The thunder dragon roars wantonly; the thunder eagle flaps its wings and soars into the nine heavens; the thunder spider neighs and watches secretly.

A total of seven people from Thunder Academy all used their most powerful soul skills. Not only that, he also used other soul skills and threw them at Dai Yao as if he was risking his life.

For a moment, Dai Yao's location was covered by the sea of ​​thunder.

The purple lightning arc flickered on and off, taking away all the brilliance during the day, and illuminated the entire fighting spirit arena in flickering light.

The power of thunder tore through the air in the spirit fighting arena, and the roar of thunder resounded throughout the arena. Even though they were far away, many viewers could still feel the heat and sting of the thunder arc on their cheeks.

Zhu Zhuqing screamed in surprise and was about to rush over, but was stopped by Luo Feng with a vine.

"what are you doing?"

Zhu Zhuqing's voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hells.

Although there was a look of hesitation and struggle on Luo Feng's face, he still stopped Zhu Zhuqing:

"Since he has formulated a strategy, trust him. As his future wife, do you think he is a person who will do things that you are not sure about?"

After hearing Luo Feng's words, Zhu Zhuqing's face showed a look of struggle.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos, but after Luo Feng's comfort, he gradually calmed down.

Dai Yao had clearly formulated a strategy to use herself to consume the soul power of Thunder Academy, but she still almost lost control when she saw the terrifying attack.

Countless spectators looked at Dai Yao, who was covered by thunder in the spirit fighting arena, and were shocked.

On the one hand, he was shocked by the fierce attack of Thunder Academy, on the other hand, he was worried about Dai Yao's safety.

The Thunder Academy's offense was so fast and fierce that even the referee didn't have time to react.

At the VIP table, Salas stared blankly in Dai Yao's direction, frowning.

"Is Thunder College killing people? What on earth is Oakland College doing? Why doesn't Dai Yao admit defeat when he is in such a dangerous situation?"

Ning Fengzhi, who was beside him, also had a worried expression on his face. He held the hand holding the jade staff and squeezed it tightly unconsciously.

In the audience, Feng Xiaotian folded his hands and watched the game with a solemn expression:

"As expected of Thunder Academy, the attack is still so terrifying. If we at Kamikaze Academy hadn't been able to fly, I would have been defeated by you."

Then, his gaze shifted to the center surrounded by thunder, where Dai Yao stood. There was a look of contempt on his face.

"As expected, he is an arrogant guy. Under the attack of Thunder Academy, it is a good thing to be able to save his life. Even if he survives, he will not be able to play in the next game."

"I'm so stupid to consider such a mediocre person as my opponent!"

"Now, Sister Huowu should know how wrong her choice was."

His eyes moved slowly and settled on the place where Blazing Fire Academy was, and his expression suddenly darkened.

He found that Huo Wu, who had always been extremely arrogant and rejected people thousands of miles away, frowned at this moment, hugged his hands tightly and put them on his chest, showing an extremely worried look.

There was a slight pain in his heart, and his hostility towards Dai Yao increased a bit.

Shrek's side.

Tang San's pupils tightened slightly.

On the one hand, he was shocked by the fierce offense of Thunder Academy. On the other hand, he noticed that there was something strange about Oakland Academy.

It's obviously a dialogue between powerful players, but why is this game one-sided?

In his analysis, Oakland clearly has the strength to compete with Thunder College, but judging from the performance on the field, Oakland College's strength is completely inconsistent with his expectations.

Moreover, core Dai Yao is under siege. Although the sharp knife squad is separated, the rest of Auckland is still free!

They clearly could have gone to the rescue, but they did nothing!

It was as if Dai Yao was deliberately caught in the attack of Thunder Academy.

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat, his pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinprick, and a terrifying thought appeared in his mind.

His eyes suddenly turned to the Auckland players who were not involved in the attack, and found that there were actually smiles on their lips.

His heart sank gradually.

Thunder Academy fell into the trap.

But how did Dai Yao escape from Thunder Academy? This is where he couldn't figure it out.

Unlike the audience with different thoughts, Thunder Academy's thoughts are much simpler.

They seemed to have smelled victory.

When encountering an opponent like Dai Yao, Thunder Academy did not hold back at all.

The best way to respect your opponent is to kill him to death.

Even if their method seems to many viewers to be killing people!

Yu Tianxin panted slightly and used the third and fourth soul skills in succession, which was not easy for him.

Although his body was extremely tired, his eyes were extremely bright.

Looking at Dai Yao who was trapped in the sea of ​​thunder, there was a little disdain in his eyes.

"So what if you are powerful! You are too arrogant! Can you alone resist all the attacks from our Thunder Academy?"

"If you don't have enough wisdom to control powerful power, you will not be worthy of being my opponent after all!"

"It's an insult to myself to consider you my archrival."

Everyone in Thunder Academy looked a little depressed.

All of them used their most powerful soul skills. Suddenly, the soul power in their bodies decreased sharply. For several soul masters, the soul power in their bodies was close to being exhausted.

But they all believe that as long as Dai Yao is defeated, the remaining people in Oakland College, except for one Zhu Zhuqing who is still a bit of a threat, the rest will not be afraid!

Unless the other side has some undisclosed cards, they are sure to win this game!

"It seems that we should reduce the power of our soul skills. Otherwise, if Dai Yao dies in the thunder, won't our academy be condemned?"

Yu Tianxin is even considering weakening the power of Thunder. Others in Thunder Academy are overjoyed.

However, at this moment, something no one expected happened.

A masculine and calm voice came out from the heart-stopping sea of ​​thunder.

"You are so naive!"

The calm voice echoed in the spirit fighting arena.

The entire spirit fighting arena seemed to have frozen in time and space, and then, the 80,000 spectators burst into earth-shattering exclamations.

Countless spectators suddenly stood up and stretched their necks, eager to see clearly what was happening in the spirit fighting arena.

At the VIP table, Salas and Ning Fengzhi, who were originally very worried about Dai Yao, heard this voice, and the tension on their faces instantly relaxed.

Salas scolded with a smile: "What a cunning guy, it made the old man's heart beat!"

Yu Tianxin's pupils suddenly shrank, and the remaining six people in Thunder Academy all showed shocked expressions. Their eyes were filled with disbelief as they watched the thunder gradually dissipate and the figure gradually revealed.

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, the figure in the thunder slowly appeared.

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