Waves of exclamations rang out from the audience, and countless pairs of eyes widened. Hu Yan's powerful and heavy move was taken by Dai Yao so easily.

Dai Yao only swayed slightly, with one hand behind his back, and the hand that caught Hu Yanli's attack remained in the air, motionless, showing the air of a master. He looked calm and calm, as if he was not competing.

"The Fourth Ring Soul Sect, the soul skills it displayed were blocked like this? It's too outrageous!"

"I'm sure they are fixing the game! Bishop Salas values ​​Auckland. Could it be that he let the Elephant Academy let it go?"

"Be careful, don't talk nonsense without evidence! Hu Yanli's soul skill just now is quite powerful. It shouldn't be a fake match."

"Hmph, maybe he is practicing soul skills that are big and small. I didn't expect that fat guy Hu Yanli is very naughty."

The ordinary audience members were questioning, but the soul masters in the VIP area had extremely solemn eyes. They have been immersed in the path of soul masters for many years, and their eyesight is far superior to that of the young boy in the audience.

They clearly knew how much strength was needed to block Hu Yanli's powerful blow, not to mention that Dai Yao was still so light as to be heavy.

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed with surprise: "Dai Yao's physical strength has increased again. I don't know how many surprises he can show."

Hu Yanzhen slapped the back of the chair and stood up suddenly, his eyes extremely shocked.

As Hu Yanli's father, he knows his son's strength very well. Although their Diamond Mammoth Martial Spirits focus on defense, their huge size and weight make them only weaker than those top Martial Spirits in terms of attack.

He would not think that his son was match-fixing.

Before the competition, a titled Douluo-level elder in Wuhun Palace came to him specifically and asked him to teach Dai Yao a lesson. He is the sect leader of the sixth sect in the world, but he got involved with Wuhun Palace early on.

Dai Yao is from Salas's faction, which is different from his faction. He sent Hu Yanli to take action to teach Dai Yao a lesson, firstly to show his strength to Wuhun Palace, and secondly to please the titled Douluo.

"What a strong body!"

A flash of shock flashed in Hu Yanzhen's eyes, and then his expression sank. With the strength Dai Yao showed, not only was he unable to guarantee the completion of the elder's request, but even his victory in the game was somewhat unstable.

In the spirit fighting arena, the two men fought in an instant.

After one blow, Hu Yanli retreated, completely unlike a fat man.

Looking at the slightly trembling fist, a flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at Dai Yao in disbelief.

"What a terrifying power. I used my second soul skill, but he blocked my attack without even using his martial soul?"

Seeing Hu Yanli's doubtful expression, Dai Yao raised a smile on his lips and asked in a calm tone:

"What? Are you scared?"

The sound was not loud, but it struck Hu Yanli's heart like a sharp sword. His eyes were dazed for a moment, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes immediately became extremely fierce.

He knew that he was no match for Dai Yao. But the Auckland team can't even hope to win!

"Brothers, activate the martial spirit!"

After Hu Yanli finished speaking, waves of air suddenly appeared, centered on the seven members of the Elephant Academy team. Following the roars of the seven big men, seven huge mammoth-like humans suddenly appeared.

The yellow-purple soul ring light flickered in the soul fighting field.

Among the seven people, the three in the middle all have the best configuration of two yellow and two purple soul rings, while the four next to them have the configuration of two yellow and one purple.

There are three soul sects in Elephant Armor Academy!

The seven people were all extremely large. They raised their right feet at the same time and took a heavy step forward. The loud noise made all the spectators feel their hearts pinched.

I can't help but wonder whether the Auckland team can stop these seven-headed humanoid monsters.

Feeling the oncoming breath, Feng Qianli said calmly:

"Brothers, let's also activate the martial spirit. The black turtle is possessed!"

Two yellow, two purple, and four soul rings shone on Feng Qianli's body. Dai Yuanyi and Feng Wutong, who were beside him, also released two yellow and one purple soul rings respectively.

Behind the three of them were Zhu Zhuqing, Luo Feng, and the auxiliary soul master at the end, Luo Ling. Luo Feng and Luo Ling each released two yellow and one purple soul ring configurations.

Zhu Zhuqing's two-yellow and two-purple soul ring configuration attracted the attention of many people, who were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the Auckland team actually had a second Soul Sect.

However, with only two Soul Sects, can they be favored by Platinum Bishop Salas?


Dai Yao, who was standing at the front, took a deep breath to calm down his agitated mood.

From today on, his name will be spread across the mainland!

Soul power surged, and an invisible air wave was slowly released from his body, blowing his clothes and hair wildly. His closed eyes suddenly opened, and a pair of tiger eyes made people feel heart-stopping.

"Martial Soul Possession!"

With a loud shout, an invisible pressure suddenly descended on the soul fighting field. This was the suppression of all martial souls by the god-level martial souls. Everyone's hearts seemed to be pressed by a huge boulder.

Yellow, purple, purple and black...

Four soul rings surrounded his body, slowly rising and falling, especially the fourth black soul ring, which was much larger in diameter than the other three soul rings and exuded a soul-stirring light.

The soul ring even flashed with purple thunder.

That black soul ring seemed to contain magical power. After it appeared, the entire soul fighting field became silent instantly, and everyone held their breath. Then, an overwhelming exclamation suddenly broke out!

All the spectators stood up suddenly, their lips slightly opened, and stared blankly at the black soul ring.

"Is that... a ten thousand year soul ring?" The speaker was not sure.

The person next to him swallowed and replied in a dry voice: "No, you read that right, that is the ten thousand year soul ring!"

"A ten thousand year soul ring can only be absorbed by the Soul King. How did he do it?"


Earth-shattering discussions broke out in the auditorium, and the VIP area was no less generous. Many soul masters and nobles stood up suddenly, losing their composure like the ordinary spectators, staring blankly at the windless figure.

They are all top figures in the soul master world, and they understand the horror of Dai Yao receiving a ten-thousand-year soul ring in his fourth soul ring.

At this time, Jackson suppressed the excitement of laughing heartily, suppressed his smile, pursed his lips, and enjoyed the envious looks cast by the deans of other colleges.

Although he didn't play a big role in Dai Yao's growth, such a talented soul master was enough to become a brand in Oakland Academy.

By then, I don’t know how many young soul masters will come to Auckland because of Dai Yao.

Ning Fengzhi looked excited. Even though he had expected it, when he saw the black soul ring, he still felt excited. He clenched the hands on his knees unconsciously and said with emotion:

"I didn't expect you to actually do it. It's really a miracle. It's just a pity that you and Rongrong...ah..."

And Tianxiang Huyanzhen couldn't control his emotions, his eyes were as wide as bells: "No, this is impossible! How can it be a ten-thousand-year soul ring!"

The corner of Salas's mouth curled up, and a light flashed in his eyes. As the bishop of Wuhun Temple, he already knew that Dai Yao's fourth soul ring was the ten thousand year soul ring. This was the reason why he was so optimistic about Dai Yao.

"The fourth soul ring of ten thousand years?"

Emperor Xueye's eyes flashed with dazzling brilliance. Although there was a storm in his heart, as an emperor, the city was extremely deep, and the surprised expression disappeared in an instant.

Turning sideways, he asked Platinum Bishop Salas: "Bishop, is this person the reason why you are optimistic about this team?"

Salas stroked his beard, and there was joy hidden in his slightly narrowed eyes: "Your Majesty, that's right."

"Oh? Could it be that this person comes from the Spirit Hall?"

Emperor Xueye said with a smile, but there was a hint of gloom in his eyes. It would be bad for such a genius to be from Wuhun Palace. Nowadays, there is still a golden generation in Wuhun Palace, and together with Dai Yao, the young talents of this generation in Wuhun Palace can crush the two empires.

Salas smiled slightly: "Although he has not joined Wuhun Palace, he has promised to go to Wuhun City after the competition to join Wuhun Palace."

Emperor Xue Ye smiled and nodded without asking any more questions. A light flashed in his eyes.

Next to him, Ning Fengzhi smiled warmly at Emperor Xueye and interjected:

"Great Emperor, actually this Dai Yao has some connection with you."

"Oh? Are you related to me?"

Emperor Xue Ye was a little confused, but he knew that Ning Fengzhi was not a person who did not act aimlessly, so he quietly waited for Ning Fengzhi's next words.

"Your Majesty, please pay attention to his last name."

"Dai Yao? The surname is Dai...could it be..."

Emperor Xueye turned around suddenly, with some horror in his eyes, and a flash of killing intent in his eyes: "This person is from the Star Luo Empire..."

Ning Fengzhi smiled and explained:

"Yes, he is the fourth prince of the Star Luo Empire, but he has left the Star Luo Empire."

"Your Majesty, you also know that the struggle to inherit the throne in the Star Luo Empire was too cruel, and Dai Yao was not favored and bullied since he was a child, so he had no choice but to flee the Star Luo Empire."

Emperor Xue Ye showed an expression of sudden realization and began to think deeply.

He was extremely afraid of the succession to the throne of the Star Luo Empire and had conducted in-depth research on it.

In cruel competition, the final winner must be the emperor with great talent and strategy. Because of this system, in the ten thousand years of history, the Star Luo Empire has suppressed the Tiandou Empire for a long time.

But the Tiandou Empire cannot copy this system, because unlike the White Tiger Spirit of the Xingluo Imperial Family, the inherited martial spirit of the Tiandou Imperial Family is the Swan Spirit, which is not very offensive.

If you try to imitate a cat or a tiger, you will end up losing more than you gain!

"The Star Luo Empire has so many geniuses! They actually released such a talented soul master and fell into the hands of the Spirit Hall. But..."

As an emperor, he naturally knows that so-called promises are not trustworthy at all, and the only trustworthy thing is interests. Not to mention that Dai Yao didn't join Wuhun Palace, so what if he did?

He can provide enough money, beautiful women, and even precious soul bones. As long as Dai Yao is willing to join the Tiandou Empire, all conditions can be met.

"In that case, let's send Qinghe to recruit him..."

Not only the people in the VIP area were surprised, but also the teams in the rest area were horrified and rushed forward one by one.

Because there was only one opening game, the other teams did not compete and were all observing their opponents on the field.

Yu Tianheng looked at Dai Yao on the field and gritted his teeth with hatred, but when the black soul ring appeared, he was stunned.

Thunder College, Divine Wind College, Blazing Fire College, and Tianshui College all felt their hearts sink as they realized that a team that was not weaker than them had appeared!

"What a scary guy, in this competition, the competition for promotion has become more and more intense!"

someone lamented.

Shrek rest area.

Dai Mubai looked at Dai Yao's figure in horror, his body trembling uncontrollably. He was extremely lucky that Dai Yao left the Star Luo Empire, otherwise, he would have no possibility of competing with Davis.

Oscar screamed strangely and said:

"Boss Dai, your brother is too powerful. His fourth spirit ring is ten thousand years. If he joins our Shrek Seven Devils, then we will be invincible!"

Without the opportunity of the Star Anise Ice Grass and the Fiery Apricot, Tang San would not have the ability to absorb the ten thousand year soul ring. Moreover, he had the Eight Spider Soul Bone taken away by Dai Yao, so his physical fitness dropped a lot.

Therefore, Tang San's fourth spirit ring was just a thousand-year-old underground demon spider spirit ring.

Dai Mubai looked at Dai Yao blankly, sighed, and when he heard Oscar's words, he turned around, squeezed Oscar's shoulders hard, and said with a bad smile:

"What? You don't think I'm great?"

Feeling the severe pain in his body, Oscar screamed: "No... of course not, Boss Dai... I was wrong!"

Tang San waved his hand and said to smooth things over: "Okay, Boss Dai, let Xiao Ao go. But why are you two brothers getting along so strangely? It's like you are strangers."

Dai Mubai sighed, looking at Dai Yao with a hint of jealousy in his eyes:

"Although we are called brothers, in fact, we are life-and-death enemies."

Upon hearing this, the Shrek Seven Devils, plus Tai Lung and others who joined later, were stunned. Tang San reacted quickly and comforted:

"Boss Dai, don't be discouraged, don't you still have us?"

Dai Mubai seemed to have figured something out, and smiled with relief:

"Yes, I still have you. No matter how powerful Dai Yao is, he is just one person. Moreover, although his talent is strong, it is not as good as you, Xiaosan."

Hearing this, the Shrek Seven Devils all smiled.

Indeed, so what if Dai Yao obtained the ten-thousand-year soul ring in his fourth soul ring? Xiao San is a twin martial soul! Moreover, his second martial spirit is the best martial spirit in the world, the world-famous Clear Sky Hammer!

As long as Tang San is promoted to a titled Douluo, he can add soul rings to the second martial soul. By then, each soul ring will be more than 50,000 years old, which is much more powerful than Dai Yao.

Hearing the laughter of his companions, Tang San couldn't help but laugh, and then said modestly:

"Although I have twin martial souls, in terms of hard work alone, I am not as good as Dai Yao. Otherwise, I would have obtained the ten-thousand-year soul ring in the fourth soul ring."

After he came to Tiandou Imperial City, he experienced many bizarre things and even made friends with Titled Douluo Poison Douluo. Through Poison Douluo's mouth, he discovered that Dai Yao actually knew Poison Douluo.

At the same time, he was also investigating Dai Yao's information.

But after investigating Dai Yao's experience, he found that Dai Yao's experience was too similar to his, and he had a strange feeling in his heart:

I seem to be living in his shadow...

In the spirit fighting arena.

The seven members of the Elephant Academy were stunned and shocked when they saw Dai Yao's black soul ring.

Hu Yanli looked at Dai Yao with an extremely solemn look, and with a greeting, the seven members of the Elephant Academy rushed towards the Auckland team with uniform steps.

The huge body, coupled with the weight of three to four hundred kilograms, made a series of loud noises, and the momentum was shocking. It was like an indestructible mountain, rushing towards Auckland unstoppably.

The astonishing power diluted the shock of Dai Yao's fourth soul ring in the hearts of all the viewers.

Looking at the Elephant Armor Academy approaching, Dai Yao smiled slightly, his third soul ring shining!

Suddenly, a huge momentum shot into the sky.

"The third soul skill - White Tiger Dark Gold Transformation!"

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