Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 878: Catch the police

"Haha! It's really vulnerable! You are much weaker than I thought!" The God of Space laughed wildly and fisted at the old man.

"The generous life has made you forget about cultivation! It is a sad mortal, who has forgotten even his strong foundation, but pin his hopes on foreign objects, it is simply stupid!" The God of Space ridiculed wantonly.

In his view, one's own strength is the foundation of everything. Relying on the strength of foreign objects is not his own after all. It is unreliable. This group of people who have developed by relying on the power of the relics have long forgotten that they are soul masters. Duty, has long forgotten that cultivation is the only way out for soul masters.

If anyone still remembers to practice hard, the strongest will not look as weak as their eyes. Such a weaker, even if they occupy a powerful ruin, will sooner or later be able to hand over the treasures in the ruins because of their lack of strength.

The God of Space watched the crowd retreat because of fear, sneered, and finally stopped playing, a palm pierced the old man's chest, and dug out a pulsating heart with silver lines.

Exclamations keep coming and going, except for the exclamations, they are taken. In this information age, the spread of information is very fast.

Not long after the battle began, there were already posts on the Internet: "Shocked! A 70-year-old man was tortured and killed, and extreme sports enthusiasts are such a face!"

"Seventy old men were repeatedly tortured and killed, why on earth!"

"His heart was pulled out. Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!"

Posts and videos sparked heated discussions in an instant, and the following comment: "Too cruel!"

"Will die so many times leave a psychological shadow!"

"I saw the intestines! After the resurrection, I must have psychological counseling! It's too miserable!"

"There is a problem with that young man's strength. Even the active soldier is not that strong. Isn't there a record of where he ran out?"

"Upstairs, this is ignorant! The expert is among the people, and I once shot down a satellite in extreme anger! This level of strength is a little better than me."

"Don't listen to the nonsense upstairs, I have a friend who served in the Deity Killing Fleet.

I have asked him just now, and he clearly told me that there are absolutely no active soldiers. This person in the video is so strong. "

"Isn't it an active general? If the general did something like this, it would be too disappointing."

"Impossible, the authority of military generals is also restricted by the local government affairs office.

Have you seen his teleportation? The local government affairs office has the authority to shut down his teleportation authority, but it can still be teleported illegally. I suspect this is the leader of this huge cross-regional criminal group. "

For a time, the opinions in the comments were divergent, and no unified conclusion could be reached. However, the situation did not develop in a more serious direction. In the course of this cruel battle, there was soon an additional warning from the official department.

"Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded. Put down the hostages and your resurrection authority has been closed. If you continue to be obsessed, then we can only kill you.

Put down the hostages and raise their hands to surrender, and all the stubborn resistance in front of the police will become your future evidence. "Because of the work process, after the police arrived at the scene, the first thing they did was just shouting.

The seriousness of the matter in front of you is not necessarily true. After all, there are no dead people. The person who shot the wound did not block the resurrection authority of the person who was beaten.

In this case, it is basically impossible to kill people, but only to harm the body without endangering lives. If you have a good enough lawyer, you can even defend it as a civil dispute.

In this case, in order to protect the rights of criminals, the police cannot shoot them directly and must first give them a warning.

Tulip’s police system is clearly designed after the Chinese country, and it is not possible to shoot unless it is a last resort. If this is replaced by the United States, it would have passed by suddenly.

It's just the God of Space, who will regard the call to him tomorrow as the weakness of the police.

"Hahahaha! It's really a weak and timid race, just like a mortal race! You only dare to shout to me outside. Don't you even have the courage to make a direct shot?" He squeezed his hand. heart.

"Return and stop your behavior in time. Your current behavior has already constituted a crime. Don't be obsessed with it. Let go of the hostages. We can still fight for you." Because this is the first time such a strange and terrible incident has been encountered, the police are also somewhat lacking. Experience, the person responsible for negotiation. I can't say anything anymore.

After all, the criminals didn't mean to kill people, they just used the other party's resurrection authority. Then he hit him hard. To say that this has to be a lot of grudges and grievances!

Putting this on the earth almost rushed into the ICU ward, and slapped the patients inside for an hour, but didn't smoke dead people, which is simply outrageous.

The God of Space was even more unscrupulous when he saw the police's delay in taking action. He is just a main god, which makes the people here so scared. The many powerhouses of the gods came here to occupy this ruin without any effort.

Even this group of weak mortals occupying this relic can develop an amazing realm of immortality. If they, the gods of the masses, occupy this place, how powerful they can develop.

The God of Space, who is imagining a bright future, listens to the broadcast of repeated warnings. I also feel bored. A powerful surge of energy is just a shot that is heading over there.

Several police suspension vehicles were blown away in one blow. The special police in the car crawled out embarrassedly, but the look on their faces didn't have much irritation. It would be better to say that they were relieved now.

In the process of working according to their system, it is not possible to take the lead against the criminal suspect. At least if the criminal suspect does not endanger the lives of other people, he cannot be shot against him.

But once the criminal suspect makes a threatening counterattack, the police can naturally use force.

I had been so embarrassingly shouting around before because the **** of space stared at the old man and had no intention of selling them, so that they could not use their right to counterattack.

Now that the two sides have conflicted, it is time to show their professional skills. Although they seemed extremely gentle during the negotiations, if they really fought. But it's another matter entirely. Tulip's fighting style is that the equivalent is justice!

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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