Douluo: Starting from the engagement with Zhu Zhuqing

Chapter 161 Zhu Zhuqing’s fourth soul skill, reversal!


The wings of the flamingo trembled, and two fiery red lines were drawn in the air. In just the blink of an eye, the two flamingoes had already appeared in front of Dai Yao's eyes.

As agility-type soul masters with soul powers as high as level 39, Huo Yun and Huo Yu are not only extremely fast, but also have the powerful attack power of fire attribute soul masters.

The sharp crane's beak flashes with cold light, and coupled with the explosion of fire attributes, once it hits an enemy, it is as powerful as an ordinary soul sect's full blow.

Looking at Dai Yao who was getting closer and closer, the eyes of the two of them shone with the light of revenge that they had achieved.

Even if you are a genius, if you dare to underestimate our Blazing Fire Academy, you must pay the price!

The two of them were located on the side of Dai Yao, and they could only see the side of Dai Yao's face, but both of them noticed the curve of Dai Yao's mouth.

I suddenly felt vigilant in my heart, but the power of the attack was even more powerful.


Dai Yao's hands suddenly stretched out, and the cloud patterns were entangled. In the horrified eyes of the two brothers Huo Yun and Huo Yu, one hand held two sharp crane beaks, one on the left and one on the right.

There was a soft sound of Jin Ge knocking.

Dai Yao's hand was even pierced by the crane's beak, and a few sparks of fire appeared. When the fire attribute on the crane's beak encountered the cloud pattern on Dai Yao's hand, it seemed as if ice and snow melted, immediately dissolving.

"How can it be?!"

The two of them exclaimed at the same time.

Even ordinary soul masters would not dare to block the attack of the two brothers. How could Dai Yao block it so easily?

But Dai Yao's crisis has not been resolved.

In front of him, there were the seven flame bombs of the fiery soul master and the fire dragon claws of Huo Wushuang that exuded a fiery aura.

Under the amplification of the two Martian soul masters, the attack level of the Huo Wushuang Dragon Claw has reached an extremely terrifying level. Even with Dai Yao's body, he will definitely not be able to withstand such an attack!

The power in his body suddenly exploded, and he clamped the beaks of the two flamingos with both hands and threw them violently forward.

Huo Yun and Huo Yu were used as human shields by Dai Yao, blocking the attacks of Huo Wushuang and Fire Leopard Spirit Master.

Huo Wuyan watched helplessly as the target of his attack was changed from Dai Yao to his teammates. He had no choice but to withdraw his soul skill. However, the Fire Leopard Soul Master's seven-star bullet could not be withdrawn, so he had to change direction and fly into the air.

Everything that just happened was done in a flash of lightning.

Taking this opportunity, Dai Yao immediately used his explosive step, turned into an afterimage, and retreated to the Auckland camp.

"What speed is that? Even agility attack type soul masters can't reach that speed!"

Countless soul masters were amazed by Dai Yao's speed.

"Appeared! The same speed you showed when you defeated me last time!"

Huo Wu's beautiful eyes frowned slightly, thinking of the experience of being defeated by Dai Yao, she felt very unwilling to do so.

Immediately, the corners of her mouth curved in a touching arc.

Although the plan to defeat Dai Yao failed, she was not depressed. If Dai Yao was defeated by her like this, she would feel disappointed.

The fighting between the two sides paused briefly.

"Are you okay?"

Feng Qianli held up the Xuanwu shield and asked Dai Yao while paying attention to the movements of Blazing Academy.


After performing the explosive step, Dai Yao couldn't help but breathe a little heavier. Because it is in the state of White Tiger's dark gold transformation, the speed of performing explosive steps is much faster than the usual explosive steps.

But correspondingly, the load placed on the body is also much greater.

If it weren't for the White Tiger's dark golden transformation, his body would have been torn apart.

After saving the day, Dai Yao immediately returned to the Auckland formation with the sharp knife trio. The Blazing Academy on the other side will also come together to form a triangle formation again.

The soul ring on Luo Ling's amplification staff lit up, and a colorful light fell into Dai Yao's body, quickly restoring his spirit.

But Luo Ling's face quickly turned pale.

Amplifying Dai Yao's soul power consumption was too great. In just a few seconds, one third of the soul power in her body was consumed, which shows Dai Yao's terrifying strength.

Withdrawing the power of amplification, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, gasped and sighed:

"Dai Yao, you are such a monster! When I gave Dai Yuan a boost, the consumption of my soul power was almost imperceptible, but when I gave you a boost, one-third of my soul power was consumed in just a few seconds. .”

Luo Ling's emotion slightly eased the tense atmosphere in Auckland.

The two teams looked at each other, and no one was in a hurry to take action. On the surface, the two sides were back and forth, with Blazing Academy thwarting Auckland's sharp-edged tactics, but in fact, Auckland still had the upper hand.

In order to defeat Dai Yao, almost everyone in Blazing Academy used multiple soul skills, which consumed huge amounts of soul power.

On the Auckland side, except for Luo Ling who had just increased Dai Yao's soul power consumption and Luo Feng who used soul skills, Feng Qianli and Dai Yuanyi, who were the main attackers, did not consume much at all.

What's more, as the absolute core of Dai Yao, the soul power in his body is far higher than that of the same level. When he only uses the first three soul ring soul skills, it is not a waste.

Huo Wushuang turned around and looked at Huo Wu. The moment their eyes met, they both nodded imperceptibly.

"Dai Yao, let me show you the style of our fire attribute soul master!"

Huo Wu was full of confidence, adding a bit of youthful vitality to her already good appearance.

The tactic of defeating Dai Yao failed, and the second tactic was immediately adopted.

She slowly raised her hands, and two orange flames rose up in her palms, reaching a height of more than one meter.

As the signal was raised, the six people from Blazing Academy started to move at the same time.

The bodies of the two auxiliary soul masters burst into flames, the third soul ring flashed crazily, and the surging firepower poured into Huo Wu's body crazily.

Huo Wu's momentum continued to increase, like a queen in flames.

The flame in his hand kept rising and changing colors, from orange to blue, until it finally turned incandescent.

The remaining four people from Chihuo Academy lined up in front of Huo Wu, maintaining a defensive formation. They were obviously preparing for Dai Yao's surprise attack and interfering with Huo Wu's soul skills.

Purple light shines, this is Huo Wu's fourth soul skill.

A huge ball of white fire condensed on her head, as bright as the sun, and even the sun in the sky was obscured by its light.

"Is the fire dancing in the sun?"

Dai Yao murmured, his expression a little solemn.

He knew very well the power of Huo Wu's fourth soul skill, Huo Wu Yaoyang. After all, he had withstood it with his physical body. Its power is so powerful that only the White Tiger's Eight Wings can resist it.

But this time the Fire Dance Yaoyang is different from before. After the increase of two auxiliary soul masters, its power has increased dramatically. It is definitely not a good choice to resist forcefully.

Moreover, this is only the second game. If the external soul bone is exposed too early, it will undoubtedly make other teams wary and formulate targeted strategies.

Therefore, if you want to go further, you cannot expose the external soul bone yet.

In addition to attaching soul bones, there are two ways to block the dancing fire sun.

The first one is his Dark Gold Terror Claw’s soul bone skill, Sky-Tearing Claw, but this also requires exposing the soul bone;

The second one is naturally his fourth soul skill, White Tiger Thunder God Strike. But the power of the fourth soul skill is too great, and the consumption of soul power is also extremely terrifying. It is undoubtedly overqualified to deal with Blazing Academy.

In addition, although he has the ability to avoid fire, he is not like Tang San who can wrap himself with blue silver grass. Although he is immune to fire energy attacks, the impact of the explosion is not pleasant.

A helpless smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, he turned his head slightly and nodded to Zhu Zhuqing imperceptibly.

The various academy teams watching the competition all looked solemn. They could clearly feel that the intensity of Huo Wu's attack could be regarded as the most powerful skill in this competition.

Even yesterday's Kamikaze Academy and Thunder Academy couldn't match the attack from Blazing Academy in terms of attack.

If it were an ordinary college facing Blazing Fire College, it would probably have given in long ago.

Countless people at the VIP table were moved.

Ning Fengzhi exclaimed: "The firepower is restrained and not released at all. This little girl's fire control ability has reached an extremely terrifying level. That is not just her soul power, but the power of three people."

"Dai Yao, how are you going to deal with it now?"

Feng Qianli and others were extremely anxious, especially Luo Feng. At this moment, he was a little overwhelmed.

He had no strategy to resist such an attack from Blazing Academy. The only one he could rely on was Dai Yao.

"Dai Yao, what should we do?"

Luo Feng asked worriedly.

Dai Yao smiled slightly and took over the command. He made a gesture to step back, and then walked towards the other seven people alone.

At this time, Huo Wushuang's expression suddenly changed, and he saw the provocation in Dai Yao's eyes. If he hadn't already made tactical arrangements, he would have rushed forward to attack immediately.

Seeing Dai Yao who didn't make any resistance, Huo Wu's eyes were a little confused, but they were quickly replaced by a strong look.

"Dai Yao, half a year ago, I was defeated by you. In the past six months, I have been practicing hard day and night, just to defeat you!"

Huo Wu's tone was as calm as possible, but she still couldn't stop trembling.

That tone was full of hardships and hard work over the past six months, as well as the hope that he was about to defeat his opponent.

"In the past six months, you have become stronger and even obtained a ten-thousand-year soul ring. However, victory will definitely belong to our Blazing Fire Academy!"

Huo Wu said decisively.

"Aren't you going to use your ten thousand year soul ring yet?"

Upon hearing Huo Wu's question, Dai Yao put his hands behind his back and smiled slightly:

"Sorry, the Ten Thousand Years Soul Ring is still a little overqualified to deal with you."

Hearing Dai Yao's contemptuous words, Huo Wu's anger shot into the sky and said angrily:

"Arrogant! I will make you pay for your arrogance!"

Not just Huo Wu, almost all the audience wanted to know what Dai Yao's fourth soul skill was.

The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years has attracted everyone's attention since the beginning of the competition, but it has never been used.

Faced with such a terrifying attack from Blazing Academy, Dai Yao thought that using the fourth soul skill was still overkill. Such confident words undoubtedly aroused everyone's curiosity to the extreme.

"Dai Yao, I want to see what you can do to block my fire dance!"

Huo Wu finally couldn't hold on anymore. She alone controlled the soul power of the three people in this fourth soul skill. After accumulating it for so long, it had reached its limit.

The incandescent sun turned into a stream of light and suddenly hit Dai Yao.

Under everyone's gaze, Dai Yao made a move that shocked everyone. He stepped away to one side.

As a result, the center gate of the Auckland team will be wide open, and Fire Dance Yaoyang will directly destroy all the active forces in Auckland except Dai Yao!

Seeing Dai Yao's avoidance, which put Auckland in danger, Huo Wu was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on his face was extremely complicated, including ferociousness, disappointment, and anger.

It was as if something pure had been tainted by Dai Yao.

"Dai Yao, I didn't expect you to be a coward!"

The peaks and ridges undulated violently, and the anger in his heart burst out.

The faces of the 80,000 spectators were filled with disappointment. Dai Yao, who they had high hopes for, would actually choose to fight cowardly.

However, at this moment, almost all the audience felt a little cold, and even the heat caused by the soul skills of Blazing Fire Academy had dropped a lot.

"What's going on? Why is it a little cold?"

Someone rubbed his arm and shuddered.

"What are you doing? Are you going to stop letting people watch the game?"

"What's going on? The fire element in the environment has dimmed a lot."

Huo Wu was keenly aware of the changes in the surrounding environment and frowned.

Many soul masters at the VIP table felt something was wrong.

It's a hot time now. How could it suddenly become cold? The only possibility is that someone uses soul skills. But soul skills will not cover the entire soul fighting field!

Many soul masters at the VIP table are quite accomplished in the soul master path. They all know that the abnormality at this time is caused by the agility attack girl from Auckland, but with her strength, she cannot cause the current abnormality. Yes!

The master frowned, thinking intently. Suddenly, the contemplation on his face was replaced by shock.

He walked forward involuntarily. If Tang San hadn't stopped him in time, Yu Xiaogang would have already entered the spirit fighting arena.

After being stopped by Tang San, Yu Xiaogang didn't seem to notice anything. Instead, he stared at Zhu Zhuqing intently and murmured:

"Could this be the legendary realm?"

Ning Fengzhi stood up suddenly at the VIP table, alarming Emperor Xue Ye beside him.

Emperor Xueye asked in confusion: "Sect Master Ning, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Fengzhi had lost his usual elegant demeanor, and his expression was horrified. It took a long time before he regained his composure, but his tone still trembled uncontrollably:

"Your Majesty, what caused the strangeness just now was the domain of that little girl."


Emperor Xueye exclaimed, as an emperor of a country, how could he not know the existence of the realm.

Domain is an extremely terrifying talent that can greatly enhance oneself while reducing the enemy's attack. Even many Titled Douluo don't have it, but the top Titled Douluo must have a domain.

Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi was like this, Qiandaoliu was like this, and Tang Chen was like this too.

"The fourth soul skill, Netherworld!"

Zhu Zhuqing's cold voice echoed throughout the spirit fighting arena, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing was wearing a crystal crown, floating in the air, and transformed into the Lord of the Netherworld.

The cool and stunning face, the noble and aloof temperament, and the devilishly hot curves captured the hearts of all the viewers in just an instant.

Only then did the 80,000 spectators realize that the Auckland team actually had such a charming woman. Previously, it was because Dai Yao's light was so dazzling that it overshadowed the light of everyone else.

"Is she going to block Blazing Academy's attack?"

Many viewers couldn't help but worry. Blazing Academy's attack was too powerful. Can Zhu Zhuqing really block it by himself?

Under the gaze of tens of thousands of spectators, the fourth soul ring on Zhu Zhuqing's body shone brightly. As her jade hand stretched out, a pale wave of light suddenly blasted out, colliding with the incandescent sun.

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