As the day of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition approaches day by day, the atmosphere across the continent begins to become lively.

For a time, tens of thousands of soul masters poured into Tiandou Imperial City, and countless soul masters came from all over the empire.

You must know that soul masters are the most noble profession in Douluo Continent. Although there are not many soul masters in Tiandou Imperial City, such a number of soul masters is already more than the number of soul masters in the entire God City.

Among them were the soul masters who came to watch the competition, spies from various principalities, and various high-level soul master academies participating in the competition.

These high-level soul master academies are located all over the empire. They teach and educate people alone on weekdays, accumulate strength, and cultivate talents.

The colleges with mediocre strength frowned and sighed, knowing that they would not be able to achieve results in the competition, but it was good to go out and see the world, so that the students who usually think of themselves as geniuses could see the real geniuses of the empire!

But the academy that has recruited talented students is different. They are full of confidence in their brows, firm in their steps, walking with wind, and sharpening their swords, just waiting to make a splash in the competition!

The old colleges are mature and prudent, analyzing the colleges that threaten them, formulating tactics, and quietly moving forward for the finals.

The same is true for the Oakland team. Ever since Dai Yao came back from hunting the soul beast, he found that the academy was very ambitious and had great expectations for him, hoping to achieve something in the competition.

If Dai Yao had not come to Auckland Academy, there would have been only one soul sect level expert in the Auckland team; but with Dai Yao joining, along with Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan, there would be four soul sects in total.

Among the remaining three soul masters, two are at the top of the soul master level, and only one is slightly inferior.

This is why Oakland College is so confident.

The seven official members of Auckland are:

Captain: Feng Qianli, martial spirit: Xuanwu Turtle, forty-level attack-type fighting spirit master, spirit ring: two yellow and two purple.

Vice-captain: Dai Yao, martial soul: Holy White Tiger, level 45 attack-type fighting soul sect, soul ring: one yellow, two purple and one black.

Team member: Dugu Yan, martial spirit: Jade Scaled Snake, level 45 control system fighting spirit sect, spirit ring: two yellow and two purple.

Team member: Zhu Zhuqing, martial spirit: Lord of the Netherworld, forty-level agility attack type fighting spirit sect, spirit ring: two yellow and two purple.

Team member: Feng Wutong, martial spirit: Suzaku, level 37 attack spirit master, spirit ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Dai Yuanyi, martial soul: Qinghong Sword, level 39 attack type battle soul master, soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Team member: Luo Ling, martial soul: amplifying staff, level 33 auxiliary weapon Soul Master, soul ring: two yellow and one purple.

Among the seven official team members, the configuration of the control system, power attack system, and agility attack system are all quite good, except for the auxiliary system soul master, which is slightly inferior.

But there is nothing that can be done about it. Luo Ling can appear on the list of official players, and she is already the one with the strongest support ability in Auckland Academy.

As for the weakness of the auxiliary soul master, the burden shared by the other six people is even heavier.

Luo Ling's amplification staff can only amplify a specific person, which is far inferior to the group amplification of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, and the single amplification effect is also much worse.

This is the difference between ordinary martial arts and top martial arts.

Moreover, Luo Ling could not increase Dai Yao's power, because Dai Yao's ability was too powerful, which caused Luo Ling to consume her soul power at a greatly accelerated rate. In just a few minutes, she could drain all her soul power.

However, one or two of Luo Ling's contemporaries cooperated and their strength was comparable to that of a soul sect, which was also a blessing among misfortunes.

There are two substitutes:

Substitute member: Luo Feng, martial spirit: Qingmu Teng, level 37 control-type fighting spirit master, spirit ring: two yellow and one purple.

Substitute member: Dou Yu, martial spirit: Qing Yan, level 35 agility attack type fighting spirit master, spirit ring: one white and two yellow.

These two players were eliminated after Dugu Yan and Feng Wutong came to Oakland Academy. Although they are not as good as the former, they are already the top combatants in the academy.

Oakland Principal's Office.

A cry of surprise almost shook the teaching building.


Principal Jackson looked at Dai Yao's body with dull eyes, the ten-thousand-year soul ring that was shining with black light and faintly flashing like thunder.

"Is this your fourth soul ring?"

Jackson rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what he was seeing, swallowed, pointed at the ten thousand year soul ring, and asked dryly.


"How did you do it? You actually absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring in your fourth soul ring!"

Jackson exclaimed.

"It was a fluke."

Recalling that the Thundering Hell Vine was about to explode and the aura of destruction spread throughout the spiritual world, Dai Yao felt a palpitation in his heart. If not for the existence of Chaos Qinglian, he would have died.

Hearing Dai Yao's words, Jackson was filled with emotions. He could imagine how much pain Dai Yao had to endure when he absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring.

Immediately, he snickered in his heart: Hehe, haven't you old guys from the college always looked down on our Oakland College? This time, I will open your eyes!

He turned around and came to the Oakland team's training ground in high spirits. He found the teacher who was training and said without a doubt:

"I will personally lead the team in this competition!"

"Lead the team personally?"

Several teachers were surprised and confused.

It's rare for the principal of a school to lead the team in person during a competition. It's okay to win, but it's a big shame to lose.

"Yes, I believe in the members of our team in this competition!"

A cunning light flashed in Jackson's turbid eyes, and he couldn't wait to see those people's surprised looks.

Three days later.

The capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City.

The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the Tiandou Empire Division, held a grand opening ceremony in Tiandou City.

Auckland, as a participating college, was waiting in the lounge area early.

"Wow, there are so many people."

Dai Yao looked up through the glass window and could only see a narrow field of vision.

The Soul Fighting Arena is crowded with people, and the faces of those who are close can still be seen clearly, but those high and far away, the figures are as big as ants.

The fighting spirit arena, which can accommodate 80,000 spectators, was packed with seats. Looking at the various teams still in the rest area, there was a lot of discussion.

The discussion of a total of 80,000 people was like a muffled drum, and all members of the team were under a layer of pressure.

In order to accommodate such a large number of spectators, the Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena stopped all spirit fighting competitions a month ago and carried out internal renovations to form such a huge competition venue.

In the rest area, twenty-eight participating teams stood in sequence.

Although they are all participating teams in name, they have strict status distinctions.

At the front, the one receiving the most praise is of course the Tiandou Royal Academy team. As one of the seed teams recommended by the Tiandou Empire, it represents the face of the Tiandou Empire and its strength is undoubted.

But Dai Yao was very curious. Because of his butterfly effect, Dugu Yan came to Oakland Academy and who was the control soul master of the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

Looking over, his eyes jumped in surprise, and he found that it was an acquaintance, it was Meng Yiran.

"No wonder, as the granddaughter of the peerless dragon and snake, Meng Yiran's strength cannot be underestimated. It is reasonable to become the control soul master of the Tiandou Royal Academy team."

As if he felt the gaze, Yu Tianheng, who was standing at the front, turned his head sharply, looking across the various teams, and when he saw Dai Yao's disgusting face, he immediately gritted his teeth.

He still loved Duguyan deeply, and Duguyan's departure made him heartbroken.

Dai Yao also felt Yu Tianheng's gaze, hummed slightly, and held Dugu Yan's delicate body in his arms, causing Dugu Yan to burst into laughter.

"What are you doing? There are so many people!"

A blush rose on Dugu Yanyu's face. Looking at the strange eyes around her, she felt shy and said coquettishly.

Although she has always looked like a royal sister in front of Dai Yao, she is only a girl under twenty years old after all.

When Yu Tianheng saw Dai Yao's actions, his eyes were filled with fire, and his back molars were almost broken. The other members of the Imperial Fighting Team noticed something strange about Yu Tianheng, and they all followed his gaze and found that it was Dai Yao. Afterwards, everyone was a little angry.

Dai Yao ignored them and continued to look at the members of other teams.

The Kamikaze Academy dressed up by seven Lanling Kings; the beautiful Tianshui Girl Group; the muscular Elephant Academy; the Thunder Academy dressed in purple; and the Blazing Academy that burns like a flame.

When he glanced at Blazing Fire Academy, he found that there was a gaze staring at him.

Tall, with slender legs, a well-proportioned figure, a delicate face, a dashing appearance, and short, fiery red hair, she is truly a rare beauty.

It was Huo Wu, his eyes full of fighting intent.

Dai Yao smiled gently at Huo Wu and then they met. He knew that a woman with an arrogant personality like Huo Wu would naturally be deliberately targeted after being defeated by him.

On the side of Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian looked at his dear sister Huo Wu, his eyes fell on a soul master from an unknown academy, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

He looked up and down and was a little surprised: "This guy is as handsome as me!"

The team members on the side looked at Feng Xiaotian with a frown: "Boss, this guy is obviously more handsome than you, you can't open your eyes and tell lies!"

"Asshole! How can you increase the popularity of others and destroy your own prestige!"

"I'm sorry, boss, but there are some beauties in that academy."


Feng Xiaotian's eyes were focused on Dai Yao, but he ignored the person next to Dai Yao. He glanced slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

The incomparably beautiful Dugu Yan, Zhu Zhuqing with cool temperament and hot figure, and Feng Wutong with dashing heroic spirit and seductive curves.

"I didn't expect that in a small academy, there would be three women who can compare to Sister Huowu."

Feng Xiaotian exclaimed.

Indeed, because of these three women, Oakland Academy was very eye-catching and caused a commotion among the surrounding teams.

Feng Xiaotian looked at Huo Wu's gaze and snorted coldly at Dai Yao, thinking in his heart:

"Boy, I hope you don't let me meet you in the game, otherwise, I will give you a good look!"

Dai Yao's eyes swept across the colleges, Canghui, Purple Star... and finally landed on a team wearing shit green clothes. The weirdest thing is that behind each person, there are six distinctive characters—— Recruiting sponsorship ads!

Because of their weird costumes, this team was teased by countless spectators, and even Dai Yao couldn't help laughing.

The Shrek Seven Devils still had the masks they wore when they participated in the Soul Fighting Competition, but the four people who joined in after Tai Lung were not covered by their masks and died on the spot.

"Dai Yao, look, that team's clothes are so ugly! There's also a sponsorship advertisement on the back! Are they so short of money?"

Dugu Yan covered his mouth and chuckled.

The members of the Auckland team all looked at the sound and burst into laughter. Even Zhu Zhuqing, who was always cold, covered his mouth and laughed, which made the originally tense atmosphere a lot more relaxed.

"This team is really a living treasure. If I were to wear this kind of clothes, I would rather find a crack in the ground and crawl into it." Dai Yuanyi teased wildly.

"Be quiet, Dai Yuanyi. The competition is about to start, so don't act wrongly."

Feng Qianli frowned.

As the big brother of the team, he plays a role in stabilizing the morale of the team.

Suddenly, a soft sound filled the entire fighting spirit arena.

"Distinguished guests and audience, please be quiet now." The host stepped onto the podium, his voice increased with soul power, and he suppressed the discussion in the entire soul fighting arena.

Immediately, the entire spirit fighting arena instantly became quiet.

Everyone knows that exciting times are coming.

“Now, let’s invite the first team to appear! The empire’s seed team, the Tiandou Royal Academy team, is here!”

After the host finished speaking, cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rang out throughout the fighting arena. Under the expectation of everyone, the Tiandu Royal Academy team slowly walked out of the passage area.

As their figures appeared, the cheers of 80,000 people became even more enthusiastic.

Looking at the extremely noisy spirit fighting arena, Emperor Xueye was not impatient at all, but instead showed a heartfelt smile.

These cheers symbolize the recognition of the Tiandou royal family by the people of Tiandou.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, the Tiandou Royal Academy team is very popular with the public."

Ning Fengzhi on the side maintained an elegant demeanor and congratulated Emperor Xueye.

"Haha, the prosperity of the empire cannot be separated from the support of talents like Sect Master Ning." Although Emperor Xue Ye is not young, he speaks with great energy.

Bishop Salas on the side snorted disdainfully.

"The next person to appear is..."

Following the host's introduction, the twenty-eight teams appeared one after another. In the rest area, only Oakland College and Shrek College were left.

Because of their costumes, Team Shrek was ridiculed by Canghui Academy. They were so angry that they wanted to show off to Canghui Academy.

"Dai Mubai, long time no see."

The two teams had not yet appeared, but were already lined up side by side. Dai Yao looked forward, not looking at Dai Mubai, and spoke softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, as if telepathically speaking, Dai Mubai did not look back and said with some emotion:

"Long time no see. I didn't expect that we would meet in the Tiandou Empire's arena."

"Fate is unpredictable."

The inexplicable conversation between the two made other people in both teams confused and looked at each other in confusion.

Only when Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Lu looked at each other, there was a hint of hostility in the air.

Ning Rongrong also understood something. She bit her lip and looked at Dai Yao with eyes flashing.

"Last time in the Star Dou Forest, I lost to you. After half a year of training, my strength has made a qualitative leap. This time, I want to ask you for advice again."

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with fighting spirit.

"Always waiting."

Dai Yao answered with a chuckle.

Neither of them looked at each other, but they both understood each other's fighting intentions.

At this moment, the sound echoed through the Soul Fighting Arena.

"Next, we invite the Auckland team to appear!"

"It's our turn! Cheer up! Don't embarrass Auckland!"

Feng Qianli turned around and said seriously.

Everyone's spirits were shaken, and they all calmed down, their expressions and movements were tense, and they followed the waiter to the passage for the players of the competition.

In the team members' passage, the lights were a little dim, but only the exit in front was extremely bright. After entering the passage, all sounds were isolated, except for the faint noise in the light ahead.

As the deputy captain, Dai Yao stood behind Feng Qianli and took a deep breath. He found that Feng Qianli, who had always been steady, had his hands trembling at this time.

Dai Yao's heart trembled, it turned out that he was also very nervous.

The passage was very quiet, only the footsteps of the team members could be heard. Dai Yao's heartbeat also accelerated with the footsteps, his breathing became a little heavier, and a slight sense of tension filled the air.

The short distance seems extremely long. Thinking of competing in front of 80,000 people, I can't help but feel excited! I don’t know how long it took, but the bright light in front of my eyes suddenly became brighter, and my field of vision was completely white.

In just an instant, he came to his senses. In front of him was a huge spirit fighting arena. The circular venue was more than 150 meters in diameter, and the audience seats stretched upward, just like a huge ancient Colosseum.

The round spirit fighting arena is crowded with people. The people on the top of the mountain are as big as sesame seeds. Only with the help of special equipment can we see the competition clearly.

Different from the roaring welcome of the Tiandou Royal Academy team, the cheers of the Oakland team were much smaller. It was more of a polite applause as a sign of respect for the soul master.

After all, the Oakland team is far inferior to the Tiandou Royal Academy team.

"What kind of Pheasant Team is this?"

"Didn't you listen? Auckland, the academy in the imperial capital!"

"Our imperial capital actually has this academy?"

"Like those unknown academies before, it should be a formality in the competition."

"How can these pheasant colleges compare to the Five Elements College!"


Listening to the audience's applause, discussions, ridicules, and even questions, Dai Yao seemed to have a fire ignited in his heart, his body heated up, he exhaled a deep breath, and his eyes were extremely bright.

He vowed firmly in his heart:

After today, I want my name to be spread across the entire continent!

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