"See you in Douluo for a long time (

The power of the million-year spirit ability is terrifying. The ocean evaporates because of his attack, but the fog can't get close to Chen Qin. Even the purple beam of light can only reach three feet in front of Chen Qin. further.


Chen Qin slashed down with a sword. It was clearly a beam of light without a substance, but he was divided into two, and then disappeared invisible.

This weird scene made Chengying frowned. Chen Qin's temperament was so strange that he even felt a slight threat.

This is a feeling that even the Supreme God can't make him produce. This is not the suppression of strength, but something on another level.

Although the Supreme God is powerful, as long as Cheng Ying is in a more powerful fleet, he can completely offset the coercion brought by the opponent's strength, but Chen Qin is different, it seems that it is not something that can be matched by accumulation of power.

Even if he accumulates more energy than stars, he can't completely shield this sense of crisis.

It felt like it made him scan the strange airspace for the first time. The sophisticated self-disciplined robot, while scanning this area, frequently reported error messages.

It seems that after approaching this area, its hardware functions have suffered some damage, and as the information of this area is transmitted back, Cheng Ying's expression has become more and more solemn.

Chen Qin was able to fight even the Lord God, but within three feet of him, the laws of physics were completely different from those of the outside world. This is very unscientific.

The division of the laws of physics in the universe turned out to be uneven, not only uneven, but may also change due to the will of intelligent creatures. Although this change is minimal and almost negligible, the impact on the machine is just running code. There is a problem with several characters in.

But this is the difference between being and nothing. It also means that personal will can interfere with the laws of physics. Although only this particular individual has been discovered now, the universe is vast. Who knows if there are other individuals with similar abilities? Will the interference of the law be stronger?

Will they be around them? The rules of the universe operate in a completely different form.

No one knows this. It’s not that Chen Qin’s ability is very strong. It’s like a nuclear bomb. It’s hooligans to talk about power aside. Its real meaning is to break through the existing technology system established by Tulip, just like it is. Quantum physics in the era of classical physics is so general that it has opened up a whole new field.

Maybe his world is not materialistic, but even if he is in an ideal world, there must be laws in which the world can function. This does not shake the scientific concept of the shadow, but it makes him realize that the true **** who controls everything is at least There is a theoretical possibility.

"It's really a brand new field! Is consciousness interfering with the laws of physics? I will call this phenomenon in the future, Dao, right! It feels quite appropriate." Cheng Ying whispered.

Compared with Chengying, Chen Qin and Smith Jianguo did not realize how incredible things were happening in the arena. Even the gods who were peeping in the gods did not realize that the so-called Tao is in contrast to the existing technology. How big is the impact of the system.

They just feel that Chen Qin is very strong, and almost no one at the same level is his opponent. Smith Jianguo has undoubtedly lost. In front of the blade that seems to be able to cut everything, his million-year spirit ability also appears. Weak.

Had it not been for the opponent's mercy, he might have been cut into two pieces now. It was only the result announced by the self-discipline robot as the referee that surprised him a bit.

The winner of the competition turned out to be him. According to the self-discipline robot's explanation, the situation is indeed like this. Although Smith Jianguo lost to Chen Qin in the battle, Chen Qin used his spirit power to break through the limit in his final attack. The strength of its own energy surpassed the lightweight category in the battle.

This is undoubtedly a foul, and there is no doubt that a foul will be sentenced. That is to say, Chen Qin won the battle but lost the game.

Although this ending makes people sigh, but also reasonable. After all, if everyone can break through on the spot, those heavyweights can completely suppress their own strength temporarily, then come to participate in the lightweight competition, and break through again in the middle. This obviously disrupted the balance of the game.

However, Chen Qin did not have any regrets. After the game, he said in an interview that he didn't care about winning or losing the game. The most important thing was that he broke through the realm and gained a long life. In the following many years You can continue to fight.

And even if he lost the lightweight game. You can also participate in the next heavyweight competition. And the final unrestricted group battle, that is the battlefield he really yearns for, where he can really prove his strength. In contrast, the lightweight competition is just bullying the juniors.

By mistake, the final finals turned out to be between Xiong Jun and Smith Jianguo~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and this happened to be a result acceptable to the three empires.

Although no one in the Tiandou Empire advanced to the finals, there were two places in the semi-finals. In addition, Chen Qin actually defeated Smith Jianguo, and it would not be ashamed not to advance.

The Soul Beast Empire and the Star Luo Empire faced each other in the finals. Naturally, there was no objection. Chengying did not deliberately adjust the game process, but in the end it was such a politically correct ending that made him a little bit dumbfounded.

"Anyway, before that, try to figure out what the so-called Tao is! If you can figure it out, maybe it's another round of technological explosion!" Chengying personally invited Chen Qin, the two of them in a sense It is still an old acquaintance, when Chengyingkeng Qibao Liuli Sect was sold to them, Chen Qin was already worshipped by the Qibao Liuli Sect.

Goodbye at this time, each other has the illusion that they are separated from each other.

"Congratulations! You have broken through an incredible realm this time!" Cheng Ying is a sincere congratulation, and he is also very curious about what Chen Qin's way is going on.

"Haha! Congratulations." Chen Qin shook his head: "There are so many demigods in the world, and I am not the only one. It's just that I can live a few more years.

You are even more surprising! When we first met, I didn't expect you to do such a big business. "Speaking, he also looked at Noda's Arena of Souls, this incredible building.

"Don't belittle yourself. The breakthrough you have made is far more important than you imagined. At least in my experience, your breakthrough is unique.

Some things are not something you can have if you are strong. You may not know what you have done. If you don't mind, can you cooperate with me to do some tests? "

[To be continued]

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