Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 165 Three sworn brothers in New Taoyuan!

After being stopped by Feng Xiaotian, Yu Tianheng looked at Dugu Yan, who was extremely close to Dai Yao, with a sad look on his face.

After their lips and teeth separated, their eyes were complicated. After a long time, they said in pain:

"Yanyan, do you know how much I have paid for you?"

In order to be with Dugu Yan, he rebelled against his family and finally obtained the family's permission. However, when he returned to the academy, he discovered that Dugu Yan had already left.

Dugu Yan, who came back to his senses, didn't even look at Yu Tianheng at this moment. His eyes were full of Dai Yao and tenderness, which made Yu Tianheng extremely envious and even jealous.

"I'm sorry, you don't need to say it anymore. We are destined to be impossible. Now, I have met the person of my destiny. Also, don't call me Yanyan in the future, and don't come to me again. I'm afraid Dai Yao will misunderstand .”

Hearing this, Yu Tianheng felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his whole body was blinded, his eyes were dull, and he murmured wild goose in his mouth.

Suddenly, his eyes noticed Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing aside with a cold temperament and hot body, and said angrily to Dugu Yan:

"Yanyan, Dai Yao already has a woman, do you want to be his concubine?"

"So what if I become his concubine? I am willing to do so."

Dugu Yan looked at Dai Yao tenderly, his eyes watery.


Dai Yao was touched in his heart and his tone trembled slightly.

He also hugged Zhu Zhuqing, who was standing aside, in his arms. Looking at the two people on the left and right, he made a serious promise:

"Don't worry, in my eyes, there is no distinction between wives and concubines. You are all my most precious lovers and my wings."

The two of them were moved in their hearts and looked at each other affectionately.

Suddenly, Dugu Yan seemed to remember something. Didn't Dai Yao's White Tiger Eight Wings have eight pairs of wings? Does this guy want to...

Seeing the sweet looks of the three of them, Huo Wu snorted coldly, stamped her feet, turned around and left angrily without even looking at Feng Xiaotian.

Hearing Dai Yao's shameless words, Yu Tianheng couldn't bear it anymore, veins popped up on his forehead, and he roared at Dai Yao:

"Dai Yao, I want to duel with you!"

"you dare!"

Unexpectedly, Dugu Yan was the first to stand up and glared at Yu Tianheng.

"This is our men's business."

Dai Yao stood up and said to Dugu Yan.

Then, he turned to look at Yu Tianheng and said coldly:

"Yu Tianheng, fate is really unpredictable. Now, Yanyan and I truly love each other, so why should you keep getting entangled in it? If you want to duel, of course I will accompany you to the end."

"But if you are really stubborn, I don't mind letting one of the twin stars of the so-called Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus fall."

Dai Yao's domineering words shocked Feng Xiaotian. Dai Yao actually didn't take the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family into consideration at all. How arrogant was he? !

Yu Tianheng gritted his teeth in hatred, and the soul power in his body violently rioted. Just when he was about to attack Dai Yao, a cold voice came over.

"Someone is so arrogant, saying that they will kill one of the twin stars of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family. I want to see what they can do to make me fall?"

Hearing this sound, everyone couldn't help but follow the sound.

I saw a man in purple clothes walking slowly.

This man has an extraordinary appearance, with short blond hair, and an aura of calmness and authority all over his body. This momentum and Yu Tianheng seemed to be carved from the same mold.


After seeing this person, Yu Tianheng immediately calmed down a lot.

"Cousin? This person should be the other twin of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, Yu Tianxin."

Dai Yao's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Yu Tianxin looked at Yu Tianheng who was now looking a little embarrassed and lost his temper. She felt sad in her heart when she thought of how she used to fight with him and look so high-spirited.

They are the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. What kind of woman can't get it? Why should they be in such a mess because of a woman.

What's more, Dugu Yan's physical condition is not suitable at all to become the wife of the future successor of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

Although the two have some competition and similar soul powers, but because Yu Tianheng is younger, he is more valued by the family, these competitions are benign and are different from the life-and-death struggle of the Xingluo Dai family.

Dai Yao's attempt to win love fulfilled the wishes of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

But Dai Yao didn't take the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family seriously, and even threatened to get rid of Gemini, but his words made him angry.

"Dai Yao, I've heard your name. You were really outstanding in the competition two days ago, but your words angered me. You'd better pray that you don't meet our Thunder Academy."

Yu Tianxin put her hands behind her back, her eyes extremely cold.

Dai Yao smiled disdainfully: "Then you'd better pray and meet me later."

Although Yu Tianxin's arrival made the atmosphere on the field even more tense, this was after all near the spirit fighting arena, and all grievances between soul masters would be settled in the spirit fighting arena.

Therefore, the future battle with Thunder Academy will definitely be a fierce battle.

Under the cold eyes of the three people, Dai Yao left here with Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing.


After Dai Yao left, Yu Tianxin brought Yu Tianheng and Feng Xiaotian to his private manor in Tiandou Imperial City.

At this time of year, the peach blossoms are in full bloom, all pink.

Yu Tianxin looked at the two people who looked like they were lovelorn, sighed, and returned to the room to prepare tea.

Yu Tianheng leaned on the peach tree trunk, hugging his hands, feeling depressed, closing his eyes and lowering his head. Thinking back to the sweetness between Dugu Yan and Dai Yao just now, the pain in his heart surged up like a mountain.

Suddenly, a strange sound came over.

He raised his head and looked at the sound, immediately showing a look of astonishment.

Feng Xiaotian showed pain on his face and slapped the peach tree in front of him wantonly. As if the beating was not enough, he took off the jacket of Shenfeng Academy, turned it into a weapon, and beat the peach tree left and right. The peach tree was covered with bruises.

Even this is not enough, as if the peach tree has turned into Dai Yao, opening its mouth and trying to bite it.

Feng Xiaotian vented his anger for a long time, and then he knelt down weakly on the ground. Thinking of Huo Wu kissing Dai Yao, he felt sad and looked up to the sky and roared:


This sound is desolate for those who hear it, and their sorrow lasts for a long time.

It was as if the whole world was moved by him, and the peach blossoms in the whole peach garden continued to fall like snowflakes, falling on Feng Xiaotian.

Yu Tianheng felt the same pain as Feng Xiaotian. Suddenly, he felt a vague sense of familiarity. This situation was so similar to when he went to Auckland and was rejected by Dugu Yan!

At this time, Yu Tianxin picked up the teacup and walked over. She was stunned when she noticed Feng Xiaotian's behavior.

"This is actually the captain of the Kamikaze Academy, whom I regard as my greatest enemy? I am so sad because of a woman! Am I thinking too highly of him?"

"Although my cousin is focused on cultivation and is not very good at dealing with women, he will never reach the level of Feng Xiaotian."

Moving his eyes, he saw Yu Tianheng's dull eyes, and a bad feeling arose in his heart.

"No way, could it be that my cousin is like Feng Xiaotian..."

"You two, the tea is ready. How about changing your mood and having a drink?"

Yu Tianxin coughed lightly and said.

Yu Tianheng and Feng Xiaotian were both a little embarrassed, but they were not ordinary people. They quickly adjusted their mentality and followed Yu Tianxin to a pavilion in the peach blossom forest.

Smelling the scent of tea, Feng Xiaotian felt refreshed and his snow-white eyebrows raised slightly.

“Good tea.”

But Yu Tianheng didn't have Feng Xiaotian's thoughts, and said to Yu Tianxin with a solemn expression:

"Cousin, I want to ask you a favor."

Yu Tianxin paused, his mind became more active, and he immediately understood what Yu Tianheng wanted to say.

"What you want to say is not about Dai Yao, right?"

"Yes, I am a member of the Tiandou Royal Academy team. I can advance to the finals, but I cannot meet that guy. Therefore, I want to ask my cousin to teach that boy a lesson for me."

Yu Tianxin did not answer directly, but took a sip of tea and said with a cold look:

"It's my duty to teach Dai Yao a lesson. His arrogance has tarnished the honor of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and it's already a recipe for death. But if you ask me for help, where is your starting point?"

"If it's because of the glory of the family, I will naturally help you, but if it's because of that woman..."

Yu Tianxin didn't say the next words, but Yu Tianheng understood what he wanted to express.

He took a deep breath, looked at Yu Tianxin and said, "I don't want to lie to you, cousin."

"It's both. Firstly, Duguyan left me, and as a man, I lost a lot of face; secondly, does my cousin still remember the time I was defeated by someone three years ago?"

"three years ago?"

Yu Tianxin fell into deep thought, and suddenly her expression became serious:

"Could it be that when you were defeated by someone and our Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit was questioned as the best beast spirit in the world? Could it be that the person who defeated you was Dai Yao?"

Yu Tianheng nodded: "Yes, that person is Dai Yao."

"No wonder, no wonder!"

There is no wind around Yu Tianxin, and thunder flashes from time to time, which shows the extent of his anger.

"No wonder this person is so rampant! Meeting him in the competition this time will just wash away the shame of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family!"

"It is our duty to recast the glory of my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

His words were resounding, making Yu Tianheng beside him feel excited and said in annoyance:

"It's such a pity that I couldn't come on stage earlier and deal with Dai Yao personally!"

Feng Xiaotian on the side intervened: "Brother Tianheng, you don't have to be too upset. Count me in for teaching Dai Yao a lesson."

At this time, Feng Xiaotian was high-spirited, and there was a sense of confidence all over his body. This was absolute confidence in his own strength, which was completely different from the Feng Xiaotian when he saw Huo Wu.

Both Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin couldn't help but wonder, is the current Feng Xiaotian the same person as the previous Feng Xiaotian?

"We are both very happy to have Brother Xiaotian join us."

Yu Tianxin smiled.

"It's a beautiful day today. We happen to have the same goal. How about we marry Jinlan?"


"Cousin, we are relatives, why should we get married again..."

Yu Tianheng was a little reluctant.

After all, the three of them are all arrogant people. If they call others "big brother" because of their age, they will definitely not be willing to do so.

Although Feng Xiaotian's family background is not as good as the two from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, he is confident that his future achievements will be no worse than these two. If they become brothers, they will be a generation lower than others, which would be a huge disadvantage.

Yu Tianxin smiled and explained:

"Haha, I know that the three of us are extremely confident in ourselves, and no one wants to live under others for no reason. Therefore, what I call becoming brothers is not based on size, but just calling each other brothers to show our closeness."

"I see, that way I don't have too many worries, then I'll join."

The first one to agree was Feng Xiaotian, which made Yu Tian feel a little stunned, which showed Feng Xiaotian's hostility towards Dai Yao.

Their eyes were on Yu Tianheng at the same time. Yu Tianheng hesitated for a moment and finally said:

"Okay, I'll join too!"

At this point, the anti-Dai Yao trio was formally established.


The collision with Fengxiao Tianyu Tianxin was just a minor episode in Dai Yao's game. With his current strength, there was no need to be afraid of the two of them.

What's more, he is a popular figure in Wuhun Palace, Qibao Glazed Sect, and Poison Douluo's future grandson-in-law. With such a strong backing, no one dares to take action against him.

Even if someone really doesn't have eyesight, his second martial soul, Chaos Qinglian, is not a decoration.

The qualifying rounds were in full swing, and soon, the twenty-seven qualifying rounds were halfway through.

Currently, the rankings of the top teams in the qualifiers are as follows.

Thunder Academy, eleven wins from eleven games.

Kamikaze Academy won eleven of eleven battles.

Oakland Academy, eleven wins from eleven games.

These three teams are the first tier of the qualifiers and are undefeated. Therefore, the collision between these three teams is particularly exciting.

Secondly, Tianshui College won ten out of eleven games. The only defeat was to Kamikaze Academy.

Blazing Fire Academy won ten of eleven battles. The only loss was to Oakland College.

Shrek Academy won ten of eleven games. The only defeat was to Blazing Academy.

These three teams are second only to the first tier, but the gap is not big. They are strong contenders for the qualifiers.

Shrek Academy is another dark horse besides Oakland Academy.

Although there are only two soul masters, Dai Mubai and Tang San, their control-type soul masters have extraordinary control capabilities and have the power to turn decay into magic, defeating many powerful enemies one after another.

Dai Yao watched their game without missing a beat. Until now, he knew that Shrek still had some hidden strength. The most important thing was that Tang San's Clear Sky Hammer had not been revealed yet.

The first half of the schedule does not seem to be intense, and many strong teams are competing for collision. Therefore, the second half of the game is a battle between dragons and tigers.

At that time, if Shrek Academy wants to advance, it will never be as easy as in the original work. Without the dual immunity of water and fire, it would be difficult to win against Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy.

What's more, there are more powerful Thunder Academy and Divine Wind Academy waiting for them.

Of course, the worst Five Elements team is the Elephant Academy.

The Elephant Academy had seven wins from eleven games and was ranked seventh. When they met the top six teams, they all lost, which was a big surprise. The chances of it happening are extremely slim.

I originally planned to take a day off when I got positive, but I was sweating all over yesterday and still very tired, so I gave up. Sorry.

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