Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 887: Explosion

"See you in Douluo for a long time (

Smith Jianguo flew close to the ground and shuttled at high speed in the dense jungle, giving the impression that he might hit a towering tree at any time.

But in fact, he flew quite steadily, and he himself didn't know if this was the ability that the Million Years Spirit Ring gave him. He far surpasses the strong at the same level in various physical qualities.

The dynamic vision and neural reflex ability is much more than that, even in the dense jungle, he can also react. Time to avoid the oncoming tall trees.

Although the towering trees in the forest are of Douluo's species, the vitality here is nourished, and they grow extremely tall. The material itself is also very hard.

Even they are very difficult to destroy. Only when they zoom in can they destroy the trees here on a large scale. At the beginning, Smith was extremely embarrassed and the opponent's attack power was so strong that he could not solve it. He was almost chopped into two alive several times. Fortunately, he quickly found this way to hide in the forest.

Here, tall trees will weaken the power of the attack. Similarly, his more flexible flight can also be as far away as possible from the pursuers behind him.

Although Chen Qin's sword aura is also unparalleled in power, it is still much weaker than the body of the Seven Kill Sword in his hand. Even if he is hit, he will only be injured. And in this forest full of vitality, his injuries will heal quickly.

This is also a point that puzzles him. He has improved not only his physical fitness, but also his self-healing ability. Although it doesn't seem to grow out of the neck after cutting off the head, the body is so exaggerated. But things like cutting off hands and feet can be regrown.

Even arthropods don’t have this ability, and even if the gecko’s tail is reborn, the only thing that grows out is a fake tail without bones.

Among vertebrates, there is probably only the adult body of the newt, which has the ability to regenerate its limbs.

His ability has gone beyond the scope of ordinary self-healing, and he even couldn't help but think of the immortality in the Arena of Souls. It seems that those strong men who have suffered non-fatal injuries have the same recovery process as him.

In the process of traveling through the jungle, he has recovered from his injuries seven or eighty-eight, and even his physical strength has recovered. Probably only his spirit power is slowly being consumed, but he has a million-year spirit ring. , The total amount of soul power is no less than Chen Qin.

When you chase me on both sides, you can see towering trees falling down from time to time in the forest. Smith Jianguo will occasionally fight back. It's just a pity that most of his first eight spirit abilities are used to cooperate with mechas. Driving.

For example, the hand speed is increased, the reaction is quicker, and the like, lacking the ability to attack and kill in one hit. Similar capabilities. He did have a million-year spirit ring and a million-year spirit bone, and there were eight in total.

The problem is that these skills generally raise their hands a lot, and it is easy to be caught and broken. With Chen Qin's offensive power, it is possible to kill him with a single move.

Instead, as long as he procrastinated. Sooner or later, this old man will be unable to support him. According to intelligence, this old man is already very old, and he should not be far from the end of his life. If it consumes a lot of money, you might just belch directly.

More importantly, if it was Shao Zhongzheng who requested this situation. Even if you are in a big battlefield. It is also basically impossible to save it back. This is the soul master who is approaching the end of the day and personally confirmed it, otherwise, this place is not already crowded with people who are dying.

In this way, Chen Qin should cherish his life, at least not to let himself consume too much in this battle. To the extent of life-threatening.

As long as Smith Jianguo relied on his youth and strength and dragged him to the point where the old man couldn't hold it, he would win.

It's just that the plan is always the plan. As a strong man who has been famous for a long time, Smith Jianguo also has his own pride, after failing to catch each other many times in the jungle.

He is also ready to go big: "Boy, you are much slippery than I thought, but it doesn't work. The real strongest sword skill only requires one blow, killing, and only one sword."

Chen Qin stopped, Smith Jianguo just felt that the space around him was frozen, even if he was still flying at high speed. In his perception, it also seemed to have become a worm in amber. In the face of Chen Qin outside Amber, there is no ability to avoid it at all.

This one seemed to be a sword that couldn't be avoided anyway, and it was also a trick that Chen Qin had never used before.

He originally intended to use this trick in the finals. However, he considered that the opponent in the final was Xiong Jun, and such a sword move was of little significance. A humanoid creature of normal size was stabbed in the heart by his sword. Basically it means cold. So the power of this trick is extremely powerful.

The problem is that his opponent in the next game is not a human at all, the human being. It is hundreds of meters high. If he didn't use the Soul Real Body, the Seven Kill Sword in his hand would be equivalent to a toothpick.

It really hurts to be slammed into the body by a toothpick. But it's just pain. The best way to deal with such a large target is to use a wide range of attacks.

Therefore, his trick was left in the semifinals. Smith Jianguo felt that death was right in front of him. He couldn't escape this sword anyway. Even if he knew that he would not really die, tension was still unavoidable.

In the face of death, no one can be fearless at all. The so-called not being afraid of life and death is just that the will temporarily overwhelms the fear of death. Of course, it is possible for a person with a brain disease to not fear death. After all, the part of the brain that feels fear can be cut off...

As long as he is hit by this sword, he will be chopped in half.

He can even feel the direction of this piece when it is about to fall. The opponent plays a role in preventing his powerful recovery ability. Directly intend to split him in half from the central axis of the head.

If he can heal himself in this way, it is not self-healing, but mitosis.

Feeling the biting chill from his forehead to the bridge of his nose and even his chest, Smith Jianguo had an extremely strong desire to survive in his heart.

And with the emergence of this desire, a certain power hidden in his body was also stimulated. In the previous battle, no one could push him to this point. This time it was different. This power seemed to only explode when he was forced to a desperate situation.

That familiar power, the feeling of multiplying, reminded him of the things that were like black mud that had been injected into his body at the same time he had obtained a million-year spirit ring.

[To be continued]

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