident words, Dai Yao smiled slightly and ignored them. He turned back to look at Feng Qianli and Feng Wutong, who were a little dull, and ordered:

"You go take care of your injured teammates, and leave the rest to me."

Feng Qianli felt Dai Yao beside him, who was as hot as the sun. His eyes were horrified and his throat was a little dry. When he heard Dai Yao's words, he couldn't help but nodded and started to help his teammates behind him.

Feng Wutong looked at Dai Yao, who was like a mountain, and felt a little relieved. The last bit of her soul power was exhausted, and the heavy rain instantly wet her.

Feng Xiaotian took off his mask, revealing his handsome face, with fighting spirit in his eyes. He greeted his teammates and attacked Dai Yao again.

Purple light flashed, and they all used their strongest soul skills at the same time. The wind danced wildly, their wings were like knives, and the heavy rain seemed to be dancing in the air.

This rioting soul power and the harsh sound of breaking through the air shocked all the team members of the academy. The attack of Kamikaze Academy was so terrifying that they had no desire to compete!

Everyone couldn't help but worry, what would Dai Yao, the only one left, plan to do?

Under the attention of countless people, Dai Yao did not look at the attacks at all. Instead, he calmly raised his right hand. A small thunder snake appeared in his hand.

In everyone's doubtful eyes, the next moment, thousands of silver snakes splitting the heaven and earth suddenly struck from the dark sky, and the piercing thunder was deafening.

The entire Tiandou City was illuminated like daylight, and in the pouring rain, every drop of rain was visible! It illuminated the stunned and stunned faces of the audience.

At this moment, this world has become a forest of thunder and lightning!

I was a little pressed for time and didn't finish this chapter.

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