Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 163 The kiss between Huo Wu and Dugu Yan [Part 1]

If there are still people who disagree with Oakland's victory over Weevil Academy, no matter how harsh people are when they defeat Blazing Academy head-on this time, they all know that a real dark horse has been born.

"As expected of the team that Bishop Salas values, they actually defeated Blazing Academy."

"It turns out that the Auckland team has two monster players. One of them is Dai Yao. That girl who looks aloof is also so powerful."

Just based on Dai Yao's current strength, although everyone will be wary, they will never regard the Auckland team as a real opponent.

Because no matter how powerful Dai Yao is, as long as no one can help him. In isolation, no one would believe that he could succeed against seven.

But it was different now. Zhu Zhuqing's exposed strength made everyone look at him.

With the two of them together, no matter what team they are on, they will be vigilant and cautious.

Amid cheers from the audience, both parties exited the spirit fighting arena.

As soon as they got out of the spirit fighting arena, Dugu Yan and Feng Wutong rushed over, holding Zhu Zhuqing's arms one on the left and the other on the right.

"Zhuqing, I didn't expect you to be so powerful now!"

Dugu Yan sighed.

She was very surprised by the strength Zhu Zhuqing showed today. She deduced it secretly and found that she was no longer Zhu Zhuqing's opponent.

Today's victory over Blazing Academy undoubtedly raised the momentum of Oakland Academy to its peak.

When the players of the Oakland team walked into the players' rest area, whether it was the audience or the players of each team, they all looked at them with a little awe.

Especially Dai Yao, whose masculine and handsome face made countless girls scream.

Zhu Zhuqing and other women also attracted the attention of boys, with their slim figures and picturesque features. Zhu Zhuqing's cold nobility was like a magnet, locking everyone's eyes tightly.

These two people not only have outstanding appearance, but also have amazing strength. They steal the show.

Unlike the elated Auckland, the players from Blazing Academy who returned to the rest area were filled with frustration and unwillingness.

Huo Wushuang's mood was even lower.

As the captain of Blazing Academy, he has always considered himself to be the genius of his peers.

Dai Yao's appearance shattered the pride in his heart. With the combined strength of the three of them, they were able to barely block Dai Yao's attack.

"Huo Wushuang, when our Kamikaze Academy meets Auckland, we will avenge you!"

Just when Blazing Academy was feeling depressed, a cold voice sounded.

Everyone turned around and saw that it was Feng Xiaotian, the captain of Kamikaze Academy and their control soul master.

The strength of Kamikaze Academy is one of the best among the Five Elements Academy, especially since all of them can fly into the sky, making it impossible for their opponents to attack.

Although he was talking to Huo Wushuang, his eyes always fell on Huo Wu's fiery red figure intentionally or unintentionally, and the heat in his eyes was undisguised.

Huo Wushuang snorted coldly and said calmly:

"We lost to Oakland, so you guys have to do it?"

Feng Xiaotian chuckled and said:

"The reason why our Blazing Fire Academy failed today was because we didn't know the enemy well enough."

"Dai Yao and the little girl from Oakland are really strong, but the strength of the others is lackluster. Now their hole cards are almost exposed, and their strength can barely compare with our Five Elements Academy, but they want to beat us Kamikaze The academy is a fantasy!”

After hearing Feng Xiaotian's words, the members of Blazing Academy were still a little unhappy. They only played a role in letting Auckland reveal its trump card.

"let's go!"

Just when Feng Xiaotian was in high spirits, Huo Wu's cold voice sounded from behind.

"Sister Huowu, don't be so anxious."

As soon as he met Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian lost his usual wisdom and calmness and hurriedly stopped Huo Wu.

But Huo Wu didn't even look at him, snorted coldly, lifted his hand, and left indifferently.

Seeing this, Huo Wushuang spread his hands towards Feng Xiaotian, feeling a little helpless.

As the footsteps of the Blazing Academy gradually drifted away, Feng Xiaotian looked depressed. Suddenly, he noticed that Huo Wu had left the team of the Blazing Academy, not knowing where he was going.

Feng Xiaotian's face showed joy, and he hurriedly followed, quietly falling behind.


In the lounge at Oakland College.

After defeating Blazing Academy, everyone was very excited.

For this reason, Dean Jackson specially prepared drinks for everyone to catch the wind and wash away the dust.

After celebrating, Feng Qianli came to Dai Yao, chatted for a few words, and then said with some worry:

"Dai Yao, although we defeated Blazing Fire Academy today, we exposed a lot of things."

"Zhu Zhuqing's strength also includes a second tactic, the decapitation tactic. This is only the second game, so maybe we have been a little too hasty."

Dai Yao chuckled and said:

"Captain, we do have a lot of cards exposed, but facing a strong opponent like Blazing Academy, we have no choice. Moreover, although this is our second match, when we meet other teams, I'm afraid we can only We need sharp-edged tactics to defeat them."

When he said this, he looked extremely confident.

"The most important thing is that our trump cards are far from exhausted."

Except for the hole cards exposed today, Dai Yao and Zhu Zhuqing's Nether White Tiger, the external spirit bone, and the fourth soul ability, none of these more powerful hole cards were used.

After hearing Dai Yao's words, Feng Qianli's worried expression eased slightly, and then he asked curiously:

"Dai Yao, what exactly is your fourth soul skill? Every time I see your fourth soul ring, I feel a faint feeling of palpitations."

Dai Yao smiled helplessly:

"Captain, my fourth soul skill consumes too much soul power. It's not that I don't want to show it, but I'm afraid that you won't be able to bear it."

"I can't bear it?"

Feng Qianli didn't believe it. As the owner of the Black Tortoise Spirit, his defense power was extremely terrifying.

Although he was reluctant to face Dai Yao's attack, he would not believe it if he was defeated.

Dai Yao smiled mysteriously and said:

"Captain, don't worry, I'm afraid you will be able to see my fourth soul skill in a few days."

The more Dai Yao said this, the more Feng Qianli felt itchy in his heart.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, a little confused, and opened the door, only to see a red figure.

"Is it you? Huo Wu."

Dugu Yan's tone was a little surprised. She didn't know why Huo Wu came to the lounge in Auckland.

"Are you...Duguyan?"

Seeing Dugu Yan, Huo Wu was startled for a moment. He felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar. Then his pupils suddenly tightened and he recognized who this person was.

Dugu Yan and Huo Wu were both the darling daughters of Tiandou Imperial City, and they had some interactions with each other when Dugu Yan was still at Tiandou Imperial Academy.

"I heard that you left Tiandou Imperial Academy a few years ago and joined an unknown academy. Unexpectedly, this unknown academy is Oakland!"

Huo Wu's tone was filled with surprise.

Dugu Yan smiled slightly and did not explain.

She had to join Oakland College in order to treat the toxins in her body. By various chances and coincidences, Dai Yao came together.

Huo Wu was secretly shocked. She didn't expect that Auckland College would hide such a powerful weapon as Dugu Yan.

Even the Five Elements Academy is afraid of Dugu Yan's poison.

With Dugu Yan as Auckland's control soul master, his strength will be greatly enhanced. How many trump cards does Auckland have?

"Sister Huowu, what can I do for you?"

Dugu Yan asked with a smile.

Huo Wu took a deep breath, her beautiful eyes passed over Dugu Yan, stayed on Zhu Zhuqing's figure for a while, and finally fell on Dai Yao.

He stretched out his jade finger and pointed at Dai Yao, saying:

"I'm here to find him!"

Suddenly, everyone in the room focused their surprised eyes on Dai Yao.


Looking at everyone's eyes, Dai Yao was a little confused.

He stood up and asked Huo Wu:

"What do you want from me?"

Huo Wu took a deep breath, looked at the people around her, and whispered, "Can we talk alone?"

In an instant, Dai Yao felt two cold eyes, like sharp swords, thrust into his back. The two looks came from Dugu Yan and Zhu Zhuqing respectively.

And Feng Wutong at the side seemed to have something more in his eyes.

Huo Wu is an extremely outstanding girl, at the age of nineteen he was born slim and graceful. The body is hot, the jade legs are round and slender, and because of the long-term exercise, it also has a sense of strength, just like the best sculptor, carving it.

Jackson sighed and said, "Dai Yao, go. If you have any grievances, just settle them."

Dai Yao then followed Huo Wu out.

Looking at the puzzlement and anxiety in Dugu Yan's eyes, Jackson explained with a smile:

"Son, trust is the foundation of a relationship. Since you are willing to be with Dai Yao, trust him."

Dugu Yan snorted coldly:

"I believe he's a big-headed ghost! I don't believe it, there is no cat that doesn't steal! Sister Zhuqing, let's go! I want to see what this vixen is going to do!"

After finishing speaking, Dugu Yan immediately grabbed Zhu Zhuqing who was still in a daze, and chased Dai Yao and Huo Wu.

Hearing Dugu Yan's words, Jackson smiled helplessly.

And the expressions on the faces of many men in Auckland are even more wonderful. Feng Qianli said it was okay, but Dai Yuan could not hide his envy and jealousy on his face.

"Both Zhuqing and Sister Yan have fallen in love with Dai Yao, and now even the girls from Chihuo Academy can't escape Dai Yao's clutches!"

"You come with me."

Huo Wu looked at Dai Yao's handsome figure, his eyes changed slightly, and he couldn't help but snorted in his heart and said.

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the rest area.

Dai Yao, who was following Huo Wu, actually felt a bit familiar in his heart. Isn't this the plot of Huo Wu kissing Tang San?

Behind Huo Wu and Dai Yao, Feng Xiaotian fell in the distance; and behind Feng Xiaotian, there were Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan.

Yu Tianheng, who was sitting in the rest area watching the game, felt his heart skip a beat for some reason. Fulin turned his head around and happened to see Dugu Yan following Dai Yao.

A look of joy filled his heart. He had not seen Dugu Yan for a long time since she left Tiandou Royal Academy and went to Auckland Academy.

He said hello to the companions around him and immediately followed the direction Dugu Yan left.

But Dai Yao now doesn't know how many people are following him.

Huo Wu didn't stop until he reached a secluded corner in the rest area.

At this time, the qualifying matches outside were still going on, and students from various colleges were watching the match. This so-called rest area was actually a specially circled camp for pre-match adjustments.

There was no one there.

Stopping, Huo Wu turned around and looked at Dai Yao. Thinking of today's failure, he said angrily:

"Dai Yao, I have fought you twice. Why do you always seize the opportunity and interrupt me when I am using my soul skills?"

Dai Yao smiled softly, who knew he had seen the original work.

Hearing Huo Wu's questioning and overbearing attitude, he snorted in his heart, Huo Wu was still so proud and arrogant.

Did she ask the question and she had to answer it?

Too lazy to pay attention to Huo Wu, he turned his head and looked in the direction of the Soul Fighting Arena, as if the competition in the Soul Fighting Arena was more attractive than the beauty in front of him.

"Are you so unwilling to talk to me?"

Huo Wu looked at Dai Yao's indifferent attitude and felt discouraged. Ever since she was a child, she has not only had outstanding talent, but also has outstanding appearance.

All the men showed their best side in front of her, being polite and caring to her, but this Dai Yao just ignored her.

Dai Yao knew that when dealing with a woman like Huo Wu, he must not follow her wishes.

If you just follow her, she will pay less attention to you.

While the two were talking, four heads poked out from the corner not far away.

On the left are Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan, on the right are Yu Tianheng and He Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian and Yu Tianheng had known each other for a long time. Feng Xiaotian liked Fire Dance, so he followed him. But what was the reason for Yu Tianheng, so he asked softly:

"Brother Tianheng, I wonder why you are here?"

Yu Tianheng did not answer Feng Xiaotian's question, glanced at Dai Yao, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then said to Dugu Yan:

"Yanyan, look at that Dai Yao, he has a romantic personality, and now he's getting mixed up with Huo Wu..."

"Don't make any noise!"

Dugu Yan shouted softly, ignoring Yu Tianheng at all.

He stared at Dai Yao motionlessly. If he dared to do anything extraordinary, it would be a disaster for him to go home today!

Yu Tianheng's words choked on his lips, Feng Xiaotian immediately understood, it turned out that Yu Tianheng liked Duguyan, but Duguyan's attitude towards him was a thousand miles away.

He laughed in his heart: "So what about the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex? Wasn't the woman robbed by Dai Yao? How dare you call my sister Huo Wu!"

He comforted Yu Tianheng: "Brother Tianheng, don't make any noise. I understand your mood. Don't disturb sister Huowu."

Hearing Feng Xiaotian's words, Yu Tianheng snorted in his heart. It turned out that Feng Xiaotian came here for Huo Wu, and a thought flashed in his mind.

"Okay, I won't say anything, let Yanyan see what kind of person Dai Yao is! Let her know that her choice is wrong!"

In the corner of the sitting area.

When Dai Yao heard Huo Wu's question, he smiled softly and said:

"What? Is this the way you talk to your master?"

Hearing this, Huo Wu was slightly startled, and a blush appeared on his face.

Three years ago, she lost the soul fight to Dai Yao, and the price was to become Dai Yao's maid.

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