Douluo: Start with a Tom Cat

Chapter 141 Let Shen An

A sense of horror surged into Xue Qinghe's heart, and her heart was beating violently at this moment.

She repeatedly used her soul power and powerful mental power to explore every corner of the room but found nothing.

Tom and Jerry were also nervous. The two little ones in the invisible state were frightened by Xue Qinghe's sudden shout.

Tom and Jerry's hearts jumped out, really jumped out.

A heart-shaped area protruded directly from their chests, and then they pressed it back and covered it tightly.

Of course, no one saw the whole process, after all, they were in the invisible state.

Xue Qinghe, who searched for a circle without results, even quietly opened the angel field, and the sacred breath filled the entire bedroom.

The real awakening of the angel field is to have the seventh soul skill, the martial soul true body. The angel field without the martial soul true body can only play a limited auxiliary role.

But this is enough, after all, her purpose at this moment is to explore rather than kill the enemy.

But the result is still nothing.

Xue Qinghe rubbed his face, always feeling a little unreal and unreal: "Am I really too suspicious?"

If there is still a possibility of omissions when using soul power and mental power to explore, then this situation will never occur when using the angel field.

This is the innate confidence in one's own talents as an angel family. In this field, Xue Qinghe, or Qian Renxue, is confident that even a Titled Douluo cannot hide.

"Well, let's put these things aside for now. It's getting late, so I'd better rest first."

Xue Qinghe called people again, ate something simple, and then went back to bed to rest.

For Xue Qinghe, the so-called rest is to meditate and cultivate soul power to replace sleep.

It is precisely because of such hard work that she can reach the level of Soul Emperor at the age of 23.

You know, she usually makes friends with nobles, deals with interpersonal relationships and handles state affairs.

Tom Jerry hid in the closet, staring at Xue Qinghe with big eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Jerry couldn't stand it anymore, so he took out a pen and paper and wrote:

"Why isn't she sleeping yet? We should go back tomorrow morning, otherwise Shen An will find out."

A piece of paper was floating, and a line of words appeared out of thin air. It was so weird.

After seeing it, Tom also pondered for a moment, and then wrote: "Look at me."

Tom took out a bottle of sleeping pills from behind, and then took out two gas masks.

Jerry gave Tom a look that said "You are such a clever little ghost."

The sleeping pills were opened, emitting a white breath visible to the naked eye, passing through the closet, and first lingering around Xue Qinghe.

Then, as if they had self-awareness, they rushed into Xue Qinghe's nose.

Xue Qinghe, who was meditating and practicing, opened her eyes drowsily and couldn't help yawning: "Why do I feel a little sleepy all of a sudden?"

As soon as the voice fell, Xue Qinghe wanted to sleep even more. She tried to overcome this sleepiness with her strong willpower, but soon, she failed.

He fell down and lay directly on the bed, with a long and peaceful weak breathing.

The invisible ink failed at the right time, and Tom and Jerry looked at each other excitedly. They wanted to see what flaws this person had.

While singing a lullaby, Tom kept lingering the sleeping pills in his hand around Xue Qinghe's nose to make her sleep more soundly.

At the same time, he did not forget to wear gloves, which was to prevent the cat hair from falling off. Then he pinched Xue Qinghe's face and opened her mouth, so as to pour some sleeping pills into it.

Tom had used this medicine on Spike before, and the effect was amazing, which made Spike sleep like a dead dog.

The cat and the mouse looked at it for a long time, but did not find any flaws. The two looked at each other and spread their hands at the same time, showing some confusion.

A golden light bulb suddenly lit up next to Tom's head. He remembered that he had touched Xue Qinghe's left leg before, and Xue Qinghe showed an abnormal look again.

Then, before Tom could speak, the golden light bulb actually fell off? ? !

By the way, this thing is also substantial?

Jerry took it quickly, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and glared at Tom with lingering fear.

Tom smiled awkwardly, and then quickly put his cat paw on Xue Qinghe's left leg.

An incredible scene happened. Xue Qinghe's originally masculine face gradually became neutral, and there was a faint fragrance on his body.

Jerry was also watching in surprise, and put his little paw on it. The changes in Xue Qinghe were more obvious.

The originally slender black hair turned golden, and the face with a straight nose and square mouth changed completely. The skin was whiter than snow, the nose was straight, the phoenix eyes were slightly slender, and the face was a bit powerful.

Tom and Jerry opened their mouths silently and looked at Xue Qinghe. They were not surprised by Xue Qinghe's beauty, but surprised that he was actually a girl.

Tom suddenly smiled evilly, and he had a bold idea in his mind.

In the huge bedroom, there was a sleeping peerless beauty, and a blue cat seemed to be whispering in the ear of a brown little mouse.

Jerry's expression also changed to Tom's, with a slightly evil "hehehehe". The two shook hands in a friendly manner and decided on the next strategy.

That is to let Shen Anzhi take the lead!

While the two little ones were preparing for the future, Shen An was frantically looking for them outside.

"Tom~Jerry, where are you?"

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were also looking nearby. Although they thought it was nothing for Tom and Jerry to run out to play, Shen An looked particularly anxious.

Shen An, who was standing by, was almost dying of nervousness, fearing that he would hear any unusual noises.

The cat and mouse demolition team, before there was only Tom, Shen An didn't care, at most it would be a small fight and nothing would happen, but now there is Jerry.

He was really afraid that the two would fight regardless of the occasion and then blow up Tiandou City.

After a lot of twists and turns, Shen An ran to the side of Tiandou Palace.

"No loud noises are allowed here, don't disturb the nobles." A guard stopped Shen An who was shouting.

Shen An asked helplessly: "My cat and mouse are both lost, have you seen them?"

The guard was stunned at first, cat and mouse, can these two appear on the same channel?

Then his eyes froze, pointed at Shen An and said: "Are they these two?"

Shen An turned around and watched Tom and Jerry flip down from the tall wall, showing their rock climbing skills.

Shen An

Almost, just a little bit, the guards were ready to call their brothers to take Shen An down, they must have some retribution for trespassing into the palace.

Although the cultivation of these guards seemed ordinary to Shen An, they were only at the level of great soul masters.

But it was better to avoid conflict, after all, he and Xue Qinghe were friends.

In the end, Tom disguised himself as a confused little cat, and Shen An also said that his cat liked to climb the wall for fun, so he got away with it.

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